1,074 research outputs found

    Spreading of a saturation front of heterogeneous chemical reaction througn an aerosol gloud

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    A cloud of aerosol particles sediments in air containing reactants. On the basis of a macroscopic chemical and mass transfer model founded on the kinetic theory of heterogeneous reactions we analyzed the spreading of chemical reaction through the cloud of aerosol particlesyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Properties of high-frequency wave power halos around active regions: an analysis of multi-height data from HMI and AIA onboard SDO

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    We study properties of waves of frequencies above the photospheric acoustic cut-off of \approx5.3 mHz, around four active regions, through spatial maps of their power estimated using data from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The wavelength channels 1600 {\AA} and 1700 {\AA} from AIA are now known to capture clear oscillation signals due to helioseismic p modes as well as waves propagating up through to the chromosphere. Here we study in detail, in comparison with HMI Doppler data, properties of the power maps, especially the so called 'acoustic halos' seen around active regions, as a function of wave frequencies, inclination and strength of magnetic field (derived from the vector field observations by HMI) and observation height. We infer possible signatures of (magneto-)acoustic wave refraction from the observation height dependent changes, and hence due to changing magnetic strength and geometry, in the dependences of power maps on the photospheric magnetic quantities. We discuss the implications for theories of p mode absorption and mode conversions by the magnetic field.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by journal Solar Physic

    Вплив комплексів нанокарбоксилатів та препарату Кватронан-Se на гематологічні показники крові піддослідних тварин

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    In this paper present the results of research of influence of the preparation «Kvatronan-Se» and carboxylates of Se, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ge in different combinations on haematological parameters of blood of experimental animals. Study was carried out on the basis of PC Haleks-Agro. It is located in the village Gul'sk of Novograd Volynskiy district of Zhytomyr region. In the farm to bred of Simmental cows. For the experiment was formed four groups. We took into account age, live weight of 650–700 kg and the average milk yield 5000–6000 kg. Animals is located in identical conditions of feeding and maintenance. Research experiment was carried out on animals couples counterparts.  Preparations introduced animals three times at 10–12 days after insemination. The cows first experimental group were injected complex nanokarboksylativ Ge, Cu, Mn and Cr, second – drug Kvatronan–Se and animals third experimental group was administered a complex composed of Se, Cu, Mn, Cr. On 13 day after insemination in experimental animals were taken blood from tail vein and examined the contents of hematological parameters. Established that injection nanokarboksylativ enhance the fertility of cows in the first and third group, the figure rose to 20% in the second by 40% compared with the control. Research hematological parameters blood  animals shows that after entering content drugs of blood cells had minor changes but remained within the physiological norm. The results show that in  concentration monocyte the second group  was at 5.53% (P > 0.01) higher compared to the control group and 2.3% compared to the first and third. The content of lymphocytes in this group decreased by 26.3% (P > 0.05), 22% and 16% relative to the control, the first and third groups. Also, it should be noted that the hemoglobin in the experimental groups decreased in group I by 7.9% in the II – 3.9% and III by 7.3% compared with the control group. Also, these groups distinguished downward trend eosinophils 1.8%, 1.5%, 2.05%. Then, as the number of segment-nuclear neutrophils contrast, in the first group increased by 18.2% in the second and third at 16.9% comparatively control. The number of monocytes in the second group doslfidniy the suspicion was higher by 66.3% and 0.3% higher than the physiological norm – it may indicate a high immune response.У даній статті наведено результати досліджень, щодо впливу комплексів нанокарбоксилатів та препарату Кватронан-Se на гематологічні показники крові корів симентальської породи. Для проведення досліду було сформовано чотири групи. Препарати вводились тваринам трикратно на 10–12 день після осіменіння. Першій дослідній групі вводили комплекс нанокарбоксилатів Ge, Cu, Mn та Cr, другий – препарат Кватронан-Se і тваринам третьої дослідної групи вводили комплекс, до складу якого входили Se, Cu, Mn, Cr. На 13 день після осіменіння у піддослідних тварин відбирали кров з хвостової вени та досліджували вміст гематологічних показників.  Встановлено, що ін’єкції нанокарбоксилатів сприяють підвищенню заплідненості корів, у першій та третій групі даний показник підвищився на 20% у другій – на 40% порівняно з контролем. Дослідження гематологічної картини крові піддослідних тварин свідчить, що після введення препаратів вміст формених елементів крові мав незначні зміни але залишався в межах фізіологічних величин. Отримані результати свідчать, що у другій групі концентрація моноцитів була на 5,53% (Р > 0,01) вищою порівняно з контрольною групою та на 2,3% порівняно з першою та третьою. При цьому вміст лімфоцитів у цій групі знизився  на 26,3% (Р > 0,05), 22% та 16% відносно контрольної, першої та третьої груп. Також, варто відмітити, що вміст гемоглобіну в дослідних групах знизився: в I групі на 7,9% в II – 3,9% і в III – на 7,3% порівняно з контрольною групою. Крім того, в цих групах спостерігалася тенденція до зниження еозинофілів на 1,8%, 1,5%, 2,05%. Тоді, як кількість сегменті-ядерних нейтрофілів навпаки, підвищилася в першій групі на 18,2%, у другій і третій на 16,9% порівняно з контролем

    A breach in plant defences: Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae targets ethylene signalling to overcome Actinidia chinensis pathogen responses

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    8openInternationalBothEthylene interacts with other plant hormones to modulate many aspects of plant metabolism, including defence and stomata regulation. Therefore, its manipulation may allow plant pathogens to overcome the host’s immune responses. This work investigates the role of ethylene as a virulence factor for Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), the aetiological agent of the bacterial canker of kiwifruit. The pandemic, highly virulent biovar of this pathogen produces ethylene, whereas the biovars isolated in Japan and Korea do not. Ethylene production is modulated in planta by light/dark cycle. Exogenous ethylene application stimulates bacterial virulence, and restricts or increases host colonisation if performed before or after inoculation, respectively. The deletion of a gene, unrelated to known bacterial biosynthetic pathways and putatively encoding for an oxidoreductase, abolishes ethylene production and reduces the pathogen growth rate in planta. Ethylene production by Psa may be a recently and independently evolved virulence trait in the arms race against the host. Plant- and pathogen-derived ethylene may concur in the activation/suppression of immune responses, in the chemotaxis toward a suitable entry point, or in the endophytic colonisationopenCellini, Antonio; Donati, Irene; Farneti, Brian; Khomenko, Iuliia; Buriani, Giampaolo; Biasioli, Franco; Cristescu, Simona M.; Spinelli, Francesco;Cellini, A.; Donati, I.; Farneti, B.; Khomenko, I.; Buriani, G.; Biasioli, F.; Cristescu, S.M.; Spinelli, F