14 research outputs found

    Anti-apoptotic effects of human placental hydrolysate against hepatocyte toxicity in vivo and in vitro

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    Apoptosis and oxidative stress are essential for the pathogenesis of acute liver failure and fulminant hepatic failure. Human placental hydrolysate (hPH) has been reported to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study, the protective effects of hPH against D-galactosamine (D-GalN)- and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hepatocyte apoptosis were investigated in vivo. In addition, the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-apoptotic activities of hPH against D-GalN-induced cell death in vitro were examined. Male Sprague-D awley rats were injected with D-GaIN/LPS with or without the administration of hPH. Rats were sacrificed 24 h after D-GaIN/LPS intraperitoneal injection, and the blood and liver samples were collected for future inflammation and hepatotoxicity analyses. Changes in cell viability, apoptosis protein expression, mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial membrane potential, reactive oxygen species generation, and the levels of proteins and mRNA associated with a protective mechanism were determined in HepG2 cells pretreated with hPH for 2 h prior to D-GalN exposure. The findings suggested that hPH treatment effectively protected against D-GalN/LPS-induced hepatocyte apoptosis by reducing the levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α, and increasing the level of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. It was also found that hPH inhibited the apoptotic cell death induced by D-GalN. hPH activated the expression of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase, which were further upregulated by the Kelch-like ECH2-associated protein 1-p62-nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 pathway, a component of oxidative stress defense mechanisms. Furthermore, hPH markedly reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and rescued mitochondrial loss and dysfunction through the reduction of damage-regulated autophagy modulator, p53, and C/EBP homologous protein. Collectively, hPH exhibited a protective role in hepatocyte apoptosis by inhibiting oxidative stress and maintaining cell homeostasis. The underlying mechanisms may be associated with the inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress and minimization of the autophagy progress

    Avian influenza virus transmission is suppressed in chickens fed Lactobacillus paracasei expressing the 3D8 single-chain variable fragment protein

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    The 3D8 single-chain variable fragment (scFv) is a mini-antibody sequence with independent nuclease activity that shows antiviral effects against all types of viruses in chickens and mice. In this study, chickens were treated daily with an oral dose of 109 CFU Lactobacillus paracasei (L. paracasei) expressing either a secreted or anchored 3D8 scFv for three weeks. After L. paracasei administration, the chickens were challenged with avian influenza virus (AIV). From each experimental group, three chickens were directly infected with 100 µL of 107.5 EID50/mL H9N2 AIV and seven chickens were indirectly challenged through contact transmission. oropharyngeal and cloacal swab samples were collected at 3, 5, 7, and 9 days post-inoculation (dpi) from AIV-challenged chickens, AIV Shedding titres were measured by quantitative real-time PCR. Contact transmission in the chickens that were fed 3D8 scFv-secreting L. paracasei showed a significant reduction in viral shedding when compared with other groups. These results suggest that L. paracasei secreting 3D8 provides a basis for the development of ingestible antiviral probiotics with activity against AIV

    A Nationwide Investigation of a State and Needs of Educational Supports for University Students with Disabilities in South Korea

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    本研究は、韓国における障害学生のための教育支援実態及びそのニーズを調査することによって、障害学生の大学生活の問題点を分析し、大学支援サービスの望ましい方向を示すことを目的とする。1995年以後に特殊教育対象者障害者特例入学制度を通じて入学した9大学に在学中の障害学生(n=63)を対象とし、質問紙法によって彼らの大学生活適応のための支援の実態、意識、ニーズ及び改善事項に関して調査し、分析した結果、次のような結論を得た。 第1に、障害の程度等にかかわらず、学習活動においてはノートテイク支援、大学生活においては受講申請の事前配慮に対する支援が最も多く行われていることが明らかになった。便宜供与された試験方法.手話通訳、補装具の貸し出しなどの領域では、重度障害(1-3等級)学生が軽度障害(4-6等級)学生より多くの支援が供給されていた。しかし、受講申請など、学生生活全般に渡る支援対策の準備及び優先的受講申請制度導入の必要性を示唆する結果が明らかになった。 第2に、学習及び生活に関する障害学生の意識調査では、障害カテゴリーの中では聴覚障害学生が最も困難を感じていた。また、次に視覚障害学生と脳性まひ・肢体不自由学生の順であり、障害の程度別にみると、重度障害学生は軽度障害学生より講義内容、図書館、補償機器など、全般的な領域でより強い困難を感じていた。このような結果は.障害学生の学習及び生活を支援するための積極的なサポート制度の整備、特に聴覚障害学生と重度障害学生のための支援の緊急性を示唆するものである。 第3として、障害学生の支援ニーズ及び改善事項では.奨学金支援に対する要求が最も高く、学業に必要な情報交換及び授業上の困難さに対する要求が多く見受けられた。この他にも、聴覚障害学生と視覚障害学生は案内電光板の設置、点字案内標識などの要求が高かった。このような結果は脳性まひ・肢体不自由より聴覚障害学生と視覚障害学生のための施設・設備が相対的に不足していることを示唆する。大学内での聴覚障害学生と視覚障害学生のための施設・設備などの設置が優先的に必要とされていることが明らかになった

    Characterization of Melon necrotic spot virus Occurring on Watermelon in Korea

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    Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) was recently identified on watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) in Korea, displaying as large necrotic spots and vein necrosis on the leaves and stems. The average occurrence of MNSV on watermelon was found to be 30–65% in Hapcheon and Andong City, respectively. Four isolates of the virus (MNSV-HW, MNSV-AW, MNSV-YW, and MNSV-SW) obtained from watermelon plants in different areas were non-pathogenic on ten general indicator plants, including Chenopodium quinoa, while they infected systemically six varieties of Cucurbitaceae. The virus particles purified by 10–40% sucrose density gradient centrifugation had a typical ultraviolet spectrum, with a minimum at 245 nm and a maximum at 260 nm. The morphology of the virus was spherical with a diameter of 28–30 nm. Virus particles were observed scattered throughout the cytoplasm of watermelon cells, but no crystals were detected. An ELISA was conducted using antiserum against MNSV-HW; the optimum concentrations of IgG and conjugated IgG for the assay were 1 μl/ml and a 1:8,000–1:10,000 dilutions, respectively. Antiserum against MNSV-HW could capture specifically both MNSV-MN from melon and MNSV-HW from watermelon by IC/RT-PCR, and they were effectively detected with the same specific primer to produce product of 1,172 bp. The dsRNA of MNSV-HW had the same profile (4.5, 1.8, and 1.6 kb) as that of MNSV-MN from melon. The nucleotide sequence of the coat protein of MNSV-HW gave a different phylogenetic tree, having 17.2% difference in nucleotide sequence compared with MNSV isolates from melon