1,473 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of a localization-delocalization transition induced by correlated disorder

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    The exact probability distributions of the resistance, the conductance and the transmission are calculated for the one-dimensional Anderson model with long-range correlated off-diagonal disorder at E=0. It is proved that despite of the Anderson transition in 3D, the functional form of the resistance (and its related variables) distribution function does not change when there exists a Metal-Insulator transition induced by correlation between disorders. Furthermore, we derive analytically all statistical moments of the resistance, the transmission and the Lyapunov Exponent. The growth rate of the average and typical resistance decreases when the Hurst exponent HH tends to its critical value (Hcr=1/2H_{cr}=1/2) from the insulating regime. In the metallic regime H≥1/2H\geq1/2, the distributions become independent of size. Therefore, the resistance and the transmission fluctuations do not diverge with system size in the thermodynamic limit

    Mammalian Sperm Motility: Observation and Theory

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    Mammalian spermatozoa motility is a subject of growing importance because of rising human infertility and the possibility of improving animal breeding. We highlight opportunities for fluid and continuum dynamics to provide novel insights concerning the mechanics of these specialized cells, especially during their remarkable journey to the egg. The biological structure of the motile sperm appendage, the flagellum, is described and placed in the context of the mechanics underlying the migration of mammalian sperm through the numerous environments of the female reproductive tract. This process demands certain specific changes to flagellar movement and motility for which further mechanical insight would be valuable, although this requires improved modeling capabilities, particularly to increase our understanding of sperm progression in vivo. We summarize current theoretical studies, highlighting the synergistic combination of imaging and theory in exploring sperm motility, and discuss the challenges for future observational and theoretical studies in understanding the underlying mechanics.\ud Acronyms and Definitions\ud Acrosome: the cap of the sperm head containing enzymes allowing penetration of the zona pellucida via the acrosome reaction\ud Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the currency unit of chemical energy transfer in living cells\ud Axoneme: a phylogenetically conserved structure within the eukaryotic flagellum consisting of a ring of nine microtubule doublets and a central pair, frequently referred to as 9 + 2\ud Bending moment density: the moment per unit length associated with flagellar bending; it can be divided into a hydrodynamic moment, an elastic moment (from the flagellar bending stiffness), an active moment (generated by dyneins exerting forces between adjacent microtubule doublets), and a passive moment resisting shear\ud Capacitation: the physiological state of a sperm required for fertilization, which is accompanied by the motility patterns associated with hyperactivation, characterized in saline by high-amplitude asymmetric beating\ud Central pair: a pair of microtubules along the length of the axoneme, symmetrically and slightly offset from the axoneme centerline\ud Cumulus oophorus: the outer vestment of the mammalian egg consisting of hundreds of cells radiating out from the egg embedded within a non-Newtonian hyaluronic acid gel\ud Dynein: a molecular motor within the axoneme, attached between adjacent microtubule doublets, that exerts a shearing force to induce axonemal bending\ud Flagellum: a motile cellular appendage that drives the swimming of sperm and other cells; this article focuses on the eukaryotic flagellum\ud Microtubule doublet: a pair of proteinaceous filament structures running the length of the axoneme; dyneins drive their bending, which induces flagellar motion\ud Mid-piece: the region of a sperm flagellum with a mitochondrial sheath, where ATP is generated\ud Oocyte: the egg\ud Outer dense fibers and fibrous sheath: accessory structures reinforcing the mammalian sperm flagellum; the combined axoneme and accessory structures are referred to as 9+9+2\ud Resistive-force theory: an approximation for the local drag of a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Rheotaxis: directed motility in response to the influence of fluid flow\ud Shear: in the context of the flagellum, the relative movement of adjacent microtubule doublets\ud Slender-body theory: an improved approximation for the local drag on a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Zona pellucida: a tough glycoprotein coat between the human egg and the cumulus oophorus, which a sperm must penetrate for successful fertilizatio

    Assessing Honors Internationalization: A Case Study of Lloyd International Honors College at UNC Greensboro

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    Lloyd International Honors College (LIHC) of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC Greensboro) is a useful example of the reimagining of a traditional honors program into an honors college with an international focus.1 The process of becoming an internationally focused honors college, which began in 2006, was part of the university’s strategic goal of internationalizing its curriculum, student body, faculty, and culture. It has involved an extended process of program development; campus-wide partnership building, specifically in conjunction with the university’s International Programs Center (IPC) and Global Engagement Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP); and iterative assessment. This chapter outlines the internationalization of the honors college as it is embedded in an iterative assessment process. In doing so, it highlights the implementation of international programs and structures at the university and in the honors college, defines the assessment framework the university and honors used to guide their internationalization efforts, discusses specific assessment measures and outcomes, and considers future directions

