3,552 research outputs found

    Repopulation of Fishes in Riley Creek, Coles County, Illinois Following Nitrogen Fertilizer Pollution

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    The repopulation of stream fishes was studied from 17 May 1979 to 25 October 1979 following a major kill (100% mortality) caused by nitrogen fertilizer pollution in Riley Creek, Coles County, Illinois. The extent of recovery was determined by comparing post-kill collections with pre-kill survey data that was collected on 25 October 1978. Repopulation began six days after the abatement of the pollution source. It is suggested that the initial source of repopulation was from the nearest undamaged tributary. The first three reinhabitants in order of appearence were: stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum); creek chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus); and creek chubsuckers (Erimyzon oblongus). At the end of the study period, 21 of the original 27 species had reentered the sampling area. The major changes from pre- to post-kill periods were an increase in total number of individuals, a decrease in overall total weight and a decrease in mean weight per individual. The increase in total number and the decrease in overall total weight was primarily due to a tremendous increase in abundance of small cyprinids and a decrease in abundance of large white suckers (Catostomus commersoni), gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Repopulation was accomplished primarily by young-of-the-year or immature individuals which accounted for the decrease in mean weight per individual. Several biotic and abiotic factors are suggested and discussed as having influenced the rate of repopulation. These include: (1) severity and duration of the kill, (2) season of the year, which may manifest itself in stream flow and migrations and breeding of fishes, (3) presence of nearby undamaged areas, (4) evolutionary adaptations of the fishes involved and, (5) predation and interspecific competition of ingressing fish. The complex of these factors was in general considered favorable and aided in the relatively rapid recovery of the habitat and the subsequent early ingression and reestablishment of substantial fish populations

    Physics informed neural networks for elliptic equations with oscillatory differential operators

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    We consider standard physics informed neural network solution methods for elliptic partial differential equations with oscillatory coefficients. We show that if the coefficient in the elliptic operator contains frequencies on the order of 1/ϵ1/\epsilon, then the Frobenius norm of the neural tangent kernel matrix associated to the loss function grows as 1/ϵ21/\epsilon^2. Numerical examples illustrate the stiffness of the optimization problem

    Carney Complex with Multiple Intracranial Aneurysms

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    Carney complex is an autosomal dominant disease that displays such characteristic features as cardiac and cutaneous myxomas and spotty pigmentation of the skin. We report here on a case of Carney complex that was accompanied by increased myxoid fibroadenomas in the breast and multiple intracranial aneurysms

    Molecular Exploration of the First-Century Tomb of the Shroud in Akeldama, Jerusalem

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    The Tomb of the Shroud is a first-century C. E. tomb discovered in Akeldama, Jerusalem, Israel that had been illegally entered and looted. The investigation of this tomb by an interdisciplinary team of researchers began in 2000. More than twenty stone ossuaries for collecting human bones were found, along with textiles from a burial shroud, hair and skeletal remains. The research presented here focuses on genetic analysis of the bioarchaeological remains from the tomb using mitochondrial DNA to examine familial relationships of the individuals within the tomb and molecular screening for the presence of disease. There are three mitochondrial haplotypes shared between a number of the remains analyzed suggesting a possible family tomb. There were two pathogens genetically detected within the collection of osteological samples, these were Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae. The Tomb of the Shroud is one of very few examples of a preserved shrouded human burial and the only example of a plaster sealed loculus with remains genetically confirmed to have belonged to a shrouded male individual that suffered from tuberculosis and leprosy dating to the first-century C.E. This is the earliest case of leprosy with a confirmed date in which M. leprae DNA was detected

    Why witnesses of bullying tell: Individual and interpersonal factors

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    The reactions of those who witness bullying are important because they can stop the bullying and prevent further harm. Factors associated with telling behavior were investigated with 477 elementary school students who witnessed bullying. Approximately seventy percent of the students talked to someone about bullying incidents, most often, teachers. Chi-square and logistic regression analyses demonstrated that gender, frequency of witnessing, cognitive empathy, and social skills were found to be associated with telling behavior of witnesses, whereas affective empathy and school connectedness were not significantly related. Findings from this research are important for future practice and studies on bystander intervention

    Optical forces on small particles from partially coherent light

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    We put forward a theory on the optical force exerted upon a dipolar particle by a stationary and ergodic partially coherent light field. We show through a rigorous analysis that the ensemble averaged electromagnetic force is given in terms of a partial gradient of the space variable diagonal elements of the coherence tensor. Further, by following this result we characterize the conservative and non-conservative components of this force. In addition, we establish the propagation law for the optical force in terms of the coherence function of light at a diffraction plane. This permits us to evaluate the effect of the degree of coherence on the force components by using the archetypical configuration of Young's two apertures diffraction pattern, so often employed to characterize coherence of waves

    Laser additive manufacturing of ultra high temperature ceramics

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    Contact Patterns Among Bighorn Sheep In and Around Glacier National Park

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    Identifying patterns of direct contacts among individual animals is important to understanding infectious disease transmission. Social behavior can be influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic variables and can be explored at 3 levels: social network structure, dyad structure, and contact structure. We investigated drivers of contact structure using GPS locations of 87 male and female bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in and around Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. Focusing on contacts between sheep moving separately, we examined relationships between contact locations and movement variables, land cover, distances to various resources, and variables known to influence survival using a resource selection function. Used and available points were defined as simultaneous locations within 25 m (the contact-used) and 13 km (largest step length- available) of another collared bighorn sheep, thus results of this analysis describe the strengths of these variables relative to habitat use. Data were analyzed separately according to dyad type (male-male, female-female, malefemale). Most contacts occurred in March for male-male and female-female dyads and in November, December, and January for male-female dyads. For male-male dyads, contacts occurred more than expected given habitat use in conifer land cover and locations farther from perennial water sources, high NDVI, little canopy cover, and low and high solar radiation index. For female-female dyads, contacts occurred less than expected given habitat use in grass and barren land cover and locations with intermediate terrain ruggedness, high NDVI, and low and high snow water equivalent. For male-female dyads, contacts occurred most during the night, least during the day, and at locations with intermediate elevation and farther from escape terrain. Together, these results suggest that more specific conditions apply to contact locations than general locations and that we can predict locations where contacts are most likely to occur, which may be useful for disease management

    Determination of nanoparticle size distribution together with density or molecular weight by 2D analytical ultracentrifugation

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    Nanoparticles are finding many research and industrial applications, yet their characterization remains a challenge. Their cores are often polydisperse and coated by a stabilizing shell that varies in size and composition. No single technique can characterize both the size distribution and the nature of the shell. Advances in analytical ultracentrifugation allow for the extraction of the sedimentation (s) and diffusion coefficients (D). Here we report an approach to transform the s and D distributions of nanoparticles in solution into precise molecular weight (M), density (ρP) and particle diameter (dp) distributions. M for mixtures of discrete nanocrystals is found within 4% of the known quantities. The accuracy and the density information we achieve on nanoparticles are unparalleled. A single experimental run is sufficient for full nanoparticle characterization, without the need for standards or other auxiliary measurements. We believe that our method is of general applicability and we discuss its limitations