13 research outputs found

    A mean-squared-error condition for weighting ionospheric delays in GNSS baselines

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    Although ionosphere-weighted GNSS parameter estimation is a popular technique for strengthening estimator performance in the presence of ionospheric delays, no provable rules yet exist that specify the needed weighting in dependence on ionospheric circumstances. The goal of the present contribution is therefore to develop and present the ionospheric conditions that need to be satisfied in order for the ionosphere-weighted solution to be mean squared error (MSE) superior to the ionosphere-float solution. When satisfied, the presented conditions guarantee from an MSE performance view, when (a) the ionosphere-fixed solution can be used, (b) the ionosphere-float solution must be used, or (c) an ionosphere-weighted solution can be used.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    PPP–RTK theory for varying transmitter frequencies with satellite and terrestrial positioning applications

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    In this contribution, we generalize PPP–RTK theory by allowing the transmitters to transmit on different frequencies. The generalization is based on the integer-estimability theory of Teunissen (A new GLONASS FDMA model. GPS Solutions, 2019). As the theory and associated algorithms provided are generally applicable, they apply to satellite-based carrier-phase positioning as well as to terrestrial interferometric sensory networks. Based on an identification of the constraints imposed on the admissible ambiguity transformations by PPP–RTK, a fundamental network+user condition is found that determines whether PPP–RTK is possible or not. The discriminating contributions of both the network and user observation equations to this PPP–RTK condition are analysed, followed by a description of PPP–RTK enabling classes of measurement scenarios.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    Distributed least-squares estimation applied to GNSS networks

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    In view of the recent proliferation of low-cost mass-market receivers, the number of network receivers and GNSS users will be growing rapidly, demanding an efficient way of data processing in terms of computational power and capacity. One way of improving the computational capacity is to decentralize the underlying data processing and distribute the task of the computer center across individual network receivers. In this invited contribution we review the problem of distributed estimation and present an algorithm for distributed least-squares estimation using the alternating direction method of multipliers. Applying the algorithm to a network of GNSS receivers, we show how the distributed data processing of individual receivers can deliver parameter solutions comparable to their centralized network-derived counterparts. With distributed estimation techniques, GNSS single-receiver users can therefore obtain high-precision solutions without the need of having a centralized computing center.Accepted Author ManuscriptMathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    Bias-constrained integer least squares estimation: distributional properties and applications in GNSS ambiguity resolution

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    To accommodate the presence of bounded biases in mixed-integer models, Khodabandeh (2022) extended integer estimation theory by introducing a new admissible integer estimator. The estimator follows the principle of integer least squares estimation and is computed via the integer search method of BEAT. In this contribution, we present the probability distributions of a class of estimators to which the proposed bias-constrained integer least squares estimation belongs. Some important interferometric measuring systems, whose estimation problems can be covered by BEAT, are identified. To show the proposed estimator at work, we apply BEAT to the problem of GLONASS single-differenced (SD) ambiguity resolution. Numerical results of several short-baseline datasets are presented to illustrate why one can achieve more accurate positioning solutions when considering between-receiver SD ambiguity resolution for the cases where carrier phase data are captured on frequency-varying signals with bounded SD receiver phase delays.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    Integer estimability in GNSS networks

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    Estimability and S-systems are important concepts when dealing with rank-defect models. In this contribution, we generalize the concept of estimability to integer estimability and determine the necessary and sufficient conditions that need to be satisfied for parameter functions to be integer estimable. This is then worked out and applied to the integer estimability analysis of GNSS observation equations. We hereby consider both network ambiguity resolution and single-receiver PPP-RTK ambiguity resolution. In our analyses, use is made of graph theory and properties of the ambiguity incidence matrices of the bipartite and connected network graphs.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    GLONASS ambiguity resolution

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    A new integer-estimable GLONASS FDMA model is studied and analysed. The model is generally applicable, and it shows a close resemblance with the well-known CDMA models. The analyses provide insights into the performance characteristics of the model and concern a variety of different ambiguity-resolution critical applications. This will be done for geometry-free, geometry-fixed and several geometry-based formulations. Next to the analyses of the model’s instantaneous ambiguity-resolved positioning and attitude determination capabilities, we show the ease with which the model can be combined with existing CDMA models. We thereby present the instantaneous ambiguity-resolution performances of integrated L1 GPS + GLONASS, both for high-grade geodetic and mass-market receivers. We also consider the potential of the single-frequency combined model for mixed-receiver processing, particularly for the case the between-receiver GLONASS pseudorange data are biased. In all cases, the speed of successful ambiguity resolution is studied as well as the precision with which positioning is determined. Software routines for constructing the model are also provided.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    On the Problem of Double-Filtering in PPP-RTK

