34 research outputs found

    Effect of Intensive Training on Mood With No Effect on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

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    Purpose Monitoring mood state is a useful tool for avoiding non-functional overreaching (NFOR). Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is implicated in stress-related mood disorders. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of intensified training-induced mood disturbance on plasma BDNF concentrations at rest and in response to exercise.  Methods Eight cyclists performed 1 week of normal (NT), 1 week of intensified (INT) and 1 week of recovery (REC) training. Fasted blood samples were collected before and after exercise, on day 7 of each training week and were analyzed for plasma BDNF and cortisol concentrations. A 24-item Profile Of Mood State questionnaire was administered on day 7 of each training week and global mood score (GMS) was calculated. Results Time trial performance was impaired during INT (p=0.01) and REC (p=0.02) compared with NT. Basal plasma cortisol (NT=153±16 ng/ml, INT=130±11 ng/ml, REC=150±14 ng/ml) and BDNF (NT=484±122 pg/ml, INT=488±122 pg/ml, REC=383±56 pg/ml) concentrations were similar between training conditions. Likewise, similar exercise-induced increases in cortisol and BDNF concentrations were observed between training conditions. GMS was 32% greater during INTvs.NT (P<0.001). Conclusion Consistent with a state of functional overreaching (FOR), impairments in performance and mood state with INT were restored after one week of REC. These results support evidence that mood changes before plasma BDNF concentrations as a biochemical marker of FOR and that cortisol is not a useful marker for predicting FOR

    Enhanced Lacto-Tri-Peptide Bio-Availability by Co-Ingestion of Macronutrients

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    Some food-derived peptides possess bioactive properties, and may affect health positively. For example, the C-terminal lacto-tri-peptides Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP), Leu-Pro-Pro (LPP) and Val-Pro-Pro (VPP) (together named here XPP) are described to lower blood pressure. The bioactivity depends on their availability at the site of action. Quantitative trans-organ availability/kinetic measurements will provide more insight in C-terminal tri-peptides behavior in the body. We hypothesize that the composition of the meal will modify their systemic availability. We studied trans-organ XPP fluxes in catheterized pigs (25 kg; n=10) to determine systemic and portal availability, as well as renal and hepatic uptake of a water-based single dose of synthetic XPP and a XPP containing protein matrix (casein hydrolyte, CasH). In a second experiment (n=10), we compared the CasH-containing protein matrix with a CasH-containing meal matrix and the modifying effects of macronutrients in a meal on the availability (high carbohydrates, low quality protein, high fat, and fiber). Portal availability of synthetic XPP was 0.08 ± 0.01% of intake and increased when a protein matrix was present (respectively 3.1, 1.8 and 83 times for IPP, LPP and VPP). Difference between individual XPP was probably due to release from longer peptides. CasH prolonged portal bioavailability with 18 min (absorption half-life, synthetic XPP: 15 ± 2 min, CasH: 33 ± 3 min, p<0.0001) and increased systemic elimination with 20 min (synthetic XPP: 12 ± 2 min; CasH: 32 ± 3 min, p<0.0001). Subsequent renal and hepatic uptake is about 75% of the portal release. A meal containing CasH, increased portal 1.8 and systemic bioavailability 1.2 times. Low protein quality and fiber increased XPP systemic bioavailability further (respectively 1.5 and 1.4 times). We conclude that the amount and quality of the protein, and the presence of fiber in a meal, are the main factors that increase the systemic bioavailability of food-derived XPP

    Ontwikkeling van een meetlat voor immuuncompetentie in varkens, vleeskuikens en vleeskalveren

