5,092 research outputs found

    Labour Market Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data

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    The bulk of research on labour market conditions in Pakistan has concentrated on the economic activity rate, the number of employed persons, or the unemployment rate at a particular point in time. These stock measures of labour market situation are useful from a policy viewpoint as they give a broad indication of the dimension of the problem. For example, the recent labour force surveys show an increase in the level of open unemployment from 5.9 percent in 1997-98 to 7.8 percent in 1999-2000 [Pakistan (2001)]. There is also an emerging consensus that during the 1990s poverty has increased at the national as well as for rural and urban areas of the country [Qureshi and Arif (2001)]. Labour market is considered as the main route for establishing the link between macro policies, the resulting GDP growth and poverty alleviation [Rahman (2002)]. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP) and other development plans have suggested various targets of employment creation for poverty reduction. The stock measures of labour market conditions, such as unemployment rate, are considered to be inadequate from the viewpoint of developing appropriate policy responses. There is a need to gain further insights by examining the structure of labour market in terms of its dynamic components: these being the turnover of persons into and out of the labour force and turnover into and out of employment and unemployment pools

    Genetic analysis of fertility restoration genes for WAtype cytoplasmic male sterility in Iranian restorer rice line DN-33-18

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    Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system can be used to exploit heterosis in grain crops only when the effective restorer lines are available. Crosses between an Iranian CMS line Neda A with three newly developed lines DN-33-1, DN-33-18 and DN-32-6 showed that only the cross of Neda-A/DN-33-18 had more than 80% pollen and grain fertility in F1 generation. The inheritance of fertility restoration in F2 population of this cross was evaluated at flowering and grain filling stages. Pollen staining test with 1% I2KI solution showed segregation ratio of 15:1 (fertile: sterile), representing two nuclear independent dominant genes controlling the trait carried by fertile parent DN-33-18. Segregation for spikelet fertility in F2 confirmed the results of pollen fertility test. Molecular tagging of fertility restorer genes with SSR markers showed that four markers RM258, RM171, RM591 and RM3148 produced polymorphic bands between two parents. Linkage analysis on F2 recessive class showed that RM258 and RM171 (on chromosome 10) flanked to restorer gene Rf4 at the distances of 3.1 and 6.3 cm, respectively. In this study polymorphism was not detected for Rf3 gene using SSR markers RM1, RM443, RM315 and RM294 on chromosome 1 of rice but we found new SSR marker RM3148 linked with Rf locus at a genetic distance of 19.7 cm.Key words: Rice, cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), inheritance, molecular tagging, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers

    Labour Market Dynamics in Pakistan: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data

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    The bulk of research on labour market conditions in Pakistan has concentrated on the economic activity rate, the number of employed persons, or the unemployment rate at a particular point in time. These stock measures of labour market situation are useful from a policy viewpoint as they give a broad indication of the dimension of the problem. For example, the recent labour force surveys show an increase in the level of open unemployment from 5.9 percent in 1997-98 to 7.8 percent in 1999-2000 [Pakistan (2001)]. There is also an emerging consensus that during the 1990s poverty has increased at the national as well as for rural and urban areas of the country [Qureshi and Arif (2001)]. Labour market is considered as the main route for establishing the link between macro policies, the resulting GDP growth and poverty alleviation [Rahman (2002)]. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP) and other development plans have suggested various targets of employment creation for poverty reduction

    Reversible Cavitation-Induced Junctional Opening in an Artificial Endothelial Layer.

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    Targeting pharmaceuticals through the endothelial barrier is crucial for drug delivery. In this context, cavitation-assisted permeation shows promise for effective and reversible opening of intercellular junctions. A vessel-on-a-chip is exploited to investigate and quantify the effect of ultrasound-excited microbubbles-stable cavitation-on endothelial integrity. In the vessel-on-a-chip, the endothelial cells form a complete lumen under physiological shear stress, resulting in intercellular junctions that exhibit barrier functionality. Immunofluorescence microscopy is exploited to monitor vascular integrity following vascular endothelial cadherin staining. It is shown that microbubbles amplify the ultrasound effect, leading to the formation of interendothelial gaps that cause barrier permeabilization. The total gap area significantly increases with pressure amplitude compared to the control. Gap opening is fully reversible with gap area distribution returning to the control levels 45 min after insonication. The proposed integrated platform allows for precise and repeatable in vitro measurements of cavitation-enhanced endothelium permeability and shows potential for validating irradiation protocols for in vivo applications

