43 research outputs found

    Citizens Jury in Kaposvár

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    Young children expect pretend object identities to be known only by their partners in joint pretence

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    The present study examined whether three‐year‐old children (age = 42–48 months, n = 57; 31 boys) understand that object identities stipulated during pretend play could only be known by people witnessing the stipulation. Children participated in pretend scenarios that included some objects and two experimenters. Two pretend episodes corresponded to an object: one connected to its conventional function, the other to a pretend identity made‐up on the spot. These episodes happened either in the presence or absence of the other person. In the test phase, this experimenter expressed an intention to do something with an object and asked for a ‘missing’ prop. The prediction was that in case she was present previously, children would be more likely to select the prop corresponding to a pretence stipulation, compared to when she was absent. The results confirmed this pattern: in the absent condition, 68.42% of the participants chose the prop connected to the conventional use of the object, while 31.58% chose the prop corresponding to its identity stipulated in pretend play. It seems that preschool aged children refrain from generalizing their knowledge about the pretend identity of an object, in case their interactive partner could not know of this identity

    Preformed defense responses in a powdery mildew-resistant Hungarian cherry pepper cultivar

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    A Hungarian cherry pepper (Capsicum annuum var. cerasiformé) cultivar ('Szentesi') displays resistance to pepper powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica. Resistance also develops in susceptible sweet pepper (C. annuum) when grafted on resistant cherry pepper cv. Szentesi rootstocks. Powdery mildew (PM) resistance is correlated with high levels of the defense regulator reactive oxygen species superoxide (O2 ') even in healthy plants. In order to further elucidate the mechanisms of preformed defense responses in cherry pepper cv. Szentesi we have monitored levels of salicylic acid (SA), a key molecule of plant defense signaling and expression of so-called pathogenesis/defense related (PR) genes in healthy pepper plants. Assays of free and bound (glycosylated) SA by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that in leaves of PM-resistant pepper levels of free SA are ca. twice as high compared to that of PM-sensitive plants. No difference occurred in levels of bound (glycosylated) SA. Expression of the CaPR-1 gene was several times higher in leaves of PM-resistant pepper than in sensitive plants as assayed by real time reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real time RT-qPCR). On the other hand, high expression levels of the CaPR-2 (glucanase) gene did not entirely correlate with PM-resistance, being detectable only in PM-resistant cv. Szentesi plants but neither in PM-resistant sweet pepper cv. Totál grafted on cv. Szentesi rootstocks nor in susceptible controls (cv. Totál). It seems that graft-transmissible PMresistance of the cherry pepper cv. Szentesi is correlated not only with high levels of superoxide but also with elevated levels of free salicylic acid and enhanced expression of the defense-related CaPR-1 gene

    3-Year-Old Children Selectively Generalize Object Functions Following a Demonstration from a Linguistic In-group Member: Evidence from the Phenomenon of Scale Error

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    The present study investigated 3-year-old children’s learning processes about object functions. We built on children’s tendency to commit scale errors with tools to explore whether they would selectively endorse object functions from a linguistic in-group over an out-group model. Participants (n = 37) were presented with different object sets, and a model speaking either in their native or a foreign language demonstrated how to use the presented tools. In the test phase, children received the object sets with two modifications: the original tool was replaced by one that was too big to achieve the goal but was otherwise identical, and another tool was added to the set that looked different but was appropriately scaled for goal attainment. Children in the Native language condition were significantly more likely to commit scale errors – that is, choose the over-sized tool – than children in the Foreign language condition (48 vs. 30%). We propose that these results provide insight into the characteristics of human-specific learning processes by showing that children are more likely to generalize object functions to a category of artifacts following a demonstration from an in-group member

    A magyar sugárterápia jelenlegi helyzetének bemutatása

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    The purpose of the study is to report the status of Hungarian radiotherapy (RT). In the 13 centers 84 radiation oncologists, 19 residents, 66 physicists and 231 radiotherapy technologists work, and 40 megavoltage units (38 linear accelerators, 2 cobalt units) are in use. HDR afterloader is available in all and CT-simulator in all but one centers. In 2017 33,024 patients received RT, 22,236 were irradiated with MV beams, 1,406 with BT and 9,382 with orthovoltage X-ray. Main indications for BT were gynecological tumors (75%), HDR prostate implants were performed in 3 centers. Due to the recent infrastructural developments the number of patients receiving modern RT increased, but in order to fulfil the international recommendations additional linear accelerators have to be installed along with the replacement of the out of date equipment. From professional point of view further developments are warranted in Budapest

    Preformed defense responses in a powdery mildew-resistant Hungarian cherry pepper cultivar

