608 research outputs found

    Taking monocrystalline silicon to the ultimate lifetime limit

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    A central quantity to assess the high quality of monocrystalline silicon (on scales beyond mere purity) is the minority charge carrier lifetime. We demonstrate that the lifetime in high purity float zone material can be improved beyond existing observations, thanks to a deeper understanding of grown-in defects and how they can be permanently annihilated. In a first step we investigate the influence of several process sequences on the lifetime by applying a low temperature superacid passivation treatment. We find that a pre-treatment consisting of an oxidation at 1050 °C followed by a POCl3 diffusion at 900 °C can improve the lifetime by deactivating or eliminating grown-in defects. Then, pre-treated wafers of different float zone materials are passivated with three state-of-the-art layer stacks. Very high effective lifetime values are measured, thereby demonstrating the high quality of the surface passivation schemes and the pre-treated silicon wafers. The measured effective lifetimes exceed previous records, and we report an effective lifetime of 225 ms measured on a 200 µm thick 100 Ω cm n-type silicon wafer symmetrically passivated with a layer stack of a thin thermally grown oxide and a polycrystalline layer (the TOPCon layer stack)

    National survey on the current practice and attitudes toward the management of chronic subdural hematoma

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a frequent pathological entity in daily clinical practice. However, evidence‐based CSDH‐guidelines are lacking and level I evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) is limited. In order to establish and subsequently implement a guideline, insight into current clinical practice and attitudes toward CSDH‐treatment is required. The aim is to explore current practice and attitudes toward CSDH‐management in the Netherlands. METHODS: A national online survey was distributed among Dutch neurologists and neurosurgeons, examining variation in current CSDH‐management through questions on treatment options, (peri)operative management, willingness to adopt new treatments and by presenting four CSDH‐cases. RESULTS: One hundred nineteen full responses were received (8% of neurologists, N = 66 and 35% of neurosurgeons, N = 53). A majority of the respondents had a positive experience with burr‐hole craniostomy (93%) and with a conservative policy (56%). Around a third had a positive experience with the use of dexamethasone as primary (30%) and additional (33.6%) treatment. These numbers were also reflected in the treatment preferences in the presented cases. (Peri)operative management corresponded among responding neurosurgeons. Most respondents would be willing to implement dexamethasone (98%) if equally effective as surgery and tranexamic acid (93%) if effective in CSDH‐management. CONCLUSION: Variation was found regarding preferential CSDH‐treatment. However, this is considered not to be insurmountable when implementing evidence‐based treatments. This baseline inventory on current clinical practice and current attitudes toward CSDH‐treatment is a stepping‐stone in the eventual development and implementation of a national guideline

    Tropical forests post-logging are a persistent net carbon source to the atmosphere

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    Acknowledgments This study was part of the SAFE Project, the Global Ecosystems Monitoring network (gem.tropicalforests.ox.ac.uk) and Imperial College's Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment Initiative. We acknowledge funding from the Sime Darby Foundation, the Biodiversity And Land-use Impacts on tropical ecosystem function (BALI) Project (NE/K016377/1) within the Natural Environment Research Council Human-Modified Tropical Forests Programme, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), and Centre for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) in collaboration with HSBC Climate Partnership. The 52-ha Long-Term Ecological Research Project in Lambir is a collaborative project of the Forest Department of Sarawak, Malaysia, the Center for Tropical Forest Science of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, USA (NSF awards DEB- 9107247 and DEB- 9629601), and Osaka City, Ehime & Kyoto Universities, Japan (Monbusho grants 06041094, 08NP0901 and 09NP0901). M.B.M. was supported by NERC studentship awarded through the Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA; grant referenceNE/S007350/1) and the University of Leicester, Y.M. was supported by the Jackson Foundation and European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant, GEM-TRAIT (321131), Y.M., RME, and T.R. by NERC grant NE/P002218/1, and R.M.E. is supported by the NOMIS Foundation. TR also acknowledges support from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 865403). Maliau Basin and Danum Valley Management Committees, Royal Society South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP), Sabah Foundation, Benta Wawasan, the State Secretary, Sabah Chief Minister’s Departments, Sabah Forestry Department, Sabah Biodiversity Council, and the Economic Planning Unit are acknowledged for their support and access to the sites in Sabah. Rostin Jantan, Rohid Kailoh, Suhaini Patik, Ampat Siliwong, Yehezekiel Jahuri, Robecca Siwaring, Jeffry Amin, Sarah Watson, Ryan Gray, Johnny Larenus, Unding Jami, Toby Marthews, Alexander Karolus, the Danum 50 ha plot team, Sylvester Tan, Xyxtus Tan, Nasir Muhi and Abilano Deres helped with the data collection. We thank Susan Page, Juan Carlos Berrio, Jörg Kaduk and Katie O’Brien for their constructive comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Protocol adherence for continuously titrated interventions in randomized trials: an overview of the current methodology and case study.

