13 research outputs found

    A retrospective, observational, single center study of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist protocols at the Reproductive Center of Farah Hospital in Jordan

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    Background: Data on infertility and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are incomplete and uncertain in Jordan and worldwide because of difficulties in evaluating infertility in the general population. This study aimed at comparing the effectiveness of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH-a) long and short protocols as part of IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.Methods: This observational, retrospective, comparative, longitudinal study was conducted in a reproductive center in Jordan. It reviewed data charts from women who took GnRH-a for IVF, from 2010 to 2013. These were categorized in Group A (long-term GnRH-a: single 3.75 mg-monthly injection) or Group B (short-term GnRH-a: multiple daily 0.1 mg injections). The primary endpoint was the rate of ongoing clinical pregnancy (number of pregnancies/number of women) and live birth rate in fresh cycle/protocols.Results: Out of 1,946 eligible women, 471 underwent the long-term treatment of GnRH-a administration and 1,523 the short-term treatment. The women’s mean age was 29.61±3.80 years old. Out of the 471 women in Group A, 216 (45.9%) women had ongoing clinical pregnancy, of whom 69 (31.9%) had live births. In the short-protocol group, 485 (31.8%) women had ongoing clinical pregnancy, of whom 133 (27.4%) had live births.Conclusions: GnRH-a long protocol is more effective than the short protocol regardless of the agonist formulation used in subfertile women/men who underwent IVF/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection

    The Degree of Managerial Transparency Practice among Public Schools’ Principles at Zarqa Governorate in Jordan

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    This study aimed at identifying the degree of managerial transparency practice among the governmental schools' principals working in ZarqaDirectorate from the perspective of art teachers. The study sample consisted of all the 33 art teachers working in the Jordanian public schools of Russaifa Directorate/ Zarqa. For the purpose of collecting data, a questionnaire for "the degree of managerial transparency" was prepared, consisting of (32) items and then its validity and reliability were proven. The results of the study showed that The degree of managerial transparency was high, there were no significant differences at the significance in the degree of managerial transparency due to gender and experience

    An examination of the attitudes of downsized employees towards the downsizing process : the case of ESTEDA'A

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    This study explores employees' attitudes to, and perceptions of, ESTEDA'A, which is a downsizing method used in downsizing the Jordanian Civil Service. This study compares and contrasts the perceptions of employees who have been downsized by the method of ESTEDA'A regarding its organisational justice, and considers the moderating role of ESTEDA'A type (voluntary or compulsory) in reducing negative attitudes towards downsizing. Research was undertaken in a positivist paradigm. The employees' perceptions and attitudes were assessed in respect of the organisational justice associated with ESTEDA'A, which has two facets: distributive justice and procedural justice. Several factors that potentially affect these perceptions were " identified from the literature of downsizing and organisational justice. Consequently, nine hypotheses were formed and statistically tested to achieve the aims of this study. The required data were collected via self-administered postal questionnaire, which was sent to a stratified-systemic-random sample of 843 (30% of the population) ex-civil servants who have been awarded ESTEDA'A (ESTEDA'A leavers), stratified by the year of awarding ESTEDA'A. Response rate was 36% (= 306/843) of the sample and 58% (= 306/522) of the active sample (sample size less unreachable and ineligible cases). The findings indicate that when compared to compulsory cases, voluntary cases reported more positive attitudes to, and perceptions of, ESTEDA'A. The only exception was the perceived distributive justice. Working after ESTEDA'A, conditional upon wanting to work, significantly influenced the perceptions of distributive. justice and procedural justice. Unemployment rates, conditional upon working after ESTEDA'A, significantly influenced the perceived distributive justice, but not procedural justice. Within those who worked after ESTEDA'A, the new job level and type, significantly contributed to the variances in the perceived distributive justice (7.7%) and procedural justice (6.2%). Other results were found. It was concluded that the experienced decision control might hinder the effect of justification on the judgment of distributive justice and procedural justice

    Changing God’s Creation through Plastic Surgeries

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    أهداف البحث: يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة مدى اعتبار التغيير للحسن والجمال وصفًا يصلح للتعليل؛ ليُقاس عليه كل ما هو جديد في المسألة. منهج الدراسة: اتبع الباحثان المنهج الاستقرائي والتحليلي والنقدي المقارن؛ لإنجاز أهداف الدراسة والإجابة عن مشكلتها. النتائج: توصلنا إلى عدة نتائج من أهمها: أن التزين والتجمل يعد من العادات والمعاملات، وهو مما يلتفت فيه إلى المعاني والتعليل والقياس، وليس في وصف "تغيير خلق الله" نص يدل عليه صراحة أو دلالة، أو إجماع، كما لا يصلح عِلَّة يُبنى عليها حكم عمليات التجميل التحسينية، فلا بد من البحث عن علة أخرى تصلح لبناء الحكم عليها. أصالة البحث: امتاز هذا البحث بتناوله مسألة التعليل بوصف تغيير خلق الله من ناحية أصولية، واختبار هذا الوصف وعرضه على مسالك العلة؛ لمعرفة مدى صلوحه لأن يكون عِلَّة ابتداء، قبل البحث في ضابطه وتحديد معناه.Purpose: This study aims to examine the extent to which change for the good and beautiful could be considered a description fit for explanation to measure all that is novel in this issue. Methodology: The researcher relies on the comparative inductive, analytical and critical methodology to accomplish the objectives of the study and answer its problem. Findings: The study reaches several conclusions, the most important of which: that adornment and beautification are habits and social transactions, in which meanings, explanation and measurement are turned to. There is nothing that refers to that issue explicitly or implicitly in the explanation of "changing God's creation". Neither is there any consensus. This is not fit also to be a reason on which Fiqhi opinion of aesthetic cosmetic operations could be based. It is then necessary to search for another reason suitable for building the opinion on. Originality: This study is characterized by its handling of the issue of reasoning by using the description of “changing God's creation” from a fundamental perspective. The study also tests this description and looks in to it where the modes of reasoning is concerned to determine the extent to which it could be considered as a reason in the first place, before studying its controls and defining its meaning

