154 research outputs found

    Infrared Morphology of Regions of Ionized Hydrogen

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    A search for infrared ring nebulae associated with regions of ionized hydrogen has been carried out. The New GPS Very Large Array survey at 20 cm forms the basis of the search, together with observations obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope at 8 and 24 μ\mum and the Herschel Space Telescope at 70 μ\mum. Objects having ring-like morphologies at 8 μ\mum and displaying extended emission at 20 cm were selected visually. Emission at 24 μ\mum having the form of an inner ring or central peak is also observed in the selected objects. A catalog of 99 ring nebulae whose shapes at 8 and 70 μ\mum are well approximated by ellipses has been compiled. The catalog contains 32 objects whose shapes are close to circular (eccentricities of the fitted ellipses at 8 μ\mum no greater than 0.6, angular radius exceeding 20). These objects are promising for comparisons with the results of one-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of expanding regions of ionized hydrogen.Comment: Astronomy Reports, Volume 61, Issue 12, pp.1015-1030 (ARep Homepage

    Molecular gas in high-mass filament WB673

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    We studied the distribution of dense gas in a filamentary molecular cloud containing several dense clumps. The center of the filament is given by the dense clump WB673. The clumps are high-mass and intermediate-mass star-forming regions. We observed CS(2-1), 13CO(1-0), C18O(1-0) and methanol lines at 96GHz toward WB673 with the Onsala Space Observatory 20-m telescope. We found CS(2-1) emission in the inter-clump medium so the clumps are physically connected and the whole cloud is indeed a filament. Its total mass is 10410^4 M_{\odot} and mass-to-length ratio is 360 M_{\odot}pc1^{-1} from 13CO(1-0) data. Mass-to-length ratio for the dense gas is 3.4343.4-34 M_{\odot}pc1^{-1} from CS(2-1) data. The PV-diagram of the filament is V-shaped. We estimated physical conditions in the molecular gas using methanol lines. Location of the filament on the sky between extended shells suggests that it could be a good example to test theoretical models of formation of the filaments via multiple compression of interstellar gas by supersonic waves

    Sodium-Vanadium Bronze Na9V14O35: An Electrode Material for Na-Ion Batteries

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    Na9V14O35 (η-NaxV2O5) has been synthesized via solid-state reaction in an evacuated sealed silica ampoule and tested as electroactive material for Na-ion batteries. According to powder X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, Na9V14O35 adopts a monoclinic structure consisting of layers of corner- and edge-sharing VO5 tetragonal pyramids and VO4 tetrahedra with Na cations positioned between the layers, and can be considered as sodium vanadium(IV,V) oxovanadate Na9V104.1+O19(V5+O4)4. Behavior of Na9V14O35 as a positive and negative electrode in Na half-cells was investigated by galvanostatic cycling against metallic Na, synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Being charged to 4.6 V vs. Na+/Na, almost 3 Na can be extracted per Na9V14O35 formula, resulting in electrochemical capacity of ~60 mAh g−1. Upon discharge below 1 V, Na9V14O35 uptakes sodium up to Na:V = 1:1 ratio that is accompanied by drastic elongation of the separation between the layers of the VO4 tetrahedra and VO5 tetragonal pyramids and volume increase of about 31%. Below 0.25 V, the ordered layered Na9V14O35 structure transforms into a rock-salt type disordered structure and ultimately into amorphous products of a conversion reaction at 0.1 V. The discharge capacity of 490 mAh g−1 delivered at first cycle due to the conversion reaction fades with the number of charge-discharge cycles

    Bayesian approach to estimations of star-formation regions physical parameters by few methanol lines

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    Показано, что использование Байесовского подхода позволяет оценить температуру газа и удельную лучевую концентрацию метанола в областях звездообразования по двум радиолиниям метанола, плотность газа по четырем. Полученные значения физических параметров хорошо согласуются с независимыми оценками.We show that Bayesian approach is useful for estimating kinetic temperatures and methanol specific column densities of starformation regions by only two methanol lines and hydrogen number densities by four lines. Calculated physical parameters’ values are in good agreement with values that were estimated in other ways.Работа выполнена при поддержке Правительства Российской Федерации (постановление № 211, контракт №02.A03.21.0006) и Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (базовая часть государственного задания, РК №AAAA-A17-117030310283-7)

    Methanol masers and star formation

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    Methanol masers which are traditionally divided into two classes provide possibility to study important parts of the star forming regions: Class II masers trace vicinities of the massive YSOs while class I masers are likely to trace more distant parts of the outflows where newer stars can form. There are many methanol transitions which produce observed masers. This allows to use pumping analysis for estimation of the physical parameters in the maser formation regions and its environment, for the study of their evolution. Extensive surveys in different masing transitions allow to conclude on the values of the temperatures, densities, dust properties, etc. in the bulk of masing regions. Variability of the brightest masers is monitored during several years. In some cases it is probably caused by the changes of the dust temperature which follow variations in the brightness of the central YSO reflecting the character of the accretion process. A unified catalogue of the class II methanol masers consisting of more than 500 objects is compiled. Analysis of the data shows that: physical conditions within the usual maser source vary considerably; maser brightness is determined by parameters of some distinguished part of the object - maser formation region; class II methanol masers are formed not within the outflows but in the regions affected by their propagation. It is shown that the "near" solutions for the kinematic distances to the sources can be used for statistical analysis. The luminosity function of the 6.7 GHz methanol masers is constructed. It is shown that improvement of the sensitivity of surveys can increase number of detected maser sources considerably. The distribution of class II methanol masers in the Galaxy is constructed on the basis of estimated kinematic distances. It is shown that most of the sources are located in the Molecular Ring and that the dependence of the number of sources on the distance from the Galactic Center has significant peaks at the positions corresponding to the spiral arms. A survey of CS(2-1) line emission tracing dense gas is performed at Mopra toward the positions of the brightest class II methanol masers. Velocity correlations between the maser and CS lines are analyzed. It is shown that the sources with 1 from 320 to 350 deg in which the masers are relatively blue-shifted, form a group which is located in the region of the Scutum-Centaurus spiral arm. This can reflect existence of a grand design, i.e., grouping of the sources with similar peculiarity of morphology or evolutionary stage of the massive star forming regions. © 2005 International Astronomical Union