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    BACKGROUND: The standard definition for protocol adherence is the proportion of all scheduled doses that are delivered. In clinical research, this definition has several limitations when evaluating protocol adherence in trials that study interventions requiring continuous titration. DISCUSSION: Building upon a specific case study, we analyzed a recent trial of a continuously titrated intervention to assess the impact of different definitions of protocol deviations on the interpretation of protocol adherence. The OVATION pilot trial was an open-label randomized controlled trial of higher (75-80 mmHg) versus lower (60-65 mmHg) mean arterial pressure (MAP) targets for vasopressor therapy in shock. In this trial, potential protocol deviations were defined as MAP values outside the targeted range for \u3e4 consecutive hours during vasopressor therapy without synchronous and consistent adjustments of vasopressor doses. An adjudication committee reviewed each potential deviation to determine if it was clinically-justified or not. There are four reasons for this contextual measurement and reporting of protocol adherence. First, between-arm separation is a robust measure of adherence to complex protocols. Second, adherence assessed by protocol deviations varies in function of the definition of deviations and the frequency of measurements. Third, distinguishing clinically-justified vs. not clinically-justified protocol deviations acknowledges clinically sensible bedside decision-making and offers a clear terminology before the trial begins. Finally, multiple metrics exist to report protocol deviations, which provides different information but complementary information on protocol adherence. CONCLUSIONS: In trials of interventions requiring continuous titration, metrics used for defining protocol deviations have a considerable impact on the interpretation of protocol adherence. Definitions for protocol deviations should be prespecified and correlated with between-arm separation, if it can be measured

    Can Echocardiographic Findings Predict Falls in Older Persons?

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    Background. The European and American guidelines state the need for echocardiography in patients with syncope. 50% of older adults with syncope present with a fall. Nonetheless, up to now no data have been published addressing echocardiographic abnormalities in older fallers. Method and Findings. In order to determine the association between echocardiographic abnormalities and falls in older adults, we performed a prospective cohort study, in which 215 new consecutive referrals (age 77.4 SD 6.0) of a geriatric outpatient clinic of a Dutch university hospital were included. During the previous year, 139 had experienced a fall. At baseline, all patients underwent routine two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. Falls were recorded during a three-month follow-up. Multivariate adjustment for compounders was performed with a Cox proportional hazards model. 557 patients (26%) fell at least once during follow-up. The adjusted hazard ratio of a fall during follow-up was 135 (95% Cl, 1.08-1.71) for pulmonary hypertension, 1.66 (95% Cl, 1.01 to 2.89) for 4-initial regurgitation, 2.41 (95% Cl, 1.32 to 4.37) for tricuspid regurgitation and 1.76 (95% Cl, 1.03 to 3.01) for pulmonary regurgitation. For aoitic regurgitation the risk of a fall was also increased, but non-significantly. (hazard ratio, 1.57 [95% Cl 0.85 to 2.92]). Trend analysis of the severity of the difterent regurgitations showed a significant relationship for mitral, tricuspid and pulmonary valve regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension. Conclusions. Echo(Dopler)cardiography can be useful in order to identify risk indicators for falling. Presence of pulmonary hypertension or regurgitation of mitral, tricuspid or pulmonary valves was associated with a higher fall risk. Our study indicates that the diagnostic work-up for falls in older adults might be improved by adding an echo(Doppler)cardiogram in selected groups

    Transcriptome-scale similarities between mouse and human skeletal muscles with normal and myopathic phenotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Mouse and human skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles vary by muscle type, raising the question of which mouse muscle groups have the greatest molecular similarities to human skeletal muscle. METHODS: Orthologous (whole, sub-) transcriptome profiles were compared among four mouse-human transcriptome datasets: (M) six muscle groups obtained from three mouse strains (wildtype, mdx, mdx(5cv)); (H1) biopsied human quadriceps from controls and Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients; (H2) four different control human muscle types obtained at autopsy; and (H3) 12 different control human tissues (ten non-muscle). RESULTS: Of the six mouse muscles examined, mouse soleus bore the greatest molecular similarities to human skeletal muscles, independent of the latters' anatomic location/muscle type, disease state, age and sampling method (autopsy versus biopsy). Significant similarity to any one mouse muscle group was not observed for non-muscle human tissues (dataset H3), indicating this finding to be muscle specific. CONCLUSION: This observation may be partly explained by the higher type I fiber content of soleus relative to the other mouse muscles sampled

    Rapid and non-destructive detection and identification of two strains of Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    The release of Wolbachia infected mosquitoes is likely to form a key component of disease control strategies in the near future. We investigated the potential of using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to simultaneously detect and identify two strains of Wolbachia pipientis (wMelPop and wMel) in male and female laboratory-reared Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Our aim is to find faster, cheaper alternatives for monitoring those releases than the molecular diagnostic techniques that are currently in use. Our findings indicate that NIRS can differentiate females and males infected with wMelPop from uninfected wild type samples with an accuracy of 96% (N = 299) and 87.5% (N = 377), respectively. Similarly, females and males infected with wMel were differentiated from uninfected wild type samples with accuracies of 92% (N = 352) and 89% (N = 444). NIRS could differentiate wMelPop and wMel transinfected females with an accuracy of 96.6% (N = 442) and males with an accuracy of 84.5% (N = 443). This non-destructive technique is faster than the standard polymerase chain reaction diagnostic techniques. After the purchase of a NIRS spectrometer, the technique requires little sample processing and does not consume any reagents

    The use of the Nintendo Wii in motor rehabilitation for virtual reality interventions:a literature review

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    Several review articles have been published on the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in motor rehabilitation. The majority of these focus on the effectiveness of VR on improving motor function using relatively expensive commercial tools and technologies including robotics, cybergloves, cybergrasps, joysticks, force sensors and motion capture systems. However, we present the case in this chapter that game sensors and VR technologies which can be customized and reconfigured, such as the Nintendo Wii, provide an alternative and affordable VR intervention for rehabilitation. While the performance of many of the Wii based interventions in motor rehabilitation are currently the focus of investigation by researchers, an extensive and holistic discussion on this subject does not yet exist. As such, the purpose of this chapter is to provide readers with an understanding of the advantages and limitations of the Nintendo Wii game sensor device (and its associated accessories) for motor rehabilitation and in addition, to outline the potential for incorporating these into clinical interventions for the benefit of patients and therapists