342 research outputs found


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    The article analyses the All-Union censuses in 1959, 1970 and 1979 as a primary source for a comprehensive studying the population dynamics and the settlement of Ukrainians in different regions of the Ukrainian SSR during the 60’s – 70’s of the XXth century. The author has studied a state of preservation of their native language, has defined the factors which under the totalitarian regime negatively influenced the change of demographic processes, especially the ethnic composition of Ukrainian society at the outlined period. The article also describes the national policy of Soviet authorities which guided by the national priority of state and nationwide community of «the Soviet people» and ignored the value of an ethnic nation. The author also finds out that Ukrainians were the dominant nation almost throughout the USSR in the outlined period. The number of Ukrainian grew exclusively by natural population growth, while the number of representatives of the Russian nation increased as a result of internal republican migration. The article brings the idea that Ukraine was one of the centers of accumulation of immigration flows in the Soviet Union, and because of this fact the multicultural Ukrainian SSR society, which constituted basically of the Ukrainians, gradually turned into bi-national, where Ukrainian majority coexisted along with continuously growing Russian minority. Such resettlements were carried out primarily for political reasons and were aimed at the loss by native people their national characteristics – language, culture and the like. The main task of migration, which was run by the Soviet government was the assimilation, denationalization and the russification of the Ukrainian people which was hidden by slogans of rapprochement of nations

    Ukrainian Language in Educational Institutions of the USSR: 1960s–1970s

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    This article examines the position of the Ukrainian language in educational institutions of the USSR during the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. It is shown that the Soviet government actively implemented the policy of Russification, the aim of which was the complete destruction of the national-educational space of Ukrainians. Numerous decisions and resolutions of the country’s top party leadership have laid a solid foundation for the introduction of Russian as the language of interethnic communication. In the field of education, the ideologues of communism tried to shift the emphasis from the national characteristics of Ukrainians to the “common” for all – the Soviet ones. Oppression of the native language has caused alarm among the Ukrainian public. Realizing that the Ukrainian language is the basis for the preservation and development of the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian intelligentsia led the movement to protect it. Disagreeing with Russification, Ukrainians used all possible forms of protest against it at the time. It came to the formation of open opposition to Khrushchev’s educational reform. Many letters were received by various levels of government, newspapers, and magazines from various publishers, whose authors were concerned about the unequal position of the Russian and Ukrainian languages and expressed their indignation at the functioning of a large number of Russian-language educational institutions. Ukrainians were encouraged to spread the Ukrainian language and take care of its further development, thus seeking to preserve their own national identity. And the Ukrainian language continued to live and develop in the thick of the masses

    Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Research on Social and Cultural Processes in the Environment of the Titular Nation of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s and 1970s

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    The article considers the сonceptual and theoretical foundations of research on social and cultural processes in the environment of the titular nation of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s and 1970s. It is characterized by the semantic content of concepts of “titular nation” and “indigenous people” in the Ukrainian SSR, identified primarily with Ukrainians, who were united by a single language, faith, spirituality, national traditions, customs, culture, ethnic origin and ancient residence on the territory of Ukraine, the official name of which was determined by their nationality. The conceptual components of the research are interpretation of the following concepts of: “Ukrainian ethnos”, “Ukrainian ethnic territory” or “Ukrainian ethnic land”, “national majority”, “national minority”, “nation-state”, “nonconformism”, “counterculture”, “sixties”, “dissidence”, “Ukrainian diaspora”, etc. Research of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the outlined topic makes it possible to resolve controversial issues which have not been adequately covered in historical science, also makes it possible to specify the process of national self-expression of Ukrainians through cultural space, and allows to get new assessments, judgments and conclusions


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    The question of the Ukrainian national idea and processes of the Ukrainian state-building in the historical science of the Ukrainian SSR in the late 60’s – during the 70’s of the twentieth century was distorted by the Soviet ideological system. For the communist rule, Ukrainian nationalism was the subject of active speculation and correction of its content in the right direction for the ruling elit. This article examines the end of the 60's – 70's of the XX century, the time characterized by intensification of repressive management of historical science in the USSR, the establishment of censorship and harassment, forcing the Ukrainian historians to serve the needs of the Soviet totalitarian state. Rejection of historical science from ideological foundations of the Communist Party was impossible. Ideological supervision of the intelligentsia in Ukraine and total control of historical research institutions started. Ruling Communist Party fought against dissidents, media and folowers of «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism ideology», shaped prejudice to all national. The least manifestation of patriotism of Ukrainians was regarded as anti-Soviet activity. Ukrainians were reluctantly forced to feel inferior nation without its own long history.  The author of this article aims at reproducing an exact picture of the Soviet power’s struggle with the ideology of “Ukrainian  bourgeois nationalism” in the historical science of the USSR at the end of the 60’s – during the 1970’s of the XXth century, as well as correction of the historical memory of the Ukrainian people in favour of the formation of a new political community – the “Soviet people”, the establishment and support by administrative means of rigid ideological demands of the conceptual vision, division into periods and the interpretation of the Ukrainian past. After analyzes of the scientific literature, the subject under study remains insufficiently studied. This gives  the opportunity to continue working in this promising direction

    The acceleration of the Ukrainians’ assimilation due to deliberate narrowing of the Ukrainian language: 60’s-70’s of the XXth century