    Development of a Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometer for low background physics

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    We present the performance of a 33 g Li2MoO4 crystal working as a scintillating bolometer. The crystal was tested for more than 400 h in a dilution refrigerator installed in the underground laboratory of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy). This compound shows promising features in the frame of neutron detection, dark matter search (solar axions) and neutrinoless double-beta decay physics. Low temperature scintillating properties were investigated by means of different alpha, beta/gamma and neutron sources, and for the first time the Light Yield for different types of interacting particle is estimated. The detector shows great ability of tagging fast neutron interactions and high intrinsic radiopurity levels (< 90 \muBq/kg for 238-U and < 110 \muBq/kg for 232-Th).Comment: revised versio

    The link between gas and stars in the S254-S258 star-forming region

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    The paper aims to study relation between the distributions of the young stellar objects (YSOs) of different ages and the gas-dust constituents of the S254-S258 star formation complex. This is necessary to study the time evolution of the YSO distribution with respect to the gas and dust compounds that are responsible for the birth of the young stars. For this purpose, we use correlation analysis between different gas, dust, and YSO tracers. We compared the large-scale CO, HCO+, near-IR extinction, and far-IR Herschel maps with the density of YSOs of the different evolutionary classes. The direct correlation analysis between these maps was used together with the wavelet-based spatial correlation analysis. This analysis reveals a much tighter correlation of the gas-dust tracers with the distribution of class I YSOs than with that of class II YSOs. We argue that class I YSOs that were initially born in the central bright cluster S255-IR (both N and S parts) during their evolution to class II stage (similar to 2 Myr) had enough time to travel through the whole S254-S258 star formation region. Given that the region contains several isolated YSO clusters, the evolutionary link between these clusters and the bright central S255-IR (N and S) cluster can be considered. Despite the complexity of the YSO cluster formation in the non-uniform medium, the clusters of class II YSOs in the S254-258 star formation region can contain objects born in the different locations of the complex.Peer reviewe

    How do methanol masers manage to appear in the youngest star vicinities and isolated molecular clumps?

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    General characteristics of methanol (CH3OH) maser emission are summarized. It is shown that methanol maser sources are concentrated in the spiral arms. Most of the methanol maser sources from the Perseus arm are associated with embedded stellar clusters and a considerable portion is situated close to compact HII regions. Almost 1/3 of the Perseus Arm sources lie at the edges of optically identified HII regions which means that massive star formation in the Perseus Arm is to a great extent triggered by local phenomena. A multiline analysis of the methanol masers allows us to determine the physical parameters in the regions of maser formation. Maser modelling shows that class II methanol masers can be pumped by the radiation of the warm dust as well as by free-free emission of a hypercompact region hcHII with a turnover frequency exceeding 100 GHz. Methanol masers of both classes can reside in the vicinity of hcHIIs. Modelling shows that periodic changes of maser fluxes can be reproduced by variations of the dust temperature by a few percent which may be caused by variations in the brightness of the central young stellar object reflecting the character of the accretion process. Sensitive observations have shown that the masers with low flux densities can still have considerable amplification factors. The analysis of class I maser surveys allows us to identify four distinct regimes that differ by the series of their brightest lines.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, invited presentation at IAU242 "Astrophysical Masers and their environments

    The Warm-Up Phase in Massive Star-Forming Cores Around RCW 120

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    We study molecular emission in a massive condensation at the border of the H ii region RCW 120, paying particular attention to the Core 1 and 2 objects, the most massive fragments of the condensation found previously by ALMA. The latter fragment was previously suggested to host a high-mass analogue of Class 0 young stellar object. We present spectra of molecular emission in the 1 mm range made with the APEX telescope. We detect CH3OH and C34S lines in Cores 1 and 2. The CH3CN series and the SO2 lines are only found in Core 2. We estimate gas physical parameters using methanol lines and obtain gas temperature less than 100 K in both regions. Molecular hydrogen number density in Core 2 is in the range of 105-107 cm-3 and is more uncertain in Core 1. However, the detection of the CH3CN lines corresponding to highly excited transitions (Eu > 400 K) in Core 2 indicates that the region contains hot gas, while the abundances of CH3OH, CS, SO2, and CH3CN are quite low for a hot core stage. We propose that Core 2 is in the warm-up phase prior to the establishing of the hot gas chemistry. We suggest that Core 2 is in the beginning of the hot core stage. There are no detected CH3CN lines in Core 1; therefore, it might be on an even less evolved evolutionary stage. © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society