31 research outputs found
To study the parameters of peripheral blood circulation of upper extremity in patients with fractures of radial bone at perosseous osteosynthesis we studied the group of patients with fractures externally fixed by apparatus with pin arrangement and the group of patients treated by apparatus of rod arrangement. Rheovasographic examination of upper extremities was performed before the surgery, the day after it, on the 7th, 14th and 21st day after the surgery. In all patients during preoperational period we revealed disturbances of blood circulation in distal parts of upper extremities of angiospastic type giving evidence of sympathicotonia. Having analized the results of clinical and rheovasographic researches in established terms of observation we were able to mark gradual improvement of arterial and venous blood flow in forearm in examined groups. In the group with rod fixation positive dynamics occurred 5-7 days earlier than in the group with pin fixation. Original method was applied, consisting in rod fixation of apparatus of external fixation. Evaluation of clinical parameters marks good results in 97 % of cases. In early postoperative period improvement of rheovasographic parameters has been marked, which says about increased blood perfusion in tissues and about normalized vessel tone
Relationship of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Cerebral Bioelectrical Activity in Patients with Cervical Osteochondrosis
Introduction. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease that causes a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. In the case of pronounced changes in the cervical spine with osteochondrosis, there is a violation of blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, which leads to pronounced clinical symptoms.The aim of this study was to identify a correlation between bioelectrical activity and cerebral hemodynamics in patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.Materials and methods. The examination involved 25 patients of the neurosurgical department who received conservative treatment for exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and 25 volunteers without a history of diseases of the spine and joints. The cerebral bioelectrical activity and blood flow indicators were recorded in the pool of the common carotid and vertebral arteries.Results. In the main group and the clinical comparison group, the rheographic index and the peripheral vascular resistance index were studied, which characterize both the volume pulse blood filling of the vascular bed and the tone of small and medium caliber arteries. At the same time, the EEG rhythm indices were analyzed: а-, в-, S-, and в-waves. An analysis of the intersystem interaction of bloodflow indices and the biopotentials of the cortical rhythm of the brain in the main group showed a mismatch in the intra-system connections, which corresponds to the period of the general stress of the body. An analysis of the correlation between the indicators of electroencephalography and rheoencepha-lography in the control group revealed a stable system of correlation between the indicators, showing intersystem and intrasystem consistency and reflecting a high level of reserve capacity of the body and the state of steady adaptation to adverse factors.Conclusion. The use of simultaneous recording of cerebral hemodynamics and brain biopotentials in patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will allow clinicians to correctly assess the functional state of the central nervous system and to prescribe adequate treatment in a timely manner
Case studies to enhance graduate employability: Indigenous employment and supports
This is one in a series of case studies to enhance graduate employability. This case study on the context of Indigenous employment and supports is based on interviews and focus groups with 14 people across the stakeholder groups of employed graduates, students in internships, educators,career development professionals and employers from six different universities
The authors present the result of the research of peripheral blood flow of upper extremity in patients with diaphyseal fractures of forearm bones at transosseous osteosynthesis by external fixation devices of different set. Significant difference between rheographic indices and the set of external fixation device: greater effectiveness of transosseous osteosynthesis by rod external fixation devices with saving of moves in joints interfacing with injured segments was determined
Мета дослідження – оцінити міжнародний та вітчизняний досвід співпраці пацієнтських організацій і професійних лікарських асоціацій, показати їх вплив на організацію медичної допомоги дітям з різноманітною патологією.
Некомерційні організації, що об’єднують хворих чи їх представників, захищають права пацієнтів і підтримують власне їх самих та їх сім’ї. Часто вони є єдиним джерелом поширення інформації про захворювання, особливо якщо це стосується дітей з рідкісною орфанною патологією. Некомерційні батьківські організації – важливий елемент підтримки сімей, в яких діти потребують особливого догляду та лікування. Саме особистий досвід переживання захворювання допомагає іншим людям опанувати себе та ситуацію, що виникла. Часто лише наявність такої організації є рушійною силою в проведенні досліджень щодо вивчення рідкісної патології. На сьогодні представників пацієнтських організацій запрошують на конференції різного рівня. Вони беруть участь у прийнятті важливих рішень, які направлені на покращення якості життя пацієнтів із рідкісними та хронічними захворюваннями. На прикладі пацієнтських організацій дітей і дорослих із первинними імунодефіцитами та з розщілиною хребта і гідроцефалією показано основні ланки їх роботи та співпрацю з лікарськими асоціаціями в регіоні, Україні й світі. Діяльність пацієнтських організацій також спрямована на сприяння підвищенню стандартів медичного обслуговування пацієнтів, науковому та практичному вирішенню сучасних завдань у різних галузях медицини, задоволенню медичних та організаційних потреб фахівців. Залучення представників пацієнтських організацій до організації охорони здоров’я є важливим аспектом у реформуванні системи охорони здоров’я та формуванні розвитку медичної сфери залежно від потреб пацієнта. Пошук літератури здійснювали за допомогою баз даних PubMed, GoogleScholar та CyberLeninka
Functional State of the Bioelectrical Activity of the Brain in Cervical Osteochondrosis
