97 research outputs found

    Edukasi Fenomena Amblesan-intrusi Air Laut dan Penanggulangannya di Semarang Utara

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    Telah dilaksanakan kegiatan kepada masyarakat berupa edukasi fenomena amblesan intrusi air laut dan penanggulangannya di Semarang utara. Latar belakang kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat mengenai fenomena amblesan intrusi air laut dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk menanggulangi fenomena tersebut. Fenomena amblesan intrusi air laut ini diakibatkan pengambilan air tanah yang berlebihan sehingga lapisan tanah menjadi turun serta naiknya muka air laut yang dapat menyebaban air tanah terkontaminasi air laut sehingga menjadi air payau. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dilakukan kegiatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat melalui kegiatan memberikan pemahaman terhadap masyarakat dalam bentuk pengenalan materi, diskusi dan pelatihan tentang cara-cara mngetasi amblesan dan intrusi air laut. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya masyarakat mengenal fenomena amblesan dan intrusi air laut hanya sebatas pengalaman sehari-hari dan terkesan sudah terbiasa dengan fenomena tersebut. Sosialisai dan pelatihan dengan menerapkan teknologi tepat guna yang berkesinambungan perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi fenomena amblesan intrusi air laut

    Geo-Electric Resistivity Method of Dipole-Dipole Configuration For Cavities Model 2D in Karst Area of Temurejo Village Gubug Sub-district Central Java District

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    The purpose of this research is to mapping cavities in karst area in Temurejo Village, Karangrayung, Grobogan using geoelectric resistivity method and dipole-dipole configuration. Measurement consist of six lines using Multichannel S-Fields geoelectric instrument. Apparent resistivity data processing use two software, Res2DInv ver. 3.56.22 and Voxler 4.0. The result is lithology of the research location can be interpret consist of sand-silt, carbonate-silt rock, carbonate-sand rock, and carbonate rock with resistivity range 15,3-4919 Ωm. There are resistivity value anomaly in line of 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 on the carbonate rocks layer, the value is more than 4949 Ωm which can interpret as a cavity. On the first line, cavities are at depths of 20 m and 12 m, on second line are at depths of 17 m and 12 m, on third line is at depth of 19 m. Cavity continuously at depth of 18 m on fourth, fifth and sixth lines. This cavities at the depth >23 m beneath eath surface

    Pemisahan Anomali Regional dan Residual Data Gayaberat Studi Kasus di Kota Lama Semarang

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    Research has been carried out using gravity methods to identify subsurface structures in the region of Kota Lama Semarang as a preliminary survey for disaster mitigation purposes. In processing gravity data to identify subsurface structures, several processing stages are carried out. The initial step is to make the initial correction in the form of tide correction and float correction then a further correction is performed until a complete Bouguer anomaly contour is obtained. From the complete Bouguer anomaly, regional and residual gravity anomalies can be separated. The separation of regional anomalies from Bouguer anomalies in this study uses the moving average method while residual anomalies are obtained by subtracting Bouguer anomalies from regional anomalies. In the study of identification of subsurface structures it is important to conduct regional and residual anomaly separations to interpret geological structures and obtain the targets sought. Regional anomaly values in the region of Kota Lama Semarang are between 28.0 mGal - 28.4 mGal while for residual anomalies have between 31.6 mGal - 32.8 mGal

    Pemisahan Anomali Regional dan Residual Data Gayaberat Studi Kasus di Kota Lama Semarang

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    Research has been carried out using gravity methods to identify subsurface structures in the region of Kota Lama Semarang as a preliminary survey for disaster mitigation purposes. In processing gravity data to identify subsurface structures, several processing stages are carried out. The initial step is to make the initial correction in the form of tide correction and float correction then a further correction is performed until a complete Bouguer anomaly contour is obtained. From the complete Bouguer anomaly, regional and residual gravity anomalies can be separated. The separation of regional anomalies from Bouguer anomalies in this study uses the moving average method while residual anomalies are obtained by subtracting Bouguer anomalies from regional anomalies. In the study of identification of subsurface structures it is important to conduct regional and residual anomaly separations to interpret geological structures and obtain the targets sought. Regional anomaly values in the region of Kota Lama Semarang are between 28.0 mGal - 28.4 mGal while for residual anomalies have between 31.6 mGal - 32.8 mGal

