360 research outputs found

    Bułgarskie błędy ortograficzne w języku polskim i ich podłoże

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    Niniejszy artykuł stanowi uzupełnienie referatu Bułgarskie interferencje fonetyczne w języku polskim a błąd glottodydaktyczny [na materiale prac pisemnych studentów bułgarskich), zaprezentowanego na konferencji odbywającej się w dniach 14. 09. - 16. 09.2000 w Cieszynie. W referacie tym omówione zostały między innymi błędy w zakresie dystrybucji spółgłosek miękkich i samogłosek nosowych.Każdego roku w Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców przy Uniwersytecie Łódzkim wielu młodych ludzi z całego świata rozpoczyna naukę języka polskiego. W zależności od swoich wcześniejszych doświadczeń glottodydaktycznych w zakresie nauki tego języka, uczęszczają na zajęcia odbywające się w Studium przez miesiąc w ramach tak zwanej sesji orientacyjnej, w trakcie której ocenie poddawane są ich umiejętności językowe lub przez cały rok akademicki (od października do czerwca). Rokrocznie w gronie obcojęzycznych studentów Studium przebywa kilku studentów z Bułgarii - wybrane typy błędów, popełniane przez nich w języku polskim, stanowią przedmiot opisu niniejszego artykułu.Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Determinants of the return on equity ratio (ROE) on the example of companies from metallurgy and mining sector in Poland

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    The purpose of this article is to present the possibilities of analyzing popular among investors ratio of ROE and identification the determinants of its growth or decline. Traditionally, according to the DuPont formula three indicators are presented as the primary determinants of ROE. The paper shows the possibility of a broader look at the issue and use of the five factors affecting the ROE. This approach reveals that, using various financial and operational strategies one can influence ROE. The analysis was conducted on the example of two Polish companies from mining and metallurgy sector

    Determinants of the return on equity ratio (ROE) on the example of companies from metallurgy and mining sector in Poland

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    The purpose of this article is to present the possibilities of analyzing popular among investors ratio of ROE and identification the determinants of its growth or decline. Traditionally, according to the DuPont formula three indicators are presented as the primary determinants of ROE. The paper shows the possibility of a broader look at the issue and use of the five factors affecting the ROE. This approach reveals that, using various financial and operational strategies one can influence ROE. The analysis was conducted on the example of two Polish companies from mining and metallurgy sector

    El concepto de la Primera Causa en el Segundo Libro del Periphyseon de Juan Escoto Eriúgena

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    The aim of this paper is to present the Eriugenian concept of the First Cause as developed in Book Two of his Periphyseon. The paper begins with Eriugena’s fourfold division of nature, and focuses upon his concept of the second form of nature, which consists of primordial causes. Eriugena’s view that God the Father has established in the Beginning, i.e. in His Son, the primordial causes of everything that are at once eternal and created, has led to many misconceptions and accusations of pantheism and subordinationism. These problems can be resolved against the background of Eriugena’s interpretations of Divine creative activity as well as his Trinitarian considerations

    Challenges of sustainable development in the mining and metallurgy sector in Poland

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    The purpose of this article is to present the degree of involvement of Polish companies from the mining and metallurgical industry in activities for sustainable development. Various initiatives, which aim to promote sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are discussed. ISO 26000 is the recognized international standard for CSR and it forms the basis for sustainable development. The paper also presents problems of integrated reporting of CSR activities and an index of socially responsible companies which is the Respect Index, introduced by the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Two presented companies from the analysed sector are listed by the Respect Index

    War Algorithms in Modern Deliberative Democracies: Parliamentary Technology Assessment as a Public Conscience Discovery Tool?

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    This paper is focused on the intersection of public international law and parliamentary assessment of technologies in the context of discussions on the lethal applications of artificial intelligence. The authors discuss the ‘public conscience requirements’ of the Martens clause as an opportunity to increase the legitimacy of international law by including qualified public opinion in the international law-making process. This is particularly important in the case of controversial technologies such as lethal autonomous weapons systems, which have a fundamental impact on warfare and the application of which comes with both unprecedented benefits and as well as risks for humankind. The authors advocate the actual use of the Parliamentary Technology Assessment (PTA) mechanism as a method based on democratic deliberation and participation, which – especially in times of disinformation and fake news – can provide a reliable source of information and sights for both policy makers as well as the general public. PTA can be also seen as an institutionalised channel allowing civil society to exercise oversight over disruptive military technologies

    Economic value added in metallurgy and mining sector in Poland

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    Economic change and increased competition in such a difficult sector as mining and metallurgy sector requires updating the existing methods of measuring the value of a company. Supporters of the shareholder value theory believe that the only aim of the company is to increase the value for the owners. Hence there is a need to indicate the measurement value of the determinant. The paper pointed out the need to adapt the tools of measurement to the current expectations and demands of the market. Among different measures Economic Value Added (EVA) is increasingly used. EVA indicates the ability of companies to generate economic value for the owners of capital

