285 research outputs found

    La cantarella de sempre: reproducció i reciclatge del discurs dominant en la recerca sobre l’educació física de les noies

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    El nostre objectiu en aquest treball és mostrar com un discurs particular, el que aquí anomenem “la cantarella de sempre”, sobre les noies i l’educació física és manté i es reprodueix per molts investigadors que estudien aquest tema, així com per alguns sectors dels mitjans que informen sobre aquesta recerca. Si volem contribuir a un procés de canvi per al bé de totes les noies, creiem que hem d’entendre l’abast de la contribució que fan els investigadors en relació amb les noies i l’educació física en aquesta “cantarella de sempre”. En primer lloc, resumim els coneixements col·lectius de la investigació social, pedagògica i històrica sobre noies i educació física resumida per Flintoff i Scraton el 2006, abans de passar a examinar algunes de les publicacions de recerca posteriors a aquesta data que creiem que reprodueixen “la cantarella de sempre” de diferents maneres. A continuació, presentem un cas pràctic sobre el tractament de l’informe d’un estudi a gran escala realitzat a Anglaterra per part dels mitjans de comunicació per demostrar que no són només els diaris i altres mitjans els que parasiten la recerca, sinó que també, i de manera invariable, simplifiquen, fan sensacionalisme i tergiversen les troballes dels estudis sobre noies i educació física. Concloem que aquest tema d’estudi, igual que el camp més ampli de l’educació física i la pedagogia de l’esport, és ple de pràctiques de mala citació i una consegüent manca general de prendre com a base sistemàtica estudis publicats anteriorment. A més, deduïm que hi ha pocs programes de recerca, així com l’absència notòria d’un programa més ampli d’interconnexió d’estudis de recerca, que puguin produir, a la pràctica, desenvolupaments genuïns. Finalment, proposem que gran part de la missió compartida en aquest camp s’ha de focalitzar més en com podem millorar la situació de les noies en l’educació física, basant-nos en allò que ja sabem a través d’estudis activistes i altres intervencions centrades en l’alumnat

    Teachers\u27 Perspectives on the Use of Pedometers as Instructional Technology in Physical Education: A Cautionary Tale

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    We used cognitive developmental theory to examine teachers\u27 perspectives on the use of pedometers in physical education. Twenty-six elementary physical education teachers participating in long-term professional development were observed and interviewed twice over 6 months as they learned to incorporate pedometers into their teaching. Data were analyzed via constant comparison. The teachers reported four significant shifts in their thinking and values regarding pedometers. First, at the beginning, the teachers predicted they would encounter few implementation challenges that they would not be able to overcome, but, after prolonged use, they voiced several limitations to implementing pedometers in physical education. Second, they anticipated that pedometers would motivate primarily higher skilled students, but found that lesser skilled students connected with them more. Third, they moved from thinking they could use pedometers to teach almost any content to explaining four areas of content that pedometers are best suited to assist in teaching. Last, they shifted from seeing pedometers as potential accountability tools for student learning and their teaching to identifying key limitations to using pedometers for assessment. Our discussion centers on connecting these findings to teacher learning and professional development, and on the implications for teacher educators and professional development specialists advocating pedometers in physical education

    Pupils' motivational and emotional responses to pedagogies of affect in physical education in Scottish secondary schools

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    This paper reports on the findings of two studies concerned with pupils' motivational and emotional responses to pedagogies of affect in physical education in Scottish secondary schools. Pedagogies of affect explicitly focus on learning in the affective domain, or what is known in Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as 'personal qualities'. Personal qualities include motivation, confidence and self-esteem, determination and resilience, responsibility and leadership, respect and tolerance, and communication. In one study, led by Teraoka, the researchers explored the ways in which pupils responded, through focus group interviews based on Self-Determination Theory, to teachers who claimed to value and be committed to teaching explicitly for affective learning outcomes. In another study, led by Lamb, the researchers investigated the impact of an activist intervention on girls' experiences of physical education, through their conversations in focus group discussions. Both studies reveal that pupils responded favorably, both in motivation and emotion, to pedagogies of affect in physical education, and that these responses offer a promising basis for future developments

    An activist approach to sport meets youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds : possible learning aspirations

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    Purpose: This study was a two-phase activist research project aimed at co-creating a prototype pedagogical model for working with youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds in a sport context. This paper addresses the learning aspirations (learning outcomes) that emerged when we created spaces for youth to develop strategies to manage the risks they face in their community. Method: This study took place in a socially and economically disadvantaged neighborhood in a Brazilian city where we worked with a group of 17 boys between ages 13- 15, 4 coaches, a pedagogic coordinator and a social worker. Over a six month period, we collected multiple sources of data including field journal/observations (38), audio records of youth work sessions (18), coaches’ work sessions (16), combined coaches and youth work sessions (3), and meetings between the lead and the second author for debriefing and planning sessions (36). Results: By using an activist approach, four learning aspirations emerged: becoming responsible/committed, learning from mistakes, valuing each other’s knowledge, and communicating with others. Conclusion: Findings suggest that there is a need for more sports programs that start from young people’s concrete needs and life situations and look to create places for youth to see alternative possibilities and take action

