213 research outputs found

    The effect of Setarud (IMOD�) on angiogenesis in transplanted human ovarian tissue to nude mice

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    Background: One of the promising methods in fertility preservation among women with cancer is cryopreservation of ovarian cortex but there are many drawbacks such as apoptosis and considerable reduction of follicular density in the transplanted ovary. One solution to reduce ischemic damage is enhancing angiogenesis after transplantation of ovarian cortex tissue. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Setarud, on angiogenesis in transplanted human ovarian tissue. Materials and Methods: In this case control study, twenty four nude mice were implanted subcutaneously, with human ovarian tissues, from four women. The mice were randomly divided into two groups (n=12): the experimental group was treated with Setarud, while control group received only vehicle. Each group was divided into three subgroups (n=4) based on the graft recovery days post transplantation (PT). The transplanted fragments were removed on days 2, 7, and 30 PT and the expression of Angiopoietin-1, Angiopoietin-2, and Vascular endothelial growth factor at both gene and protein levels and vascular density were studied in the grafted ovarian tissues. Results: On the 2nd and 7th day PT, the level of Angiopoietin-1 gene expression in case group was significantly lower than that in control group, while the opposite results were obtained for Angiopoietin-2 and Vascular endothelial growth factor. These results were also confirmed at the protein level. The density of vessels in Setarud group elevated significantly on day 7 PT compared to pre-treatment state. Conclusion: Our results showed that administration of Setarud may stimulates angiogenesis in transplanted human ovarian tissues, although further researches are needed before a clear judgment is made. � 2015, Research and Clinical Center for Infertitlity. All rights reserved

    Myocardial Deformation Imaging Meta-Analysis in Two Cohorts of Patients from UAE and Heart Hospital Hamadmedical Corporation: A Potential Role in Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease Severity and Myocardial Viability

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    Introduction: The increasing prevalence of heart failure (HF) in coronary artery disease (CAD) urgently requires the establishment of new imaging techniques for early diagnosis and also to guide treatment of patients presented with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Conventional echocardiography (CE) and electrocardiogram (ECG) are the gold standard methods in assessing myocardial ischemia (MI) and the function of the heart in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). The lack of ST elevation by ECG and regional wall motion abnormalities by CE in non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEACS) in ACS patients reflect limited sensitivity of ECG and CE in identifying patients with acute coronary occlusion (ACO) and proper assessment of myocardial viability. Aim of this study: This study now evaluates the ability of strain parameters in grading the severity of CAD to detect myocardial viability in ACS through a comparative meta-analysis in two cohorts of patients living in the UAE and Qatar. The study investigates the diagnostic accuracy of left ventricular longitudinal systolic strain function (GLS) by 2D-speckle tracking echocardiography (2D-STE), Territorial Longitudinal Strain (TLS) analysis and post systolic strain (PSS) in ACS patients admitted at the emergency departments. All the patients had acute chest pain which is highly suggestive of NSTEACS along with coronary angiography (CA). Methods: The study recruited two groups, comprising of 347 patients, who were presented with acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) at the emergency department. The first group had 214 consecutive patients who had acute chest pain and high-risk profile and they were admitted to the emergency department at Eastern Emirates Hospitals, El-Fujairah-Dibba (EEEH), UAE. The second group consisted of 133 from emergency department at Heart Hospital- Hamad Medical Corporation (HHHMC), Qatar. In both groups, 85% of the patients were men with ages from 32 to 65 years (mean ± SD: 49.4 ± 9.5 years). Significant CAD was defined as having at least one epicardial vessel with ≥ 70% or left main>50% stenosis. All patients enrolled in this study underwent basic echocardiography, speckle tracking analysis, and coronary angiography. In 70 patients, PSS was calculated and myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) was utilized as gold standards for the assessment of myocardial viability in patients with documented NSTEACS. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of peak longitudinal systolic strain (2D-STE) and PSS were calculated. Left ventricular systolic strain was displayed as bull’s eye plot and territorial longitudinal strain (TLS) in the territory of the infarct-related artery. They were obtained within 24 hours from admission. Coronary angiography (CA) was performed within 24 hours from admission and used as a reference tests to assess the severity of CAD. Results: Echocardiogram obtained from the patients showed any no wall motion abnormalities at rest, although speckle tracking analysis was abnormal in 167 patients. In the first group of patients from the UAE, GLS showed a high sensitivity of 80% and a very high specificity of 93% for detection of significant CAD. In addition, PSS demonstrated a high sensitivity of 80% with an average specificity of 57%. The combination of GLS and PSS showed a further increase in sensitivity, specificity with positive and negative predictive values of 98%, 91%, 99% and 97%, respectively. Therefore, a very high correlation of GLS and PSS with coronary angiography was demonstrated: =0.90, p<0.0001 and R=0.88, p<0.0001, respectively. Furthermore, PSS showed a very high concordance with MPI scan (stress-rest-re injection studies) in detection of ischemic viable myocardium with very high sensitivity of 85%, r=0.79. In the Qatari (HHHMC) patients, a multi-vessel disease or left main disease (MV) was documented in 53.6%, and those with single vessel disease (SV) in 46.4%. LAD, circumflex and RCA lesions were found in 65, 50 and 39 patients, respectively. A control group of 129 cases was selected from outpatients referred to the echocardiography unit. The results showed that in comparison to CA, GLS sensitivity and specificity were 84% and 70%, respectively in all the patients. The sensitivity of GLS was 87% in MV and 80% in SV. Territorial strain sensitivity was 50%, 74% and 84.6% for the left anterior descending artery (LAD), circumflex and right coronary artery (RCA), respectively compared to specificity values of 64%, 65% and 61.7%, respectively. Conclusion: It is concluded that GLS by speckle tracking analysis is definitely an accurate method in early diagnosis of the severity of CAD in patients presenting with NSTE ACS. The combined use of GLS and PSS showed very high diagnostic accuracy for the identification of significant CAD in these patients. Strain imaging by STE may be applied to diagnose the severity of myocardial ischemia by showing reduction in peak systolic strain. Moreover, it is equally important to demonstrate post-systolic shortening which is a characteristic feature of ischemic viable myocardium after ACS requiring revascularization

