101 research outputs found

    Effects of Pretreatments on the Storage Characteristics of Fresh and Dried Guava (Psidium Guajava L)

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    The studies on guava (var.Vietnamese) precooled at 0 hr(immediately) and 4 hr after harvest,and stored at 5°C and 10°C were carried out. Guava stored at 10°C was able to undergo a ripening process. Chilling injury was observed at sec storage. Precooling did not seem to have any beneficial effect on guava.The characteristics considered were weight loss , colour change of skin, hardness, soluble solids content, pH, titratable acidity and as corbic acid content. The effects of various surface treatments on 'Vietnamese' guava with LDPE shrink and cling wrap packaging, 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% liquid paraffin, 10% and 20% palm oil.0.75% and 1% semperfresh (fatty acid sugarester), and 2% and 3% starch on the storage life at 10˚C were studied. LDPE shrink wrap packaging was most effective in reducing the weight loss and maintaining the hardness of guava. The skin colour of guava was maintained by 20% palmoil until 8 weeks storage. Among the treatments , only cling wrap packaging could maintain the as corbic acid content o f the guava until 8 weeks storage. Twenty percent palm oil surface coating was found to be the mo s t effective treatment for maintaining the quality of fresh guava stored for 8 weeks at 10°C, followed by shrink wrap and cling wrap packaging. Semperfresh was less effective and paraffin was not suitable for guava, as it caused skin lesioning and impart an unfavourable flavour to the fruit. Starch surface coating caused greater deterioration of guava than in control, untreated fruit. At room temperature, the effect sofcysteine HCI and sodium metabisulphite on candied and pickled dried guava were studied. Higher as corbic acid retention and less colour change were observed in candied dried guava than pickled dried guava. 0.024% cysteine HCI was found to be more effective at maintaining the as corbic acid content and colour compared to 1% sodium metabisulphite

    Source side pre-ordering using recurrent neural networks for English-Myanmar machine translation

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    Word reordering has remained one of the challenging problems for machine translation when translating between language pairs with different word orders e.g. English and Myanmar. Without reordering between these languages, a source sentence may be translated directly with similar word order and translation can not be meaningful. Myanmar is a subject-objectverb (SOV) language and an effective reordering is essential for translation. In this paper, we applied a pre-ordering approach using recurrent neural networks to pre-order words of the source Myanmar sentence into target English’s word order. This neural pre-ordering model is automatically derived from parallel word-aligned data with syntactic and lexical features based on dependency parse trees of the source sentences. This can generate arbitrary permutations that may be non-local on the sentence and can be combined into English-Myanmar machine translation. We exploited the model to reorder English sentences into Myanmar-like word order as a preprocessing stage for machine translation, obtaining improvements quality comparable to baseline rule-based pre-ordering approach on asian language treebank (ALT) corpus

    キャリブレーション支援機能を有する使いやすいweb-based XAJモデルの開発と応用

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    Trend of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Cervical Neoplasia Observed in a Newly Developing Township in Yangon, Myanmar

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    Persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most important risk factor associated with cervical cancer. This study detected the oncogenic HPV genotypes in cervical neoplasia in relation to clinicopathological findings using a cross-sectional descriptive method in 2011 and 2012. Cervical swabs and colposcopy-directed cervical biopsy tissues were collected from 108 women (median age 45 years;range 20-78) showing cervical cytological changes at Sanpya General Hospital, Yangon, Myanmar. HPV DNA testing and genotyping were performed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. HPV was identified in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 (44.4%), CIN2 (63.2%), CIN3 (70.6%), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (74.1%). The association between cervical neoplasia and HPV positivity was highly significant (p=0.008). Most patients infected with HPV were between 40-49 years of age, and the youngest were in the 20- to 29-year-old age group. The most common genotype was HPV 16 (65.6%) with the following distribution:70% in CIN1, 41.7% in CIN2, 91.7% in CIN3, and 60% in SCC. HPV-31 was the second-most frequent (21.9%):30% in CIN1, 33.3% in CIN2, 8.3% in CIN3, and 15% in SCC. The third-most frequent-genotype was HPV-18 (7.8%):8.3% in CIN1, and 20% in SCC. Another genotype was HPV-58 (4.7%):16.7% in CIN1 and 5% in SCC. The majority of CIN/SCC cases were associated with HPV genotypes 16, 31, 18, and 58. If oncogenic HPV genotypes are positive, the possibility of cervical neoplasia can be predicted. Knowledge of the HPV genotypes distribution can predict the effectiveness of the currently used HPV vaccine

    Achieving Sustainable Community-Based Tourism in Rural Myanmar: The Case of River Ayeyarwaddy Dolphin Tourism

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    Community-based tourism is recognised as being a potentially important means by which economic development can take place in rural Myanmar. One particular project in this vein is the dolphin-based tourism organized at six villages on the River Ayeyarwaddy in the northern Mandalay division. Qualitative research featuring personal interviewing of international tourists and service providers in the region indicated the potential for this project but also the formidable problems of poor connectivity and service provision that will need to be overcome to achieve success. The threats to the dolphins concerned and the indifference with which they are treated by many community members suggest real threats to the sustainability of the project as a whole

