28 research outputs found

    The impact of brand relationship and perceived quality on brand loyalty in the emerging market context of Vietnam

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    Brand loyalty is critical to business and marketing strategy as it provides competitive advantages for companies. With marketing shifting its emphasis from marketing mix to relationships, research on brand loyalty has focused on approaches to build consumer–brand relationships that are conducive to fostering brand loyalty. However, as consumer–brand relationships are complex and research into this phenomenon proliferates, the task of building and managing brand relationships for marketers is challenging. Little attention has been paid to consumer–brand relationships in emerging markets. Given its enormous market opportunities and intensified competition, Vietnam presents an opportunity for research on consumer–brand relationships that will provide marketers with insights into developing effective relationship-building strategies aiming at fostering brand loyalty. The purpose of this research therefore is to examine empirically the relevance of various dimensions of brand relationship in the context of an emerging market. Based on a review of related literature, a theoretical model was developed to examine the impact of brand identification, brand trust, brand relationship quality, and perceived quality on brand loyalty. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative methods, with the latter being the dominant approach. The qualitative stage used in-depth interviews to determine the relevance of existing constructs in the theoretical model in the context of Vietnam. A mall-intercept survey was conducted in the two largest cities in Vietnam, with 400 consumers who gave responses to the constructs’ measurement scales in relation to clothing brands bought in the last six months. The measurement scales used in the survey were assessed and refined, and then the theoretical model and hypotheses were tested. The results indicated that brand trust and brand relationship quality are the two important antecedents of brand loyalty, with brand trust showing the largest effect. In addition, the effect of brand identification on brand loyalty was mediated mostly by brand trust or by brand relationship quality. The results also showed that the effect of perceived quality on brand loyalty was mostly mediated by brand trust. The findings emphasised the importance of brand identification and perceived quality in brand loyalty. The mean scores obtained from descriptive statistics also suggested that for clothing products, Vietnamese consumers are not very emotionally attached to their brands. The current research contributes to the literature on consumer–brand relationships and emerging markets with empirical evidence from Vietnam. The results have practical implications for marketers in Vietnam, suggesting that they should focus not only on standard marketing mix strategies to enhance positive perceptions of a brand, but also on building strong consumer–brand relationships. It is suggested that the interpretation of the results should take into account limitations in terms of the design and setting of this research. More research is required to address the limitations of this research as well as to extend the body of literature by considering longitudinal designs and replicating the tests in different categories of consumer product and service as well as in different emerging and transitional markets

    The impact of brand relationship and perceived quality on brand loyalty in the emerging market context of Vietnam

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    Brand loyalty is critical to business and marketing strategy as it provides competitive advantages for companies. With marketing shifting its emphasis from marketing mix to relationships, research on brand loyalty has focused on approaches to build consumer–brand relationships that are conducive to fostering brand loyalty. However, as consumer–brand relationships are complex and research into this phenomenon proliferates, the task of building and managing brand relationships for marketers is challenging. Little attention has been paid to consumer–brand relationships in emerging markets. Given its enormous market opportunities and intensified competition, Vietnam presents an opportunity for research on consumer–brand relationships that will provide marketers with insights into developing effective relationship-building strategies aiming at fostering brand loyalty. The purpose of this research therefore is to examine empirically the relevance of various dimensions of brand relationship in the context of an emerging market. Based on a review of related literature, a theoretical model was developed to examine the impact of brand identification, brand trust, brand relationship quality, and perceived quality on brand loyalty. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative methods, with the latter being the dominant approach. The qualitative stage used in-depth interviews to determine the relevance of existing constructs in the theoretical model in the context of Vietnam. A mall-intercept survey was conducted in the two largest cities in Vietnam, with 400 consumers who gave responses to the constructs’ measurement scales in relation to clothing brands bought in the last six months. The measurement scales used in the survey were assessed and refined, and then the theoretical model and hypotheses were tested. The results indicated that brand trust and brand relationship quality are the two important antecedents of brand loyalty, with brand trust showing the largest effect. In addition, the effect of brand identification on brand loyalty was mediated mostly by brand trust or by brand relationship quality. The results also showed that the effect of perceived quality on brand loyalty was mostly mediated by brand trust. The findings emphasised the importance of brand identification and perceived quality in brand loyalty. The mean scores obtained from descriptive statistics also suggested that for clothing products, Vietnamese consumers are not very emotionally attached to their brands. The current research contributes to the literature on consumer–brand relationships and emerging markets with empirical evidence from Vietnam. The results have practical implications for marketers in Vietnam, suggesting that they should focus not only on standard marketing mix strategies to enhance positive perceptions of a brand, but also on building strong consumer–brand relationships. It is suggested that the interpretation of the results should take into account limitations in terms of the design and setting of this research. More research is required to address the limitations of this research as well as to extend the body of literature by considering longitudinal designs and replicating the tests in different categories of consumer product and service as well as in different emerging and transitional markets