    The survey and identification source of white spot disease in shrimp Farm in Abadan area

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    In the summer of 2002 high mortality occurred in farm shrimp in Abadan area due to white spot disease. The main objective of this study was detection and identification the source of white spot syndrome virus. For this reason from 2004/11/4 until 2005/120/6 about 190 samples consisted of wild shrimp, crab, fish, and plankton collected and preserved in alcohol 90-75% for polymerase chain reaction (PCR).The samples transferred to the South Iranian Aquaculture Center in Ahwaz. The samples examined by commercial WSSV detection kit (Fast Target) and new kit design by Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO) and Biotechnology Research Center from Iran. The result from PCR showed the samples of Penaeus indicus brood stock and postlarvea, Parapenaeopsis stylifrus and Metapenaeus affinis was positive. The rest of samples did not show any sign of virus and they was negative by PCR. Because the disease outbreak occurred in 2002 and the samples collected in 2004, the situation of environmental in the area was changed and may be the virus disappears in the samples and died

    Prospective assessment of inter-rater reliability of a neonatal adverse event severity scale

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    Introduction: To ensure the quality of clinical trial safety data, universal data standards are required. In 2019 the International Neonatal Consortium (INC) published a neonatal adverse event severity scale (NAESS) to standardize the reporting of adverse event (AE) severity. In this study the reliability of AE severity grading with INC NAESS was prospectively assessed in a real-world setting. Methods: Severity of AEs was assessed by two independent observers at each of four centers across the world. In each center two series of 30 neonatal adverse events were assessed by both observers: in a first phase with a generic (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, CTCAE) severity scale not specific to neonates, and in a second phase with INC NAESS (after a structured training). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated to express inter-rater agreement in both phases, and bootstrap sampling was used to compare them. Results: 120 AEs were included in each of both phases. The ICC with the use of INC NAESS in phase 2 was 0.69. This represents a significant but modest improvement in comparison to the initial ICC of 0.66 in phase 1 (confidence interval of ratio of ICC in phase 2 to phase 1 = 1.005–1.146; excludes 1). The ICC was higher for those AEs for which a diagnosis specific AE severity table was available in INC NAESS (ICC 0.80). Discussion: Good inter-rater reliability of the INC NAESS was demonstrated in four neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across the globe. The ICC is comparable to what is reported for scales with similar purposes in different populations. There is a modest, but significant, improvement in inter-rater agreement in comparison to the naïve phase without INC NAESS. The better performance when reviewers use AE-specific NAESS tables highlights the need to expand the number of AEs that are covered by specific criteria in the current version of INC NAESS.</p