    The biology of Australian seagrasses

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    Seagrasses are angiosperms which have ventured into the marine environment, where they produce totally submerged flowers which are pollinated under water. They occur in many regions of the world,but the following account is concerned primarily with studies on the biology of these plants in Australian waters. It also attempts to contrast some of the features displayed by the seagrasses with those of more familiar terrestrial plants

    The Deuterium Abundance in the z=0.7 absorber towards QSO PG1718+4807

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    We report a further analysis of the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (D/H) using HST spectra of the z=0.701 Lyman limit system towards the QSO PG1718+481. Initial analyses of this absorber found it gave a high D/H value, 1.8 - 3.1 \times 10^{-4} (Webb et al. 1998), inconsistent with several higher redshift measurements. It is thus important to critically examine this measurement. By analysing the velocity widths of the DI, HI and metal lines present in this system, Kirkman et al. (2001) report that the additional absorption in the blue wing of the lya line can not be DI, with a confidence level of 98%. Here we present a more detailed analysis, taking into account possible wavelength shifts between the three sets of HST spectra used in the analysis. We find that the constraints on this system are not as strong as those claimed by Kirkman et al. The discrepancy between the parameters of the blue wing absorption and the parameters expected for DI is marginally worse than 1 sigma. Tytler et al.(1999) commented on the first analysis of Webb et al.(1997,1998), reporting the presence of a contaminating lower redshift Lyman limit system, with log[N(HI)] = 16.7 at z=0.602, which biases the N(HI) estimate for the main system. Here we show that this absorber actually has log[N(HI)] < 14.6 and does not impact on the estimate of N(HI) in the system of interest at z = 0.701. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight important aspects of the analysis which were not explored in previous studies, and hence help refine the methods used in future analyses of D/H in quasar spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by MNRA


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    Calculations of the Local Density of States for some Simple Systems

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    A recently proposed convolution technique for the calculation of local density of states is described more thouroughly and new results of its application are presented. For separable systems the exposed method allows to construct the ldos for a higher dimensionality out of lower dimensional parts. Some practical and theoretical aspects of this approach are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    QSOs and Absorption Line Systems Surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

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    We have imaged a 45x45 sq. arcmin. area centered on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) in UBVRI passbands, down to respective limiting magnitudes of approximately 21.5, 22.5, 22.2, 22.2, and 21.2. The principal goals of the survey are to identify QSOs and to map structure traced by luminous galaxies and QSO absorption line systems in a wide volume containing the HDF. We have selected QSO candidates from color space, and identified 4 QSOs and 2 narrow emission-line galaxies (NELGs) which have not previously been discovered, bringing the total number of known QSOs in the area to 19. The bright z=1.305 QSO only 12 arcmin. away from the HDF raises the northern HDF to nearly the same status as the HDF-S, which was selected to be proximate to a bright QSO. About half of the QSO candidates remain for spectroscopic verification. Absorption line spectroscopy has been obtained for 3 bright QSOs in the field, using the Keck 10m, ARC 3.5m, and MDM 2.4m telescopes. Five heavy-element absorption line systems have been identified, 4 of which overlap the well-explored redshift range covered by deep galaxy redshift surveys towards the HDF. The two absorbers at z=0.5565 and z=0.5621 occur at the same redshift as the second most populated redshift peak in the galaxy distribution, but each is more than 7Mpc/h (comoving, Omega_M=1, Omega_L=0) away from the HDF line of sight in the transverse dimension. This supports more indirect evidence that the galaxy redshift peaks are contained within large sheet-like structures which traverse the HDF, and may be precursors to large-scale ``pancake'' structures seen in the present-day galaxy distribution.Comment: 36 pages, including 9 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Passion at Work: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Work Outcomes

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    Academic research on passion is much more complex than the extant literature or popular press portray. Although research on work-related passion has progressed rapidly over the last decade, much remains unknown. We are now just beginning to recognize the different theoretical underpinnings and empirical operationalizations that work passion research has adopted, and the confusion this has generated hampers our understanding of the construct and its relationship to workplace outcomes. Accordingly, we use a meta-analytic examination to study the work-related outcomes of three dominant literature streams of work passion: general passion, dualistic passion (i.e., harmonious passion and obsessive passion), and role-based passion (i.e., passion for developing, passion for founding, and passion for inventing). We employ meta-analytic techniques using random effects modeling summarizing 106 distinct samples across 87 manuscripts totaling 384 effect sizes (total unique N = 38,481; 43.54% women, average age is 38.04). Importantly, we highlight how each of the three streams of passion relates to various outcomes differently, illuminate several important heretofore undetected nuances in passion research, and provide a roadmap for future inquiry on passion at work
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