    Age Related Changes in Hematological Values of Myanmar Local Puppies

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    The hematological parameters were used to monitor the health status and its components also changed according to the ages. However, there were no reports for this issues in Myanmar local dogs. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate the age-related changes on the hematological parameters of local puppies in Myanmar. Ten local puppies with the age of 2-3 month old were used in this experiment, which was lasted for 8 weeks.The daily clinical examinations were conducted throughout the entire experimental period for general health check-up. Haematological parameters (Total WBC count and its differential counts, and RBC, HCT, MCV, HGB, MCH, MCHC and platelets) were measured bi-weekly with Abacus Vet-5 automate haematology analyser. According to the results, the total WBC and eosinophil counts were not significantly different (P>0.05), while lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and basophils were significantly different (P<0.05) with the aging of experimental animals. The values of RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets were not significantly different (P>0.05) throughout the experimental periods. Thus, the age-related changes were observed on cell counts of lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, basophils in Myanmar local puppies

    Clinical Profile of Intermediate Syndrome in Organophosphate Poisoning

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    Organophosphate (OP) poisoning is a major global health problem, causing over 200,000 deaths annually especially in developing countries. In Poison Treatment Center, New Yangon General Hospital, Myanmar, OP poisoning accounts for 14% of total poison admission in 2013, 17% in 2014 and 10.3% in 2015 respectively

    Relative performance and predictive values of plasma and dried blood spots with filter paper sampling techniques and dilutions of the lymphatic filariasis Og4C3 antigen ELISA for samples from Myanmar

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    Diagnostic testing of blood samples for parasite antigen Og4C3 is used to assess Wuchereria bancrofti in endemic populations. However, the Tropbio ELISA recommends that plasma and dried blood spots (DBS) prepared using filter paper be used at different dilutions, making it uncertain whether these two methods and dilutions give similar results, especially at low levels of residual infection or resurgence during the post-program phase. We compared results obtained using samples of plasma and DBS taken simultaneously from 104 young adults in Myanmar in 2014, of whom 50 (48.1%) were positive for filariasis antigen by rapid antigen test. Results from DBS tests at recommended dilution were significantly lower than results from plasma tested at recommended dilution, with comparisons between plasma and DBS at unmatched dilutions yielding low sensitivity and negative predictive values of 60.0% and 70.6% respectively. While collection of capillary blood on DBS is cheaper and easier to perform than collecting plasma or serum, and does not need to be stored frozen, dilutions between different versions of the test must be reconciled or an adjustment factor applied

    Automatic Car Number Plate Extraction Using Connected Components and Geometrical Features Approach

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    As today information era of advanced and secure digital technology field, monitoring system and security mechanisms are played as the most important role. By using specialized security camera in public sectors and pedestrian crossings, it can monitor and record a real time events and information of the sectors as video clips to track criminals. According to get the important data clearly and correctly from the video clips, the detection and extraction methods are essential. The proposed system focuses on the detection and extraction of car number plate that are taken from over speed driving cars. So, these number plates are deblurred to overcome some of the security threat and enhance the motion deblurring technique. Our proposed method is the combination of connected component based approach with the regional geometrical features. In this method, key frames are generated from an input video clips using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based approach. From the key frame images, rectangle shape areas which has high luminance value is detected and extracted as foreground regions and others are discarded as background by using regional geometric features. Finally, the rectangle shapes are checked whether any text is included or not. If a rectangle shape area contains text, this system accepts that it is a number plate and other region is omitted. Then the accuracy of the research method is evaluated with various experiments to compare with previous researches. This system can be widely used in

    Concordance between plasma and filter paper sampling techniques for the lymphatic filariasis Bm14 antibody ELISA

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    Diagnostic testing for the antibody Bm14 is used to assess the prevalence of bancroftian and brugian filariasis in endemic populations. Using dried blood spots (DBS) collected on filter paper is ideal in resource-poor settings, but concerns have been raised about the performance of DBS samples compared to plasma or serum. In addition, two versions of the test have been used: the Bm14 CELISA (Cellabs Pty Ltd., Manly, Australia) or an in-house CDC version. Due to recent improvements in the CELISA, it is timely to validate the latest versions of the Bm14 ELISA for both plasma and DBS, especially in settings of residual infection with low antibody levels. We tested plasma and DBS samples taken simultaneously from 92 people in Myanmar, of whom 37 (40.2%) were positive in a rapid antigen test. Comparison of results from plasma and DBS samples demonstrated no significant difference in positive proportions using both the CELISA (46.7% and 44.6%) and CDC ELISA (50.0% and 47.8%). Quantitative antibody unit results from each sample type were also highly correlated, with coefficients >0.87. The results of this study demonstrate that DBS samples are a valid collection strategy and give equivalent results to plasma for Bm14 antibody ELISA testing by either test type