143 research outputs found

    Calculation of the Exchange Fund of Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

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    The purpose of this work is the theoretical substantiation and development of a practical method for calculating the exchange fund of electrical equipment of an industrial enterprise. The purpose is achieved through the use of separate methods of queuing theory if the flow of applications for repairs and restoration are the simplest. It is confirmed by the results of statistical studies. Therefore, for the mathematical description of the repair problem the authors use the scheme Mm; Ms; n , which corresponds to the process of death and reproduction. As a criterion for optimizing the exchange fund of electrical equipment it is proposed to use the zero probability waiting for the replacement of a faulty electrical component with a working from the exchange fund. For the case of the simplest flow of applications for service, the authors suggest to use the Peck and Hazelwood tables, which significantly simplify the calculation of the exchange fund for known failure rates and electrical equipment recoveries. For practical use of the proposed method, the authors have developed convenient forms for presenting initial data for calculating the exchange fund, and it is proposed to present the results of calculations in the form of several options for the optimal number of electrical equipment in the exchange fund depending on the accepted level of zero expectation probability, the number of elements from the exchange fund and their recovery time. The proposed method will optimize the exchange fund of electrical equipment and reduce the cost of its formation

    Methodological approaches for minimization laboratory researches in diagnostics of platelets hyperaggregation

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    The way of diagnostics of hyperactivity platelets, not demanding special conditions of haemocoagulation shifts in a vascular wall in vitro is offered. The way is based on biochemical research of plasma of blood of the patient used for routine haemostaziological of tests; with the subsequent calculation of a diagnostic index by solving rule. It is surveyed 65 patients in total. The correlation analysis of a degree of aggregation platelets and pH-plasmas of blood at women is carried out The method of the discriminantal analysis deduces solving rule of conformity of values pH-plasmas and hyperaggregations of platelets.Sol\ring rule: Д =constl X PPP-const2.Where: Д — diagnostic significant index; constl and const2-constants; PPP - value of a parameter pH poor platelets plasmas of the researched patient. The way does not demand the expensive material base, special reactants, is convenient in execution at use of a minimum quantity of a researched material, provides reception of the necessary information within one hour from the moment of a fence of blood of the patient, we reproduce in laboratory of any level.Предложен способ диагностики гиперактивности тромбоцитов, не требующий специальных условий моделирования реологии в сосудистой стенке in vitro. Способ основан на биохимическом исследовании плазмы крови пациента, используемой для рутинных гемостазиологических тестов, с последующим подсчетом диагностического индекса по решающему правилу. Всего обследовано 65 пациентов. Проведен корреляционный анализ степени агрегации тромбоцитов и pH плазмы крови пациентов. Методом дискриминантного анализа выведено решающее правило соответствия значений pH плазмы и гиперагрегации тромбоцитов: Д = constlXPPP- const2 где: Д - диагностически значимый индекс; constl и const2- постоянные величины: РРР - значение показателя pH бедной тромбоцитами плазмы исследуемого пациента. Способ не требует дорогостоящей материально-технической базы, специальных реактивов, удобен в исполнении при использовании минимального количества исследуемого материала, обеспечивает получение необходимой информации в течение часа с момента забора крови пациента, воспроизводим в лаборатории любого уровня

    Using ozonotherapy for chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower limbs

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    The article describes the use of ozone therapy in the form of intravenous infusions for the treatment of 154 patients with CODLLA III with ischemia III according to the classification of Pokrovsky A.V.В статье рассмотрено применение озонотерапии в виде внутривенных инфузий для лечения 154 больных ХОЗАНК с III степенью ишемии по классификации Покровского А.В

    Analysis of the indicators of infectious service’s work in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The article presents the results of the infection service’s work of the Sverdlovsk region in 2015-2017 years. It’s based on information from reports of the chief freelance infectious disease specialist Regional Ministry of Health. The results indicate the need to develop new programs of prevention, treatment of infectious diseases and optimization of the infection service’s work at the regional level.В статье представлены результаты анализа работы инфекционной службы Свердловской области за 2015-2017 гг. на основе данных годовых отчетов главного внештатного инфекциониста регионального Минздрава. Результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости разработки на уровне региона новых программ по профилактике, лечению инфекционных заболеваний и оптимизации работы инфекционной службы

    LIS1 determines cleavage plane positioning by regulating actomyosin-mediated cell membrane contractility

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    Heterozygous loss of human PAFAH1B1 (coding for LIS1) results in the disruption of neurogenesis and neuronal migration via dysregulation of microtubule (MT) stability and dynein motor function/localization that alters mitotic spindle orientation, chromosomal segregation, and nuclear migration. Recently, human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models revealed an important role for LIS1 in controlling the length of terminal cell divisions of outer radial glial (oRG) progenitors, suggesting cellular functions of LIS1 in regulating neural progenitor cell (NPC) daughter cell separation. Here we examined the late mitotic stages NPCs in vivo and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in vitro from Pafah1b1-deficient mutants. Pafah1b1-deficient neocortical NPCs and MEFs similarly exhibited cleavage plane displacement with mislocalization of furrow-associated markers, associated with actomyosin dysfunction and cell membrane hyper-contractility. Thus, it suggests LIS1 acts as a key molecular link connecting MTs/dynein and actomyosin, ensuring that cell membrane contractility is tightly controlled to execute proper daughter cell separation

    Disease and creativity of Edgar Allan Poe

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    The article provides the biography and development dynamics of a mental disorder of the writer Edgar Allan Poe. He was the creator of a detective fiction genre in literature. Articles and memories of him and content of his works are the sources of psychopathological analysis. We can presumably verify the diagnosis of Edgar Allan Poe as schizoaffective psychosis.В статье приводятся краткая биография и динамика развития психического расстройства писателя Эдагра Алана По, создателя детективно- фантастического жанра в литературе. Источники психопатологического анализа - статьи и воспоминания о нём, но в особенности - содержание его произведений. Придерживаясь отечественной диагностической традиции, которая основывается на единстве нозологических единиц, то можно предположительно верифицировать диагноз Эдгара По как шизоаффективный психоз

    Peculiarities of the menstrual cycle in students 4 courses of USMU, URGUPS and UGGU

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    The article discusses the features of the menstrual cycle in fourthyear students of universities in Ekaterinburg: UGMU (Ural State Medical University), USUPS (Ural State University of Communications) and UGGU (Ural State Mining University). Risk factors that probably affect the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle are also evaluated.В статье рассмотрены особенности менструального цикла у студенток четвертого курса университетов г. Екатеринбург: УГМУ (Уральский государственный медицинский университет), УрГУПС (Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения) и УГГУ (Уральский государственный горный университет). Так же оценены факторы риска, вероятно влияющие на течение менструального цикла студенток


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    The purpose of this work was to study the matrix spectral and non-spectral noise from macrocomponents on the intensity of the most sensitive spectral lines of gallium using TDM and experimentally verify the results obtained.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ (проект № 23-23-00138)


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    The possibility of antimony (III) sorption on composite sorbents created by modification of montmorillonite was studied. Montmorillonite modified with Fe3O4 nanoparticles and cationic surfactant showed a better degree of antimony (III) sorption compared to other modifications