20 research outputs found

    The Measurement of Expected and Perceived Service of a Municipal Transport Based on Selected Medium-Sized Cities

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    In the literature four basic postulates of transport are usually mentioned: time, convenience, cost and security of travel. The hierarchy of importance of individual postulates of transport depends on subjective evaluations of urban transport users. In the research carried out within the framework of research work financed from funds for science in 2010-2013 titled ‘Reference Model of City logistics and the quality of Life of Inhabitants’, measured the difference between the expected and perceived quality of urban transport services and defined a hierarchy of evaluated quality criteria. The solution to the problem with too many variables is the ossibility of using factor analysis. This analysis allows the reduction of many interrelated variable

    How Local Authorities are Engaged in Implementation of Projects Related to Passenger and Freight Transport in Order to Reduce Environmental Degradation in the City

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    AbstractThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of urban projects related to passenger and freight transport undertaken by local governments on the reduction of environmental degradation. The authors have presented the survey results conducted among 36 cities with administration county rights in Poland. In addition in the paper the multidimensional comparative analysis, including correspondence analysis, has been applied. This analysis enabled different classes of cities to be obtained related to the passenger and freight transport and targeted at environmental protection projects. The study results quite clearly show that there are no standards in the measurement of urban projects’ efficiency according to their impact on environmental protection and the range of implemented projects in this field depends on the city population size

    Comparative analysis of selected European cities’s potentials to influence the formulation and implementation of logistics strategy

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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the potentials of European Union (EU) capitals in the formulation and implementation of logistics strategies using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) multiple criteria decision making method. Approach/Methodology/Design: To compare the results obtained by capital cities in EU countries the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method – AHP was used. The basis of empirical research are the indicators used by the European Commission in Eurostat, including survey data on Urban Audit. Findings: As a result, cities were ranked based on their potential to formulate and implemente logistics strategies. Eight groups of cities with similar results emerged in the ranking. Helsinki had the highest potential while the weakest one is Athens. Research shows that cities that belong to countries that are so-called EU "old members" have higher potential in formulating and implementing logistics strategies than cities that belong to the so-called groups of "new members" of the EU. The exceptions are Athens and Lisbon. Practical Implications: The AHP method presented can significantly help local governments to formulate a logistics strategy. This method makes it possible to carry out a comparative analysis of the potentials of cities that influence logistic strategic decisions. As a result, it is possible to determine the position of a given city in comparison to others and indicate in which areas or in relation to which criteria a given city is better and which is worse. In addition, this method can be used to set priorities for urban logistics projects planned to be implemented and what is important can be done in groups. Originality/Value: The paper develops a group of criteria, which assist in analyzing the potential of the city in terms of logistics strategy formulation and implementation and in studying the results obtained with the use of multiple criteria decision making method AHP.peer-reviewe


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    Wybrane rozwiązania w logistyce miejskiej na rzecz poprawy jakości życia mieszkańców

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    The purpose of this paper is to present some solutions in the area of city logistics, which could improve the quality of life. The task of city is to find solutions that will significantly improve comfort and efficiency of people’s movement within the city. Implementation of city logistics solutions should be preceded by analyses stakeholders’ opinions and needs. The paper presents residents’ opinions about selected aspects of city logistics based on conducted surveys.Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie wybranych rozwiązań w obszarze logistyki miejskiej mogących podnieść jakość życia mieszkańców. Zadaniem logistyki miejskiej jest znalezienie takich rozwiązań, które w znacznym stopniu poprawia komfort oraz sprawność przemieszczania ludzi w obrębie miasta. Implementacja rozwiązań w obszarze logistyki miejskiej powinna być poprzedzona badaniami opinii i  potrzeb wszystkich interesariuszy. W pracy zaprezentowano opinie mieszkańców na temat wybranych aspektów logistyki miejskiej, uzyskane na podstawie badan ankietowych

    Selected solutions for city logistics to improve quality of life

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie wybranych rozwiązań w obszarze logistyki miejskiej mogących podnieść jakość życia mieszkańców. Zadaniem logistyki miejskiej jest znalezienie takich rozwiązań, które w znacznym stopniu poprawia komfort oraz sprawność przemieszczania ludzi w obrębie miasta. Implementacja rozwiązań w obszarze logistyki miejskiej powinna być poprzedzona badaniami opinii i  potrzeb wszystkich interesariuszy. W pracy zaprezentowano opinie mieszkańców na temat wybranych aspektów logistyki miejskiej, uzyskane na podstawie badan ankietowych.The purpose of this paper is to present some solutions in the area of city logistics, which could improve the quality of life. The task of city is to find solutions that will significantly improve comfort and efficiency of people’s movement within the city. Implementation of city logistics solutions should be preceded by analyses stakeholders’ opinions and needs. The paper presents residents’ opinions about selected aspects of city logistics based on conducted surveys

