2,345 research outputs found

    Learning in the absence of overt practice : a novel (previously unseen) stimulus can trigger retrieval of an unpracticed response

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    Skilled performance is traditionally thought to develop via overt practice. Recent research has demonstrated that merely instructed stimulus-response (S-R) bindings can influence later performance and readily transfer across response modalities. In the present study, we extended this to include instructed category-response (C-R) associations. That is, we investigated whether merely instructed C-R bindings can trigger an unpracticed response (in a different modality) on perception of a novel (previously unseen) stimulus. In a learning-test design, participants had to classify stimuli by comparing them to perceptual category templates (Experiment 1) or semantic category descriptions (Experiment 2) presented prior to each block. During learning blocks, participants had to respond manually, respond vocally, or listen passively to the correct response being spoken. A manual response was always required at test. In test blocks, the categories could either be novel or repeated from the learning block, whereas half of the stimuli were always novel and half were always repeated from the learning block. Because stimulus and category repetitions were manipulated orthogonally, it was possible to directly compare the relative contribution of S-R and C-R associations to performance. In Experiment 1, test performance was enhanced by repeating the C-R bindings independently of the stimulus. In Experiment 2, there was also evidence of an S-R repetition benefit independent of the classification. Critically, instructed associations formed in one response modality were robust to changes in the required response, even when no overt response was required during training, indicating the need to update the traditional view of associative learning

    A cue from the unconscious - masked symbols prompt spatial anticipation

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    Anticipating where an event will occur enables us to instantaneously respond to events that occur at the expected location. Here we investigated if such spatial anticipations can be triggered by symbolic information that participants cannot consciously see. In two experiments involving a Posner cueing task and a visual search task, a central cue informed participants about the likely location of the next target stimulus. In half of the trials, this cue was rendered invisible by pattern masking. In both experiments, visible cues led to cueing effects, that is, faster responses after valid compared to invalid cues. Importantly, even masked cues caused cueing effects, though to a lesser extent. Additionally, we analyzed effects on attention that persist from one trial to the subsequent trial. We found that spatial anticipations are able to interfere with newly formed spatial anticipations and influence orienting of attention in the subsequent trial. When the preceding cue was visible, the corresponding spatial anticipation persisted to an extent that prevented a noticeable effect of masked cues. The effects of visible cues were likewise modulated by previous spatial anticipations, but were strong enough to also exert an impact on attention themselves. Altogether, the results suggest that spatial anticipations can be formed on the basis of unconscious stimuli, but that interfering influences like still active spatial anticipations can suppress this effect

    A Novel Network Approach to Capture Cognition and Affect: COVID-19 Experiences in Canada and Germany

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    We tested a novel method for studying human experience (thoughts and affect). We utilized Cognitive-Affective Maps (CAMs)–an approach to visually represent thoughts and their affective connotations as networks of concepts that individuals associate with a given event. Using an innovative software tool, we recruited a comparative sample of (n = 93) Canadians and (n = 100) Germans to draw a CAM of their experience (events, thoughts, feelings) with the Covid-19 pandemic. We treated these CAM networks as a series of directed graphs and examined the extent to which their structural properties (latent and emotional) are predictive for the perceived coronavirus threat (PCT). Across multiple models, we found consistent and significant relationships between these network variables and the PCT in both the Canadian and German sample. Our results provide unique insights into individuals' thinking and perceptions of the viral outbreak. Our results also demonstrate that a network analysis of CAMs' properties is a promising method to study the relationship between human thought and affective connotation. We suggest that CAMs can bridge several gaps between qualitative and quantitative methods. Unlike when using quantitative tools (e.g., questionnaires), participants' answers are not restricted by response items as participants are free to incorporate any thoughts and feelings on the given topic. Furthermore, as compared to traditional qualitative measures, such as structured interviews, the CAM technique may better enable researchers to objectively assess and integrate the substance of a shared experience for large samples of participants

    Use of calibrated building simulation to investigate comfort conditions in a healthcare facility