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    Het doel van dit project is om een “meetlat” te ontwikkelen die de effecten van (voedings)interventies gericht op de verbetering van de immuuncompetentie van varkens, pluimvee en vleeskalveren kan vaststellen. Immuuncompetentie is binnen dit project gedefinieerd als het vermogen van dieren om effectieve responsen van het immuunsysteem te tonen op het moment dat de gezondheid van het dier onder druk wordt gezet. Een meetlat voor immuuncompetentie kan in de toekomst door de diervoedingssector gebruikt worden bij de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van nieuwe voerconcepten, ingrediënten en additieven gericht op de verbetering en ondersteuning van diergezondheid. Het is bekend dat de samenstelling van de voeding van jonge dieren invloed heeft op de functionele ontwikkeling van het maagdarmkanaal en op de samenstelling van de daarin aanwezige microbiota. De interacties tussen de microbiota en de weefsels van het darmkanaal (cross talk) hebben een belangrijke invloed op de ontwikkeling van immuuncompetentie. Daarom wordt in dit project gefocust op de effecten van (voedings)interventies op de microbiota, genexpressie veranderingen in darmweefsel, en morfologische en immunologische veranderen in de darm. De hier gepresenteerde meetlat voor immuuncompetentie is gebaseerd op de resultaten van onderzoek binnen het VDI programma van Feed4Foodure (projecten VDI-11; vleeskuikens, VDI-12; biggen, VDI- 13; gespeende biggen en kalveren) waarin m.b.v. model interventies de effecten van variatie in voersamenstelling op de microbiota samenstelling in het darmkanaal, de biologische responsen van darmweefsel en de zoötechnische dierprestaties zijn onderzocht. In de hier gepresenteerde meetlat worden gemeten effecten in deze studies aan elkaar gerelateerd en functioneel inzichtelijk gemaakt. Dit rapport beschrijft de ontwikkeling en totstandkoming van een eerste versie van de meetlat. Hierbij worden gemaakte keuzes, beperkingen en mogelijkheden van de meetlat bediscussieerd. Tenslotte wordt inzicht gegeven in de mogelijkheden tot verdere verfijningen en de toepasbaarheid van de meetlat

    Multi-country metabolic signature discovery for chicken health classification

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    Introduction: To decrease antibiotic resistance, their use as growth promoters in the agricultural sector has been largely abandoned. This may lead to decreased health due to infectious disease or microbiome changes leading to gut inflammation. Objectives: We aimed to generate a m/z signature classifying chicken health in blood, and obtain biological insights from the resulting m/z signature. Methods: We used direct infusion mass-spectrometry to determine a machine-learned metabolomics signature that classifies chicken health from a blood sample. We then challenged the resulting models by investigating the classification capability of the signature on novel data obtained at poultry houses in previously unseen countries using a Leave-One-Country-Out (LOCO) cross-validation strategy. Additionally, we optimised the number of mass/charge (m/z) values required to maximise the classification capability of Random Forest models, by developing a novel ranking system based on combined univariate t-test and fold-change analyses and building models based on this ranking through forward and reverse feature selection. Results: The multi-country and LOCO models could classify chicken health. Both resulting 25-m/z and 3784-m/z signatures reliably classified chicken health in multiple countries. Through mummichog enrichment analysis on the large m/z signature, we found changes in amino acid metabolism, including branched chain amino acids and polyamines. Conclusion: We reliably classified chicken health from blood, independent of genetic-, farm-, feed- and country-specific confounding factors. The 25-m/z signature can be used to aid development of a per-metabolite panel. The extended 3784-m/z version can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the metabolic causes and consequences of low chicken health. Together, they may facilitate future treatment, prevention and intervention

    Protein fermentation in the gut; implications for intestinal dysfunction in humans, pigs, and poultry

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    The amount of dietary protein is associated with intestinal disease in different vertebrate species. In humans, this is exemplified by the association between high-protein intake and fermentation metabolite concentrations in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. In production animals, dietary protein intake is associated with postweaning diarrhea in piglets and with the occurrence of wet litter in poultry. The underlying mechanisms by which dietary protein contributes to intestinal problems remain largely unknown. Fermentation of undigested protein in the hindgut results in formation of fermentation products including short-chain fatty acids, branchedchain fatty acids, ammonia, phenolic and indolic compounds, biogenic amines, hydrogen sulfide, and nitric oxide. Here, we review the mechanisms by which these metabolites may cause intestinal disease. Studies addressing how different metabolites induce epithelial damage rely mainly on cell culture studies and occasionally on mice or rat models. Often, contrasting results were reported. The direct relevance of such studies for human, pig, and poultry gut health is therefore questionable and does not suffice for the development of interventions to improve gut health. We discuss a roadmap to improve our understanding of gut metabolites and microbial species associated with intestinal health in humans and production animals and to determine whether these metabolite/bacterial networks cause epithelial damage. The outcomes of these studies will dictate proof-of-principle studies to eliminate specific metabolites and or bacterial strains and will provide the basis for interventions aiming to improve gut health.</p