    Conditions for sustainable growth (SGR) for companies from metallurgy and mining sector in Poland

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    The purpose of the article was to show that the growth of the company cannot constitute a goal in itself. It must be confronted with the actual capabilities of the growth of the company and the conditions for obtaining any funds that could finance this growth. The paper presents fundamental relations that management must take into account so as to develop in sustainable way. In each case, an overview of the various options must be taken in order to choose the optimal solution in the existing conditions. The analysis was conducted on the example of two companies from the mining and metallurgical sector listed on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw

    Eriugeny koncepcja powrotu: dzieło natury czy łaski?

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    This paper tackles upon John Scottus Eriugena’s concept of the return while presenting it against the background of the Neoplatonic teaching about return (epistrophe). The return belongs to the conceptual triad: mone-proodos-epistrophe which used to serve Neoplatonic thinkers to describe the structure of reality and its dependence on the First Cause. In the system of Eriugena who bequeathed that very teaching from the Christian Neoplatonists (Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor, Gregory of Nyssa), we talk about the return on metaphysical and mystical level in addition to the general return (reditus generalis) and the return of the elects (reditus specialis). Eriugena indicates the cyclical processes in the whole nature but at the same time he stresses that the return is caused by divine grace and the very condition of its possibility is the fact of taking fl esh (incarnatio) and taking human nature (inhumanatio) by Jesus Christ.This paper tackles upon John Scottus Eriugena’s concept of the return while presenting it against the background of the Neoplatonic teaching about return (epistrophe). The return belongs to the conceptual triad: mone-proodos-epistrophe which used to serve Neoplatonic thinkers to describe the structure of reality and its dependence on the First Cause. In the system of Eriugena who bequeathed that very teaching from the Christian Neoplatonists (Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor, Gregory of Nyssa), we talk about the return on metaphysical and mystical level in addition to the general return (reditus generalis) and the return of the elects (reditus specialis). Eriugena indicates the cyclical processes in the whole nature but at the same time he stresses that the return is caused by divine grace and the very condition of its possibility is the fact of taking fl esh (incarnatio) and taking human nature (inhumanatio) by Jesus Christ

    O arabskich kobietach okiem Nadine Labaki

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    Nadine Labaki is one of the best-known female filmmakers and actor in the Arab world. Labaki’s fame has reached Poland as well as other European countries. Her film “Carmel” released in 2007 has many fans – especially female – while her second movie – “Where do we go now?” (2011) was broadcasted in Polish Arthouse Cinemas Network where it has received very enthusiastic reviews. Labaki, born in Beirut, graduated from Saint Joseph University in Beirut, where she studied in the Audiovisual Art Department. Her graduation film ’11 Rout Pasteur’ won the Best Short Film Award at the Biennale of Arab Cinema at the Arab World Institute in Paris in 1997. Labaki’s films tell the story of women – heroines in the male world. This warm and humorous works show the great strength hidden in Lebanese women who are fighting relentlessly against the patriarchal reality in small villages in Lebanon. Labaki is careful observer, but on the other hand, she manages to keep the distance that allows her to describe her homeland with suitable objectivity. In this paper, author presents Labaki’s films in context of stereotypes and taboos that are still noticeable in patriarchal culture in modern Lebanon.Nadine Labaki to jedna z niewielu reżyserek i aktorek arabskich, o ile nie jedyna, której sława dotarła także do Polski. Jej film „Karmel” (2007) doczekał się wiernego grona wielbicieli – choć raczej wielbicielek, a film „Dokąd teraz?” (2011) wyświetlany był w polskich kinach studyjnych, zbierając wiele pozytywnych recenzji. Labaki, urodzona w Bejrucie, ukończyła tamtejszy Uniwersytet Świętego Józefa na Wydziale Studiów Audiowizualnych, zaś jej film dyplomowy zdobył w 1997 roku nagrodę dla najlepszego filmu krótkometrażowego na Biennale Kina Arabskiego w Instytucie Świata Arabskiego w Paryżu. Filmy Labaki traktują o kobietach – bohaterkach w świecie mężczyzn. Niezwykle ciepłe i humorystyczne obrazy ukazują ogromną siłę, która tkwi w libańskich kobietach, nieustępliwie toczących małe wojny w patriarchalnej rzeczywistości małych wiosek. Reżyserka jest z jednej strony wnikliwą obserwatorką, z drugiej zaś udaje jej się zachować dystans, który pomaga opisywać rodzinny kraj. W tekście omówiona zostaje filmowa twórczość Labaki odczytana w kontekście stereotypów i tabu obecnego we współczesnej patriarchalnej kulturze Libanu.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00