869 research outputs found

    Ground state and low excitations of an integrable chain with alternating spins

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    An anisotropic integrable spin chain, consisting of spins s=1s=1 and s=12s=\frac{1}{2}, is investigated \cite{devega}. It is characterized by two real parameters cˉ\bar{c} and c~\tilde{c}, the coupling constants of the spin interactions. For the case cˉ<0\bar{c}<0 and c~<0\tilde{c}<0 the ground state configuration is obtained by means of thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. Furthermore the low excitations are calculated. It turns out, that apart from free magnon states being the holes in the ground state rapidity distribution, there exist bound states given by special string solutions of Bethe ansatz equations (BAE) in analogy to \cite{babelon}. The dispersion law of these excitations is calculated numerically.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, uses ioplppt.sty and PicTeX macro

    Quantum Interaction ϕ44\phi^4_4: the Construction of Quantum Field defined as a Bilinear Form

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    We construct the solution ϕ(t,x)\phi(t,{\bf x}) of the quantum wave equation ϕ+m2ϕ+λ: ⁣ ⁣ϕ3 ⁣ ⁣:=0\Box\phi + m^2\phi + \lambda:\!\!\phi^3\!\!: = 0 as a bilinear form which can be expanded over Wick polynomials of the free inin-field, and where : ⁣ϕ3(t,x) ⁣::\!\phi^3(t,{\bf x})\!: is defined as the normal ordered product with respect to the free inin-field. The constructed solution is correctly defined as a bilinear form on Dθ×DθD_{\theta}\times D_{\theta}, where DθD_{\theta} is a dense linear subspace in the Fock space of the free inin-field. On Dθ×DθD_{\theta}\times D_{\theta} the diagonal Wick symbol of this bilinear form satisfies the nonlinear classical wave equation.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Optimal conditions and the dynamics of quantum memory for spatial frequency grating resonators

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    The dynamics of the interaction between microcavities connected to a common waveguide in a multiresonator quantum memory circuit is investigated. Optimum conditions are identified for the use of quantum memory and a dynamic picture of the exchange of energy between different microcavities is obtained

    Q-systems, Heaps, Paths and Cluster Positivity

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    We consider the cluster algebra associated to the QQ-system for ArA_r as a tool for relating QQ-system solutions to all possible sets of initial data. We show that the conserved quantities of the QQ-system are partition functions for hard particles on particular target graphs with weights, which are determined by the choice of initial data. This allows us to interpret the simplest solutions of the Q-system as generating functions for Viennot's heaps on these target graphs, and equivalently as generating functions of weighted paths on suitable dual target graphs. The generating functions take the form of finite continued fractions. In this setting, the cluster mutations correspond to local rearrangements of the fractions which leave their final value unchanged. Finally, the general solutions of the QQ-system are interpreted as partition functions for strongly non-intersecting families of lattice paths on target lattices. This expresses all cluster variables as manifestly positive Laurent polynomials of any initial data, thus proving the cluster positivity conjecture for the ArA_r QQ-system. We also give an alternative formulation in terms of domino tilings of deformed Aztec diamonds with defects.Comment: 106 pages, 38 figure

    Crystal Interpretation of Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin Bijection II. Proof for sl_n Case

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    In proving the Fermionic formulae, combinatorial bijection called the Kerov--Kirillov--Reshetikhin (KKR) bijection plays the central role. It is a bijection between the set of highest paths and the set of rigged configurations. In this paper, we give a proof of crystal theoretic reformulation of the KKR bijection. It is the main claim of Part I (math.QA/0601630) written by A. Kuniba, M. Okado, T. Takagi, Y. Yamada, and the author. The proof is given by introducing a structure of affine combinatorial RR matrices on rigged configurations.Comment: 45 pages, version for publication. Introduction revised, more explanations added to the main tex

    Geometric phase around exceptional points

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    A wave function picks up, in addition to the dynamic phase, the geometric (Berry) phase when traversing adiabatically a closed cycle in parameter space. We develop a general multidimensional theory of the geometric phase for (double) cycles around exceptional degeneracies in non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We show that the geometric phase is exactly π\pi for symmetric complex Hamiltonians of arbitrary dimension and for nonsymmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of dimension 2. For nonsymmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of higher dimension, the geometric phase tends to π\pi for small cycles and changes as the cycle size and shape are varied. We find explicitly the leading asymptotic term of this dependence, and describe it in terms of interaction of different energy levels.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, with revisions in the introduction and conclusio

    Fock quantization of a scalar field with time dependent mass on the three-sphere: unitarity and uniqueness

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    We study the Fock description of a quantum free field on the three-sphere with a mass that depends explicitly on time, also interpretable as an explicitly time dependent quadratic potential. We show that, under quite mild restrictions on the time dependence of the mass, the specific Fock representation of the canonical commutation relations which is naturally associated with a massless free field provides a unitary dynamics even when the time varying mass is present. Moreover, we demonstrate that this Fock representation is the only acceptable one, up to unitary equivalence, if the vacuum has to be SO(4)-invariant (i.e., invariant under the symmetries of the field equation) and the dynamics is required to be unitary. In particular, the analysis and uniqueness of the quantization can be applied to the treatment of cosmological perturbations around Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes with the spatial topology of the three-sphere, like e.g. for gravitational waves (tensor perturbations). In addition, we analyze the extension of our results to free fields with a time dependent mass defined on other compact spatial manifolds. We prove the uniqueness of the Fock representation in the case of a two-sphere as well, and discuss the case of a three-torus.Comment: 30 page

    Geometric phase for mixed states: a differential geometric approach

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    A new definition and interpretation of geometric phase for mixed state cyclic unitary evolution in quantum mechanics are presented. The pure state case is formulated in a framework involving three selected Principal Fibre Bundles, and the well known Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau symplectic structure on (co) adjoint orbits associated with Lie groups. It is shown that this framework generalises in a natural and simple manner to the mixed state case. For simplicity, only the case of rank two mixed state density matrices is considered in detail. The extensions of the ideas of Null Phase Curves and Pancharatnam lifts from pure to mixed states are also presented.Comment: 22 pages, revtex