68 research outputs found


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    The use of English in the international setting is based on cultural presuppositions about the kinds of language performance that are appropriate or specific situations. Culture capsules are useful teaching techniques to teach English, as learners would be able to bring in their own cultural insights into learning the pragmatics of English through the various combinations of word choice, prosodic and paralinguistic features. This paper will provide examples of capsules which focus on a range of speech acts (greetings, directives, requests, etc) and demonstrate how they can be used as a stimulus to cross-cultural language awareness

    Challenges of Teaching Chinese as a Subject in an English-dominated Region: Focus on Sindh, Pakistan

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    Sindh is a multilingual province in Pakistan where politics of language and clash of language ideologies have played a significant role. English is viewed as a language of power, and Urdu is generally considered as a symbol of national cohesion in Pakistan. In Sindh both these languages are used in official and educational domains In Sindh’s language ecology, English occupies an important position. In addition to these two languages, Sindhi is widely spoken and is associated with Sindh’s regional and ethnic consciousness. Pakistan's pivot to China policy is slowly impacting language policy and planning in Sindh. Politicians have started talking about making Chinese a compulsory subject from grade 6 onwards in Sindh’s educational institutions. However, this language policy decision has met resistance from the English-speaking class, and the Urdu, Seraiki, and Sindhi speech communities who look at the imposition of Chinese language with distrust. The aim of this research article is to investigate how language teachers and students in Sindh react to the Chinese language policy and planning.  A survey questionnaire was sent to participants to explore their perceptions of imposing the Chinese language in Sindh. 33 participants aged between 20 to 40 responded to 14 questions included in the survey. Extracts taken from their responses were codified into broader themes and qualitative analysis was carried out using Philipson’s (1992) imperialism concept. The findings showed that the pro-Chinese class is struggling to replace English in an ecology of language where speakers of minor languages are already resisting the hegemony of major languages. Key words:            Chinese; English; Languages; Sindhi; Urd

    Osiguravaju li zatvorene i guste mreže očuvanje narodnoga jezika? Primjer teluške zajednice u Kuchingu, u Sarawaku

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    This paper sets out to examine the issue of language shift among the closely-knit minority Telegu community in Sarawak. According to L. Milroy (1987) a closely-knit social network system is a significant device of language maintenance and can be applied universally. However, local researches on Malaysian Indians such as M. K. David’s (1996) study on the Sindhi community, S. Govindasamy and M. Nambiar’s (2003) study on the Malayalees, and M. K. David and F. Noor’s (1999) study of the Portuguese community in Malacca show that although these minorities have close and dense networks, yet they are moving away from their ethnic languages. This paper investigates whether or not the closely-knit minority Telegu community in Kuching, Sarawak, has also shifted to other languages. Data from conversations in the home domain will determine the dominant language used by members of the community. The attitude of the community towards the use of the heritage language will also be discussed. The information will emerge from unstructured interviews with members of the community. It is found that close and dense networks do not necessarily result in language maintenance.U radu se propituje problem jezičnog pomaka u tijesno povezanoj teluškoj manjinskoj zajednici u Sarawaku. Prema L. Milroyu (1987), čvrsto povezan sustav društvene mreže važno je sredstvo u očuvanju jezika te se može univerzalno primijeniti. Međutim, mjesna istraživanja malezijskih Indijaca, kao što su studija M. K. David (1996) o zajednici Sindha, studija S. Govindasamy i M. Nambiar (2003) o Malajalima te studija M. K. David i F. Noor (1999) o portugalskoj zajednici u Melaki pokazuju da se te zajednice, premda imaju čvrste i guste mreže, ipak udaljavaju od svojih narodnih jezika. Autori istražuju je li se tijesno povezana teluška manjinska zajednica u Kuchingu u Sarawaku također pomaknula prema drugim jezicima. Podaci sakupljeni na temelju razgovora u domaćem okruženju pokazuju koji je dominantan jezik kojim se služe članovi zajednice, a raspravlja se i o stavu zajednice prema uporabi jezika predaka. Te su informacije prikupljene putem nestrukturiranih intervjua s članovima zajednice. Zaključuje se da zatvorene i guste mreže ne osiguravaju očuvanje jezika

