357 research outputs found

    Does Preexisting Antiplatelet Treatment Influence Postthrombolysis Intracranial Hemorrhage in Community‐treated Ischemic Stroke Patients? An Observational Study

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    Objectives Intracranial hemorrhage ( ICH ) after acute stroke thrombolysis is associated with poor outcomes. Previous investigations of the relationship between preexisting antiplatelet use and the safety of intravenous ( IV ) thrombolysis have been limited by low event rates. The objective of this study was to determine whether preexisting antiplatelet therapy increased the risk of ICH following acute stroke thrombolysis. The primary hypothesis was that antiplatelet use would not be associated with radiographic evidence of ICH after controlling for relevant confounders. Methods Consecutive cases of thrombolysis patients treated in the emergency department (ED) were identified using multiple methods. Retrospective data were collected from four hospitals from 1996 to 2004 and 24 other hospitals from 2007 to 2010 as part of a cluster‐randomized trial. The same chart abstraction tool was used during both time periods, and data were subjected to numerous quality control checks. Hemorrhages were classified using a prespecified methodology: ICH was defined as presence of hemorrhage in radiographic interpretations of follow‐up imaging (primary outcome). Symptomatic ICH ( sICH ) was defined as radiographic ICH with associated clinical worsening. A multivariable logistic regression model was constructed to adjust for clinical factors previously identified to be related to postthrombolysis ICH. Sensitivity analyses were conducted where the unadjusted and adjusted results from this study were combined with those of previously published external studies on this topic via meta‐analytic techniques. Results There were 830 patients included, with 47% having documented preexisting antiplatelet treatment. The mean (± standard deviation [SD]) age was 69 (±15) years, and the cohort was 53% male. The unadjusted proportion of patients with any ICH was 15.1% without antiplatelet use and 19.3% with antiplatelet use (absolute risk difference = 4.2%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = −1.2% to 9.6%); for sICH this was 6.1% without antiplatelet use and 9% with antiplatelet use (absolute risk difference = 3.1%, 95% CI = −1% to 6.7%). After adjusting for confounders, antiplatelet use was not significantly associated with radiographic ICH (odds ratio [OR] = 1.1, 95% CI = 0.8 to 1.7) or sICH (OR = 1.3, 95% CI = 0.7 to 2.2). In patients 81 years and older, there was a higher risk of radiographic ICH (absolute risk difference = 11.9%, 95% CI = 0.1% to 23.6%). The meta‐analyses combined the findings of this investigation with previous similar work and found increased unadjusted risks of radiographic ICH (absolute risk difference = 4.9%, 95% CI = 0.7% to 9%) and sICH (absolute risk difference = 4%, 95% CI = 2.3% to 5.6%). The meta‐analytic adjusted OR of sICH for antiplatelet use was 1.6 (95% CI = 1.1 to 2.4). Conclusions The authors did not find that preexisting antiplatelet use was associated with postthrombolysis ICH or sICH in this cohort of community treated patients. Preexisting tobacco use, younger age, and lower severity were associated with lower odds of sICH . The meta‐analyses demonstrated small, but statistically significant increases in the absolute risk of radiographic ICH and sICH , along with increased odds of sICH in patients with preexisting antiplatelet use. Resumen ¿Influye el Tratamiento Antiagregante Previo en la Hemorragia Intracraneal tras la Trombolisis en los Pacientes con Ictus Isquémicos Tratados en la Comunidad? Un Estudio Observacional Objetivos La hemorragia intracraneal ( HIC ) tras la trombolisis de un ictus agudo se asocia con malos resultados. Los estudios previos de la relación entre el uso de antiagregantes y la seguridad de la trombolisis intravenosa ( IV ) han estado limitados por los porcentajes bajos de sucesos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si el tratamiento antiagregante previo está asociado con la evidencia radiológica de HIC tras el control por los factores de confusión relevantes. Metodología Se identificaron los casos consecutivos de pacientes tratados con trombolisis en el SU de múltiples formas. Se recogieron los datos de forma retrospectiva de cuatro hospitales de 1996 a 2004 y de 24 hospitales distintos de 2007 a 2010 como parte de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en racimos. Se utilizó la misma tabla resumen de historia clínica durante ambos periodos de tiempo y los datos fueron sometidos a numerosos controles de calidad. Las hemorragias se clasificaron siguiendo una metodología preestablecida: la HIC se definió como la presencia de hemorragia en las interpretaciones radiológicas de las imágenes de seguimiento (resultado primario); y la HIC sintomática ( HIC s) se definió como la HIC radiológica asociada con un empeoramiento clínico. Se construyó un modelo multivariable de regresión logística para ajustar los factores clínicos previamente identificados como relacionados con un la HIC tras la trombolisis. Los análisis de sensibilidad se realizaron mediante técnicas de metanálisis y se combinaron los resultados ajustados y no ajustados de esta investigación con los estudios externos previamente publicados en este tema. Resultados Se incluyeron 830 pacientes, de los cuales el 47% tenía documentado tratamiento antiagregante previo. La media de edad fue de 69 años, y el 53% eran varones. La proporción no ajustada de pacientes con cualquier tipo de HIC fue del 15,1% sin toma de antiagregante y del 19,3% con la toma de antiagregante (diferencia del riesgo absoluto 4,2%, IC 95% = −1,2% a 9,6%); y para las HIC s fue del 6,1% sin toma de antiagregantes y del 9% con la toma de antiagregantes (diferencia absoluta del riesgo 3,1%, IC 95% = −1% a 6,7%). Tras ajustar por los factores de confusión, la toma de antiagregantes no se asoció de forma significativa con la HIC radiológica ( OR 1,1, IC 95% = 0,8 a 1,7]) o HIC s ( OR 1,3, IC 95% = 0,7 a 2,2). En los pacientes de 81 años o más, hubo mayor riesgo de HIC radiológica (diferencia de riesgo absoluta 11,9%, IC 95% = 0,1% a 23,6%). El metanálisis que combinó los hallazgos de esta investigación con los trabajos similares previos encontró un riesgo no ajustado incrementado para la HIC radiológica (diferencia absoluta del riesgo 4,9%, IC 95% = 0,7% a 9%) y de HIC s (diferencia absoluta del riesgo 4%, IC 95% = 2,3% a 5,6%). La odds ratio ajustada del metanálisis de HIC s para los pacientes con tratamiento de antigregantes fue de 1,6 ( IC 95% = 1,1 a 2,4). Conclusiones Los autores no encontraron que la toma previa de antigregantes se asocie con la HIC o la HIC s tras la trombolisis en esta cohorte de pacientes tratados en la comunidad. El consumo previo de tabaco, la edad más joven y la menor gravedad se asociaron con odds ratio menores de HIC s. El metanálisis demostró un incremento bajo, aunque estadísticamente significativo, de riesgo absoluto de HIC radiológica o de HIC s, con una odds ratio aumentada de HIC s en los pacientes con toma previa de antiagregantes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96759/1/acem12077.pd