    The Concept of the Application of Sectorial Benchmarking in the Field of City Logistics

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji branżowego benchmarkingu w logistyce miejskiej na podstawie modelu SLIM-PREF. Opracowane narzędzie do benchmarkingu stanowić może wsparcie dla samorządów lokalnych w zakresie analizy działań realizowanych w obszarze przepływu osób i towarów w odniesieniu do ośmiu obszarów, takich jak: ludzie, zasoby, innowacje i pomysły, marketing, operacje i strategie, finanse, środowisko i regulacje, oraz porównać je do miast będących benchmarkami w danym obszarze.The main purpose of the paper is to introduce the benchmarking concept in the field of city logistics in terms of the model SLIM-PREF. This developed tool for benchmarking can constitute support for local governments in the field of analysis of the activities carried out in the area of people and goods movement in relations to eight areas. These are: people, resources, innovation and ideas, marketing, operations and strategic plans, finance, environment and regulations. They can then be compared with the cities, which are benchmarks in a specific area

    Opportunities and Threats for City Logistics Development from a Local Authority Perspective

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    Aim/purpose - The main purpose of the paper is the identification of opportunities and threats for city logistics development from a local authority perspective. Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents the original results of surveys conducted among city logistics experts from all over the world and among representa- tives of twelve EU capital cities. Findings - According to the study the most important opportunities for cities are stakeholders' willingness for cooperation, as well as a good and long cooperation with them. It shows that a local authority cannot introduce any solutions in the field of city logistics without cooperating with other stakeholders. Therefore, the lack of cooperation can be a threat. The other threat highlighted by the majority of studied cities is the lack of standards on data collections. Without information in real time on problems and activities undertaken by various stakeholders in the field of city logistics it is very difficult for strategic and tactical decisions to be made by a local authority. Research implications/limitations - The most significant limitation of the research was the sample of respondents. Despite the fact that the questionnaire was sent to 28 EU capital cites only 12 out of them have completed and returned the questionnaire. A further problem arises from the lack of standards on collecting information on city logistics by cities. As a result of it many European cities do not collect this information or do it in a fragmentary way. Originality/value/contribution - The research results introduced in the paper make a contribution to the theoretical and practical knowledge on city logistics development. It fills the gap related to the external factors affecting the development of city logistics. The author's concept of the framework for city logistics development with the inclusion of threats and opportunities and the set of questions can be a useful tool for local authorities as well as enriching the theoretical background for city logistics strategic planning

    An assesment of individual transport in the aspect of quality of life on the example of selected medium sized cities

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 86-88.The main aim of the paper is to discuss the role of individual transport in city logistics in the aspect of quality of life.The article is based on an empirical study. It presents the results of quantitative research based on a questionnaire survey, which was conducted in three medium sized cities in Poland among 1600 citizens. The main goal of the research was to receive information about the correlation between city logistics and the quality of life. The article presents only a narrow part of the suvey research in the area of individual transport in terms of quality of life.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: individual transport, quality of life, congestion, city logistics

    Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: How Do They Work?

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    The growing demand for passenger and freight transport in cities, resulting from the population growth in urbanized areas, has led to increasing problems with congestion, environmental pollution and, as a consequence, to a decrease in quality of life. This problem was noticed by the European Commission, which began to promote the concept of sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs). The efficient implementation of SUMPs requires tools for its evaluation. However, in the literature, most proposed assessment tools relate mainly to passenger transport, omitting the freight transport. The purpose of this paper is to utilize a multiple criteria analysis with the use of the Promethee method in order to assess the level of advancement of selected European Union (EU) capital cities in the field of sustainable urban mobility plan formulation and implementation. This method has been applied on the basis of a survey conducted among representatives of 15 EU capital cities and analyses of transportation plans. This research shows that cities that have a comprehensive transport plan consistently collaborate with different stakeholder groups, have implemented the greatest number of measures in the field of sustainable urban transport, and have achieved the best results in terms of safety and NO2 (nitrogen oxides) and PM (particulate matter) emissions