186 research outputs found

    Possibility of Using a Satellite-Based Detector for Recording Cherenkov Light from Ultrahigh-Energy Extensive Air Showers Penetrating into the Ocean Water

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    We have estimated the reflected component of Cherenkov radiation, which arises in developing of an extensive air shower with primary energy of 10^20 eV over the ocean surface. It has been shown that, under conditions of the TUS experiment, a flash of the reflected Cherenkov photons at the end of the fluorescence track can be identified in showers with zenith angles up to 20 degrees.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. This preprint corrects errors which appeared in the English version of the article published in Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Phys., 2011, Vol. 75, No. 3, p. 381. The original russian text was published in Izv. RAN. Ser. Fiz., 2011, Vol. 75, No. 3, p. 41

    Aesthetics as a Human Science in the Situation of Culturological Reflection Becoming

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 22.11.2021. Принята к публикации: 13.12.2021.Received: 22.11.2021. Accepted: 13.12.2021.В статье ставится задача соотнести эстетику с наукой о культуре, которая на рубеже XX–XXI веков все больше привлекает к себе внимание. Такая соотнесенность способна породить целое научное направление, которое можно было бы назвать культурологической эстетикой. В этом случае необходимы аргументы. Дело в том, что наука о культуре сегодня привлекает другие гуманитарные науки своей универсальностью и способностью интегрировать знания, существующие в других науках. Казалось бы, этой тенденции в интеграции не соответствуют процессы современной науки, в которой на поздних этапах истории акцент ставился не на интеграции, а на дифференциации. Эстетика здесь не исключение. Как философия, так и эстетика XX века раздробилась на несколько направлений. Тем не менее, как доказывается в статье, в истории эстетики и, еще точнее, на ее ранних этапах существовала эстетическая система, определяющая все разновидности эстетического. Это исключающая обособление эстетического в отдельную сферу онтологическая эстетика. Возникнув в Античности, онтологическая эстетика стала эстетикой бытия. Эстетическое не обладало самостоятельностью, как это будет в эстетике Нового времени, и было признаком самого бытия. Именно эта эстетическая система обладала исключительным универсализмом. В истории культуры такое проявление эстетического постоянно возвращалось, но все же не становилось определяющим. Однако чем ближе к XX веку, тем потребность в интеграции обособившихся направлений дает все более о себе знать. Обладая преимуществом в процессах интеграции, онтологическая эстетика становится созвучной науке о культуре, а точнее, тому интегративному потенциалу, что в этой науке содержится. Именно это обстоятельство и должно учитываться энтузиастами, разрабатывающими проблематику культурологической эстетики.The article aims to correlate aesthetics with the science of culture, which is increasingly attracting attention at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. This correlation can give rise to a whole scientific direction, which could be called cultural aesthetics. In this case, arguments are needed. The fact is that the science of culture today attracts other humanities with its universality and ability to integrate knowledge existing in other sciences. It would seem that this trend in integration does not correspond to the processes of modern science, in which, at the later stages of history, the emphasis was placed not on integration but differentiation. Aesthetics is no exception here. Both philosophy and aesthetics of the twentieth century fragmented into several directions. Nevertheless, as the article proves, in the history of aesthetics and, more precisely, at its early stages, there was an aesthetic system that defined all kinds of aesthetics. This is an ontological aesthetic that excludes the separation of the aesthetic into a separate sphere. Having arisen in antiquity, ontological aesthetics became the aesthetics of being. The aesthetic did not have independence, as it would be in the aesthetics of the New Time, and was a sign of being itself. It was this aesthetic system that had an exceptional universalism. In the history of culture, such a manifestation of the aesthetic constantly returned but still did not become decisive. However, the closer to the twentieth century, the more evident the need for the integration of isolated trends becomes. Having an advantage in integration processes, ontological aesthetics becomes consonant with the science of culture, or rather, with the integrative potential that this science contains. It is this circumstance that should be taken into account by enthusiasts who develop the problems of cultural aesthetics

