1,083 research outputs found

    Peroxidase extraction from jicama skin peels for phenol removal

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    Phenol and its derivatives exist in various types of industrial effluents, and are known to be harmful to aquatic lives even at low concentrations. Conventional treatment technologies for phenol removal are challenged with long retention time, high energy consumption and process cost. Enzymatic treatment has emerged as an alternative technology for phenol removal from wastewater. These enzymes interact with aromatic compounds including phenols in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, forming free radicals which polymerize spontaneously to produce insoluble phenolic polymers. This work aims to extract peroxidase from agricultural wastes materials and establish its application for phenol removal. Peroxidase was extracted from jicama skin peels under varying extraction conditions of pH, sample-to-buffer ratio (w/v %) and temperature. Experimental results showed that extraction process conducted at pH 10, 40% w/v and 25oC demonstrated a peroxidase activity of 0.79 U/mL. Elevated temperatures slightly enhanced the peroxidase activities. Jicama peroxidase extracted at optimum extraction conditions demonstrated a phenol removal efficiency of 87.5% at pH 7. Phenol removal efficiency was ∼ 97% in the range of 30 - 40oC, and H2O2 dosage has to be kept below 100 mM for maximum removal under phenol concentration tested

    An Evolutionary Algorithm with Advanced Goal and Priority Specification for Multi-objective Optimization

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    This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm with a new goal-sequence domination scheme for better decision support in multi-objective optimization. The approach allows the inclusion of advanced hard/soft priority and constraint information on each objective component, and is capable of incorporating multiple specifications with overlapping or non-overlapping objective functions via logical 'OR' and 'AND' connectives to drive the search towards multiple regions of trade-off. In addition, we propose a dynamic sharing scheme that is simple and adaptively estimated according to the on-line population distribution without needing any a priori parameter setting. Each feature in the proposed algorithm is examined to show its respective contribution, and the performance of the algorithm is compared with other evolutionary optimization methods. It is shown that the proposed algorithm has performed well in the diversity of evolutionary search and uniform distribution of non-dominated individuals along the final trade-offs, without significant computational effort. The algorithm is also applied to the design optimization of a practical servo control system for hard disk drives with a single voice-coil-motor actuator. Results of the evolutionary designed servo control system show a superior closed-loop performance compared to classical PID or RPT approaches

    Composition and Functionality of Lipid Emulsions in Parenteral Nutrition: Examining Evidence in Clinical Applications

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    Lipid emulsions (LEs), an integral component in parenteral nutrition (PN) feeding, have shifted from the primary aim of delivering non-protein calories and essential fatty acids to defined therapeutic outcomes such as reducing inflammation, and improving metabolic and clinical outcomes. Use of LEs in PN for surgical and critically ill patients is particularly well established, and there is enough literature assigning therapeutic and adverse effects to specific LEs. This narrative review contrarily puts into perspective the fatty acid compositional (FAC) nature of LE formulations, and discusses clinical applications and outcomes according to the biological function and structural functionality of fatty acids and co-factors such as phytosterols, α-tocopherol, emulsifiers and vitamin K. In addition to soybean oil-based LEs, this review covers clinical studies using the alternate LEs that incorporates physical mixtures combining medium- and long-chain triglycerides or structured triglycerides or the unusual olive oil or fish oil. The Jaded score was applied to assess the quality of these studies, and we report outcomes categorized as per immuno-inflammatory, nutritional, clinical, and cellular level FAC changes. It appears that the FAC nature of LEs is the primary determinant of desired clinical outcomes, and we conclude that one type of LE alone cannot be uniformly applied to patient care

    Protein-energy wasting and nutritional supplementation in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Background & aims Protein-Energy Wasting (PEW) is the depletion of protein/energy stores observed in the most advanced stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). PEW is highly prevalent among patients on chronic dialysis, and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes, high morbidity/mortality rates and increased healthcare costs. This narrative review was aimed at exploring the pathophysiology of PEW in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis. The main aspects of nutritional status evaluation, intervention and monitoring in this clinical setting were described, as well as the current approaches for the prevention and treatment of ESRD-related PEW. Methods An exhaustive literature search was performed, in order to identify the relevant studies describing the epidemiology, pathogenesis, nutritional intervention and outcome of PEW in ESRD on hemodialysis. Results and conclusion The pathogenesis of PEW is multifactorial. Loss of appetite, reduced intake of nutrients and altered lean body mass anabolism/catabolism play a key role. Nutritional approach to PEW should be based on a careful and periodic assessment of nutritional status and on timely dietary counseling. When protein and energy intakes are reduced, nutritional supplementation by means of specific oral formulations administered during the hemodialysis session may be the first-step intervention, and represents a valid nutritional approach to PEW prevention and treatment since it is easy, effective and safe. Omega-3 fatty acids and fibers, now included in commercially available preparations for renal patients, could lend relevant added value to macronutrient supplementation. When oral supplementation fails, intradialytic parenteral nutrition can be implemented in selected patients

