15 research outputs found

    Turbulent transport in the scrape-off layer of Wendelstein 7-X

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    Turbulent transport is widely considered to be the main driver for cross-field transport in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of toroidal magnetized plasmas. Here, reciprocating Langmuir probes are employed to measure both the plasma profiles and the turbulent particle transport in the SOL of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. The relation between turbulent radial particle flux Γr and the local pressure gradient is often approximately linear across the entire SOL width, indicating that radial turbulence spreading is absent. This observation holds across a wide range of magnetic configurations and different plasma heating and density scenarios. The magnitude of the turbulent transport for a given gradient reveals a dependence on the magnetic configuration and the position in the SOL, which we relate to the cross-spectral characteristics of multi-tip floating potential measurements. Magnetic islands can add further complexity due to non-monotonic SOL profiles and the breaking of the transport-gradient relation. Finally, anomalous diffusion coefficients are determined from the probe measurements

    Plasma filaments in the scrape-off layer of Wendelstein 7-X

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    Plasma filaments have been observed by reciprocating electric probes in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Comparison with target probes indicates that a filament observed in the W7-X SOL extends to the sheath. Two-dimensional simulations of seeded filaments exhibit good quantitative agreement with experimental measurements in filament velocity scalings, despite an assumption of constant field line curvature. Both experiment and simulation show a slow radial propagation of filaments, indicating that filaments are essentially bound to their flux surface and do not perform ballistic radial motion. In contrast, the poloidal propagation along flux surfaces is much faster than the radial motion

    Ion temperature clamping in Wendelstein 7-X electron cyclotron heated plasmas

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    The neoclassical transport optimization of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator has not resulted in the predicted high energy confinement of gas fueled electron-cyclotron-resonance-heated (ECRH) plasmas as modelled in (Turkin et al 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 022505) due to high levels of turbulent heat transport observed in the experiments. The electron-turbulent-heat transport appears non-stiff and is of the electron temperature gradient (ETG)/ion temperature gradient (ITG) type (Weir et al 2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 056001). As a result, the electron temperature Te can be varied freely from 1 keV–10 keV within the range of PECRH = 1–7 MW, with electron density ne values from 0.1–1.5 × 1020 m−3. By contrast, in combination with the broad electron-to-ion energy-exchange heating profile in ECRH plasmas, ion-turbulent-heat transport leads to clamping of the central ion temperature at Ti ∌ 1.5 keV ± 0.2 keV. In a dedicated ECRH power scan at a constant density of 〈ne〉 = 7 × 1019 m−3, an apparent \u27negative ion temperature profile stiffness\u27 was found in the central plasma for (r/a < 0.5), in which the normalized gradient ∇Ti/Ti decreases with increasing ion heat flux. The experiment was conducted in helium, which has a higher radiative density limit compared to hydrogen, allowing a broader power scan. This \u27negative stiffness\u27 is due to a strong exacerbation of turbulent transport with an increasing ratio of Te/Ti in this electron-heated plasma. This finding is consistent with electrostatic microinstabilities, such as ITG-driven turbulence. Theoretical calculations made by both linear and nonlinear gyro-kinetic simulations performed by the GENE code in the W7-X three-dimensional geometry show a strong enhancement of turbulence with an increasing ratio of Te/Ti. The exacerbation of turbulence with increasing Te/Ti is also found in tokamaks and inherently enhances ion heat transport in electron-heated plasmas. This finding strongly affects the prospects of future high-performance gas-fueled ECRH scenarios in W7-X and imposes a requirement for turbulence-suppression techniques

    Three-dimensional dusty plasmas : from single particle dynamics to the global structure

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    This thesis is devoted to experiments on three-dimensional dust clouds which are confined in low temperature plasmas. Such ensembles of highly electrically charged micrometer-sized particles reveal fascinating physics, such as self-excited density waves and vortices. At the same time, these systems are challenging for experimental approaches due to their three-dimensional character. In this thesis, new optical diagnostics for dusty plasmas have been developed and, in combination with existing techniques, have been used to study these 3D dusty plasmas on different size and time scales.In dieser Arbeit werden Experimente zu dreidimensionalen, rĂ€umlich ausgedehnten Staubwolken in Niedertemperaturplasmen vorgestellt. Diese Wolken bestehen aus mikrometergroßen Partikeln, die sich im Plasma stark elektrisch aufladen und dadurch interessante physikalische Effekte wie z.b. selbsterregte Staubdichtewellen und Wirbelströmungen aufweisen. Dabei ist der dreidimensionale Charakter dieser Systeme auch eine Herausforderung fĂŒr den experimentellen Zugang. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit neuartige optische Diagnostiken prĂ€sentiert. Diese wurden im Verbund mit etablierten Techniken eingesetzt, um dreidimensionale staubige Plasmen auf verschiedenen rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen zu charakterisieren

    Reciprocating probe measurements in the test divertor operation phase of Wendelstein 7-X

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    Reciprocating probes are a classic and widespread tool for the investigation of the edge and Scrape-Off Layer of magnetic fusion plasmas. In the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator, the Multi-Purpose Manipulator serves as a multi-user platform for probe measurements of various kinds. This paper presents a review on reciprocating probe operation during the first operation phase of W7-X with a test divertor (2017-2018). It gives an overview of the diverse zoo of probe heads and presents lessons learned about probe operation in complex magnetic geometries, operation safety, and probe head design. A few examples of probe measurements with a focus on unexpected observations are presented

    Parametrisation of target heat flux distribution and study of transport parameters for boundary modelling in W7-X

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    Modelling the scrape-off layer of a stellarator is challenging due to the complex magnetic 3D geometry. The here presented study analyses simulations of the scrape-off layer (SOL) of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) using the EMC3-EIRENE code for the magnetic standard configuration. Comparing with experimental observations, the transport model is validated. Based on the experimentally observed strike line width, the anomalous transport coefficients, used as input to the code are determined to around 0.2 0.2\,m2/^2/s. This is however in disagreement with upstream measurements, where such small cross-field transport leads to temperatures higher than measured experimentally