35 research outputs found

    Bioactive compounds screening, antimicrobial activities of leave extract from two palatable plants: Piper betle and Murraya koenigii (Curry leaves)

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    Introduction: Piper betle Linn is one of the most commonly used compounding plants for ethno-medical purposes, with its extract generally used in modern products to enrich their functional efficacy. The extraction methods always lead to differences in the antimicrobial efficacy of methanol extracts of bioactive compounds. Purpose: The study was conducted to screen for bioactive compounds and determine their antimicrobial efficacy in a methanol extract of Piper betle and Murraya koenigi leaves from five different regions. Methodology: The phytochemical screening done according to the procedure that is implied in from Patil, et.al, with minor modifications by the researchers of the current study. Antimicrobial activity was determined; efficacy was measured by disc diffusion analysis. Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of saponin, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids in the extracts. The methanolic extract of betel leaves from all the selected regions except from Bau exhibited antimicrobial activities. Among them, extract from Kuching and Simunjan have no effect on E. coli. The methanolic extract of curry leaves from Kuching, Balai ringai and Bau have antimicrobial activities against Staph aureus and those from Balai ringai is also active against E.coli. Conclusion: Although there were previous reports of phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities from the extract of these plants, there were still lack of research conducted on the specimens especially from our local community (Sarawak). The outcome of this study will help us to identify the bioactive compounds of the local samples and give us some pictures of their activities on how to ensure these plants can be brought forward based on the origin of the sample. KEYWORDS: Bioactive Compounds Screening, Antimicrobial Activities of Leave Extract, Palatable Plants, Piper betle and Murraya koenigii

    Bioactive compounds screening, antimicrobial activities of leave extract from two palatable plants : Piper betle and Murraya koenigii (Curry leaves)

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    Introduction: Piper betle Linn is one of the most commonly used compounding plants for ethno-medical purposes, with its extract generally used in modern products to enrich their functional efficacy. The extraction methods always lead to differences in the antimicrobial efficacy of methanol extracts of bioactive compounds. Purpose: The study was conducted to screen for bioactive compounds and determine their antimicrobial efficacy in a methanol extract of Piper betle and Murraya koenigi leaves from five different regions. Methodology: The phytochemical screening done according to the procedure that is implied in from Patil, et.al, with minor modifications by the researchers of the current study. Antimicrobial activity was determined; efficacy was measured by disc diffusion analysis. Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of saponin, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids in the extracts. The methanolic extract of betel leaves from all the selected regions except from Bau exhibited antimicrobial activities. Among them, extract from Kuching and Simunjan have no effect on E. coli. The methanolic extract of curry leaves from Kuching, Balai ringai and Bau have antimicrobial activities against Staph aureus and those from Balai ringai is also active against E.coli. Conclusion: Although there were previous reports of phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities from the extract of these plants, there were still lack of research conducted on the specimens especially from our local community (Sarawak). The outcome of this study will help us to identify the bioactive compounds of the local samples and give us some pictures of their activities on how to ensure these plants can be brought forward based on the origin of the sample

    Clinical importance of the Mandalay spitting cobra (Naja mandalayensis) in Upper Myanmar โ€“ Bites, envenoming and ophthalmia

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Elsevier in Toxicon on 03/06/2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2020.05.023 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.ยฉ 2020 Elsevier Ltd Examination of 18 cobras brought to three hospitals in the Mandalay Region by patients bitten or spat at by them distinguished 3 monocled cobras (Naja kaouthia) and 15 Mandalay spitting cobras (N. mandalayensis), based on their morphological characteristics. We confirm and extend the known distributions and habitats of both N. mandalayensis and N. kaouthia in Upper Myanmar. Clinical symptoms of local and systemic envenoming by N. mandalayensis are described for the first time. These included local swelling, blistering and necrosis and life-threatening systemic neurotoxicity. More information is needed about the clinical phenotype and management of bites by N. mandalayensis, the commoner of the two cobras in Upper Myanmar. Since the current cobra antivenom manufactured in Myanmar has lower pre-clinical efficacy against N. mandalayensis than N. kaouthia, there is a need for more specific antivenom therapy.Published versio