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    A Hungarian cherry pepper (Capsicum annuum var. cerasiformé) cultivar ('Szentesi') displays resistance to pepper powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica. Resistance also develops in susceptible sweet pepper (C. annuum) when grafted on resistant cherry pepper cv. Szentesi rootstocks. Powdery mildew (PM) resistance is correlated with high levels of the defense regulator reactive oxygen species superoxide (O2 ') even in healthy plants. In order to further elucidate the mechanisms of preformed defense responses in cherry pepper cv. Szentesi we have monitored levels of salicylic acid (SA), a key molecule of plant defense signaling and expression of so-called pathogenesis/defense related (PR) genes in healthy pepper plants. Assays of free and bound (glycosylated) SA by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that in leaves of PM-resistant pepper levels of free SA are ca. twice as high compared to that of PM-sensitive plants. No difference occurred in levels of bound (glycosylated) SA. Expression of the CaPR-1 gene was several times higher in leaves of PM-resistant pepper than in sensitive plants as assayed by real time reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real time RT-qPCR). On the other hand, high expression levels of the CaPR-2 (glucanase) gene did not entirely correlate with PM-resistance, being detectable only in PM-resistant cv. Szentesi plants but neither in PM-resistant sweet pepper cv. Totál grafted on cv. Szentesi rootstocks nor in susceptible controls (cv. Totál). It seems that graft-transmissible PMresistance of the cherry pepper cv. Szentesi is correlated not only with high levels of superoxide but also with elevated levels of free salicylic acid and enhanced expression of the defense-related CaPR-1 gene

    Analyzing Models of Career Decision Self-Efficacy: First-Order, Hierarchical, and Bifactor Models of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale

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    The goal of the study was to examine the dimensionality of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (CDSES-SF, Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996). Integrating several previous findings from different cultures, we found that the bifactor structure of the CDSES-SF on a Hungarian sample of 649 respondents showed the best model fit. This structure includes a general CDSE factor covering 15 items and the original five specific factors (self-appraisal, occupational information, goal selection, planning, and problem solving) covering three items each. This short form of CDSES shows an acceptable model fit and appropriate reliability in terms of the Cronbach alpha and omega values. Regarding career decision self-efficacy, a large proportion of variance was explained by the general factor and to a smaller extent by the specific factors. These results can be considered as a first step in resolving the paradox of the dimensionality of CDSES-SF

    Apoptótikus sejtek fagocitózisát szabályozó folyamatok molekuláris mechanizmusa = Molecular mechanism in the regulation of the phagocytosis in apoptotic cells

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    A szervezetben naponta elhaló sok milliárd sejt hatékony eltávolítása a feltétele annak, hogy ne alakuljanak ki kóros gyulladásos és autoimmun kórképek. Kísérleteink segítségével számos eddig ismeretlen elemét tártuk fel az eltakarító rendszernek. Megállapítottuk, hogy a folyamat szabályozásában lényeges szerepet játszik a fehérjéket keresztkötő transzglutamináz enzim, annak hiányában autoimmun reakció jelenik meg. A transzglutamináz, amelynek új szubsztrátjait ismertük meg és aktivitásának mérésére igen érzékeny módszert dolgoztunk ki, szükséges a sejtek elhalását megelőző sejtéréshez is. Az idegrendszerben az eltakarító mechanizmusok zavara eredményeink szerint transzglutamináz által keresztkötött fehérje zárványok felszaporodáshoz vezet; meghatároztuk hogy milyen fehérjék mely oldalláncai vannak ilyenkor keresztkötve. Az általunk kifejlesztett apopto-fagocita Tachman Low Density Array segítségével párhuzamosan mérni lehet hogy az eltakarító folyamatban szerepet játszó gének kifejeződése hogyan van szabályozva; eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy az elhalt sejteket bekebelező fagociták különbséget tesznek a különböző módon elhalt sejtek között. | The effective removal of the many billions of cells dying in our body every day is necessary to prevent the development of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. In our experiments several so far unknown elements of this clearance mechanism have been revealed. It has been determined that the protein crosslinking transglutaminase plays an important role in the regulation of this process and the lack of this enzyme leads to autoimmune reactions. The transglutaminase, of which we have found several novel substrates and developed a new activity assay, also plays an important role in the differentiation of cells preceeding their death. The dysregulation of the clearance mechanisms in the central nervous system leads to the accummulation of transglutaminase cross-linked protein aggregates; we have determined which proteins at which residue are crosslinked in these structures. A novel Tachman Low Density Array has been developed for the parallel measurement and study of the regulation of the expression level of those genes which play an important role in the clearance of apoptotic cells; our results show that the engulfing cells can differentiate among dying cells according to the way how their death occured