    Integration of multiple gut microbiota datasets of pigs and broilers

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    Within the VDI-programme 8 microbiota datasets were generated, 5 for pigs and 3 for broilers. The aim of this research was to integrate these datasets in order to 1) identify (dis)similarities between samples of multiple pig and broiler microbiota datasets, and to 2) identify the composition of the core-microbiota of pigs and broilers (independent of intervention). The results of this integrated approach could be of relevance for the development of a ‘ruler’ for immune competence. From the results, we concluded that no clear separation was observed between the microbiota composition of pigs and broilers. Furthermore, some microbial phyla and classes were identified that were common in both pigs and broilers

    Over-toasting dehulled rapeseed meal and soybean meal, but not sunflower seed meal, increases prececal nitrogen and amino acid digesta flows in broilers

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    Poorly digestible proteins may lead to increased protein fermentation in the ceca of broilers and hence, the production of potentially harmful metabolites. To evaluate effects of protein fermentation on gut health, an experimental contrast in ileal nitrogen (N) and amino acid (AA) flow is required. Therefore, our objective was to develop a model that creates a contrast in protein fermentation by increasing the prececal flow of protein within ingredients. To this end, we used additional toasting of protein sources and evaluated the effect on prececal N and AA flows. One-day-old Ross 308 male broilers (n = 480) were divided over 6 dietary treatments, with 8 replicate pens with 10 broilers each. Diets contained 20% of a regular soybean meal (SBM), high protein sunflower seed meal (SFM) or a dehulled rapeseed meal (dRSM) as is, or heat damaged by secondary toasting at 136°C for 20 min (tSBM, tSFM, or tdRSM). Ileal and total tract digesta flows of N and AA were determined with 5 birds per pen in their third week of life using an inert marker (TiO2) in the feed. Additional toasting increased the feed conversion ratio (FCR) only in birds fed dRSM (1.39 vs. 1.31), but not SBM and SFM (interaction P = 0.047). In SBM, additional toasting increased the flow of histidine, lysine, and aspartate through the distal ileum and excreted, while in SFM it had no effect on flows of N and AA. Toasting dRSM increased the prececal flows and excretion of N (862 vs 665 and 999 vs 761 mg/d, respectively) and of the AA. Of the ingredients tested, toasting dRSM is a suitable model to increase protein flows into the hind-gut, permitting the assessment of effects of protein fermentation

    High-Intensity Training Reduces CD8+ T-cell Redistribution in Response to Exercise

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    Purpose: We examined whether exercise-induced lymphocytosis and lymphocytopenia are impaired with high-intensity training. Methods: Eight trained cyclists (V˙O2max = 64.2 &plusmn; 6.5 mL&middot;kg-1&middot;min-1) undertook 1 wk of normal-intensity training and a second week of high-intensity training. On day 7 of each week, participants performed a cycling task, consisting of 120 min of submaximal exercise followed by a 45-min time trial. Blood was collected before, during, and after exercise. CD8+ T lymphocytes (CD8+TLs) were identified, as well as CD8+TL subpopulations on the basis of CD45RA and CD27 expression. Results: High-intensity training (18,577 &plusmn; 10,984 cells per microliter &times; &sim;165 min) was associated with a smaller exercise-induced mobilization of CD8+TLs compared with normal-intensity training (28,473 &plusmn; 16,163 cells per microliter &times; &sim;165 min, P = 0.09). The response of highly cytotoxic CD8+TLs (CD45RA+CD27-) to exercise was smaller after 1 wk of high-intensity training (3144 &plusmn; 924 cells per microliter &times; &sim;165 min) compared with normal-intensity training (6417 &plusmn; 2143 cells per microliter &times; &sim;165 min, P &lt; 0.05). High-intensity training reduced postexercise CD8+TL lymphocytopenia (-436 &plusmn; 234 cells per microliter) compared with normal-intensity training (-630 &plusmn; 320 cells per microliter, P&nbsp;less than&nbsp;0.05). This was driven by a reduced egress of naive CD8+TLs (CD27+CD45RA+). High-intensity training was associated with reduced plasma epinephrine (-37%) and cortisol (-15%) responses (P&nbsp;less than&nbsp;0.05). Conclusions: High-intensity training impaired CD8+TL mobilization and egress in response to exercise. Highly cytotoxic CD8+TLs were primarily responsible for the reduced mobilization of CD8+TLs, which occurred in parallel with smaller neuroendocrine responses. The reduced capacity for CD8+TLs to leave blood after exercise with high-intensity training was accounted for primarily by naive, and also, highly cytotoxic CD8+TLs. This impaired CD8+TL redistribution in athletes undertaking intensified training may imply reduced immune surveillance