    Simulation of propagating EAS Cherenkov radiation over the ocean surface

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    We present computing results of the Cherenkov light propagation in air and water from extensive air showers developing over the ocean. Limits on zenith angles of the showers, at which the registration of flashes of reflected Cherenkov photons by the satellite-based detector TUS is possible, are analyzed with consideration for waves on the ocean surface.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. This preprint corrects errors which appeared in the English version of the article published in Mosc. Univ. Phys. Bull., 2011, Vol. 66, No. 5, p. 478. The original russian text was published in Vest. Mosk. Univ. Fiz., 2011, No. 5, p. 6

    Lateral distribution of high energy muons in EAS of sizes Ne approximately equals 10(5) and Ne approximately equals 10(6)

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    Muon energy spectra and muon lateral distribution in EAS were investigated with the underground magnetic spectrometer working as a part of the extensive air showers (EAS) array. For every registered muon the data on EAS are analyzed and the following EAS parameters are obtained, size N sub e, distance r from the shower axis to muon, age parameter s. The number of muons with energy over some threshold E associated to EAS of fixed parameters are measured, I sub reg. To obtain traditional characteristics, muon flux densities as a function of the distance r and muon energy E, muon lateral distribution and energy spectra are discussed for hadron-nucleus interaction model and composition of primary cosmic rays

    The current status of orbital experiments for UHECR studies

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    Two types of orbital detectors of extreme energy cosmic rays are being developed nowadays: (i) TUS and KLYPVE with reflecting optical systems (mirrors) and (ii) JEM-EUSO with high-transmittance Fresnel lenses. They will cover much larger areas than existing ground-based arrays and almost uniformly monitor the celestial sphere. The TUS detector is the pioneering mission developed in SINP MSU in cooperation with several Russian and foreign institutions. It has relatively small field of view (+/-4.5 deg), which corresponds to a ground area of 6.4x10^3 sq.km. The telescope consists of a Fresnel-type mirror-concentrator (~2 sq.m) and a photo receiver (a matrix of 16x16 photomultiplier tubes). It is to be deployed on the Lomonosov satellite, and is currently at the final stage of preflight tests. Recently, SINP MSU began the KLYPVE project to be installed on board of the Russian segment of the ISS. The optical system of this detector contains a larger primary mirror (10 sq.m), which allows decreasing the energy threshold. The total effective field of view will be at least +/-14 degrees to exceed the annual exposure of the existing ground-based experiments. Several configurations of the detector are being currently considered. Finally, JEM-EUSO is a wide field of view (+/-30 deg) detector. The optics is composed of two curved double-sided Fresnel lenses with 2.65 m external diameter, a precision diffractive middle lens and a pupil. The ultraviolet photons are focused onto the focal surface, which consists of nearly 5000 multi-anode photomultipliers. It is developed by a large international collaboration. All three orbital detectors have multi-purpose character due to continuous monitoring of various atmospheric phenomena. The present status of development of the TUS and KLYPVE missions is reported, and a brief comparison of the projects with JEM-EUSO is given.Comment: 18 pages; based on the rapporteur talk given by M.I. Panasyuk at ECRS-2014; v2: a few minor language issues fixed thanks to the editor; to be published in the proceeding

    Tensor analyzing power Ayy in deuteron inclusive breakup at large Pt and spin structure of deuteron at short internucleonic distances

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    The Ayy data for deuteron inclusive breakup off hydrogen and carbon at a deuteron momentum of 9.0 GeV/c and large Pt of emitted protons are presented. The large values of Ayy independent of the target mass reflect the sensitivity of the data to the deuteron spin structure. The data obtained at fixed xx and plotted versus Pt clearly demonstrate the dependence of the deuteron spin structure at short internucleonic distances on two variables. The data are compared with the calculations using Paris, CD-Bonn and Karmanov's deuteron wave functions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the SPIN2004 Conf., 10-16 Oct. 2004, Triest, Ital