    Ampullary cancers harbor ELF3 tumor suppressor gene mutations and exhibit frequent WNT dysregulation

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    The ampulla of Vater is a complex cellular environment from which adenocarcinomas arise to form a group of histopathologically heterogenous tumors. To evaluate the molecular features of these tumors, 98 ampullary adenocarcinomas were evaluated and compared to 44 distal bile duct and 18 duodenal adenocarcinomas. Genomic analyses revealed mutations in the WNT signaling pathway among half of the patients and in all three adenocarcinomas irrespective of their origin and histological morphology. These tumors were characterized by a high frequency of inactivating mutations of ELF3, a high rate of microsatellite instability, and common focal deletions and amplifications, suggesting common attributes in the molecular pathogenesis are at play in these tumors. The high frequency of WNT pathway activating mutation, coupled with small-molecule inhibitors of β-catenin in clinical trials, suggests future treatment decisions for these patients may be guided by genomic analysis

    Cryovolcanic flooding in Viking Terra on Pluto

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    A prominent fossa trough (Uncama Fossa) and adjacent 28-km diameter impact crater (Hardie) in Pluto's Viking Terra, as seen in the high-resolution images from the New Horizons spacecraft, show morphological evidence of in-filling with a material of uniform texture and red-brown color. A linear fissure parallel to the trough may be the source of a fountaining event yielding a cryoclastic deposit having the same composition and color properties as is found in the trough and crater. Spectral maps of this region with the New Horizons LEISA instrument reveal the spectral signature of H₂O ice in these structures and in distributed patches in the adjacent terrain in Viking Terra. A detailed statistical analysis of the spectral maps shows that the colored H₂O ice filling material also carries the 2.2-μm signature of an ammoniated component that may be an ammonia hydrate (NH₃nH₂O) or an ammoniated salt. This paper advances the view that the crater and fossa trough have been flooded by a cryolava debouched from Pluto's interior along fault lines in the trough and in the floor of the impact crater. The now frozen cryolava consisted of liquid H₂O infused with the red-brown pigment presumed to be a tholin, and one or more ammoniated compounds. Although the abundances of the pigment and ammoniated compounds entrained in, or possibly covering, the H₂O ice are unknown, the strong spectral bands of the H₂O ice are clearly visible. In consideration of the factors in Pluto's space environment that are known to destroy ammonia and ammonia-water mixtures, the age of the exposure is of order ≤10⁹ years. Ammoniated salts may be more robust, and laboratory investigations of these compounds are needed

    Cryovolcanic flooding in Viking Terra on Pluto

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    A prominent fossa trough (Uncama Fossa) and adjacent 28-km diameter impact crater (Hardie) in Pluto's Viking Terra, as seen in the high-resolution images from the New Horizons spacecraft, show morphological evidence of in-filling with a material of uniform texture and red-brown color. A linear fissure parallel to the trough may be the source of a fountaining event yielding a cryoclastic deposit having the same composition and color properties as is found in the trough and crater. Spectral maps of this region with the New Horizons LEISA instrument reveal the spectral signature of H₂O ice in these structures and in distributed patches in the adjacent terrain in Viking Terra. A detailed statistical analysis of the spectral maps shows that the colored H₂O ice filling material also carries the 2.2-μm signature of an ammoniated component that may be an ammonia hydrate (NH₃nH₂O) or an ammoniated salt. This paper advances the view that the crater and fossa trough have been flooded by a cryolava debouched from Pluto's interior along fault lines in the trough and in the floor of the impact crater. The now frozen cryolava consisted of liquid H₂O infused with the red-brown pigment presumed to be a tholin, and one or more ammoniated compounds. Although the abundances of the pigment and ammoniated compounds entrained in, or possibly covering, the H₂O ice are unknown, the strong spectral bands of the H₂O ice are clearly visible. In consideration of the factors in Pluto's space environment that are known to destroy ammonia and ammonia-water mixtures, the age of the exposure is of order ≤10⁹ years. Ammoniated salts may be more robust, and laboratory investigations of these compounds are needed

    Circuit-wide Transcriptional Profiling Reveals Brain Region-Specific Gene Networks Regulating Depression Susceptibility

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    Depression is a complex, heterogeneous disorder and a leading contributor to the global burden of disease. Most previous research has focused on individual brain regions and genes contributing to depression. However, emerging evidence in humans and animal models suggests that dysregulated circuit function and gene expression across multiple brain regions drive depressive phenotypes. Here we performed RNA-sequencing on 4 brain regions from control animals and those susceptible or resilient to chronic social defeat stress at multiple time points. We employed an integrative network biology approach to identify transcriptional networks and key driver genes that regulate susceptibility to depressive-like symptoms. Further, we validated in vivo several key drivers and their associated transcriptional networks that regulate depression susceptibility and confirmed their functional significance at the levels of gene transcription, synaptic regulation and behavior. Our study reveals novel transcriptional networks that control stress susceptibility and offers fundamentally new leads for antidepressant drug discovery