    Into the Gap: A Mixed Methods Study of Acculturation, Stress, and Refugee Family Functioning

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    Every day, new waves of refugees result from increasing social, political and environmental instabilities around the world. Numerous studies have detailed the various stressors and adjustment issues that refugees face when resettled in a new host society. The majority of these studies focus on individual-level variables and not on the family as a whole. Thus, more studies are needed to understand how refugee families adjust in the resettlement context in order to promote positive outcomes. Studies that have examined family-level functioning often focus on how acculturative differences increase stress in refugee families, contributing to higher levels of familial tension and conflict. This is referred to as the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. However, these adverse effects have not been found consistently. The purpose of this dyadic, mixed methods study is to address the limitations in the literature by testing the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis, and to explore the relationship between acculturation, stress and refugee family functioning. Survey results of this study did not provide support for the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. Perceived stress did not mediate the relationship between acculturation gaps and family functioning. Qualitative findings supported the notion that acculturation changes across the life course. Most tension and stress occurred during the early part of resettlement, when children were younger. As children and parents adjust to the host society, they learn and accept their differences and recognize these differences as strengths. These results and findings have important implications for service providers and resettlement agencies in establishing services that are crucial to the long-term adjustment of refugee families. Advisor: Yan R. Xi

    Into the Gap: A Mixed Methods Study of Acculturation, Stress, and Refugee Family Functioning

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    Every day, new waves of refugees result from increasing social, political and environmental instabilities around the world. Numerous studies have detailed the various stressors and adjustment issues that refugees face when resettled in a new host society. The majority of these studies focus on individual-level variables and not on the family as a whole. Thus, more studies are needed to understand how refugee families adjust in the resettlement context in order to promote positive outcomes. Studies that have examined family-level functioning often focus on how acculturative differences increase stress in refugee families, contributing to higher levels of familial tension and conflict. This is referred to as the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. However, these adverse effects have not been found consistently. The purpose of this dyadic, mixed methods study is to address the limitations in the literature by testing the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis, and to explore the relationship between acculturation, stress and refugee family functioning. Survey results of this study did not provide support for the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. Perceived stress did not mediate the relationship between acculturation gaps and family functioning. Qualitative findings supported the notion that acculturation changes across the life course. Most tension and stress occurred during the early part of resettlement, when children were younger. As children and parents adjust to the host society, they learn and accept their differences and recognize these differences as strengths. These results and findings have important implications for service providers and resettlement agencies in establishing services that are crucial to the long-term adjustment of refugee families. Advisor: Yan R. Xi

    Perceived social support networks and prosocial outcomes among Latino/a youth in the United States

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    This study examines Latino/a adolescents’ perceived sources and types of social support, and links between social support and prosocial tendencies. Latino/a adolescents (N=126) in Midwestern United States participated in the study. Respondents of higher generational status reported broader social support networks and a higher amount of overall social support compared to peers of lower generational status. Youth perceived the highest amount of social support from immediate family, followed by extended family, and lastly from non-kin individuals. Path analysis indicated that overall social support was directly and positively associated with altruistic prosocial tendencies, and directly and negatively associated with public prosocial tendencies. Social support was indirectly related to altruistic, public, dire and emotional prosocial tendencies variably mediated by empathy, perspective taking and self-efficacy. La percepción de las redes de apoyo social y resultados prosociales entre Latino / a jóvenes en los Estados Unidos de América: Resumen: Este estudio examin los fuentes y tipos de apollo social entre adolescentes Latinos/Latinas en los Estados Unidos, y la relación entre apollo social y tendencias prosociales. Los adolescentes Latinos (N=126) participaron en el estudio. Los encuestados de un estado generacional más alto reportaron redes de apollo social que eran más extensos y más apollo social en general que sus compañeros de un estado generacional más bajo. Adolescentes percibieron lo más apollo social de la familia inmediata, seguido por la familia extendida, y por ultimo de las personas en no eran de la familia. Un análisis de ruto demostró que apollo social en general se asoció directamente y positivamente con las tendencias altruistas de conductas prosociales, y se asoció directamente y negativamente con tendencias prosociales en pública. Apollo social se asoció indirectamente con tendencias prosociales de altruismo, pública, tendencias horrendas, y emoción y son mediados por empatía, toma de perspectiva, y auto-eficacia

