31 research outputs found


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     主体的な外国語学習の場として、近年自律学習施設(self-access center)を開設する教育機関が増えている。本学でも2020年度にグローバルラウンジが開設され、今後国際学部を中心とし、本学学生の課外外国語学習を促進することを目指す。本稿では、外国語学習における学習者オートノミーの理論的背景を基に今日の自律学習施設の在り方について論じる。また、「学習者主導のコミュニティ形成」「学習者の『個』に寄り添った言語学習アドバイジング」そして「ICTを活用したボーダレス学習」の観点から、国内外の自律学習施設における取り組みを紹介し、結びとして本学グローバルラウンジ活性化に向けた提言を行う


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    Long-term monitoring of the short period SU UMa-type dwarf nova, V844 Herculis

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    We report on time-resolved CCD photometry of four outbursts of a short-period SU UMa-type dwarf nova, V844 Herculis. We successfully determined the mean superhump periods to be 0.05584(64) days, and 0.055883(3) for the 2002 May superoutburst, and the 2006 April-May superoutburst, respectively. During the 2002 October observations, we confirmed that the outburst is a normal outburst, which is the first recorded normal outburst in V844 Her. We also examined superhump period changes during 2002 May and 2006 April-May superoutbursts, both of which showed increasing superhump period over the course of the plateau stage. In order to examine the long-term behavior of V844 Her, we analyzed archival data over the past ten years since the discovery of this binary. Although photometry is not satisfactory in some superoutbursts, we found that V844 Her showed no precursors and rebrightenings. Based on the long-term light curve, we further confirmed V844 Her has shown almost no normal outbursts despite the fact that the supercycle of the system is estimated to be about 300 days. In order to explain the long-term light curves of V844 Her, evaporation in the accretion disk may play a role in the avoidance of several normal outbursts, which does not contradict with the relatively large X-ray luminosity of V844 Her.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for PAS


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    Food Availability for First-feeding Walleye Pollock (Theragr chalcogramma) Larvae during Winter in and Near Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, as Inferred from Copepod Nauplii Abundance

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    To clarify the relationship between the food availability for pollock larvae and the hydrographic conditions in Funka Bay, horizontal distributions of water temperature, salinity and Oithona nauplii (main food for larval pollock) were investigated in winter from 2001 to 2003 in and near the bay. In January 2001 and 2003, the Oyashio coastal cold-water mass and the Tsugaru warm-water mass were co-distributed in the bay and its mouth region, but in January 2002, the Oyashio coastal cold-water mass has already exchanged with the Tsugaru warm-water mass. The median abundances of Oithona nauplii in January of each year were not different significantly. In January 2003, the density of female O. similis (main producer of Oithona nauplii) was higher in the Oyashio coastal cold-water mass than in the Tsugaru warm-water mass, while the densities of Oithona N1 in the Oyashio coastal cold-water mass and the Tsugaru marm-water mass were almost identical. These data indicate that the high activity of the individual reproduction is occurred in the Tsugaru warm water. From the results, it is considered that the warm-water temperature and the reproduction of O. similis in the Tsugaru warm-water mass in winter in Funka Bay support the larval feeding success

    Practitioner Researcher Intuition in Stimulated Recall Studies

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    Practitioner researchers have much to gain from using stimulated recall, a powerful data collection method whereby structured observations are followed by introspectively focused interviews. The close insider positions that practitioner researchers maintain, however, mean that they are liable to very powerful intuitions. Working under the assumption that intuition can benefit inquiry if it is appropriately managed, this paper offers a theoretical exploration of intuition in practitioner-led stimulated recall studies. In the first section of the paper, a review of extant literature reveals that the expertise of practitioner researchers lends credence to the quality of their intuitions. In the second section of the paper, reflective examples from the authors’ own projects illustrate the strengths that intuition can bring to stimulated recall inquiry. Finally, in the third section of the paper, discussions of the dangers of intuition highlight the very real issues that practitioner researchers face when negotiating intuitive thoughts. Two important solutions are presented in the paper: the employment of reflection to appropriately interrogate intuition, and the formulation of sound research principles upon which intuitions can positively emerge. We end the paper by offering our own contribution, the practitioner researcher intuition in stimulated recall model, a tool to support reflection upon emerging intuitions in stimulated recall research.</p