545 research outputs found

    Modelling revenue generation in a dynamically priced mobile telephony service

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    Dynamic pricing has been used extensively in specific markets for many years but recent years have seen an interest in the utilization of this approach for the deployment of novel and attractive tariff structures for mobile communication services. This paper describes the development and operation of an agent based model (ABM) for subscriber behavior in a dynamically priced mobile telephony network. The design of the ABM was based on an analysis of real call detail records recorded in a Uganda mobile telephony network in which dynamic pricing was deployed. The ABM includes components which simulate subscriber calling behavior, mobility within the network and social linkages. Using this model, this paper reports on an investigation of a number of alternative strategies for the dynamic pricing algorithm which indicate that the network operator will likely experience revenue losses ranging from a 5 %, when the pricing algorithm is based on offering high value subscriber cohort enhanced random discounts compared to a lower value subscriber cohort, to 30 %, when the priding algorithm results in the discount on offer in a cell being inversely proportional to the contemporary cell load. Additionally, the model appears to suggest that the use of optimization algorithms to control the level of discount offered in cells would likely result in discount simply converging to a “no-discount” scenario. Finally, commentary is offered on additional factors which need to be considered when interpreting the results of this work such as the impact of subscriber churn on the size of the subscriber base and the technical and marketing challenges of deploying the various dynamic pricing algorithms which have been investigated

    Role of the α-Amino Groups of the α and β Chains of Human Hemoglobin in Oxygen-linked Binding of Carbon Dioxide

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    Abstract Human hemoglobin has been reacted with potassium cyanate and purified to yield three species, α2cβ2c,α2cβ2, and α2β2c, where superscript c denotes specific reaction of cyanate with the α-amino group of the particular chain. The effect of carbon dioxide on the oxygen affinity of these species in the presence and in the absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate has been measured. Carbon dioxide has no effect on the oxygen affinity of α2cβ2c, confirming that the usual lowering of the oxygen affinity of carbon dioxide in normal hemoglobin is mediated by the α-amino groups of the α and β chains. The lowering of the oxygen affinity of α2β2c by carbon dioxide was not affected by the presence or absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, showing that 2,3-diphosphoglycerate does not interfere with the oxygen-linked binding of carbon dioxide at the α chain α-amino group. In α2cβ2 there was a much larger effect of carbon dioxide on the oxygen affinity in the absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate than in α2β2c; however, on addition of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate the effect of carbon dioxide on the oxygen affinity of α2cβ2 was much smaller and similar to that occurring in α2β2c. This shows that there is a large difference in the carbon dioxide binding constants of the β chain α-amino group in the oxy and deoxy forms of human hemoglobin, and that 2,3-diphosphoglycerate suppresses this difference, probably by binding strongly to the β chain α-amino group of deoxyhemoglobin and displacing any bound carbon dioxide

    Structural role of Sfi1p–centrin filaments in budding yeast spindle pole body duplication

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    Centrins are calmodulin-like proteins present in centrosomes and yeast spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and have essential functions in their duplication. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae centrin, Cdc31p, binds Sfi1p on multiple conserved repeats; both proteins localize to the SPB half-bridge, where the new SPB is assembled. The crystal structures of Sfi1p–centrin complexes containing several repeats show Sfi1p as an α helix with centrins wrapped around each repeat and similar centrin–centrin contacts between each repeat. Electron microscopy (EM) shadowing of an Sfi1p–centrin complex with 15 Sfi1 repeats and 15 centrins bound showed filaments 60 nm long, compatible with all the Sfi1 repeats as a continuous α helix. Immuno-EM localization of the Sfi1p N and C termini showed Sfi1p–centrin filaments spanning the length of the half-bridge with the Sfi1p N terminus at the SPB. This suggests a model for SPB duplication where the half-bridge doubles in length by association of the Sfi1p C termini, thereby providing a new Sfi1p N terminus to initiate SPB assembly

    Spectroscopic Survey of {\gamma} Doradus Stars I. Comprehensive atmospheric parameters and abundance analysis of {\gamma} Doradus stars

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    We present a spectroscopic survey of known and candidate γ\gamma\,Doradus stars. The high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra of 52 objects were collected by five different spectrographs. The spectral classification, atmospheric parameters (\teff, logg\log g, ξ\xi), vsiniv\sin i and chemical composition of the stars were derived. The stellar spectral and luminosity classes were found between G0-A7 and IV-V, respectively. The initial values for \teff\ and \logg\ were determined from the photometric indices and spectral energy distribution. Those parameters were improved by the analysis of hydrogen lines. The final values of \teff, \logg\ and ξ\xi were derived from the iron lines analysis. The \teff\ values were found between 6000\,K and 7900\,K, while \logg\,values range from 3.8 to 4.5\,dex. Chemical abundances and vsiniv\sin i values were derived by the spectrum synthesis method. The vsiniv\sin i values were found between 5 and 240\,km\,s1^{-1}. The chemical abundance pattern of γ\gamma\,Doradus stars were compared with the pattern of non-pulsating stars. It turned out that there is no significant difference in abundance patterns between these two groups. Additionally, the relations between the atmospheric parameters and the pulsation quantities were checked. A strong correlation between the vsiniv\sin i and the pulsation periods of γ\gamma\,Doradus variables was obtained. The accurate positions of the analysed stars in the H-R diagram have been shown. Most of our objects are located inside or close to the blue edge of the theoretical instability strip of γ\gamma\,Doradus.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Spectroscopic Pulsational Frequency Identification and Mode Determination of Gamma Doradus Star HD135825

