822 research outputs found

    Student urges comments on women\u27s hockey team

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    Now that men\u27s varsity hockey at the University of Maine is number one in the country…I am wondering why there is no women\u27s ice hockey team at UMaine

    Physiotherapy management of contractures after acquired brain injury

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    The first part of the thesis investigates treatments for contracture management. The hypothesis is that passive stretch is effective when a high intensity is used and when it is combined with treatments that target the underlying causes of contractures. To support this hypothesis, a case report was presented which described a resolution of severe knee contractures following an intensive program of passive stretch administered in conjunction with motor control training. Two randomised controlled trials were conducted to assess if electrical stimulation was an effective adjunct treatment to address spasticity and muscle weakness, factors believed to contribute to contractures. The findings of both studies demonstrate that electrical stimulation administered in conjunction with passive stretch is not more useful than passive stretch alone for people with severe motor and cognitive impairments. This result highlights a need to consider other treatment options in future research. The second part of the thesis investigates the impact of ankle contractures on the knee joint. An observational study establishes the link between ankle contractures and increased knee extension, and identifies the two gait patterns that are associated with simulated ankle contractures. This information contributes to the understanding of gait deviations that are secondary to ankle contractures

    Examining the Legal Consciousness of Residence Life Staff

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    Understanding the law has become an integral part of the work of higher education professionals, especially residence life staff. For decades, courts have contributed an increasingly important role in shaping the litigious nature of society at large and within higher education (Greenleaf, 1982). Barr and Associates (1988) noted the increasingly major influence of the law on campus life. Even in the mid-1990s, Gehring and Penney (1995) highlighted the critical need to understand legal issues for those professionals entering the field of higher education and student affairs. Since Olivas (2013) found that higher education law is a rapidly changing area in the field, knowledge of the law is critical to anyone in a professional position in higher education. [Discussion questions developed by Amelia King-Kostelac.

    The value-driving potential of budgeting in South African manufacturing companies

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    Historically budgets have been seen as an indispensible control mechanism for businesses. Both the business and academic press continue to report on problems related to budgeting. This research report investigated whether or not local managers and finance practitioners believe that budgets add value to South African manufacturing companies A gap in previous research was that investigations were limited to finance practitioners. This study investigated the experiences and views of non-financial managers in addition to those of finance professionals. In order to understand the views of both sets of managers, Qualitative research, in the form of semi-structured expert interviews was undertaken. The findings reflect managers believe budget and planning processes add value, their reasons for what drives value in the process differs from the international literature on the subject. The processes and procedures followed locally align with global practices to a large extent. It was surprising to find that local managers do not report the same levels of problems experienced with budgets as their international counterparts. Participative budgetary practices were found to be a problem, leading to problems with budgetary alignment, efficiency and buy-in. The most surprising finding was that non-financial managers are positive about budgeting and planning processes. The key finding being that the process is used to gain information that drives their understanding of their business and this enables them to more meaningfully review and update their strategies.Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)unrestricte

    Community Voices: Healthcare for the Undeserved

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    Thirteen diverse communities - or learning laboratories - across the country serve as working centers that sort out what works from what does not in meeting the needs of those who receive inadequate or no health care. These learning laboratories were selected to serve some of the hardest-to-reach populations including those living in poor urban and rural areas, immigrants, Native Americans and the homeless

    Contribució a l'estudi de les colònies de virot (Calonectris diomedea) i noneta (Hydrobates pelagicus) de l'arxipèlag de Cabrera

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    Se presenta el recompte nidificant de virot (Calonectris cliomedea) i noneta (Hydrobates pelagicus) a l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera (Balears) el 1992. Per als virots se calcula una estimació de 410-455 parelles nidificants. S'inclou un estudi sobre el tipus de nius que són emprats. S'han controlat dos adults anellats fa 17 anys, un quan era poll i l'altre, anellat ja com a adult, així que deu tenir alnanco 20 anys. S'analitzen i comparen les dades obtingudes sobre diferents paràmetres amb la informació disponible sobre altres recomptes a Cabrera. Per a la noneta s'estimen 10-20 parelles nidificants en un recompte parcial limitat a quatre illots. S'han realitzat dos controls per primera vegada, correspondents a la campanya de l'any anterior.Contribution to the research of the Cory's Sheawater (Calonectris diomedea) and Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) coloides the Cabrera Archipelago. The breeding census made at Cabrera National Park during 1992 on the Cory's Sheawater (Calonectris diomedea) and the Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) is presented. There is an estimation of 410- 455 breeding pairs for the Cory's Sheawater's population. It is included a research about the kinds of nests that are used. There were controlled two adults that had been ringed 17 years ago, one of them was ringed when it was a chick and the other one as an adult so it is about 20 years.The data that was got about differents parameters have been analysed and compared with the available information about other census made in Cabrera. There is an estimation of 10-20 breedeng pairs for the Storm Petrel's population considering the partial census that just was made in 4 islets. Two controls were made for the first time corresponding to the campaign of the last year