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    This article investigates anti-Ukrainian language policy in Ukraine during the 60’s – 70’s of the twentieth century, whose main objective was artificial exclusion of the use of the Ukrainian language and the acceleration of the Ukrainians’ assimilation. Narrowing the Ukrainian language in higher educational institutions of Ukraine was felt especially painfully, where the younger generation of the Ukrainians was trained and brought up. Teaching most special and general subjects in higher education resorted to Russian more and more frequently. Those features of Ukrainian higher education showed the wealth of the national language, culture, facilitated the study of their national history, promoted a national idea, the ideas of Ukrainian statehood were leveled under the influence of the Russification policy. Also, the paper examines the denationalization of the titular nation – the Ukrainian SSR by the media, which were a part of the informational space of the Soviet totalitarian state. The article reveals the destructive role of the media in narrowing the Ukrainian national outlook and “undermining” their social and psychological stability, showing a ban on national-patriotic materials in the Ukrainian printed word, radio, television. Russification of all spheres of the Ukrainian people significantly reduced the use of the Ukrainian language and formed the status of its inferiority and laid the basis for all intensive large-scale assimilation of the Ukrainians

    Host and pathogen sensory systems as targets for therapeutic intervention

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    A new paradigm for the treatment of infectious disease is through the modulation of innate immune responses. In this capacity, host defense peptides (HDPs) and synthetic Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) ligands have the greatest demonstrated potentials. The work presented here considers mechanisms for the improvement of these treatments through optimization, or in the case of HDPs the minimization, of the interactions of these ligands with sensory receptors.Toll-like Receptor 9 activates the innate immune system in response to microbial DNA or immune-modulating oligodeoxynucleotides. While cell stimulation experiments demonstrate the preferential activating ability of CpG-containing nucleic acids, direct binding investigations have reached contradictory conclusions regarding the sequence-specificity of TLR9 ligand binding. To address this discrepancy the characterization of human TLR9 ligand binding properties is reported. TLR9 has a high degree of ligand specificity in being able to discriminate not only CpG dinucleotides, but also higher order six nucleotide motifs that mediate species-specific activation. However, TLR9 ligand binding is also functionally influenced by nucleic acids in a sequence-independent manner both in vitro and in cell proliferation experiments. A model is proposed in which TLR9 activation is mediated specifically by CpG-containing ligands while sensitivity of the receptor is modulated by the absolute concentration of nucleic acids in a sequence-independent fashion. Host defense peptides are among the leading candidates to combat antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. Recently, HDPs have been demonstrated to function as ligands for the bacterial sensory kinase PhoQ resulting in the induction of virulence and adaptive responses. Thus, concerns have been raised regarding therapeutic applications of HDPs. Here a methodology is described that permits discrimination and quantification of the distinct, but related, peptide behaviors of direct antimicrobial activity and PhoQ ligand potential. Utilizing peptide derivatives of the model HDP Bac2A it is demonstrated that antimicrobial efficiency is significantly, and inversely, related to PhoQ ligand efficacy. This provides a rational basis for HDP selection with greater therapeutic potential and minimized potential for initiation of bacterial resistance

    The Soviet Ritualism as a Means of Implementing the Policy of Ukrainians’ Denationalization in the Ukrainian SSR in the 60’s and 70’s of the XXth Century

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    У статті досліджено сутність, процес створення та штучне запровадження нової радянської обрядовості як засобу втілення в життя політики денаціоналізації українців в УРСР протягом 60–70-х рр. ХХ ст., охарактеризовано трансформацію релігійних ритуалів в атеїстичні, висвітлено проблеми її сприйняття представниками титульної нації України й показано протистояння радянської та української національної ідентичності в окреслений період.The article deals with the essence, the process of creation and the artificial introduction of the new Soviet ritualism as a means of implementing the policy of Ukrainians’ denationalization in the Ukrainian SSR in the 60s and 70s of the XXth century. The author describes the transformation of religious rituals into atheistic ones, analyzes the issue of their perception by Ukrainians as a title nation. The opposition between the Soviet and Ukrainian national identity in the outlined period has been shown. The new Soviet ritualism met ideological principles of communism, policy and ideology of a totalitarian state and became an alternative to traditional Ukrainian religious rites and customs

    Wear application of co-tic cemented carbides for gas turbines

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    The work offers a solution of urgent theoretical and practical problem of increase of wear resistance of GTE blades top shrouds contact faces. Implementation of current research results may increase service life of turbines. For –TiC cemented carbides manufacturing TiC-powders of grain size -20…+0.5 m were used. This provided them with combined micro and macro hardening. High strength of an alloy helps it to resist plastic deformations arising due to action of friction force. Accompanied by generating of friction induced surface structure with positive gradient of mechanical properties provides to Co-TiC cemented carbides perfect wear resistance at elevated and high temperature operatio

    Improvement of the quality of TiC-Co system plasma coating by laser treatment

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    The paper considers the possibility to improve the quality of a plasma coating by means of a laser treatment in the melting and thermal cycling modes. This method provides stronger adhesion of a coating to its base material as well as higher wear resistance. The regularities of the laser treatment in the melting and thermal cycling modes are determined, and a connection between the technological parameters and the quality characteristics is shown

    System analysis of the properties of discrete and oriented structure surfaces

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    A complex study of the properties and characteristics of discrete structure surfaces with mechanically formed dimples has been carried out. It is shown that the combination of scientific research on friction and wear processes in different scientific and engineering areas, such as mathematical statistics, mechanics of contact, physics of surfaces and magnetism and hydrodynamics, provides a deeper explanation of the processes that take place on discrete surfaces of contact elements