    Research, development and innovation in business enterprises: experience from Egypt

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    This paper addresses the linkages between research and development (R&D) and innovation on the one hand and the socioeconomic impact of research, development and innovation (RDI) on the other hand. More specifically, the paper suggests a two-stage methodology directed to analyse the performance of RDI in business enterprises and assess their development impact. A conceptual four-dimensional model and an integrated analytical framework were developed. This approach is complemented by the development of a statistical survey mainly designed to generate appropriate indicators for analysing the vital role of RDI in business enterprises. The survey results revealed several analytical points as well as specific imbalances of RDI system in business enterprises that need to be addressed by policymakers. Furthermore, the analytical results stress the need for Egyptian business enterprises to enhance and diversify their cooperation with other RDI-producing institutions to benefit from comparative advantages and improve the quality of RDI outputs

    Contovir - A new adjuvant therapy in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: A case study

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    Background: Contovir is a mixture of herbal extracts (Tanacetum vulgare, Rossa canina, Urtica dioica) that is supplemented with selenium. Objectives: This study aimed to add Contovir to the classic treatment of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) in order to decrease the severity and extent of the disease, elongate the surgical intervals and improve the sense of patient well-being. Furthermore, we had to adjust the prescribed drug dosage, since there were no previous findings available. Patients and Methods: This is a case study of RRP patients treated with Contovir as an adjuvant to the classic treatment, from March 2011 to February 2013, at an academic tertiary hospital (Rasoul-e-Akram hospital). All patients underwent surgical removal of papilloma and then were prescribed Contovir. Disease severity was quantified based on Derkay�s staging system. Results: Eight patients were enrolled in this study. The extent and severity of the disease improved in six cases. One had no response, and the severity of disease increased in one patient. Patients with supraglottic lesions had better responses to Contovir adjuvant therapy. No immediate or long-term side effects were reported. Conclusions: Although Contovir has been found to be an advantageous adjuvant for RRP treatment, further studies are called for to verify these findings. © 2016, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Contovir - A new adjuvant therapy in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: A case study

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    Background: Contovir is a mixture of herbal extracts (Tanacetum vulgare, Rossa canina, Urtica dioica) that is supplemented with selenium. Objectives: This study aimed to add Contovir to the classic treatment of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) in order to decrease the severity and extent of the disease, elongate the surgical intervals and improve the sense of patient well-being. Furthermore, we had to adjust the prescribed drug dosage, since there were no previous findings available. Patients and Methods: This is a case study of RRP patients treated with Contovir as an adjuvant to the classic treatment, from March 2011 to February 2013, at an academic tertiary hospital (Rasoul-e-Akram hospital). All patients underwent surgical removal of papilloma and then were prescribed Contovir. Disease severity was quantified based on Derkay�s staging system. Results: Eight patients were enrolled in this study. The extent and severity of the disease improved in six cases. One had no response, and the severity of disease increased in one patient. Patients with supraglottic lesions had better responses to Contovir adjuvant therapy. No immediate or long-term side effects were reported. Conclusions: Although Contovir has been found to be an advantageous adjuvant for RRP treatment, further studies are called for to verify these findings. © 2016, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Iranome: A catalogue of genomic variations in the Iranian population

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    Considering the application of human genome variation databases in precision medicine, population-specific genome projects are continuously being developed. However, the Middle Eastern population is underrepresented in current databases. Accordingly, we established Iranome database (www.iranome.com) by performing whole exome sequencing on 800 individuals from eight major Iranian ethnic groups representing the second largest population of Middle East. We identified 1,575,702 variants of which 308,311 were novel (19.6%). Also, by presenting higher frequency for 37,384 novel or known rare variants, Iranome database can improve the power of molecular diagnosis. Moreover, attainable clinical information makes this database a good resource for classifying pathogenicity of rare variants. Principal components analysis indicated that, apart from Iranian-Baluchs, Iranian-Turkmen, and Iranian-Persian Gulf Islanders, who form their own clusters, rest of the population were genetically linked, forming a super-population. Furthermore, only 0.6% of novel variants showed counterparts in "Greater Middle East Variome Project", emphasizing the value of Iranome at national level by releasing a comprehensive catalog of Iranian genomic variations and also filling another gap in the catalog of human genome variations at international level. We introduce Iranome as a resource which may also be applicable in other countries located in neighboring regions historically called Greater Iran (Persia)