    Enrichment analysis of Alu elements with different spatial chromatin proximity in the human genome

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    Transposable elements (TEs) have no longer been totally considered as “junk DNA” for quite a time since the continual discoveries of their multifunctional roles in eukaryote genomes. As one of the most important and abundant TEs that still active in human genome, Alu, a SINE family, has demonstrated its indispensable regulatory functions at sequence level, but its spatial roles are still unclear. Technologies based on 3C(chromosomeconformation capture) have revealed the mysterious three-dimensional structure of chromatin, and make it possible to study the distal chromatin interaction in the genome. To find the role TE playing in distal regulation in human genome, we compiled the new released Hi-C data, TE annotation, histone marker annotations, and the genome-wide methylation data to operate correlation analysis, and found that the density of Alu elements showed a strong positive correlation with the level of chromatin interactions (hESC: r=0.9, P<2.2×1016; IMR90 fibroblasts: r = 0.94, P < 2.2 × 1016) and also have a significant positive correlation withsomeremote functional DNA elements like enhancers and promoters (Enhancer: hESC: r=0.997, P=2.3×10−4; IMR90: r=0.934, P=2×10−2; Promoter: hESC: r = 0.995, P = 3.8 × 10−4; IMR90: r = 0.996, P = 3.2 × 10−4). Further investigation involving GC content and methylation status showed the GC content of Alu covered sequences shared a similar pattern with that of the overall sequence, suggesting that Alu elements also function as the GC nucleotide and CpG site provider. In all, our results suggest that the Alu elements may act as an alternative parameter to evaluate the Hi-C data, which is confirmed by the correlation analysis of Alu elements and histone markers. Moreover, the GC-rich Alu sequence can bring high GC content and methylation flexibility to the regions with more distal chromatin contact, regulating the transcription of tissue-specific genes