    Pembuatan Buku Cerita IPA Yang Mengintegrasikan Materi Kebencanaan Alam Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Membaca Dan Pembentukan Karakter

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengembangkan buku cerita IPA yang mengintegrasikan materi kebencanaan alam untuk siswa kelas IV SD. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam uji kevalidan yaitu kategori sangat tinggi untuk dimensi materi dan tampilan, kategori tinggi untuk dimensi bahasa. Keterbacaan sudah sesuai dengan tabel konversi SMOG dengan diperkuat metode pertanyaan. Keberterimaan buku cerita IPA memperoleh kategori sangat tinggi. Keefektifan buku cerita IPA dapat meningkatkan literasi membaca pada kategori sedang. The purpose of study to develop science books that integrate natural disaster materials for fourth grade students. This study is conducted by using a design research and development. The results obtained in the test validity of the other category of very high dimensional material and look, high category for the language dimension. Readability is in conformity with the SMOG conversion table with reinforced method of inquiry. Acceptance of science books category of very high gain. The effectiveness of science books can improve reading literacy in the medium category

    Identifikasi Mineral Mangan Menggunakan Metode Polarisasi Terinduksi di Desa Pucung Kecamatan Eromoko Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di dunia yang kaya akan sumber daya mineral logam. Pegunungan Selatan Jawa Timur sampai Jawa Barat merupakan daerah yang berpotensi sebagai tempat pembentukan bahan galian mineral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk identifikasi mineral mangan di Desa Pucung Kecamatan Eromoko Kabupaten Wonogiri. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode polarisasi terinduksi. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan alat Syscal dengan konfigurasi dipole-dipole. Pengukuran dilakukan pada 2 lintasan dengan panjang lintasan 150 meter dan spasi eletroda 10 meter. Struktur bawah permukaan di daerah penelitian berdasarkan nilai resistivitas diindikasikan dari batulanau, batupasir tufan, batugamping napalan-tufan, dan batugamping. Mineral mangan diduga berasosiasi dengan batugamping mempunyai nilai resistivitas >10 Ωm dan nilai chargeabilitas >20 msec

    Karakterisasi Serbuk Forsterit Produk Sintesis Metode Ultrasonik Berbahan Baku Silika dari Pasir Parang Kusumo

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    Serbuk forsterit telah berhasil disintesis dari serbuk magnesium oksida (MgO) dan serbuk silika-amorf (SiO2) dengan metode ultrasonik, diikuti dengan kalsinasi pada 950 °C. Serbuk silica-amorf diproduksi dari proses pemurnian pasir alam lokal. Analisis gugus serbuk forsterit dilakukan dengan spektroskopi FTIR, analisis fasa digunakan pola defraksi XRD, dan analisis morfologi digunakan citra SEM. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa serbuk sampel terdiri dari fasa forsterit (Mg2SiO4), periclase (MgO), protoenstati (MgSiO3) dan kristobalit (SiO2). Diperoleh prosentase berat fasa serbuk sampel yang didominasi oleh forsterit (~60 wt%) sehingga dapat diklaim bahwa forsterit masih menjadi fasa utama sedangkan periklas dan cristobalit merupakan fasa minor

    Analysis of Teacher Roles and Student Problem Solving Skills in Learning Physics Online Collaborative Problem Solving

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    The development of education needs to adapt to the needs of 21st century skills, including collaboration and problem solving. This study aims to analyze and describe the profile of Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) online learning, as well as to describe the problem solving skills after learning. This research was conducted at SMA N 1 Gubug in class XI MIPA 1 for the academic year 2021/2022 with a qualitative descriptive method. CPS online learning is divided into virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams and discussions via text messages in WhatsApp. The research data was obtained through data observation’s, interviews, and written posttests. Data processing using a fixed comparison method with three stages, namely; data reduction, categorization, synthesis, and determination of hypotheses. The results showed that the role of the teacher appeared with almost the same frequency, namely as a motivator (37%), communicator (32%) and facilitator (31%). Students' problem-solving skills are dominated by the ability to plan and identify problems with the frequency of occurrence of 35% and 31%, respectively. The next two stages of problem solving, namely implementing the plan and checking back only appeared with a percentage of 19% and 15%
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