47 research outputs found

    Spontaneous attribution of underspecified belief of social partners facilitates processing shared information

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    The main question of Theory of Mind research is not only how we represent others’ mental states, but also how these representations influence our first-person interaction with our surrounding environment. A novel theory of belief files proposes that we should think about belief tracking as an online, spontaneous, and effortless mechanism giving rise to structured representations, thus easing the use of beliefs in behavior selection. Beliefs are formed by two different sub mechanisms: (1) opening an empty placeholder belief file, for a particular intentional agent, and (2) filling it up with mental content attributed to the agent. This theory opens the possibility of exploiting theory of mind abilities even in situations when we can attribute only underspecified mental contents to others. The goal of the present study was to provide a proof of concept test: whether spontaneous belief tracking starts effortlessly even when we do not know a partner’s actual belief content. We created an object detection paradigm, where the visual access of a virtual agent to the object to be detected by the participant was manipulated. The agent getting access to the information for processing always preceded the participant getting access to it, resulting in the need of attributing belief without specified content in it. Our results have shown that participants detected the object with a reduced reaction time when the observed agent had visual access to the object’s expected place compared to when the participant watched the same scenario, but the object’s location remained occluded for the observed agent and thus was revealed only for the participant. This suggests that the information processing of humans speeds up when another agent has access to a piece of information as well. Thus, we do track agents’ potential beliefs without knowing its actual content. This study contributes to our understanding of the effect of spontaneous computation of others’ mental states on first-person information processing

    Assessment of climate change exposure of tourism in Hungary using observations and regional climate model data

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    Climate constitutes key resources for tourism since it influences the range of tourism activities and the development of tourism supply. Tourism is highly sensitive to changes in climate elements. It is extremely important for adaptation strategy-making to explore whether the tourism climate conditions in a given region and at a specific time are appropriate and how they may change in the future. This is described by the exposure of the tourism sector to climate conditions and climate change. In this study, we analyse the exposure of tourism for Hungary on a district level and every month (from March to November) with the help of the modified Tourism Climate Index. First, the present conditions are evaluated based on a gridded observational database CarpatClim-HU, which forms the basis for assessing the future conditions. Afterwards, the expected future circumstances are analysed using regional climate model outputs. In order to interpret the uncertainties of the climate projections properly, we use two different model results (HIRHAM5 and RACMO22E) relying on two emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The results have demonstrated that the most favourable conditions are found in spring (MAM) and autumn (SON), while in summer (JJA) a decline in climate potential is observed. According to the future tendencies, generally, a decline is expected between May and September, but the other investigated months usually bring an improvement. For a given emission scenario, the expected trend is quite similar for the two model experiments, while for a given climate model, the use of RCP8.5 scenario indicates larger changes than RCP4.5. The results prove that climate change will have an obvious impact on tourism potential in Hungary, and therefore tourism strategy development has to take into account this effect more than before

    Case Report: Effective management of adalimumab-induced acquired hemophilia A with the CyDRI protocol

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    IntroductionAcquired Hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by the emergence of inhibitors that specifically target coagulation Factor VIII, frequently resulting in severe bleeding episodes.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of a 68-year-old male patient who presented with adalimumab-induced AHA.ResultsThe patient received adalimumab, a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor antibody, as part of his treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. The patient’s clinical journey, characterized by intense bleeding and coagulopathy, was effectively managed with the application of recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and the CyDRi protocol.DiscussionThe case emphasizes the importance of prompt coagulation assessment in patients with bleeding symptoms receiving disease-modifying therapy for rheumatoid arthritis that includes adalimumab therapy, considering the rare yet life-threatening nature of AHA. Additionally, this report provides an extensive review of the existing literature on drug-induced AHA, with a special emphasis on cases linked to immunomodulatory medications. Through this two-pronged approach, our report aims to enhance understanding and awareness of this severe complication among healthcare providers, promoting timely diagnosis and intervention

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes identify nuanced dietary changes from the Bronze and Iron Ages on the Great Hungarian Plain

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    The Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) served as a geographic funnel for population mobility throughout prehistory. Genomic and isotopic research demonstrates non-linear genetic turnover and technological shifts between the Copper and Iron Ages of the GHP, which influenced the dietary strategies of numerous cultures that intermixed and overlapped through time. Given the complexities of these prehistoric cultural and demographic processes, this study aims to identify and elucidate diachronic and culture-specific dietary signatures. We report on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from 74 individuals from nineteen sites in the GHP dating to a ~ 3000-year time span between the Early Bronze and Early Iron Ages. The samples broadly indicate a terrestrial C 3 diet with nuanced differences amongst populations and through time, suggesting exogenous influences that manifested in subsistence strategies. Slightly elevated δ 15 N values for Bronze Age samples imply higher reliance on protein than in the Iron Age. Interestingly, the Füzesabony have carbon values typical of C 4 vegetation indicating millet consumption, or that of a grain with comparable δ 13 C ratios, which corroborates evidence from outside the GHP for its early cultivation during the Middle Bronze Age. Finally, our results also suggest locally diverse subsistence economies for GHP Scythians