Spinal osteochondrosis takes one of the first places among all chronic diseases, and every second osteochondrosis patient has dystrophic and degenerative changes in the spine in the cervical region. Manifestations of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are diverse, which often interferes with the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. In osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, clinical symptoms may occur associated with insufficient blood supply to areas of the brain and that would require diagnostic methods that are not included in the standards for diagnosing the disease. In order to study the bioelectrical activity of the brain in 25 patients of the Department of Neurosurgery of Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with cerebrovascular syndrome; a comparison was made of EEG indicators with a group of healthy volunteers that is representative by sex and age. Encephalogram indices were recorded using an EEG-21/26 Encephalan-131-03 encephalograph (Taganrog) with a standard installation of scalp EEG electrodes using the "10-20"system. An analysis of the rhythms of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in the clinical comparison group revealed a normal zonal distribution with an alpha rhythm dominating the EEG, which generally reflects a high degree of organization of neuroactivity and indicates the stability of cerebral homeostasis. At the same time, in the main group, EEG indicators significantly differed from the values of the norm and indicators of the control group. Analysis of the bioelectrical activity of the brain of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was characterized by disorganization of cortical rhythmics with a combination of moderate and diffuse disorders of varying severity. There was a shift in the frequency of bioelectric activity towards slow waves, which is a characteristic of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Thus, the study of brain biopotentials (EEG) in patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has diagnostic and prognostic significance, as well as a measure of the current clinical condition of the patient
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Student perceptions of iPads as mobile learning devices for fieldwork
This paper reports findings from six field courses about student’s perceptions of iPads as mobile learning devices for fieldwork. Data were collected through surveys and focus groups. The key findings suggest that the multi-tool nature of the iPads and their portability were the main strengths. Students had some concerns over the safety of the iPads in adverse weather and rugged environments, though most of these concerns were eliminated after using the devices with protective cases. Reduced connectivity was found to be one of the main challenges for mobile learning. Finally, students and practitioners views of why they used the mobile devices for fieldwork did not align
Functional state of the brain bioelectric activity in treatment of diaphyseal lesions of the radius using the transosseous osteosynthesis of the wire and rod arrangement
Radial fracture is the most common trauma to the musculoskeletal system and accounts for 50 % of traumatic injuries to the bones of the upper limb. Disability in patients with fractures of the forearm bones ranges from 6 to 8 months, so the choice of the most effective method of treatment is very relevant. Currently, an important point is the tendency of optimizing the transosseous method by eliminating the disadvantages and looking for new advantages of external fixation. Bone fracture and associated surgical intervention are always accompanied by varying degrees of changes in the links of the central nervous system, hemodynamics and metabolism. In order to study the bioelectrical activity of the brain in 47 patients with a fracture of the radial diaphysis treated in the Traumatology Department of the Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology, in the pre- and postoperative period we compared EEG indicators of two variants of the layout of the external fixation apparatus (EF): wire and rod. Analysis of the rhythms of bioelectrical activity of the brain in both groups in the preoperative period revealed a normal zonal distribution with the dominance of the alpha rhythm on the EEG, which generally reflects a rather high degree of organization of neuroactivity and indicates the stability of cerebral homeostasis. At the same time, in the group of patients with a wire-mounted EF device in the postoperative period, EEG indices significantly differed from the values of the norm and ndicators in the group with a rod-shaped arrangement. A decrease in the amplitude of alpha and beta rhythms was noted, as well as a shift in the frequency of bioelectric activity towards slow waves, which is a sign characteristic of discirculatory encephalopathy. An EEG study using the method of transosseous osteosynthesis with EF devise of a rod assembly showed its greater efficiency compared to the use of an EF device of a wire assembly during treatment and rehabilitation. Thus, the study of the bioelectric activity of the brain is a reliable method for assessing its functional state after an injury, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment
The efficiency of Grandazole use for prevention of postoperative pyoinflammatory complications was studied. 78 women after gynaecological operations were examined. The results confirm the absence of pyoinflammatory complications in the postoperative period, reducing the frequency of subjective symptoms and acceleration of the wound healing time due to Grandazole application. The drug was well tolerated, there were no adverse reactions in the patients.Исследовано эффективность применения грандазола для профилактики послеоперационных гнойно-воспалительных осложнений. Обследовано 78 женщин после проведения гинекологических операций. Результаты работы подтверждают отсутствие гнойно-воспалительных осложнений в послеоперационном периоде, снижение количества субъективных симптомов и ускорение времени заживления послеоперационной раны при применении грандазола. Препарат хорошо переносится, отсутствуют побочные реакции у пациентов обследуемых групп.Досліджено ефективність застосування грандазолу для профілактики післяопераційних гнійно-запальних ускладнень. Обстежено 78 жінок після проведених гінекологічних операцій. Результати роботи підтверджують відсутність гнійно-запальних ускладнень у післяопераційному періоді, зниження частоти суб’єктивних симптомів та прискорення часу загоєння післяопераційної рани при застосуванні грандазолу. Препарат добре переноситься, відсутні побічні реакції у пацієнтів досліджуваних груп.