    Deliberate transmission of infectious diseases

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    In This research, entitled (deliberate transmission of infectious diseases). we talked about the concept of infectious diseases and their seriousness in weakening the immune system of the body, the types of these infectious diseases, the organisms causing them, and the role of Islam and its approach in taking preventive measures to prevent the transmission of diseases. We have also tackled the jurists\u27 verification of infection, ways of transmission and the judgement on intention concerning who deliberately intends to transmit infection to an identical person or whole community. Consequently, whenever the infection is fatal which embodied in the scope of deliberately homicide it requires penalty, but whenever it includes the whole community, it requires banditry penalty

    Towards Practical Model of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Implementation in E-Government in Jordan: Field Assessment*

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    Purpose: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the adoption of Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach in E-Government programs in Jordan which is considered a developing country, by evaluating the second stage of the three-stage model of PPP developed by (Al-Shqairat, 2009).  Design/methodology/approach: A mixed quantitative and qualitative research approach was adopted. Qualitative data was collected using semi structured interviews with eleven IT managers working in public organizations. Quantitative data, on the other hand, was collected using a questionnaire designed and validated for the current study. A total of 109 questionnaires were distributed to participant working in 13 different public entities. These participants were also directly involved in Public Private Partnership projects in these entities. The response rate of 56.88% percent was adequate for accuracy and the results were useful and representative of the target population. The questionnaire data was analyzed using parametric statistics including mean analysis.Findings: The main findings of this study shows significant support for the proposed implementation stage. Furthermore, the survey and the interview analysis highlighted that the benefits and obstacles are more important than any other aspect of the implementation stage. Originality/ value: This study is one of the few studies that attempted to propose and validate an empirical model of PPP Implementation in E-Government projects that could be adopted by governments while planning for a successful PPP approach in implementing E-Government initiatives in specific or an ICT related projects. Keywords: Public Private Partnership (PPP) implementation; E-Government; Jordan; Public Sector, Private Sector, PPP forms, PPP mechanisms

    Education Management During COVID-19 : A Single Case Study of Swedish Higher Education Institute Jönköping University

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    Background:COVID-19 is the most discussed topic since the beginning of the year. Moreover, today's society faces various problems caused by the COVID-19 crisis requiring new knowledge and strategies since various social institutions are affected in different ways, and the education system is included between these institutions. In fact, higher education institutions witnessed a huge transition from traditional classroom-based teaching to a virtual approach and online education. While higher education may have transformed and moved to online due to COVID-19, it is unknown whether the transition resulted in a changeddirectionfor education management. Purpose:This study aims to take a deeper look into how students and teachers are affected by COVID-19 for a higher education institution in Sweden by seeking through how online platforms are used and how it is affecting the users of education. Moreover, the study aims to know what changed in management practices and grading strategies fora sustainable university education quality during pandemics and emergencies. Method:Fulfilling the purpose, qualitative research design gathering empirical data by conducting semi-structured interviews with both students and teachers and taking a single case study approach for Swedish higher education Institute (Jönköping University) using the benefit of various perspectives from different schools that Jönköping University has. Also, higher education in Sweden combines the perspective from both students and teachers as it is on the concept 'freedom with responsibility' with students mainly pursuing their studies on their own or in groups and not focusing on the teacher perspective only. Another unique asset for Sweden higher education is the possibility to access all data collected about schools and students, such as grades which are classified as secondary data. Conclusion:The results show that thetransition affected the education managementsince it impactedthe organizing and communicating. Thenresults showed some factors,such as an earlier experienceplayed a role inadapting education management changessincea new concept of teaching developed withinthis transition with adapted teaching strategies,and students responded to that byimproved learning plans. Anothermain finding ineducation management aspects is the grading strategieswhereit was found that the criteria did not change,but exams got modified,leading to changesin thegradepatternsthat can be described as unnormal. All of that was concluded in a frameworkaccording toour findings and research work

    Promoting Transfer of Learning across Complex Scientific Domains of Knowledge

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    Abstract This study explores the efficient way to restructure students' misconception in complex domains of knowledge, in which such restructuring would allow transferring students' conceptual knowledge into other related complex domains. The sample consisted of 16 graduate students studying a course in developing curriculum. Those students had been assigned randomly into two groups (8 students each)