    Dynamic cervical lung lobe herniation in a Shih Tzu dog

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    An 8-year-old spayed female Shih Tzu was referred to University Veterinary Hospital (UVH) with history of chronic coughing for more than a year duration. Dry, hacking cough was heard and bilateral wheezing lung sound was noted upon physical examination. Auscultation of heart revealed left apical systolic heart murmur Grade III/VI. A soft, intermittent swelling was observed at ventral neck, cranial to thoracic inlet (protruded upon expiration and collapsed upon inspiration). Thoracic radiography taken showed presence of apical radiolucency at cervical region and bronchial pattern at caudodorsal lungs with left atrium enlargement and right-sided heart enlargement. Echocardiographic examination revealed myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) with mild regurgitation. Based on diagnostic imaging, this case was diagnosed as dynamic lung lobe herniation secondary to chronic coughing concurrent with myxomatous mitral valve disease. Other differential diagnosis that may lead to chronic cough such as of tracheal collapsed and bronchiectasis was not rule out

    Revealing the potential of squid chitosan-based structures for biomedical applications

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    In recent years, much attention has been given to different marine organisms, namely as potential sources of valuable materials with a vast range of properties and characteristics. In this work, β-chitin was isolated from the endoskeleton of the giant squid Dosidicus gigas and further deacetylated to produce chitosan. Then, the squid chitosan was processed into membranes and scaffolds using solvent casting and freeze-drying, respectively, to assess their potential biomedical application. The developed membranes have shown to be stiffer and less hydrophobic than those obtained with commercial chitosan. On the other hand, the morphological characterization of the developed scaffolds, by SEM and micro-computed tomography, revealed that the matrices were formed with a lamellar structure. The findings also indicated that the treatment with ethanol prior to neutralization with sodium hydroxide caused the formation of larger pores and loss of some lamellar features. The in vitro cell culture study has shown that all chitosan scaffolds exhibited a non-cytotoxic effect over the mouse fibroblast-like cell line, L929 cells. Thus, chitosan produced from the endoskeletons of the giant squid Dosidicus gigas has proven to be a valuable alternative to existing commercial materials when considering its use as biomaterial.This work was partially funded by FEDER through INTERREG III A Project Proteus and POCTEP Project IBEROMARE. The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is gratefully acknowledged for post-doctoral grants of THS, JMO and SSS. The authors would also like to acknowledge to Dr Julio Maroto from the Fundacion CETMAR and Roi Vilela from PESCANOVA S.A, Spain, for the kind offer of squid pens and to Dr Ramon Novoa, Professor Ricardo Riguera and Professor Mariana Landin from the University of Santiago of Compostela for the SEC-MALLS measurements

    A metabolite-derived protein modification integrates glycolysis with KEAP1-NRF2 signalling.

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    Mechanisms that integrate the metabolic state of a cell with regulatory pathways are necessary to maintain cellular homeostasis. Endogenous, intrinsically reactive metabolites can form functional, covalent modifications on proteins without the aid of enzymes1,2, and regulate cellular functions such as metabolism3-5 and transcription6. An important 'sensor' protein that captures specific metabolic information and transforms it into an appropriate response is KEAP1, which contains reactive cysteine residues that collectively act as an electrophile sensor tuned to respond to reactive species resulting from endogenous and xenobiotic molecules. Covalent modification of KEAP1 results in reduced ubiquitination and the accumulation of NRF27,8, which then initiates the transcription of cytoprotective genes at antioxidant-response element loci. Here we identify a small-molecule inhibitor of the glycolytic enzyme PGK1, and reveal a direct link between glycolysis and NRF2 signalling. Inhibition of PGK1 results in accumulation of the reactive metabolite methylglyoxal, which selectively modifies KEAP1 to form a methylimidazole crosslink between proximal cysteine and arginine residues (MICA). This posttranslational modification results in the dimerization of KEAP1, the accumulation of NRF2 and activation of the NRF2 transcriptional program. These results demonstrate the existence of direct inter-pathway communication between glycolysis and the KEAP1-NRF2 transcriptional axis, provide insight into the metabolic regulation of the cellular stress response, and suggest a therapeutic strategy for controlling the cytoprotective antioxidant response in several human diseases

    Coronary artery calcification – distribution, extent and 1-year outcomes in patients with low to intermediate pre-test probability of coronary artery disease.