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    Design activity regarding healthcare buildings must not only address the energy efficiency aspects but also account for the indoor thermal comfort conditions. Indeed, the occupants of this category of buildings are affected by different kinds of health issues. Thus, particular efforts are required in order to ensure conditions adequate for therapies and medical treatments. Simulation can be a helpful tool in designing new buildings, particularly in case of complex clinics and hospitals. When analyzing existing facilities, a proper calibration is a necessary step to reduce discrepancies between simulated and measured performance. This improves the reliability of the model itself and allows its use for many purposes, from the assessment of energy performance to the evaluation of indoor thermal comfort, under a broader range of operating conditions and use patterns. In the present contribution, a calibrated model of a healthcare facility in Vienna, Austria, was developed for the assessment of both thermal performance and comfort conditions. The facility, built in the early ‘90s with later expansions, consists of different rooms and spaces in which several therapeutic activities are performed. Long-term measurements of the air temperature were conducted every 10 minutes for the period between March and June 2015 and used for calibrating the model. During the same period, occupants were interviewed concerning their thermal comfort sensations and detailed shortterm measurements were collected to calculate thermal comfort indicators, including Fanger’s Predicted Mean Vote and Predicted Percentages of Dissatisfied. The same indices were also calculated through the calibrated simulation model and compared to experimental results and subjective evaluations. The resulting model is finally used to extrapolate the assessment of thermal comfort conditions beyond the measurement period

    Perennial rhizomatous grasses: Can they really increase species richness and abundance in arable land?—A meta-analysis

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    AbstractPerennial rhizomatous grasses (PRG), such as miscanthus and switchgrass, are considered promising lignocellulosic feedstocks. Their cultivation is expected to experience a significant increase in the near future, as it offers a wide range of benefits. For instance, when PRG replace typical annual crops, positive biodiversity impacts are usually anticipated. However, to date, there is no solid, statistically strong evidence for this hypothesis. This study aims to evaluate its validity through a meta‐analysis based on an extensive systematic literature review of research comparing biodiversity attributes in PRG and common annual crops. Dynamics of species richness and abundance in response to PRG cultivation were quantitatively evaluated drawing on 220 paired comparisons from 25 studies. This includes data on five taxonomic groups—arthropods, birds, earthworms, mammals and plants—and three PRG—miscanthus, switchgrass and reed canary grass. The results indicate that biodiversity tends to be higher in PRG cultivations relative to the reference crops, but the initial hypothesis of significantly beneficial impacts could not be confirmed. Trends were specific to the individual taxonomic groups: significantly higher biodiversity was found for plants and small mammals. Positive but insignificant trends were observed for arthropods and birds, while earthworm response was neutral and insignificant. More substantial conclusions could not be drawn, which is mainly due to the low number of studies conducting biodiversity assessments in PRG cultivations that included a comparison with annual crops. In addition, a detailed analysis of the observed responses was impaired by poor reporting of the parameters influencing biodiversity in the studies reviewed, such as planting and crop density, as well as yields. For this reason, we conclude with a call for improved data reporting in biodiversity assessments of PRG cultivations and detail requirements for future biodiversity research

    Adjustments of response speed and accuracy to unconscious cues

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    a b s t r a c t Controlling response parameters like the speed and accuracy of responses allows us to adjust our behavior according to particular situational task demands. We investigated whether exertion of cognitive control over speed-accuracy settings is not exclusively based on conscious representations, but can also be elicited by stimuli that are not consciously represented. Participants were instructed to point and click on a target, with a cue signaling before each response whether to prioritize accuracy of the response over speed, or vice versa. In half of the trials, the cue was masked to prevent a conscious representation of the cue. With visible cues, response patterns showed typical speed-accuracy tradeoffs, with faster and less accurate responses after speed cues, and slower but more accurate responses after accuracy cues. Crucially, this was found with masked cues as well. Our results are in line with recent findings on the relation of consciousness and cognitive control processes like task-set activation and response inhibition: masked cues are able to impact on cognitive control processes

    Entwicklung und Validierung eines Erwartungs- und Interessenstests (E × I - Test) zur Erkundung studienfachspezifischer Passung in einem Online-Self-Assessment

