17 research outputs found
Undernutrition is one of the major issues in the development agenda; the increase in food prices in recent years increases the vulnerability of households and climate change has adverse impacts on agricultural production.The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of undernutrition households in the Central and East-Central Côte d'Ivoire, ranked among the most deprived areas. Using data from the Survey of Household Living Standards (ENV 2002), Logit econometric models revealed that among these factors include household size, gender of household head, education level of the head household, the main occupation of the household head, the industry, living environment and the practice of farming. This analysis shows that the undernourished households are characterized in particular by high size, low level of education, the exercise of the profession of craftsman in the informal sector and are mostly headed by women. These determinants are levers that authorities may rely to reduce undernutrition. Therefore, it is desirable for the government to popularize family planning (reduction in household size), raising the level of education of the population at least at the secondary level, to promote the profession of craftsman by the capacity building and stakeholder access to microfinance to combat undernutrition
Development of dirt resistant polymer coatings
PhDIn the construction industry, prepainted metal strip is a widely used material for fagade
and roofs of building intended for commercial used. The physical properties of modem
coatings are outstanding, however one big problem that remains and which affects the
overall coatings performance is dirt pick up.
Firstly the effect of weathering induced chemical composition change was evaluated
using photo-acoustic infrared spectroscopy (PA-FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS). The results shown that photo-oxidation processes occurs via Norrish
type I and type 11 reaction at several sites on the polymer backbone, with the ester linkage
and the melamine crosslinkage being the more reactive.
Secondly aluminosilicates have been found to be the main source of soiling with organic
pollutants also responsible but to a minor extent, the presence of such dirt was confirmed
by XPS analyses. Unusual peak shape was observed on the carbon narrow scans with low
binding photoelectron emitted.
Finally Polymer/organically modified layered silicates (PLS) nanocomposites are a new
class of filled polymer with ultrafine phase dimension. They improve considerably the
physical properties of the coating while reducing dirt pick up. The best results were
obtained when the insitu intercalative method was used. However the implication of the
onium salts is obscure and the relation between the nanocomposite structure and its
properties is not well understood
Autosuffisance alimentaire en Côte d'Ivoire : paradoxe ou réalisme socio-économique
Food self sufficiency in the ivory coast paradox or socioeconomic realism - The food situation of Africa is one of the most critical in the world. Africa is at present the only continent where the growth of subsistence crops remains inferior to population growth. This food shortage was one of the major preoccupation of the Africain Heads of State when they met in Lagos in 1980 (Lagos Plan). In the Ivory Coast, the government has launched several campaigns these last few years to attain food self sufficiency.
This study analyses the opportunity of these campaigns and assess to what extent such an agricultural policy could promote the economic development of the Ivory Coast in the future.La situation alimentaire de l'Afrique est l'une des plus alarmantes au monde. Le continent africain est actuellement le seul où l'accroissement de la production vivrière reste inférieure la croissancedémographique. Cette pénurie alimentaire a constitué l'une des préoccupations majeures des Chefs d'Etats africains réunis à Lagos en 1980 (Plan d'action de Lagos). En Côte d'Ivoire, depuis quelques années, le gouvernement lance de multiples campagnes pour maîtriser l'autosuffisance alimentaire du pays.
Cette étude examine l'opportunité de cette grande campagne pour l'autosuffisance alimentaire, et établit dans quelle mesure cette nouvelle politique agricole pourrait assurer le développement économique futur de la Côte d'Ivoire.Yabilé Kinimo René. Autosuffisance alimentaire en Côte d'Ivoire : paradoxe ou réalisme socio-économique. In: Économie rurale. N°175, 1986. pp. 44-49
Recherche sur l'équilibre financier d'un programme de crédit agricole en Côte-d'Ivoire
Yabilé Kinimo René. Recherche sur l'équilibre financier d'un programme de crédit agricole en Côte-d'Ivoire. In: Économie rurale. N°170, 1985. pp. 36-38
Comparison Of Biochemical Changes During Alcoholic Fermentation Of Cocoa Juice Conducted By Spontaneous And Induced Processes For The Production Of Ethanol
Ivory Coast (Côte d´Ivoire) is the biggest cocoa producing
country in the world with an average 1405 000 metric tons of cocoa
beans. It also produces several quantities of cocoa mucilage juice
during cocoa harvesting. In spite of its high sugar and over minerals
content, cocoa juice is currently abandoned in farms. This study aims
to compare the nature of products resulted from a spontaneous
fermentation conducted by uncontrolled or indigenous yeasts to those
from a controlled fermentation made by using commercial bakery yeast
such as Saccharomyces cereviciae at a rate of 30g/hL during 3 to 5 days
of cocoa mucilaginous juice. To conduct this study, fermentations were
held at different temperatures 28, 30, 35 and 41°C. Chemical
analyses related to the pH by pH-meter, total sugar content using
standard method and to the measurement of the yield of ethanol using a
gas chromatography (CPG), microbial count were carried out. Analyses
showed that yeast, mould, aerobic mesophilic and lactic acid bacteria
were isolated in almost all samples. Cocoa shield was shown to contain
the highest number of yeast and mould at 1.6x10 4 CFUcm -2 , aerobic
mesophilic flora at 1.5x10 5 CFUcm -2 and lactic acid bacteria at
2.1x10 4 CFUcm -2 . Whatever the type of fermentation, yields of
ethanol was highest at 30°C. Fermentation conducted with
controlled yeast gave a better yield of ethanol with 8.4 % than
spontaneous fermentation that yielded only 4.3 %. There were
significant differences (p≤0.05) between both alcohol
productivity and yield at spontaneous and controlled fermentation.
Total sugar content decreased drastically during the fermentation
process but a residual content was observed at the end due to the
incomplete fermentation. Residual sugar content was highest with values
ranging from 35 to 80 g/L at 35°C and 41°C in the controlled
fermentation. Production of ethanol was associated with increase in pH
value ranging from 4.5 to 4.9
Preliminary data on arsenic and trace metals concentrations in wetlands around artisanal and industrial mining areas (Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa)
International audienceThis data article is issued from the research article ‘’Distribution trends and ecological risks of arsenic and trace metals in wetland sediments around gold mining activities in central-southern and southeastern Côte d’Ivoire’’ [1]. It presents arsenic and trace metal Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Co, Fe, Al, Mn, and Ni loadings in surface sediments collected from industrial mining, artisanal and small scale mining, and non-mining areas (West Africa). Are also provided, hierarchical dendrograms and factor loadings derived from the Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA) and the principal component analysis (PCA), respectively. Data ranged from <LD-561 µg/g for As, 0.10–2.70 µg/g for Cd, 1.10–16.9 µg/g for Pb, 2.00–71.8 µg/g for Cu, 5.60–116 µg/g for Zn, 16.3–439 µg/g for Cr, 0.70–46.4 µg/g for Co, 11.9–175 mg/g for Fe, 7.49–93.3 mg/g for Al, 4.30–6442 µg/g for Mn, and 3.10–68.6 µg/g for Ni. These data are relevant for future research and sediment quality policy making at a regional level