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    We present the mode identification of frequencies found in spectroscopic observations of the Gamma Doradus star HD135825. Four frequencies were successfully identified: 1.3150 +/- 0.0003 1/d; 0.2902 +/- 0.0004 1/d; 1.4045 +/- 0.0005 1/d; and 1.8829 +/- 0.0005 1/d. These correspond to (l, m) modes of (1,1), (2,-2), (4,0) and (1,1) respectively. Additional frequencies were found but they were below the signal-to-noise limit of the Fourier spectrum and not suitable for mode identification. The rotational axis inclination and vsini of the star were determined to be 87 degrees (nearly edge-on) and 39.7 km/s (moderate for Gamma Doradus stars) respectively. A simultaneous fit of these four modes to the line profile variations in the data gives a reduced chi square of 12.7. We confirm, based on the frequencies found, that HD135825 is a bona fide Gamma Doradus star.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS 2012 March

    Improving the Prospects for Detecting Extrasolar Planets in Gravitational Microlensing in 2002

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    Gravitational microlensing events of high magnification have been shown to be promising targets for detecting extrasolar planets. However, only a few events of high magnification have been found using conventional survey techniques. Here we demonstrate that high magnification events can be readily found in microlensing surveys using a strategy that combines high frequency sampling of target fields with online difference imaging analysis. We present 10 microlensing events with peak magnifications greater than 40 that were detected in real-time towards the Galactic Bulge during 2001 by MOA. We show that Earth mass planets can be detected in future events such as these through intensive follow-up observations around the event peaks. We report this result with urgency as a similar number of such events are expected in 2002.Comment: 11 pages, 3 embedded ps figures including 2 colour, revised version accepted by MNRA

    MOA 2003-BLG-37: A Bulge Jerk-Parallax Microlens Degeneracy

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    We analyze the Galactic bulge microlensing event MOA-2003-BLG-37. Although the Einstein timescale is relatively short, t_e=43 days, the lightcurve displays deviations consistent with parallax effects due to the Earth's accelerated motion. We show that the chi^2 surface has four distinct local minima that are induced by the ``jerk-parallax'' degeneracy, with pairs of solutions having projected Einstein radii, \tilde r_e = 1.76 AU and 1.28 AU, respectively. This is the second event displaying such a degeneracy and the first toward the Galactic bulge. For both events, the jerk-parallax formalism accurately describes the offsets between the different solutions, giving hope that when extra solutions exist in future events, they can easily be found. However, the morphologies of the chi^2 surfaces for the two events are quite different, implying that much remains to be understood about this degeneracy.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, ApJ, in press, 1 July 200

    Determining the Physical Lens Parameters of the Binary Gravitational Microlensing Event MOA-2009-BLG-016

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    We report the result of the analysis of the light curve of the microlensing event MOA-2009-BLG-016. The light curve is characterized by a short-duration anomaly near the peak and an overall asymmetry. We find that the peak anomaly is due to a binary companion to the primary lens and the asymmetry of the light curve is explained by the parallax effect caused by the acceleration of the observer over the course of the event due to the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun. In addition, we detect evidence for the effect of the finite size of the source near the peak of the event, which allows us to measure the angular Einstein radius of the lens system. The Einstein radius combined with the microlens parallax allows us to determine the total mass of the lens and the distance to the lens. We identify three distinct classes of degenerate solutions for the binary lens parameters, where two are manifestations of the previously identified degeneracies of close/wide binaries and positive/negative impact parameters, while the third class is caused by the symmetric cycloid shape of the caustic. We find that, for the best-fit solution, the estimated mass of the lower-mass component of the binary is (0.04 +- 0.01) M_sun, implying a brown-dwarf companion. However, there exists a solution that is worse only by \Delta\chi^2 ~ 3 for which the mass of the secondary is above the hydrogen-burning limit. Unfortunately, resolving these two degenerate solutions will be difficult as the relative lens-source proper motions for both are similar and small (~ 1 mas/yr) and thus the lens will remain blended with the source for the next several decades.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, and 5 figure

    On Planetary Companions to the MACHO-98-BLG-35 Microlens Star

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    We present observations of microlensing event MACHO-98-BLG-35 which reached a peak magnification factor of almost 80. These observations by the Microlensing Planet Search (MPS) and the MOA Collaborations place strong constraints on the possible planetary system of the lens star and show intriguing evidence for a low mass planet with a mass fraction 4×105ϵ2×1044\times 10^{-5} \leq \epsilon \leq 2\times 10^{-4}. A giant planet with ϵ=103\epsilon = 10^{-3} is excluded from 95% of the region between 0.4 and 2.5 RER_E from the lens star, where RER_E is the Einstein ring radius of the lens. This exclusion region is more extensive than the generic "lensing zone" which is 0.61.6RE0.6 - 1.6 R_E. For smaller mass planets, we can exclude 57% of the "lensing zone" for ϵ=104\epsilon = 10^{-4} and 14% of the lensing zone for ϵ=105\epsilon = 10^{-5}. The mass fraction ϵ=105\epsilon = 10^{-5} corresponds to an Earth mass planet for a lensing star of mass \sim 0.3 \msun. A number of similar events will provide statistically significant constraints on the prevalence of Earth mass planets. In order to put our limits in more familiar terms, we have compared our results to those expected for a Solar System clone averaging over possible lens system distances and orientations. We find that such a system is ruled out at the 90% confidence level. A copy of the Solar System with Jupiter replaced by a second Saturn mass planet can be ruled out at 70% confidence. Our low mass planetary signal (few Earth masses to Neptune mass) is significant at the 4.5σ4.5\sigma confidence level. If this planetary interpretation is correct, the MACHO-98-BLG-35 lens system constitutes the first detection of a low mass planet orbiting an ordinary star without gas giant planets.Comment: ApJ, April 1, 2000; 27 pages including 8 color postscript figure