8 research outputs found

    Mixed type second-order symmetric duality under F-convexity

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    We introduce a pair of second order mixed symmetric dual problems. Weak, strong and converse duality theorems for this pair are established under F−F-convexity assumptions

    Protein engineering techniques: gateways to synthetic protein universe

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    This brief provides a broad overview of protein-engineering research, offering a glimpse of the most common experimental methods. It also presents various computational programs with applications that are widely used in directed evolution, computational and de novo protein design. Further, it sheds light on the advantages and pitfalls of existing methodologies and future perspectives of protein engineering techniques

    Delineating the molecular responses of a halotolerant microalga using integrated omics approach to identify genetic engineering targets for enhanced TAG production

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    Abstract Background Harnessing the halotolerant characteristics of microalgae provides a viable alternative for sustainable biomass and triacylglyceride (TAG) production. Scenedesmus sp. IITRIND2 is a fast growing fresh water microalga that has the capability to thrive in high saline environments. To understand the microalga’s adaptability, we studied its physiological and metabolic flexibility by studying differential protein, metabolite and lipid expression profiles using metabolomics, proteomics, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and lipidomics under high salinity conditions. Results On exposure to salinity, the microalga rewired its cellular reserves and ultrastructure, restricted the ions channels, and modulated its surface potential along with secretion of extrapolysaccharide to maintain homeostasis and resolve the cellular damage. The algal-omics studies suggested a well-organized salinity-driven metabolic adjustment by the microalga starting from increasing the negatively charged lipids, up regulation of proline and sugars accumulation, followed by direction of carbon and energy flux towards TAG synthesis. Furthermore, the omics studies indicated both de-novo and lipid cycling pathways at work for increasing the overall TAG accumulation inside the microalgal cells. Conclusion The salt response observed here is unique and is different from the well-known halotolerant microalga; Dunaliella salina, implying diversity in algal response with species. Based on the integrated algal-omics studies, four potential genetic targets belonging to two different metabolic pathways (salt tolerance and lipid production) were identified, which can be further tested in non-halotolerant algal strains

    Improved in Vitro Folding of the Y2 G Protein-Coupled Receptor into Bicelles

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    Prerequisite for structural studies on G protein-coupled receptors is the preparation of highly concentrated, stable, and biologically active receptor samples in milligram amounts of protein. Here, we present an improved protocol for Escherichia coli expression, functional refolding, and reconstitution into bicelles of the human neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (Y2R) for solution and solid-state NMR experiments. The isotopically labeled receptor is expressed in inclusion bodies and purified using SDS. We studied the details of an improved preparation protocol including the in vitro folding of the receptor, e.g., the native disulfide bridge formation, the exchange of the denaturating detergent SDS, and the functional reconstitution into bicelle environments of varying size. Full pharmacological functionality of the Y2R preparation was shown by a ligand affinity of 4 nM and G-protein activation. Further, simple NMR experiments are used to test sample quality in high micromolar concentration