    Az akut vestibularis szindróma sürgősségi diagnosztikájával szerzett tapasztalatok

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés és célkitűzés: A szemmozgások analízisén és az akut halláscsökkenés detektálásán alapuló 1A evidenciájú új diagnosztikai módszer hatékonyságának vizsgálata akut vestibularis szindrómákban. A perifériás és a centrális eredetű vestibularis kórképek és az izolált szédüléssel jelentkező hátsóscala-területi stroke-ok előfordulási gyakoriságának elemzése. A stroke kizárása céljából végzett sürgősségi koponya komputertomográfiás vizsgálat diagnosztikus értékének a felmérése. Egy videookulográfiás szemüveg és az audiológiai vizsgálat segítségével végzett eszközös és az eszköz nélküli, ágy melletti módszer diagnosztikai hatékonyságának az összehasonlítása. Módszer: Egy prospektív tanulmány során a győri Petz Aladár Megyei Oktató Kórház Sürgősségi Osztályán akut vestibularis szindrómával jelentkező 125 páciensnél (62 nő, 63 férfi, átlagéletkor 53 év) 2016. március 1. és 2017. március 1. között koponya komputertomográfiás vizsgálatot követően az ágy melletti fizikális, műszer nélküli és a kvantitatív, műszeres, a szemmozgások analízisén és az akut halláscsökkenés detektálásán alapuló vizsgálatot végeztük el egy video-fejimpulzusteszt szemüveg- és tisztahang-küszöb audiometriai vizsgálat segítségével. A kiszűrt stroke-esetek neuroradiológiai verifikálását végeztük koponya mágneses rezonanciás képalkotás alkalmazásával. Eredmények: Az eszközös vizsgálati módszerrel detektálva az AVS-ek 67%-a perifériás, 33%-a centrális eredetűnek bizonyult. A hátsóscala-stroke-ok 62%-a izolált szédüléssel jelentkezett, egyéb neurológiai kísérő tünet nélkül, és a stroke kizárására akutan elvégzett koponya-CT-k eredménye az esetek 96%-ában negatív volt. Az eszközös teszt a fizikális vizsgálat hatékonyságát javította, mivel detektálta a neuronitis inferior és a csak covert saccaddal kísért neuronitis superior eseteket. Következtetések: Az új, ágy melletti vizsgálati módszer, tapasztalataink szerint, alkalmas az izolált szédüléssel jelentkező hátsóscala-stroke-ok kiszűrésére a diagnosztika korai szakában, amikor a neuroradiológiai diagnosztika még alacsony szenzitivitású vagy nem elérhető. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(51): 2029–2040. | Abstract: Introduction and aim: To diagnose acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) in a prospective study by a new bedside test (providing 1A evidence) based on oculomotor analysis and assessment of hearing loss. To assess the frequency of central and peripheral causes of acute vestibular syndrome in the emergency room. To establish the diagnostic accuracy of acute cranial computed tomography as compared to oculomotor analysis done by video oculography goggles and audiometry. Method: Between 1st March 2016 and 1st March 2017 we documented 125 patients (62 women, 63 men, average age 53 years) in the emergency room of the Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital using the above bedside and instrumental testing. Diagnosis was verified by cranial magnetic resonance imaging. Results: According to the results of the instrumental examination in AVS in 67% we found a peripheral cause and in 33% a central pathology. In 62% isolated posterior circulation stroke manifested itself by isolated vertigo without additional focal signs and the acute cranial computed tomography showed negative results in 96%. The instrumental examination increased diagnostic accuracy by making the diagnosis of isolated inferior semicircular canal vestibular neuritis possible. Conclusions: The new bedside oculomotor test is suitable for the diagnosis of posterior circulation stroke manifesting with isolated vertigo in early cases, when the routine neuroradiologic methods have a lower sensitivity or are not available. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(51): 2029–2040

    Catalogue of existing good practice examples of programmes and interventions : Deliverable 2.1

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    This document (D2.1) provides an overview of the extensive data that has been collected on sustainable energy consumption initiatives as part of Work Package 2 (WP2) in ENERGISE. The deliverable provides a general introduction to the scope and objectives of WP2 specifically, as well as a short introduction as to how sustainable energy consumption initiatives are defined in ENERGISE. In addition, a full list is provided of 1000+ sustainable energy consumption initiatives that have been identified throughout Europe