773 research outputs found

    A survey on sexuality of female university students in Wrocław

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    Introduction. The survey evaluated an overall sexuality and a general knowledge concerning sexuality and contraception in female students of two selected universities in Wrocław. Material and methods. 250 students of Wrocław Medical University (AM) and 200 students of Wrocław University of Economics (AE) took part in the survey. The questionnaires were distributed among female students living in dormitories. Results and conclusions. It was shown that a significant part of examined women has poor knowledge of sexuality and is often convinced that the myths and stereotypes concerning sex are true. No statistically significant differences between the levels of knowledge in both groups were found. It seems that a constant education and promotion of reliable knowledge of sexuality is necessary also during studies

    Fear learning and aversive stimuli differentially change excitatory synaptic transmission in perisomatic inhibitory cells of the basal amygdala

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    Inhibitory circuits in the basal amygdala (BA) have been shown to play a crucial role in associative fear learning. How the excitatory synaptic inputs received by BA GABAergic interneurons are influenced by memory formation, a network parameter that may contribute to learning processes, is still largely unknown. Here, we investigated the features of excitatory synaptic transmission received by the three types of perisomatic inhibitory interneurons upon cue-dependent fear conditioning and aversive stimulus and tone presentations without association. Acute slices were prepared from transgenic mice: one group received tone presentation only (conditioned stimulus, CS group), the second group was challenged by mild electrical shocks unpaired with the CS (unsigned unconditioned stimulus, unsigned US group) and the third group was presented with the CS paired with the US (signed US group). We found that excitatory synaptic inputs (miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, mEPSCs) recorded in distinct interneuron types in the BA showed plastic changes with different patterns. Parvalbumin (PV) basket cells in the unsigned US and signed US group received mEPSCs with reduced amplitude and rate in comparison to the only CS group. Coupling the US and CS in the signed US group caused a slight increase in the amplitude of the events in comparison to the unsigned US group, where the association of CS and US does not take place. Excitatory synaptic inputs onto cholecystokinin (CCK) basket cells showed a markedly different change from PV basket cells in these behavioral paradigms: only the decay time was significantly faster in the unsigned US group compared to the only CS group, whereas the amplitude of mEPSCs increased in the signed US group compared to the only CS group. Excitatory synaptic inputs received by PV axo-axonic cells showed the least difference in the three behavioral paradigm: the only significant change was that the rate of mEPSCs increased in the signed US group when compared to the only CS group. These results collectively show that associative learning and aversive stimuli unpaired with CS cause different changes in excitatory synaptic transmission in BA perisomatic interneuron types, supporting the hypothesis that they play distinct roles in the BA network operations upon pain information processing and fear memory formation

    Excitation of Diverse Classes of Cholecystokinin Interneurons in the Basal Amygdala Facilitates Fear Extinction

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    There is growing evidence that interneurons (INs) orchestrate neural activity and plasticity in corticoamygdala circuits to regulate fear behaviors. However, defining the precise role of cholecystokinin-expressing INs (CCK INs) remains elusive due to the technical challenge of parsing this population from CCK-expressing principal neurons (CCK PNs). Here, we used an intersectional genetic strategy in CCK-Cre;Dlx5/6-Flpe double-transgenic mice to study the anatomical, molecular and electrophysiological properties of CCK INs in the basal amygdala (BA) and optogenetically manipulate these cells during fear extinction. Electrophysiological recordings confirmed that this strategy targeted GABAergic cells and that a significant proportion expressed functional cannabinoid CB1 receptors; a defining characteristic of CCK-expressing basket cells. However, immunostaining showed that subsets of the genetically-targeted cells expressed either neuropeptide Y (NPY; 29%) or parvalbumin (PV; 17%), but not somatostatin (SOM) or Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-α. Further morphological and electrophysiological analyses showed that four IN types could be identified among the EYFP-expressing cells: CCK/cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R)-expressing basket cells, neurogliaform cells, PV+ basket cells, and PV+ axo-axonic cells. At the behavioral level, in vivo optogenetic photostimulation of the targeted population during extinction acquisition led to reduced freezing on a light-free extinction retrieval test, indicating extinction memory facilitation; whereas photosilencing was without effect. Conversely, non-selective (i.e., inclusive of INs and PNs) photostimulation or photosilencing of CCK-targeted cells, using CCK-Cre single-transgenic mice, impaired extinction. These data reveal an unexpectedly high degree of phenotypic complexity in a unique population of extinction-modulating BA INs

    Total number and ratio of GABAergic neuron types in the mouse lateral and basal amygdala

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    GABAergic neurons are key circuit elements in cortical networks. Despite growing evidence showing that inhibitory cells play a critical role in the lateral (LA) and basal (BA) amygdala functions, neither the number of GABAergic neurons nor the ratio of their distinct types has been determined in these amygdalar nuclei. Using unbiased stereology, we found that the ratio of GABAergic neurons in the BA (22%) is significantly higher than in the LA (16%) in both male and female mice. No difference was observed between the right and left hemispheres in either sex. In addition, we assessed the ratio of the major inhibitory cell types in both amygdalar nuclei. Using transgenic mice and a viral strategy for visualizing inhibitory cells combined with immunocytochemistry, we estimated that the following cell types together compose the vast majority of GABAergic cells in the LA and BA: axo-axonic cells (5.5%-6%), basket cells expressing parvalbumin (17%-20%) or cholecystokinin (7%-9%), dendrite-targeting inhibitory cells expressing somatostatin (10%-16%), NPY-containing neurogliaform cells (14%-15%), VIP and/or calretinin-expressing interneuron-selective interneurons (29%-38%), and GABAergic projection neurons expressing somatostatin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (5.5%-8%). Our results show that these amygdalar nuclei contain all major GABAergic neuron types as found in other cortical regions. Furthermore, our data offer an essential reference for future studies aiming to reveal changes in GABAergic cell number and in inhibitory cell types typically observed under different pathologic conditions, and to model functioning amygdalar networks in health and disease. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT GABAergic cells in cortical structures, as in the lateral and basal nucleus of the amygdala, have a determinant role in controlling circuit operation. In this study, we provide the first estimate for the total number of inhibitory cells in these two amygdalar nuclei. In addition, our study is the first to define the ratio of the major GABAergic cell types present in these cortical networks. Taking into account that hyperexcitability in the amygdala, arising from the imbalance between excitation and inhibition typifies many altered brain functions, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and autism, uncovering the number and ratio of distinct amygdalar inhibitory cell types offers a solid base for comparing the changes in inhibition in pathologic brain states