    Distributions of epistasis in microbes fit predictions from a fitness landscape model.

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    How do the fitness effects of several mutations combine? Despite its simplicity, this question is central to the understanding of multilocus evolution. Epistasis (the interaction between alleles at different loci), especially epistasis for fitness traits such as reproduction and survival, influences evolutionary predictions "almost whenever multilocus genetics matters". Yet very few models have sought to predict epistasis, and none has been empirically tested. Here we show that the distribution of epistasis can be predicted from the distribution of single mutation effects, based on a simple fitness landscape model. We show that this prediction closely matches the empirical measures of epistasis that have been obtained for Escherichia coli and the RNA virus vesicular stomatitis virus. Our results suggest that a simple fitness landscape model may be sufficient to quantitatively capture the complex nature of gene interactions. This model may offer a simple and widely applicable alternative to complex metabolic network models, in particular for making evolutionary predictions

    Tm1: A Mutator/Foldback Transposable Element Family in Root-Knot Nematodes

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    Three closely related parthenogenetic species of root-knot nematodes, collectively termed the Meloidogyne incognita-group, are economically significant pathogens of diverse crop species. Remarkably, these asexual root-knot nematodes are capable of acquiring heritable changes in virulence even though they lack sexual reproduction and meiotic recombination. Characterization of a near isogenic pair of M. javanica strains differing in response to tomato with the nematode resistance gene Mi-1 showed that the virulent strain carried a deletion spanning a gene called Cg-1. Herein, we present evidence that the Cg-1 gene lies within a member of a novel transposable element family (Tm1; Transposon in Meloidogyne-1). This element family is defined by composite terminal inverted repeats of variable lengths similar to those of Foldback (FB) transposable elements and by 9 bp target site duplications. In M. incognita, Tm1 elements can be classified into three general groups: 1) histone-hairpin motif elements; 2) MITE-like elements; 3) elements encoding a putative transposase. The predicted transposase shows highest similarity to gene products encoded by aphids and mosquitoes and resembles those of the Phantom subclass of the Mutator transposon superfamily. Interestingly, the meiotic, sexually-reproducing root-knot nematode species M. hapla has Tm1 elements with similar inverted repeat termini, but lacks elements with histone hairpin motifs and contains no elements encoding an intact transposase. These Tm1 elements may have impacts on root-knot nematode genomes and contribute to genetic diversity of the asexual species

    Genome Desertification in Eutherians: Can Gene Deserts Explain the Uneven Distribution of Genes in Placental Mammalian Genomes?

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    The evolution of genome size as well as structure and organization of genomes belongs among the key questions of genome biology. Here we show, based on a comparative analysis of 30 genomes, that there is generally a tight correlation between the number of genes per chromosome and the length of the respective chromosome in eukaryotic genomes. The surprising exceptions to this pattern are placental mammalian genomes. We identify the number and, more importantly, the uneven distribution of gene deserts among chromosomes, i.e., long (>500 kb) stretches of DNA that do not encode for genes, as the main contributing factor for the observed anomaly of eutherian genomes. Gene-rich placental mammalian chromosomes have smaller proportions of gene deserts and vice versa. We show that the uneven distribution of gene deserts is a derived character state of eutherians. The functional and evolutionary significance of this particular feature of eutherian genomes remains to be explained

