361 research outputs found

    Exploring connected learning spaces in teacher education

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    © 2013 Rachel Perry, Kimberley Pressick-Kilborn, Matthew Kearney. This paper reports on outcomes from a study that explored how connected learning spaces, mediated by videoconference technology, enabled real-world engagement in pre-service teacher education. Student teachers in drama and science education participated in the study, which involved varied connections with school children and their classroom teachers. Key themes that emerged were underpinned by a consideration of authentic learning: student teachers’ observations of teacher practices; enactment of multiple roles; and exposure to diverse and timely feedback. Implications for the design of discipline specific on-campus activities are considered in relation to how they inform effective integration of videoconference technology for real-world, professional engagement in teacher education

    A multi-beam HI survey of the Virgo Cluster - two isolated HI clouds ?

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    We have carried out a fully sampled large area (4∘×8∘4^{\circ} \times 8^{\circ}) 21cm \HI line survey of part of the Virgo cluster using the Jodrell Bank multi-beam instrument. The survey has a sensitivity some 3 times better than the standard HIJASS and HIPASS surveys. We detect 31 galaxies, 27 of which are well known cluster members. The four new detections have been confirmed in the HIPASS data and by follow up Jodrell Bank pointed observations. One object lies behind M86, but the other 3 have no obvious optical counter parts upon inspection of the digital sky survey fields. These 3 objects were mapped at Arecibo with a smaller \am{3}{6} HPBW and a 4 times better sensitivity than the Jodrell Bank data, which allow an improved determination of the dimensions and location of two of the objects, but surprisingly failed to detect the third. The two objects are resolved by the Arecibo beam giving them a size far larger than any optical images in the nearby field. To our mass limit of 5×1075 \times 10^{7} Δv50kms−1\frac{\Delta v}{50 km s^{-1}} M⊙M_{\odot} and column density limit of 3×10183 \times 10^{18} Δv50kms−1\frac{\Delta v}{50 km s^{-1}} atoms cm−2^{-2} these new detections represent only about 2% of the cluster atomic hydrogen mass. Our observations indicate that the \HI mass function of the cluster turns down at the low mass end making it very different to the field galaxy \HI mass function. This is quite different to the Virgo cluster optical luminosity function which is much steeper than that in the general field. Many of the sample galaxies are relatively gas poor compared to \HI selected samples of field galaxies, confirming the 'anaemic spirals' view of Virgo cluster late type galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Gaseous Group with Unusual Remote Star Formation

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    We present VLA 21-cm observations of the spiral galaxy ESO 481-G017 to determine the nature of remote star formation traced by an HII region found 43 kpc and ~800 km s^-1 from the galaxy center (in projection). ESO 481-G017 is found to have a 120 kpc HI disk with a mass of 1.2x10^10 Msun and UV GALEX images reveal spiral arms extending into the gaseous disk. Two dwarf galaxies with HI masses close to 10^8 Msun are detected at distances of ~200 kpc from ESO 481-G017 and a HI cloud with a mass of 6x10^7 Msun is found near the position and velocity of the remote HII region. The HII region is somewhat offset from the HI cloud spatially and there is no link to ESO 481-G017 or the dwarf galaxies. We consider several scenarios for the origin of the cloud and HII region and find the most likely is a dwarf galaxy that is undergoing ram pressure stripping. The HI mass of the cloud and Halpha luminosity of the HII region (10^38.1 erg s^-1) are consistent with dwarf galaxy properties, and the stripping can trigger the star formation as well as push the gas away from the stars.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PAS

    A blind HI survey of the M81 group

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    Results are presented of the first blind HI survey of the M81 group of galaxies. The data were taken as part of the HI Jodrell All Sky Survey (HIJASS). The survey reveals several new aspects to the complex morphology of the HI distribution in the group. All four of the known dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies close to M81 can be unambiguously seen in the HIJASS data. Each forms part of the complex tidal structure in the area. We suggest that at least three of these galaxies may have formed recently from the tidal debris in which they are embedded. The structure connecting M81 to NGC2976 is revealed as a single tidal bridge of mass approx. 2.1 x 10^8 Msol and projected spatial extent approx. 80 kpc. Two `spurs' of HI projecting from the M81 complex to lower declinations are traced over a considerably larger spatial and velocity extent than by previous surveys. The dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies BK5N and Kar 64 lie at the spatial extremity of one of these features and appear to be associated with it. We suggest that these may be the remnants of dIrrs which has been stripped of gas and transmuted into dEs by close gravitational encounters with NGC3077. The nucleated dE galaxy Kar 61 is unambiguously detected in HI for the first time and has an HI mass of approx.10^8 Msol, further confirming it as a dE/dIrr transitional object. HIJASS has revealed one new possible group member, HIJASS J1021+6842. This object contains approx. 2 x 10^7 Msol of HI and lies approx.105arcmin from IC2574. It has no optical counterpart on the Digital Sky Survey.Comment: To be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters 9 pages, including 3 figure

    An Extragalactic HI Cloud with No Optical Counterpart?