    Effect of TiO2 addition on structure, solubility and crystallisation of phosphate invert glasses for biomedical applications

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, [VOL 356, ISSUE 44-49, (2001)] DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.03.02

    An examination into the effects of frozen storage of olive fruit on extracted olive oils

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    This study was achieved to examine the effects of freezing olive fruits of the Arbequina, Koroneiki and Mission cultivars (the most common olive oil producing cultivars in Iran) on the standard indices used for assessing virgin olive oil quality. Oil was obtained from olive fruits stored at -4ËšC for 1 week and 3 weeks, and compared with oil obtained immediately after harvest (control). The quality indices of oils obtained from frozen fruit showed no significant degradation in quality compared with the control samples. In fact the peroxide value of the frozen fruits decreased compared to the control, which is considered to have a positive effect on oil quality. In addition, compositions of the main fatty acids are not altered by freezing which demonstrate frozen storage as a viable option. Oil derived from frozen olive fruit is not of inferior quality to non-frozen fruit in the production of olive oil

    Improving the speed of variational quantum algorithms for quantum error correction

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    We consider the problem of devising suitable quantum error correction (QEC) procedures for a generic quantum noise acting on a quantum circuit. In general, there is no analytic universal procedure to obtain the encoding and correction unitary gates, and the problem is even harder if the noise is unknown and has to be reconstructed. The existing procedures rely on variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) and are very difficult to train since the size of the gradient of the cost function decays exponentially with the number of qubits. We address this problem using a cost function based on the quantum Wasserstein distance of order 1 (QW1). At variance with other quantum distances typically adopted in quantum information processing, QW1 lacks the unitary invariance property which makes it a suitable tool to avoid getting trapped in local minima. Focusing on a simple noise model for which an exact QEC solution is known and can be used as a theoretical benchmark, we run a series of numerical tests that show how, guiding the VQA search through the QW1, can indeed significantly increase both the probability of a successful training and the fidelity of the recovered state, with respect to the results one obtains when using conventional approaches

    A Hyaluronic Acid Functionalized Self-Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) for Enhancement in Ciprofloxacin Targeted Delivery against Intracellular Infection

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    Ciprofloxacin (CIP), a potent anti-bacterial agent of the fluroquinolone family, shows poor solubility and permeability, thus leading to the development of intracellular pathogens induced multi-drug resistance and biofilms formation. To synergistically improve the biopharmaceutical parameters of CIP, a hyaluronic acid (FDA approved biocompatible polymer) functionalized self-nano emulsifying drug delivery system (HA-CIP-SNEDDS) was designed in the present study. SNEDDS formulations were tested via solubility, droplet size, zeta potential, a polydispersity index, thermodynamic stability, surface morphology, solid-state characterization, drug loading/release, cellular uptake, and biocompatibility. The final (HA-CIP-SNEDDS) formulation exhibited a mean droplet size of 50 nm with the 0.3 poly dispersity index and negative zeta potential (-11.4 mV). HA-based SNEDDS containing CIP showed an improved ability to permeate goat intestinal mucus. After 4 h, CIP-SNEDDS showed a 2-fold and HA-CIP-SNEDDS showed a 4-fold permeation enhancement as compared to the free CIP. Moreover, 80% drug release of HA-CIP-SNEDDS was demonstrated to be superior and sustained for 72 h in comparison to free CIP. However, anti-biofilm activity of HA-CIP-SNEDDS against Salmonella typhi was higher than CIP-SNEDDS and free CIP. HA-CIP-SNEDDS exhibited increased biocompatibility and improved oral pharmacokinetics as compared to free CIP. Taken together, HA-CIP-SNEDDS formulation seems to be a promising agent against Salmonella typhi with a strong targeting potential
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