79 research outputs found

    Loyalty and Betrayal

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    Panel: Loyalty and Betraya

    Esensi Metode Pendidikan Islam

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    It is strongly connected to the strategies used throughout the teaching and learning process in education. A teacher has to master the technique in order to meet the predetermined objectives. Students will learn the required lesson material if the proper techniques are used, in line with the subject matter, the circumstances, and the current conditions. After realising the value of approaches and techniques in education, educators must be skilled in creating these strategies. Education professionals need to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of each approach being utilised if they want to encourage students to be more critical and participatory in the learning process. The fact that pupils get their intended outcome with this strategy is the most crucial factor. This study's aim is to explain the kind of instructional practises used in Islamic schools.

    قياس قيم الضجيج التي يتعرض لها حديثو الولادة في غرفة حواضن

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    تعتبر غرف الحاضنات للأطفال حديثي الولادة من أكثر البيئات تعرضاً للضجيج بسبب الكادر والتجهيزات ذات الإنذارات الصوتية. ويعتبر التعرض للضجيج مسبباً لمخاطر تتعلق بتطور الجهاز السمعي، زيادة معدل التنفس وضربات القلب، ارتفاع ضغط الدم والتوتر. ويهدف البحث لقياس مستوى الشدة الصوتية (الضجيج) وتحسين البيئة الصوتية داخل غرفة الحاضنات موضوع البحث. وسنحاول في هذه الدراسة التعرف على الخصائص الفيزيائية للصوت وكيفية قياس الضجيج في إحدى غرف الحاضنات في إحدى المستشفيات، لتحديد قيم الضجيج في الغرفة خلال فترات زمنية وحالات مختلفة. محاولين تحديد الأماكن الأكثر تعرضاً للضجيج، ومصادر هو مقارنة قيم مستويات الضجيج مع القيم المعيارية الموضوعة من قبل الأكاديمية الأمريكية لطب الأطفال AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)؛ وذلك لحماية الأطفال والكادر من التعرض لها. انطلقنا في هذا البحث من مجموعة من الدراسات السابقة التي أجريت في غرف حاضنات الأطفال. استخدمنا لقياس الضجيج أربعة أجهزة قياس لمستوى الشدة الصوتية، وقد تبين أن أغلب القيم المقاسة تتجاوز القيم المعيارية الموضوعة من قبل الأكاديمية الأمريكية لطب الأطفال AAP. لذا كان من الواجب زيادة الوعي حول الآثار السلبية للضجيج داخل غرف حواضن الأطفال، وتنفيذ برامج لتخفيضها

    Confining spaces, resistant subjectivities: toward a metachronous discourse of literary mapping and transformation in postcolonial women's writing

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    This thesis takes as its starting point Chandra Talpade Mohanty’s argument that it is the way in which “Third World” women’s narratives are read and understood that is crucial, together with the need to locate them contextually. My original contribution to knowledge is to develop a deconstructive, cultural analysis through the re–reading of a selection of core postcolonial women’s texts written in former colonial societies, at a time prior to the full emergence of postcolonialism as a set of theoretical concepts and before feminism had developed its major contribution to academic scholarship. These theories are examined in the first three chapters of the thesis. This re–reading is of texts which arguably prefigured in many ways some of the main debates later articulated in postcolonial feminist criticism, thus (re–)interpreting them through a contemporary, critical lens. The objective of the textual analysis, among other things, is to underline the function of literary mapping in postcolonial women’s writing and the ways in which this resonates with key issues in postcolonial feminist studies. For example, the texts subvert the figure of the “universal woman” challenged by several critics, undermine images of women’s sameness, and transform marginalising spaces such as prison and home into sites of possible resistance. Overall, the main contribution of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, the interpretation of postcolonial women’s writing as a metachronous discourse of literary mapping in order to reclaim rather than deny the difference and complexity inherent in women’s texts and identities. This lends a wider dimension to the literary representations of women and justifies my attempt to order the texts as following an inverted rite of passage. Secondly, this thesis demonstrates that postcolonial women’s writing constitutes a discourse of literary activism and a cultural archive of prismatic female narratives which demands a responsive reading of the texts. This is to form a collective, critical consciousness from which, it is hoped, present and future communities of women can learn to change their lives

    تعليم القواعد اللغوية وتطبيقها في كتابة الإنشاء لتلاميذ الفصل السابع بالمدرسة الثانوية السلفية سيمبانج كولون 02 بكالوغان