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    Realistische Erwartungen und Passung zwischen Interessen und Studieninhalten sind zentrale Ansatzpunkte bei der Steuerung von Studienwahlentscheidungen. In einem neu entwickelten fachspezifischen Erwartungs- und Interessenstest (E × I - Test) fĂŒr Psychologie werden erstmals Erwartungsdiskrepanzen und Interessen kombiniert betrachtet und dementsprechend auch ĂŒbertroffene oder enttĂ€uschte Erwartungen erfasst und rĂŒckgemeldet. Die zu den Studieninhalten des neuen Verfahrens entwickelten Items konnten annĂ€hernd perfekt den Studienfachbereichen zugeordnet werden und deckten diese weitgehend vollstĂ€ndig und gleichmĂ€ĂŸig ab. 2,033 Studieninteressierte bearbeiteten den E × I - Test im Rahmen eines Online-Self-Assessments und fĂŒhlten sich danach informierter als vorher. Insgesamt bewerteten die Studieninteressierten das neue Verfahren positiv und 94% wĂŒrden es weiterempfehlen. Auf Basis des vorgestellten Verfahrens fĂŒr das Bachelor-Psychologiestudium könnten weitere E × I - Tests fĂŒr die Orientierung in andere StudienfĂ€cher oder Berufe entwickelt und validiert werden, fĂŒr welche sowohl spezifische Interessen als auch enttĂ€uschte Erwartungen eine Rolle spielen. (DIPF/Orig.)Both, realistic expectations and fit between interests and study content are crucial to guide study choice decisions. A newly developed subject-specific Expectation-Interest Test (E × I - Test) for psychology considers, for the first time, expectation discrepancies and interests in combination. Thus, exceeded or disappointed expectations are assessed and reported back. It was shown that the newly developed items which represent study contents can be assigned almost perfectly to the study subject areas and cover them to a large extent completely and evenly. 2,033 prospective students completed the E × I - Test as part of an online self-assessment and felt more informed afterwards than before. Overall, prospective students rated the new procedure positively and 94% would recommend it to others. Based on the presented procedures for the bachelor psychology studies, further E × I - Tests could be developed and validated for orientation to other fields of study or professions, for which both specific interests and disappointed expectations play a role. (DIPF/Orig.

    Site impacts nutrient translocation efficiency in intraspecies and interspecies miscanthus hybrids on marginal lands

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    Miscanthus, a C4 perennial rhizomatous grass, is capable of growing in varied climates and soil types in Europe, including on marginal lands. It can produce high yields with low nutrient inputs when harvested after complete senescence. Senescence induction and rate depend on complex genetic, environmental, and management interactions. To explore these interactions, we analysed four miscanthus hybrids (two novel seed-based hybrids, GRC 3 [Miscanthus sinensis × sinensis] and GRC 14 [M. sacchariflorus × sinensis]; GRC 15, a novel M. sacchariflorus × sinensis clone; and GRC 9, a standard Miscanthus × giganteus clone) in Italy, Croatia, Germany and the UK. Over all trial locations and hybrids, the average aboveground biomass of the 3-year-old stands in August 2020 was 15 t DM ha−1 with nutrient contents of 7.6 mg N g−1 and 14.6 mg K g−1. As expected, delaying the harvest until spring reduced overall yield and nutrient contents (12 t DM ha−1, 3.3 mg N g−1, and 5.5 mg K g−1). At lower latitudes, the late-ripening M. sacchariflorus × sinensis GRC 14 and GRC 15 combined high yields with low nutrient contents. At the most elevated latitude location (UK), the early-ripening M. sinensis × sinensis combined high biomass yields with low nutrient offtakes. The clonal Miscanthus × giganteus with intermediate flowering and senescence attained similar low nutrient contents by spring harvest at all four locations. Seasonal changes in yield and nutrient levels analysed in this study provide: (1) a first step towards recommending hybrids for specific locations and end uses in Europe; (2) crucial data for determination of harvest time and practical steps in the valorization of biomass; and (3) key sustainability data for life cycle assessments. Identification of trade-offs resulting from genetic × environment × management interactions is critical for increasing sustainable biomass supply from miscanthus grown on marginal lands