    The contingent roles of perceived budget fairness, budget goal commitment and vertical information sharing in driving work performance

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    Drawing on equity theory, social exchange theory and goal setting theory, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the contingencies on the link between employees’ budgetary participation and their work performance. Specifically, this study addresses the research questions: whether vertical information sharing and budget goal commitment mediate the relationship between employees’ budgetary participation and their work performance; and whether employees’ perceived budget fairness can strengthen the positive effects of budgetary participation on vertical information sharing and budget goal commitment

    Las políticas de reequilibro territorial e innovación institucional en Madrid, 2015-2019

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    Lograr un mejor reparto de los recursos materiales es una tarea inseparable de una transformación institucional dirigida a un mejor reparto del poder y de la capacidad de decisión. Es preciso reconfigurar las instituciones para redefinir la relación entre estas y la ciudadanía. El espacio de cooperación entre las instituciones públicas y la sociedad civil organizada es un terreno privilegiado para lograr esa reconfiguración institucional. El Fondo de Reequilibrio Territorial se concibe como un primer paso en ese complejo camino y se relaciona con el proceso de descentralización y con el concepto de cooperación público-social. Debe entenderse en relación con otros desarrollos institucionales, como el Consejo Coordinador de los Distritos o los Foros Locales. Una tarea de estas características no puede realizarse desde un solo espacio institucional y en un solo mandato, pero en todo caso debe hacerse contando con la firme voluntad y dirección política del equipo de gobierno que quiera desempeñarla. El gobierno es una herramienta formidable para emprender un proceso de reequilibrio territorial, pero aun cuando no hay en el mismo voluntad política en este sentido existen posibilidades para estimular o condicionar la voluntad del equipo de gobierno: articular un amplio pacto entre los actores políticos, sociales, económicos, académicos, etc. que ponga la cuestión en el centro de la agenda política y eleve hasta lo impagable el coste político de seguir dando la espalda a una cuestión crucial para el futuro de la democracia.Lograr un mejor reparto de los recursos materiales es una tarea inseparable de una transformación institucional dirigida a un mejor reparto del poder y de la capacidad de decisión. Es preciso reconfigurar las instituciones para redefinir la relación entre estas y la ciudadanía. El espacio de cooperación entre las instituciones públicas y la sociedad civil organizada es un terreno privilegiado para lograr esa reconfiguración institucional.El Fondo de Reequilibrio Territorial se concibe como un primer paso en ese complejo camino y se relaciona con el proceso de descentralización y con el concepto de cooperación público-social. Debe entenderse en relación con otros desarrollos institucionales, como el Consejo Coordinador de los Distritos o los Foros Locales. Una tarea de estas características no puede realizarse desde un solo espacio institucional y en un solo mandato, pero en todo caso debe hacerse contando con la firme voluntad y dirección política del equipo de gobierno que quiera desempeñarla. El gobierno es una herramienta formidable para emprender un proceso de reequilibrio territorial, pero aun cuando no hay en el mismo voluntad política en este sentido existen posibilidades para estimular o condicionar la voluntad del equipo de gobierno: articular un amplio pacto entre los actores políticos, sociales, económicos, académicos, etc. que ponga la cuestión en el centro de la agenda política y eleve hasta lo impagable el coste político de seguir dando la espalda a una cuestión crucial para el futuro de la democracia