    Proliferation of Ty3/gypsy-like retrotransposons in hybrid sunflower taxa inferred from phylogenetic data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons are a class of mobile genetic element capable of autonomous transposition via an RNA intermediate. Their large size and proliferative ability make them important contributors to genome size evolution, especially in plants, where they can reach exceptionally high copy numbers and contribute substantially to variation in genome size even among closely related taxa. Using a phylogenetic approach, we characterize dynamics of proliferation events of <it>Ty3/gypsy</it>-like LTR retrotransposons that led to massive genomic expansion in three <it>Helianthus </it>(sunflower) species of ancient hybrid origin. The three hybrid species are independently derived from the same two parental species, offering a unique opportunity to explore patterns of retrotransposon proliferation in light of reticulate evolutionary events in this species group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that <it>Ty3/gypsy</it>-like retrotransposons exist as multiple well supported sublineages in both the parental and hybrid derivative species and that the same element sublineage served as the source lineage of proliferation in each hybrid species' genome. This inference is based on patterns of species-specific element numerical abundance within different phylogenetic sublineages as well as through signals of proliferation events present in the distributions of element divergence values. Employing methods to date paralogous sequences within a genome, proliferation events in the hybrid species' genomes are estimated to have occurred approximately 0.5 to 1 million years ago.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Proliferation of the same retrotransposon major sublineage in each hybrid species indicates that similar dynamics of element derepression and amplification likely occurred in each hybrid taxon during their formation. Temporal estimates of these proliferation events suggest an earlier origin for these hybrid species than previously supposed.</p

    Structural characterization of helitrons and their stepwise capturing of gene fragments in the maize genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As a newly identified category of DNA transposon, <it>helitrons </it>have been found in a large number of eukaryotes genomes. <it>Helitrons </it>have contributed significantly to the intra-specific genome diversity in maize. Although many characteristics of <it>helitrons </it>in the maize genome have been well documented, the sequence of an intact autonomous <it>helitrons </it>has not been identified in maize. In addition, the process of gene fragment capturing during the transposition of <it>helitrons </it>has not been characterized.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The whole genome sequences of maize inbred line B73 were analyzed, 1,649 <it>helitron</it>-like transposons including 1,515 helAs and 134 helBs were identified. <it>ZmhelA1</it>, <it>ZmhelB1 </it>and <it>ZmhelB2 </it>all encode an open reading frame (ORF) with intact replication initiator (Rep) motif and a DNA helicase (Hel) domain, which are similar to previously reported autonomous <it>helitrons </it>in other organisms. The putative autonomous <it>ZmhelB1 </it>and <it>ZmhelB2 </it>contain an extra replication factor-a protein1 (RPA1) transposase (RPA-TPase) including three single strand DNA-binding domains (DBD)-A/-B/-C in the ORF. Over ninety percent of maize <it>helitrons </it>identified have captured gene fragments. HelAs and helBs carry 4,645 and 249 gene fragments, which yield 2,507 and 187 different genes respectively. Many <it>helitrons </it>contain mutilple terminal sequences, but only one 3'-terminal sequence had an intact "CTAG" motif. There were no significant differences in the 5'-termini sequence between the veritas terminal sequence and the pseudo sequence. <it>Helitrons </it>not only can capture fragments, but were also shown to lose internal sequences during the course of transposing.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Three putative autonomous elements were identified, which encoded an intact Rep motif and a DNA helicase domain, suggesting that autonomous <it>helitrons </it>may exist in modern maize. The results indicate that gene fragments captured during the transposition of many <it>helitrons </it>happen in a stepwise way, with multiple gene fragments within one <it>helitron </it>resulting from several sequential transpositions. In addition, we have proposed a potential mechanism regarding how <it>helitrons </it>with multiple termini are generated.</p

    Coexistence of Trichome Variation in a Natural Plant Population: A Combined Study Using Ecological and Candidate Gene Approaches

