27 research outputs found

    Two-step verification method for Monte Carlo codes in biomedical optics applications

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    Significance: Code verification is an unavoidable step prior to using a Monte Carlo (MC) code. Indeed, in biomedical optics, a widespread verification procedure for MC codes is still missing. Analytical benchmarks that can be easily used for the verification of different MC routines offer an important resource.Aim: We aim to provide a two-step verification procedure for MC codes enabling the two main tasks of an MC simulator: (1) the generation of photons' trajectories and (2) the intersections of trajectories with boundaries separating the regions with different optical properties. The proposed method is purely based on elementary analytical benchmarks, therefore, the correctness of an MC code can be assessed with a one-sample t-test.Approach: The two-step verification is based on the following two analytical benchmarks: (1) the exact analytical formulas for the statistical moments of the spatial coordinates where the scattering events occur in an infinite medium and (2) the exact invariant solutions of the radiative transfer equation for radiance, fluence rate, and mean path length in media subjected to a Lambertian illumination.Results: We carried out a wide set of comparisons between MC results and the two analytical benchmarks for a wide range of optical properties (from non-scattering to highly scattering media, with different types of scattering functions) in an infinite non-absorbing medium (step 1) and in a non-absorbing slab (step 2). The deviations between MC results and exact analytical values are usually within two standard errors (i.e., t-tests not rejected at a 5% level of significance). The comparisons show that the accuracy of the verification increases with the number of simulated trajectories so that, in principle, an arbitrary accuracy can be obtained.Conclusions: Given the simplicity of the verification method proposed, we envision that it can be widely used in the field of biomedical optics.</p

    In-vivo multilaboratory investigation of the optical properties of the human head

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    The in-vivo optical properties of the human head are investigated in the 600–1100 nm range on different subjects using continuous wave and time domain diffuse optical spectroscopy. The work was performed in collaboration with different research groups and the different techniques were applied to the same subject. Data analysis was carried out using homogeneous and layered models and final results were also confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. The depth sensitivity of each technique was investigated and related to the probed region of the cerebral tissue. This work, based on different validated instruments, is a contribution to fill the existing gap between the present knowledge and the actual in-vivo values of the head optical properties

    Fractional Schrödinger Equation in the Presence of the Linear Potential

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    In this paper, we consider the time-dependent Schrödinger equation: i ∂ ψ ( x , t ) ∂ t = 1 2 ( − Δ ) α 2 ψ ( x , t ) + V ( x ) ψ ( x , t ) , x ∈ R , t &gt; 0 with the Riesz space-fractional derivative of order 0 &lt; α ≀ 2 in the presence of the linear potential V ( x ) = ÎČ x . The wave function to the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation in momentum space is given in closed form allowing the determination of other measurable quantities such as the mean square displacement. Analytical solutions are derived for the relevant case of α = 1 , which are useable for studying the propagation of wave packets that undergo spreading and splitting. We furthermore address the two-dimensional space-fractional Schrödinger equation under consideration of the potential V ( ρ ) = F · ρ including the free particle case. The derived equations are illustrated in different ways and verified by comparisons with a recently proposed numerical approach

    Continuous Sizing and Identification of Microplastics in Water

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    The pollution of the environment with microplastics in general, and in particular, the contamination of our drinking water and other food items, has increasingly become the focus of public attention in recent years. In order to better understand the entry pathways into the human food chain and thus prevent them if possible, a precise characterization of the particles concerning their size and material is indispensable. Particularly small plastic particles pose a special challenge since their material can only be determined by means of large experimental effort. In this work, we present a proof of principle experiment that allows the precise determination of the plastic type and the particle size in a single step. The experiment combines elastic light scattering (Mie scattering) with inelastic light scattering (Raman scattering), the latter being used to determine the plastic type. We conducted Monte Carlo simluations for the elastically scattered light for different kinds of plastics in a microfluidic cuvette which we could reproduce in the experiment. We were able to measure the Raman signals for different microplastics in the same measurement as the elastically scattered light and thereby determine their material. This information was used to select the appropriate Monte Carlo simulation data and to assign the correct particle size to different materials with only one calibration measurement

    Analytical solution of the correlation transport equation with static background: beyond diffuse correlation spectroscopy

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    The correlation transport equation (CTE) is the natural generalization of the theory for diffusion correlation spectroscopy and represents a more precise model when dealing with measurements of particle movement in fluids or red blood cell flow in biological tissues. Unfortunately, the CTE is not methodically used due to the complexity of finding solutions. It is shown that actually a very simple modification of the theory/software for the solution of the radiative transport equation allows one to obtain exact solutions of the CTE. The presence of a static background is also taken into account and its influence on the CTE solutions is discussed. The proposed approach permits one to easily work beyond the diffusion regime and potentially for any optical and/or physiological value. The validity of the approach is demonstrated by using "gold standard" Monte Carlo simulations

    Ex Vivo Determination of Broadband Absorption and Effective Scattering Coefficients of Porcine Tissue

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    A novel approach for precise determination of the optical scattering and absorption properties of porcine tissue using an optimized integrating sphere setup was applied. Measurements on several sample types (skin, muscle, adipose tissue, bone, cartilage, brain) in the spectral range between 400 nm and 1400 nm were performed. Due to the heterogeneity of biological samples, measurements on different individual animals as well as on different sections for each sample type were carried out. For all samples, we used an index matching method to reduce surface roughness effects and to prevent dehydration. The derived absorption spectra were used to estimate the concentration of important tissue chromophores such as water, oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, collagen and fat