    Sramežljivi govornici: slušanje njihovih glasova

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    When a speech community is noted for its inhibitions and reservations with outsiders, researchers, who are not members of that speech community, will find difficulty in making inroads and obtaining information. This research of the Bidayuh community in Kuching will firstly discuss the general attitudes and characteristics of the community. The foregrounding of the community is based on descriptions both by European writers of the 19th century and modern day Bidayuh writers. This paper documents the range of strategies which can be used by researchers, who are outsiders, to obtain information from this speech community. One major strategy which will be discussed is language choice. The Theory of Accommodation contends that rapport and solidarity are more easily established if a speaker shifts to the preferred language of the recipient or subject. Researchers have to determine which language to switch to: Malay, English or Bidayuh? If Bidayuh, then which dialect? The attendant problems associated with code choice will also be discussed.Kada neku govornu zajednicu karakteriziraju inhibicije i rezerviranost prema strancima, istraživačima koji ne pripadaju toj zajednici bit će teško prodrijeti u nju i prikupiti informacije. U ovom istraživanju zajednice Bidajuha u Kuchingu najprije se raspravlja o općenitim stavovima i karakteristikama te zajednice. Njezino isticanje temelji se na opisima europskih pisaca 19. stoljeća i suvremenih pisaca iz te zajednice. U radu se, na osnovi iznesenih dokaza, predstavlja niz strategija koje mogu upotrijebiti istraživači, nečlanovi zajednice, za prikupljanje informacija o njoj. Glavna strategija o kojoj se raspravlja jest izbor jezika. Prema teoriji prilagodbe, bliski odnosi i solidarnost lakše se uspostavljaju ako se govornik služi jezikom koji primatelj ili ispitanik više voli. Istraživači moraju odlučiti na koji će jezik prijeći: malajski, engleski ili bidajuški, te ako izaberu bidajuški, kojim će se dijalektom poslužiti. U radu se govori i o problemima povezanima s izborom koda

    Challenges to Data Collection: Digital Divide Causing Double Marginalization of the Bagri Community in Sindh, Pakistan

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    In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, we conducted qualitative research on the Bagri community in Pakistan’s Sindh province. The Bagri community is considered an indigenous community in Pakistan’s Sindh and Punjab provinces. They also live in some states in India. The community has been referred to as ‘scheduled caste’ in Pakistan’s constitution. They speak Bagri language and practice Hinduism. Unfortunately, some Hindus and Muslims discriminate against the Bagri community and give them a wide berth and the community is seen as untouchable (Shah, 2007). Due to lockdowns caused by Covid 19, it has become difficult to access members of the community in order to collect data. Many of the members of the community have no digital literacy and the few who had mobile phones were contacted through mobile phone, but unfortunately voice quality of the interviews was not good and there was either network or noisy interruptions which made it difficult to understand what the interviewee was saying. Given this difficult situation, we used the strategy of using a friend of a friend to conduct the interviews on our behalf. However, even this solution faced challenges as the community was perceived as untouchable. In this way, the Bagri community was not only socially but also digitally marginalized. Therefore, this qualitative research will explore the digital and social challenges coresearchers faced during data collection, and we discuss how these challenges, were to some extent, surmounted

    Integrating Soft Skills into Courses in Malaysian Public Universities: (Undergraduates’ Perception)

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    Malaysian employers demand a high proficiency in soft skills. They are looking beyond academic results when interviewing new staff, hence undergraduates acquiring soft skills is an important issue from different perspectives: the employers, the education system and the students themselves. Despite this emphasis, potential employees, according to employers; lack soft skills. Considering the importance of this issue, this paper’s objective is to comprehend and highlight the perception of undergraduates of the soft skills programs in five research universities in Malaysia. The information presented in this paper is obtained from a survey conducted by distributing 600 questionnaires to undergraduates in Malaysia’s five research universities to determine their understanding of soft skills and how these skills are taught and evaluated in these universities. The initial findings show that there is a strong awareness of the importance of soft skills among undergraduates but the students are not clear about the methods of teaching and evaluating these skills in different courses in different universities. The results illustrate a need for universities in general to develop strategies to enhance soft skills teaching and learning and make undergraduates aware of how these skills are evaluated. The results also suggest that integrating soft skills into university courses does not follow a standard procedure and each university may value and emphasis a different skill. It appears therefore that if universities collaborate their knowledge and experience, they may be able to offer a more practical and beneficial soft skill-training program for undergraduates

    Online Education during Covid-19: A Safe and Effective Way of Learning Research Techniques from a Mentor

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed social mechanisms of our world causing many countries to impose either partial or complete lockdowns. Consequently, many people have resorted to online platforms for undertaking their daily business activities and jobs. Similarly, there is also an increasing trend of online education followed by both teachers and students around the world. Therefore, the aim of this research paper is to explore how a mentee learnt research techniques from a mentor through online platforms. Although researchers have studied the challenges and opportunities of online education during the pandemic, this research will explore how the mentee learnt research techniques from the mentor through emails, WhatsApp interaction, and Microsoft Word track changes feature. In this paper, we have used experiential research methodology for carrying out research. Employing qualitative method of data analysis, we have found out that the feedback and suggestions provided by a mentor to a mentee’s research work through the online platforms have been very safe and effective in improving the mentee’s research skills. Moreover, purposively selected chunks from the mentee’s six revised drafts have been discussed to demonstrate how online education facilitates practical learning during the pandemic. Finally, we are of the view that online platforms may be used as effective pedagogical tools because these facilitate learners to read their mentor’s feedback and suggestions as many times as they desire to improve their performance

    Social Capital and Politeness Strategies in Fostering Ethnic Relations in Malaysia and the Philippines

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    Social capital helps in developing relationships among people in a community or from one community to the other. The concept of social capital focuses on social relationships or individual relationship which is an important tool in building a united and progressive society. Social capital is essential for facilitating peaceful and effective relationships among people in a modern and progressive society