35 research outputs found

    Принципы создания прототипа цифрового двойника процесса алкилирования бензола пропиленом на основе нейронной сети

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    Objectives. To identify the principles of creating digital twins of an operating technological unit along the example of the process of liquid-phase alkylation of benzene with propylene, and to establish the sequence of stages of formation of a digital twin, which can be applied to optimize oil and gas chemical production.Methods. The chemical and technological system consisting of reactor, mixer, heat exchangers, separator, rectification columns, and pump is considered as a complex high-level system. Data was acquired in order to describe the functioning of the isopropylbenzene production unit. The main parameters of the process were calculated by simulation modeling using UniSim® Design software. A neural network model was developed and trained. The influence of various factors of the reaction process of alkylation, separation of reaction products, and evaluation of economic factors providing market interest of the industrial process was also considered. The adequacy of calculations was determined by statistics methods. A microcontroller prototype of the process was created.Results. A predictive neural network model and its creation algorithm for the process of benzene alkylation was developed. This model can be loaded into a microcontroller to allow for real-time determination of the economic efficiency of plant operation and automated optimization depending on the following factors: composition of incoming raw materials; the technological mode of the plant; the temperature mode of the process; and the pressure in the reactor.Conclusions. The model of a complex chemicotechnological system of cumene production, created and calibrated on the basis of long-term industrial data and the results of calculations of the output parameters, enables the parameters of the technological process of alkylation to be calculated (yield of reaction products, energy costs, conditional profit at the output of finished products). During the development of a hardware-software prototype, adapted to the operation of the real plant, the principles and stages of creating a digital twin of the operating systems of chemical technology industries were identified and formulated.Цели. Выявление принципов создания цифровых двойников реально действующей технологической установки на примере процесса жидкофазного алкилирования бензола пропиленом и установление последовательности этапов формирования цифрового двойника, которая может быть применима для оптимизации работы нефтегазохимического производства.Методы. Рассмотрена в целом химико-технологическая система, состоящая из реактора, смесителя, теплообменников, сепаратора, ректификационных колонн и насоса, как система высокого уровня. Выполнен сбор данных, описывающих функционирование установки получения изопропилбензола алкилированием бензола пропиленом путем расчета основных параметров процесса с помощью имитационного моделирования с применением специализированного программного обеспечения UniSim® Design. Разработана и обучена нейросетевая модель, учитывающая влияние различных факторов реакционного процесса алкилирования, разделения продуктов реакции и оценки экономических факторов, обеспечивающих рыночную привлекательность рассматриваемого промышленного процесса. Определена адекватность результатов расчетов оптимальных параметров процесса методами математической статистики. Создан прототип цифрового двойника процесса, реализованной на микроконтроллере.Результаты. Создана прогностическая нейросетевая модель и алгоритм ее построения для процесса алкилирования бензола пропиленом, позволяющая при загрузке ее в микроконтроллер обеспечить в режиме реального времени определение экономической эффективности работы установки и автоматическую оптимизацию работы установки в зависимости от состава поступающего сырья технологического режима системы, температурного режима проведения процесса и давления в реакторе.Выводы. Созданная модель сложной химико-технологической системы производства кумола, откалиброванная на основании промышленных данных длительного пробега технологической установки и результатов расчетов выходных параметров процесса при помощи нейронной сети, реализованной на микроконтроллере, позволяет рассчитать параметры технологического процесса алкилирования (выход продуктов реакции, энергетические затраты, условную прибыль при выпуске готовой продукции). В процессе разработки прототипа программно-аппаратного комплекса управления установкой алкилирования бензола пропиленом на основе данных, адаптированных к работе реальной установки, были выявлены и сформулированы принципы и этапы создания цифрового двойника производственных систем отраслей химической технологии

    Social media as a promotional tool : a comparison between political parties and companies

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    In recent years, with the appearance of social media, traditional print and broadcast media as main promotional tools have faced major challenges, as many newspapers and television channels have suffered audience reduction. Overwhelmingly, the majority of marketers, both business and political, have started to use some form of social media for promotional purposes. The overall purpose of this research is to characterise the similarities and differences of the use of social media as promotional tool by political parties and companies. This research is exploratory in nature and the data collected is qualitative. In order to conduct this research, we have interviewed two political parties (Miljöpartiet de gröna and Centerpartiet) and two companies (Stockholm-Arlanda Airport and SJ AB). Taking into account the new communication paradigm from Mangold and Faulds as a base, we asked questions about how they use each element of the promotional mix in social media. The findings showed that the use of social media for promotional purposes was rather similar between the companies and political parties. Analysed data showed that political parties, in their social media activities, were focused on public relations and personal selling in a form of online interactions with voters, while the companies only focused on public relations. This research demonstrates that both political parties and companies still have not fully integrated social media for promotional purposes and that they still rely on traditional media for promotion.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    Boiling of Liquid on Surfaces with Porous Coatings;

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    Two-Phase Flow with Phase Transitions Instability

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    Experimental and Numerical Study of Gas Injection Effect on the Methane–Air Combustion inside a Coaxial Burner

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the effect of gas injection on the efficiency of gaseous fuel burning. A coaxial burner with a perforated inner wall is presented in which the methane–air acceleration is observed. With the use of numerical analysis, it is demonstrated that the flame acceleration is related to the flow separation from the inner wall that, in turn, leads to the reduction in heat losses to the wall as well as to vortex formation and reduction in momentum losses. On the basis of the obtained results, a new technology of efficient burning of gaseous fuels can be proposed with the use of gas and/or liquid fuel injection