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    Background: Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is an established marker to predict major cardiovascular events (MACE), and has incremental value over traditional risk factors (CVRF). CAC is widely available, easily reproducible, and used in nearly all coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) assessment protocols for coronary artery disease (CAD). The distribution and extent of CAC, and its prognostic implications in local Malaysian patients with low to intermediate pre-test probability (LI-PTP) of CAD had not been established. Objectives: We aimed to establish the distribution, extent and prognostic implications of CAC in patients without known CAD, but with LI-PTP of CAD, undergoing CCTA for chest pain evaluation. Methods: Clinical information was obtained from consecutive patients who underwent CAC and CCTA examination from January 2020 to January 2021 at a single public access tertiary referral centre. The primary outcomes were the distribution and extent of CAC, and its relationship with MACE at 1 year. Results: Of 499 consecutive patients, 7 were excluded due to high PTP. CAC was present in 172/492 (35%). Within this group, 74/172 (41.3%) had CAC score of 1-100 (mild), 75/172 (42.4%) had a CAC of 101- 400 (moderate), 23/172 (13.4%) had CAC of >400 (high). 136 had suspected significant CAD and was offered conventional coronary angiography (CCA). 91/492 underwent CCA, and 38 were found to have significant CAD. Of those found to have significant CAD, 7/38 (18.4%) had CAC of zero, 8/38 (21.1%) had mild CAC, 12/38 (31.6%) moderate, and 11/38 (30%) high CAC. Severe CAC was associated with a higher rate of revascularization 11/23 (47.8%), compared to those with zero 7/320 (2.2%), mild 8/74 (10.8%) and moderate 12/75 (16%) CAC. Predictors of high CAC were age, male gender, and presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors. Of the 492 patients, 230 patients completed 1 year follow-up, and from this, 1 patient had a MACE. Conclusion In patients with LI-PTP risk of CAD, CAC was seen in approximately one third of our cohort. In the group with high CAC, a higher proportion required coronary revascularization, but MACE remained low at 1 year

    Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography as part of initial strategy, in assessment of patients with chest pain – clinical experience and 1 year prognosis.

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    Background: Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) has been showed to have high specificity and sensitivity for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD). In Malaysia, national guidelines state that CCTA may be used in low- to intermediate pre-test probability (LI-PTP) of CAD, who have an equivocal functional test result, and who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic with good exercise capacity. Recent evidence suggested a ‘CCTA-first’ strategy in the evaluation of a patient with chest pain could provide prognostic benefits. Prognostic benefits of adopting this strategy in Malaysia has not been well studied. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate 12-month clinical outcomes of patients with LI-PTP, using the CCTA as an initial strategy, or as part of the work-up for, chest pain assessment. Methods: Consecutive patients who underwent CCTA examination from January 2020 to January 2021 were enrolled. Clinical information was then extracted. Primary outcome was defined as presence of stenosis of >50% in a major epicardial coronary artery; and secondary outcome defined as a composite of all-cause mortality, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary revascularisation. Results: Among the initial 499 patients, 7 were excluded as they were high in PTP. The mean PTP was 47.1±26.3. Baseline characteristics were available in 300 patients. The mean age was 53.5±11.4 years, 59.3% were male, 18.6% were diabetic, 71.2% had hypertension, and 50.8% had hypercholestrolaemia. 1.9% had an equivocal functional test for ischaemia. Of the 492 LI-PTP patients who underwent CCTA, 136 patients were suspected to have significant CAD, and recommended conventional coronary angiography (CCA). Of these, 91 patients underwent CCA. From this group 38 were found to have significant CAD which warranted revascularisation – 32 by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and 6 referred for coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). Therefore, utilising this strategy, 7.7% (38/492) of patients met the primary outcome. Of the original cohort of 492 LI-PTP patients, only 230 completed 1 year follow up, and from this, one patient met the secondary outcome. Conclusion Incorporation of CCTA into contemporary chest pain evaluation identified significant number of patients with significant CAD and was also associated with a low cardiac event rate at 1 year follow-up