    Test performance of faecal occult blood testing for the detection of bowel cancer in people with chronic kidney disease (DETECT) protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In patients without kidney disease, screening is a major strategy for reducing the risk of cancer and improving the health outcomes for those who developed cancers by detecting treatable cancers at an early stage. Among those with CKD, the effectiveness, the efficacy and patients' preferences for cancer screening are unknown.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This work describes the protocol for the DETECT study examining the effectiveness, efficiency and patient's perspectives of colorectal cancer screening using immunochemical faecal occult blood testing (iFOBT) for people with CKD. The aims of the DETECT study are 1) to determine the test performance characteristics of iFOBT screening in individuals with CKD, 2) to estimate the incremental costs and health benefits of iFOBT screening in CKD compared to no screening and 3) to elicit patients' perspective for colorectal cancer screening in the CKD population. Three different study designs will be used to explore the uncertainties surrounding colorectal cancer screening in CKD. A diagnostic test accuracy study of iFOBT screening will be conducted across all stages of CKD in patients ages 35-70. Using individually collected direct healthcare costs and outcomes from the diagnostic test accuracy study, cost-utility and cost-effective analyses will be performed to estimate the costs and health benefits of iFOBT screening in CKD. Qualitative in-depth interviews will be undertaken in a subset of participants from the diagnostic test accuracy study to investigate the perspectives, experiences, attitudes and beliefs about colorectal cancer screening among individuals with CKD.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The DETECT study will target the three major unknowns about early cancer detection in CKD. Findings from our study will provide accurate and definitive estimates of screening efficacy and efficiency for colorectal cancer, and will allow better service planning and budgeting for early cancer detection in this at-risk population.</p> <p>The DETECT study is also registered with the Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12611000538943.aspx">ACTRN12611000538943</a></p

    Into the gap: A mixed methods study of acculturation, stress, and refugee family functioning

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    Every day, new waves of refugees result from increasing social, political and environmental instabilities around the world. Numerous studies have detailed the various stressors and adjustment issues that refugees face when resettled in a new host society. The majority of these studies focus on individual-level variables and not on the family as a whole. Thus, more studies are needed to understand how refugee families adjust in the resettlement context in order to promote positive outcomes. Studies that have examined family-level functioning often focus on how acculturative differences increase stress in refugee families, contributing to higher levels of familial tension and conflict. This is referred to as the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. However, these adverse effects have not been found consistently. The purpose of this dyadic, mixed methods study is to address the limitations in the literature by testing the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis, and to explore the relationship between acculturation, stress and refugee family functioning. Survey results of this study did not provide support for the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. Perceived stress did not mediate the relationship between acculturation gaps and family functioning. Qualitative findings supported the notion that acculturation changes across the life course. Most tension and stress occurred during the early part of resettlement, when children were younger. As children and parents adjust to the host society, they learn and accept their differences and recognize these differences as strengths. These results and findings have important implications for service providers and resettlement agencies in establishing services that are crucial to the long-term adjustment of refugee families

    Into the gap: A mixed methods study of acculturation, stress, and refugee family functioning

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    Every day, new waves of refugees result from increasing social, political and environmental instabilities around the world. Numerous studies have detailed the various stressors and adjustment issues that refugees face when resettled in a new host society. The majority of these studies focus on individual-level variables and not on the family as a whole. Thus, more studies are needed to understand how refugee families adjust in the resettlement context in order to promote positive outcomes. Studies that have examined family-level functioning often focus on how acculturative differences increase stress in refugee families, contributing to higher levels of familial tension and conflict. This is referred to as the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. However, these adverse effects have not been found consistently. The purpose of this dyadic, mixed methods study is to address the limitations in the literature by testing the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis, and to explore the relationship between acculturation, stress and refugee family functioning. Survey results of this study did not provide support for the acculturation gap-distress hypothesis. Perceived stress did not mediate the relationship between acculturation gaps and family functioning. Qualitative findings supported the notion that acculturation changes across the life course. Most tension and stress occurred during the early part of resettlement, when children were younger. As children and parents adjust to the host society, they learn and accept their differences and recognize these differences as strengths. These results and findings have important implications for service providers and resettlement agencies in establishing services that are crucial to the long-term adjustment of refugee families