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    We report the discovery, from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS), of an isolated cloud of neutral hydrogen which we believe to be extragalactic. The HI mass of the cloud (HIPASS J1712-64) is very low, 1.7 x 10^7 Msun, using an estimated distance of ~3.2 Mpc. Most significantly, we have found no optical companion to this object to very faint limits (mu(B)~ 27 mag arcsec^-2). HIPASS J1712-64 appears to be a binary system similar to, but much less massive than, HI 1225+01 (the Virgo HI Cloud) and has a size of at least 15 kpc. The mean velocity dispersion, measured with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), is only 4 km/s for the main component and because of the weak or non-existent star-formation, possibly reflects the thermal linewidth (T<2000 K) rather than bulk motion or turbulence. The peak column density for HIPASS J1712-64, from the combined Parkes and ATCA data, is only 3.5 x 10^19 cm^-2, which is estimated to be a factor of two below the critical threshold for star formation. Apart from its significantly higher velocity, the properties of HIPASS J1712-64 are similar to the recently recognised class of Compact High Velocity Clouds. We therefore consider the evidence for a Local Group or Galactic origin, although a more plausible alternative is that HIPASS J1712-64 was ejected from the interacting Magellanic Cloud/Galaxy system at perigalacticon ~ 2 x 10^8 yr ago.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, AJ accepte

    The Large Scale Distribution of Neutral Hydrogen in the Fornax Region

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    Using HIPASS data, we have searched for HI in a ~25x25 sq.deg. region centred on the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300 - 3700 km/s and a lower flux limit of ~40 mJy, 110 galaxies with HI emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further 4 velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than ~90% of our HI galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30 deg across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of ~20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by \~500 km/s from SE to NW. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our HI detections. Our results suggest a considerable deficit of HI-rich galaxies in the centre of the cluster. However, relative to the field, there is a 3(+/-1)-fold excess of HI-rich galaxies in the outer parts of the cluster where galaxies may be infalling towards the cluster for the first time.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 110 HI spectra. To be published in MNRA

    The disruption of nearby galaxies by the Milky Way

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    Interactions between galaxies are common and are an important factor in determining their physical properties such as position along the Hubble sequence and star-formation rate. There are many possible galaxy interaction mechanisms, including merging, ram-pressure stripping, gas compression, gravitational interaction and cluster tides. The relative importance of these mechanisms is often not clear, as their strength depends on poorly known parameters such as the density, extent and nature of the massive dark halos that surround galaxies. A nearby example of a galaxy interaction where the mechanism is controversial is that between our own Galaxy and two of its neighbours -- the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Here we present the first results of a new HI survey which provides a spectacular view of this interaction. In addition to the previously known Magellanic Stream, which trails 100 degrees behind the Clouds, the new data reveal a counter-stream which lies in the opposite direction and leads the motion of the Clouds. This result supports the gravitational model in which leading and trailing streams are tidally torn from the body of the Magellanic Clouds.Comment: 17 pages with 5 figures in gif format, scheduled for publication in the August 20th, 1998 issue of Natur

    New Galaxies Discovered in the First Blind HI Survey of the Centaurus A Group

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    We have commenced a 21-cm survey of the entire southern sky (\delta < 0 degrees, -1200 km/s < v < 12700 km/s) which is ''blind'', i.e. unbiased by previous optical information. In the present paper we report on the results of a pilot project which is based on data from this all-sky survey. The project was carried out on an area of 600 square degrees centred on the nearby Centaurus A (Cen A) group of galaxies at a mean velocity of v ~ 500 km/s. This was recently the subject of a separate and thorough optical survey. We found 10 new group members to add to the 21 galaxies already known in the Cen A group: five of these are previously uncatalogued galaxies, while five were previously catalogued but not known to be associated with the group. We found optical counterparts for all the HI detections, most of them intrinsically very faint low surface brightness dwarfs. The new group members add approximately 6% to the HI mass of the group and 4% to its light. The HI mass function, derived from all the known group galaxies in the interval 10^7 \Msun of HI to 10^9 \Msun of HI, has a faint-end slope of 1.30 +/- 0.15, allowing us to rule out a slope of 1.7 at 95% confidence. Even if the number in the lowest mass bin is increased by 50%, the slope only increases to 1.45 +/- 0.15.Comment: 19 pages Latex, 6 figures (Fig. 2 in four parts, Fig.5 in two parts). To appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 524, October 1999