    Comparing the Efficiency of Different Normalization Methods using C4.5 Algorithm

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    This paper presents three different types of normalization methods. Normalization is particularly useful for classification algorithm. Each normalization method is tested against the C4.5 algorithm methodology using the data sets with accuracy, tree growing time and number of leaf nodes. In this paper, min-max normalization, z-score normalization and normalization by decimal scaling normalization are compared among large amount of data set. From this comparison, the best normalization method is chosen


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    The translation of natural language isone of the most important in NLP interface. Thereforelanguage translation becomes a major concernin the present day.This paper is based on the naturallanguage processing concept. It also translatesMyanmar sentence into the equivalent Japanesesentence. Myanmar sentences are usually long andsentence constructions are complex but this paperconcentrates to the short or simple sentences.Thereare so many system Language Translation whichbase on NLP, but the most significant fact of ourtranslation is that the famous pagodas in Myanmarand the name of well- known Images in ShwedagonPagoda have already been stored in the lexicon.If a user wants to add new words, he needs to enterinto the lexicon entry to use them and this paper, hecan use not only the limited grammar rules, but alsothe new sentence patterns that he wants to use.It cantranslate both simple sentences and short paragraphs.The goal of this system is to support theMyanmar students who want to write the Japanesesentence in accordance with thinking inMyanmar.This paper is implemented by using Javaand Microsoft Access Database

    An Experimental Study of Indoor Radon Measurement in Department of Physics, Yangon University of Education

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    The present work was attempted to measure the estimation of the annual effective dose of indoor radon in Department of Physics, Yangon University of Education. Many techniques have been established for measuring the radiation in the environment. These techniques are based on the detection of emissions from the decay of radioactive material and its daughter products. Most of the methods are based on the detection of alpha particles, some on detection of beta emission while a few utilize gamma decays. In this research, time integrated long term radon measurement technique is used to measure radon concentration in the samples under investigation. For the measurement of radon concentration, we have used LR-115, Type II plastic track detector and irradiation time is 100 days, from 26th April 2017 to 3rd August 2017. The annual effective doses due to radon are ranging from 0.07 ยฑ 0.0341 mSv/yr to 0.33 ยฑ 0.0626 mSv/yr which are lower than 5 mSv/yr, the annual effective doses fixed for public (ICRP,2007)

    Embracing Myanmar's Future: Reforming the 100-year-old Companies Act

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    This article discusses recent reforms to Myanmar's company law. It outlines the reform process and highlights key developments in the areas of incorporation, corporate structures and corporate governance. It then compares these developments to similar provisions within the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) and the Conpanies Act 1993(NZ) and concludes that the Myanmar reforms are an improtant step forward in cerating regional consistency in company law

    Implementation of Job Classification for Accounting Field using Decision Tree Algorithm

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    Data mining is seen as an increasinglyimportant tool by modern business to transformdata into an informational advantage. Data miningcould also be described as trying to create asimplified model of the complex world described inthe database. Data mining is a way of dealing withlarge amounts of information, and it is helpful forfinding useful information faster than any human.Decision tree is mainly used for classificationpurposes. Decision tree is a classifier in the form ofa tree structure. Rules can be easily extracted fromthe decision tree. The main task performed in thissystem is using inductive methods to the givenvalues of attributes of an unknown object todetermine appropriate classification according todecision tree rules. This paper examines thedecision tree learning algorithm for classifying jobrelated accounting field. This paper implements thedecision tree using ID3 and gives advice to usersabout the types of job in accounting field. Thissystem uses 900 training data set and 300 testingdata set. This paper calculates the system accuracyby using Hold_Out Method and provides 84.75%after reviewing 300 testing data set

    Construction of Interpersonal Communication Skill Test

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    In this study, we aim to construct an Interpersonal Communication Skill Tests which is suitable for Myanmar cultural setting. The preliminary test included 34 items. Of 34 items, two items were rejected because of which were not suitable for Myanmar culture. Therefore 32 items were tested for item analysis. In this paper, the test was administered to 200 students of Yandanabon University. Their scores of each item were used to compute 2 for item analysis. The item analysis resulted in the new scale 30 items. The Pearson product moment correlation was computed to check the realability coefficient. Test-retest reliability coefficient was found to be .70. The present Interpersonal Communication Skill test consists of 30 items which were categorized into six effective communication skill related factors such as honesty, openness, positiveness, supportiveness, empathy and equality