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    الهدف في هذا البحث لمعرفة تعليم القواعد اللغوية لتلاميذ الفصل السابع بالمدرسة الثانوية السلفية سيمبانج كولون 02 بكالوغان لأن مفهوم القواعد مهم في تعليم اللغة العربية, لأنها نظام يستخدم شخص في الكلام والكتابة. وتعليم القواعد مهم لان مَن يتعلم اللغة فيستخدمها وفي استخدامها يحتاج القواعد التي تساعده في مفهوم ومركَّب الجملة, لذلك اللغة صحيحة. وطريقة في هذا البحث هي الطريقة النوعية. ولمعرفة تعليم القواعد اللغوية هناك هي الباحثة تجمع البيانات بثلاثة الطرق وهي طريقة المشاهدة, وطريقة المقابلة, وطريقة التوثيق,. ثم اختبار صحة البيانات في هذا البحث فهي تثليث (triangulasi), ولتحليل البيانات النوعية وهي تخفيض البيانات ، وعرض البيانات ، واستخلاص النتائج أو مراجعة. نتائج هذا البحث هي أن الطريقة تستخدم في تعليم النحو و الصرف طريقة قياسية وهي يشرح المعلم المادة على التلاميذ ، ثم تقديم الأمثلة . وتجب على التلميذات ان يحفظن ويفهمن التصريف في تعليم الصرف. ومن ذلك تستطيع التلميذات ان يفهمن قواعد اللغة و يختارن المفردات صحيحا حتى عندما يكتبن الإنشاء تستطيع التلميذات ان يكتبن بقواعد تام, وتطبيق قواعد اللغوية في كتابة الإنشاء يؤدي في تعليم اللغة العربية

    Microwave-assisted synthesis of levulinic acid from low-cost, sustainable feedstocks using organic acids as green catalysts

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    BACKGROUND: Modern day scientific endeavour strives towards global sustainability through the smart utilisation of renewable resources as base materials for chemicals. Until now, the most common commercial process to produce levulinic acid (a mass-produced platform chemical) depends on a two-stage mineral acid-catalysed reaction, which generates harmful environmental waste. In this work, an environmentally friendly levulinic acid production route using less harmful organic acids assisted by microwave heating from biomass feedstocks is reported for the first time. RESULTS: Using aluminum sulfate as a green Lewis acid catalyst and seven organic acids, levulinic acid was successfully produced from barley straw under microwave heating, with maleic acid giving the highest catalytic conversion. A Response Surface Methodology (RSM) approach was used to rapidly and effectively examine the effect of five reaction variables on the productivity of the levulinic acid. A wide range of different biomass wastes (barley straw, brewery waste, olive cake, spent tea leaves and potato, tomato, and mandarin peels) were subsequently screened to produce the levulinic acid. The highest yield of 86 wt% based on cellulose content from mandarin peel (a value comparable to a lengthier ‘non-green’ route) was achieved under the following optimized reaction conditions: 180 °C, 38 min, 2 M maleic acid concentration, 0.1 g Al 2(SO 4) 3 and 1:22 biomass: maleic acid ratio (g mL −1). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method is a promising new route towards the green, high yield production of levulinic acid from a variety of agricultural and household lignocellulosic biomass wastes, without the need for pre-treatment

    The Degree of Practicing Teachers of the First Cycle of the Competencies Necessary for them (Field Study In Basic Education Schools In Lattakia City)

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        This research aimed to identify the practice level of the first unit teachers to the performance skills, from the point of schools' managers view in Lattakia city, by using notice card. Descriptive method has used to achieve this aimed, the study included (29) managers and (29) teachers from both genders from elementary schools in Lattakia city for (2017/2018) academic year. Questionnaire to the performance skills was provided and included three issues: (planning, implementation and evaluation) and consisted of (46) points, as well as a note card for teachers, contained the same fields. Reached had several results, the most important of which: -The degree of practice of the teachers of the of the first cycle of basic education of performance competencies from the point of view of managers in the city of Lattakia came to a high degree. -The degree of practicing teachers in the first seminar in the city of Lattakia for performance competencies according to note card came to a medium degree. -There are statistically significant differences between the scores of the members of the  research sample on the observation card to assess the degree of their exercise of the performance competencies according to the variable of the educational qualification diploma campaign .While there was no statistically significant difference according to variable number of experience. -There was a statistically significant difference between the average grades of principals of basic education schools and the grades of teachers of the first cycle of basic education in Lattakia on the note card on the degree of exercise of competencies in the performance of the answers of managers. The study also made recommendations, including training courses for teachers of basic education before joining the teaching profession, and setting up special workshops for teachers to train them in practice on the performance competencies, which showed the results of the low degree of practice