38 research outputs found

    Acoustic Classification of Mosquitoes using Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Activity Circadian Rhythm Information

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    Many researchers have used sound sensors to record audio data from insects, and used these data as inputs of machine learning algorithms to classify insect species. In image classification, the convolutional neural network (CNN), a well-known deep learning algorithm, achieves better performance than any other machine learning algorithm. This performance is affected by the characteristics of the convolution filter (ConvFilter) learned inside the network. Furthermore, CNN performs well in sound classification. Unlike image classification, however, there is little research on suitable ConvFilters for sound classification. Therefore, we compare the performances of three convolution filters, 1D-ConvFilter, 3×1 2D-ConvFilter, and 3×3 2D-ConvFilter, in two different network configurations, when classifying mosquitoes using audio data. In insect sound classification, most machine learning researchers use only audio data as input. However, a classification model, which combines other information such as activity circadian rhythm, should intuitively yield improved classification results. To utilize such relevant additional information, we propose a method that defines this information as a priori probabilities and combines them with CNN outputs. Of the networks, VGG13 with 3×3 2D-ConvFilter showed the best performance in classifying mosquito species, with an accuracy of 80.8%. Moreover, adding activity circadian rhythm information to the networks showed an average performance improvement of 5.5%. The VGG13 network with 1D-ConvFilter achieved the highest accuracy of 85.7% with the additional activity circadian rhythm information

    The Role of Epigenetic Changes in the Progression of Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    Alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) is a progression hepatitis with severe fatty liver and its mortality rate for 30-days in patients are over 30%. Additionally, ASH is well known for one-fifth all alcoholic related liver diseases in the world. Excessive chronic alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of the progression of ASH and is associated with poor prognosis and liver failure. Alcohol abuse dysregulates the lipid homeostasis and causes oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. Consequently, metabolic pathways stimulating hepatic accumulation of excessive lipid droplets are induced. Recently, many studies have indicated a link between ASH and epigenetic changes, showing differential expression of alcohol-induced epigenetic genes in the liver. However, the specific mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of ASH remain elusive. Thus, we here summarize the current knowledge about the roles of epigenetics in lipogenesis, inflammation, and apoptosis in the context of ASH pathophysiology. Especially, we highlight the latest findings on the roles of Sirtuins, a conserved family of class-III histone deacetylases, in ASH. Additionally, we discuss the involvement of DNA methylation, histone modifications, and miRNAs in ASH as well as the ongoing efforts for the clinical translation of the findings in ASH-related epigenetic changes

    Mutual authentication protocol for low-cost RFID.

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    Abstract-Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the latest technology to play an importan

    Caractérisation morphologique de l'usure des freins

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    Lors du dimensionnement d'un système de freinage, la géométrie de la garniture est modélisée classiquement avec une surface de contact plane. Hors dans la réalité la surface des garnitures des plaquettes présente une morphologie fortement hétérogène et stochastique. Cette hétérogénéité provient, directement de la constitution et du mode de fabrication de ces dernières. De plus, en service, les garnitures de freins s'usent. Les mécanismes d'usures sont complexes et ne seront pas abordés dans cette étude. Il en résulte une modification continue de la surface de la plaquette tout au long de sa vie en service. L'objectif de ce travail était de mettre en place une méthode de caractérisation de l'état de surface des plaquettes de frein. Cette méthode doit permettre de caractériser, la morphologie d'une part à grande échelle (l'échelle de la plaquette) et d'autre part à plus petite échelle (l'échelle de la rugosité). Pour notre étude nous avions à disposition trois jeux de quatre plaquettes utilisées dans le système de freinage du train de roues de devant d'un véhicule. Un premier jeu constitué de plaquettes neuves. Les deux autres jeux sont issus de tests réalisés chez Hyundai Motors. La procédure est inspirée du test standardisé SAE J2521 (Disc and Drum Brake Dynamometer Squeal Noise Test Procedure). Le nombre de freinage est de 400 pour le premier jeu de plaquettes et de 2600 pour le second. Pour la morphologie à grande échelle, nous avons utilisé un système optique à variation de focus (InfiniteFocus, Alicona?) en utilisant un faible grossissement. Cet appareil nous a permis de mesurer la morphologie sur une grande surface : typiquement, une demi plaquette (29 cm²). Cette surface est reconstruite par assemblage d'images avec chevauchement. Cette méthode de reconstruction d'image est appelée ""stitching"". Pour la rugosité à petite échelle, nous avons effectué les mesures sur un interféromètre en lumière blanche (NewView7300, Zygo ?). Un grossissement 5 fois plus important est utilisé. Sur chaque demie-plaquette nous avons mesuré neufs zones de 5x5 mm² constituées chacune de 30X22 images individuelles se chevauchant (méthode de ""stiching""). Les surfaces ont été choisies pour quadriller d'une façon homogène la plaquette.   Les mesures des morphologies réalisées par variation de focus nous ont permis d'accéder aux profils des garnitures des plaquettes de frein. Ces mesures ont également mis en évidence différentes zones morphologiques sur la surface d'une même plaquette. En interférométrie les mesures ont été traités avec le logiciel MesRug. Cette analyse multi-échelle a permis de classer les différentes zones de la plaquette et de ressortir le paramètre de rugosité (norme ISO 25178) caractéristique

    Extracting Knowledge from the Geometric Shape of Social Network Data Using Topological Data Analysis

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    Topological data analysis is a noble approach to extract meaningful information from high-dimensional data and is robust to noise. It is based on topology, which aims to study the geometric shape of data. In order to apply topological data analysis, an algorithm called mapper is adopted. The output from mapper is a simplicial complex that represents a set of connected clusters of data points. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of topological data analysis for mining social network data by addressing the problem of image popularity. We randomly crawl images from Instagram and analyze the effects of social context and image content on an image’s popularity using mapper. Mapper clusters the images using each feature, and the ratio of popularity in each cluster is computed to determine the clusters with a high or low possibility of popularity. Then, the popularity of images are predicted to evaluate the accuracy of topological data analysis. This approach is further compared with traditional clustering algorithms, including k-means and hierarchical clustering, in terms of accuracy, and the results show that topological data analysis outperforms the others. Moreover, topological data analysis provides meaningful information based on the connectivity between the clusters.https://doi.org/10.3390/e1907036

    Smart ECC Allocation Cache Utilizing Cache Data Space

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    The histone variant macroH2A1 is a splicing-modulated caretaker of genome integrity and tumor growth

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    The macroH2A1.2 histone variant facilitates the response to replication stress with implications for genome maintenance and cell growth. A mutually exclusive splice variant, macroH2A1.1, has opposing effects on DNA repair outcome and proliferation. Here we discuss the potential impact of splicing-modulated macroH2A1 chromatin organization for cell function and malignant transformation