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    The coexistence of distinct phenotypes within populations has long been investigated in evolutionary ecology. Recent studies have identified the genetic basis of distinct phenotypes, but it is poorly understood how the variation in candidate loci is maintained in natural environments. In this study, we examined fitness consequences and genetic basis of variation in trichome production in a natural population of Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera. Half of the individuals in the study population produced trichomes while the other half were glabrous, and the leaf beetle Phaedon brassicae imposed intensive damage to both phenotypes. The fitness of hairy and glabrous plants showed no significant differences in the field during two years. A similar result was obtained when sibling hairy and glabrous plants were transplanted at the same field site, whereas a fitness cost of trichome production was detected under a weak herbivory condition. Thus, equivalent fitness of hairy and glabrous plants under natural herbivory allows their coexistence in the contemporary population. The pattern of polymorphism of the candidate trichome gene GLABROUS1 (GL1) showed no evidence of long-term maintenance of trichome variation within the population. Although balancing selection under fluctuating biotic environments is often proposed to explain the maintenance of defense variation, the lack of clear evidence of balancing selection in the study population suggests that other factors such as gene flow and neutral process may have played relatively large roles in shaping trichome variation at least for the single population level

    Measurement of Warfarin in the Oral Fluid of Patients Undergoing Anticoagulant Oral Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Patients on warfarin therapy undergo invasive and expensive checks for the coagulability of their blood. No information on coagulation levels is currently available between two controls. METHODOLOGY: A method was developed to determine warfarin in oral fluid by HPLC and fluorimetric detection. The chromatographic separation was performed at room temperature on a C-18 reversed-phase column, 65% PBS and 35% methanol mobile phase, flow rate 0.7 mL/min, injection volume 25 µL, excitation wavelength 310 nm, emission wavelength 400 nm. FINDINGS: The method was free from interference and matrix effect, linear in the range 0.2-100 ng/mL, with a detection limit of 0.2 ng/mL. Its coefficient of variation was <3% for intra-day measurements and <5% for inter-day measurements. The average concentration of warfarin in the oral fluid of 50 patients was 2.5±1.6 ng/mL (range 0.8-7.6 ng/mL). Dosage was not correlated to INR (r = -0.03, p = 0.85) but positively correlated to warfarin concentration in the oral fluid (r = 0.39, p = 0.006). The correlation between warfarin concentration and pH in the oral fluid (r = 0.37, p = 0.009) confirmed the importance of pH in regulating the drug transfer from blood. A correlation between warfarin concentration in the oral fluid and INR was only found in samples with pH values ≥7.2 (r = 0.84, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Warfarin diffuses from blood to oral fluid. The method allows to measure its concentration in this matrix and to analyze correlations with INR and other parameters

    Regional Environmental Breadth Predicts Geographic Range and Longevity in Fossil Marine Genera

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    Geographic range is a good indicator of extinction susceptibility in fossil marine species and higher taxa. The widely-recognized positive correlation between geographic range and taxonomic duration is typically attributed to either accumulating geographic range with age or an extinction buffering effect, whereby cosmopolitan taxa persist longer because they are reintroduced by dispersal from remote source populations after local extinction. The former hypothesis predicts that all taxa within a region should have equal probabilities of extinction regardless of global distributions while the latter predicts that cosmopolitan genera will have greater survivorship within a region than endemics within the same region. Here we test the assumption that all taxa within a region have equal likelihoods of extinction.We use North American and European occurrences of marine genera from the Paleobiology Database and the areal extent of marine sedimentary cover in North America to show that endemic and cosmopolitan fossil marine genera have significantly different range-duration relationships and that broad geographic range and longevity are both predicted by regional environmental breadth. Specifically, genera that occur outside of the focal region are significantly longer lived and have larger geographic ranges and environmental breadths within the focal region than do their endemic counterparts, even after controlling for differences in sampling intensity. Analyses of the number of paleoenvironmental zones occupied by endemic and cosmopolitan genera suggest that the number of paleoenvironmental zones occupied is a key factor of geographic range that promotes genus survivorship.Wide environmental tolerances within a single region predict both broad geographic range and increased longevity in marine genera over evolutionary time. This result provides a specific driving mechanism for the spatial and temporal distributions of marine genera at regional and global scales and is consistent with the niche-breadth hypothesis operating on macroevolutionary timescales