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    To obtain single-receiver Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) parameter solutions, the PPP-RTK user-filter combines measurements with time-correlated corrections that are separately computed by the filter of an external provider. The consequence of exercising such double-filtering is that the Kalman filter’s standard assumption of having uncorrelated measurements in time becomes violated. This leads the user-filter to lose its ‘minimum variance’ property, thereby delivering imprecise parameter solutions. The solutions’ precision-loss becomes more pronounced when one experiences an increase in the correction latency, i.e., the delay in time after the corrections are estimated and the time they are applied to the user measurements. In this contribution, we propose a new multi-epoch formulation for the PPP-RTK user-filter upon which both the uncertainty and the temporal correlation of the corrections are incorporated. By a proper augmentation of the user-filter state-vector, the corrections are jointly measurement-updated with the user parameter solutions. Supported by numerical results, the proposed formulation is shown to outperform its commonly used counterpart in the minimum-variance sense.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    A generalized Kalman filter with its precision in recursive form when the stochastic model is misspecified

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    In this contribution, we introduce a generalized Kalman filter with precision in recursive form when the stochastic model is misspecified. The filter allows for a relaxed dynamic model in which not all state vector elements are connected in time. The filter is equipped with a recursion of the actual error-variance matrices so as to provide an easy-to-use tool for the efficient and rigorous precision analysis of the filter in case the underlying stochastic model is misspecified. Different mechanizations of the filter are presented, including a generalization of the concept of predicted residuals as needed for the recursive quality control of the filter.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    MSE-impact of PPP-RTK ZTD estimation strategies

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    In PPP-RTK network processing, the wet component of the zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) cannot be precisely modelled and thus remains unknown in the observation equations. For small networks, the tropospheric mapping functions of different stations to a given satellite are almost equal to each other, thereby causing a near rank-deficiency between the ZTDs and satellite clocks. The stated near rank-deficiency can be solved by estimating the wet ZTD components relatively to that of the reference receiver, while the wet ZTD component of the reference receiver is constrained to zero. However, by increasing network scale and humidity around the reference receiver, enlarged mismodelled effects could bias the network and the user solutions. To consider both the influences of the noise and the biases, the mean-squared errors (MSEs) of different network and user parameters are studied analytically employing both the ZTD estimation strategies. We conclude that for a certain set of parameters, the difference in their MSE structures using both strategies is only driven by the square of the reference wet ZTD component and the formal variance of its solution. Depending on the network scale and the humidity condition around the reference receiver, the ZTD estimation strategy that delivers more accurate solutions might be different. Simulations are performed to illustrate the conclusions made by analytical studies. We find that estimating the ZTDs relatively in large networks and humid regions (for the reference receiver) could significantly degrade the network ambiguity success rates. Using ambiguity-fixed network-derived PPP-RTK corrections, for networks with an inter-station distance within 100 km, the choices of the ZTD estimation strategy is not crucial for single-epoch ambiguity-fixed user positioning. Using ambiguity-float network corrections, for networks with inter-station distances of 100, 300 and 500 km in humid regions (for the reference receiver), the root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) of the estimated user coordinates using relative ZTD estimation could be higher than those under the absolute case with differences up to millimetres, centimetres and decimetres, respectively.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    GPS position time-series analysis based on asymptotic normality of M-estimation

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    The efficacy of robust M-estimators is a well-known issue when dealing with observational blunders. When the number of observations is considerably large—long time series for instance—one can take advantage of the asymptotic normality of the M-estimation and compute reasonable estimates for the unknown parameters of interest. A few leading M-estimators have been employed to identify the most likely functional model for GPS coordinate time series. This includes the simultaneous detection of periodic patterns and offsets in the GPS time series. Estimates of white noise, flicker noise, and random walk noise components are also achieved using the robust M-estimators of (co)variance components, developed in the framework of the least-squares variance component estimation (LS-VCE) theory. The method allows one to compute confidence interval for the (co)variance components in asymptotic sense. Simulated time series using white noise plus flicker noise show that the estimates of random walk noise fluctuate more than those of flicker noise for different M-estimators. This is because random walk noise is not an appropriate noise structure for the series. The same phenomenon is observed using the results of real GPS time series, which implies that the combination of white plus flicker noise is well described for GPS time series. Some of the estimated noise components of LS-VCE differ significantly from those of other M- estimators. This reveals that there are a large number of outliers in the series. This conclusion is also affirmed by performing the statistical tests, which detect (large) parts of the outliers but can also leave parts to be undetected.Remote SensingAerospace Engineerin