70 research outputs found

    Tungsten-enhanced growth of Methanosphaera stadtmanae

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    Background: The methanogenic Archaea Methanosphaera stadtmanae has been detected in the human gut microbiota by both culture and culture-independent methods. Its growth reaches an exponential phase after 5 to 7-day culture in medium 322 (10% vol). Our recent successful isolation of Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, a tungstate-selenite-requiring Archaea sharing similar metabolism characteristics with M. stadtmanae prompted us to study the effects of tungsten and selenium on M. stadtmanae growth.Findings: Addition of 0.2 mg/L sodium tungstate to medium 322 yielded, 48 hours after inoculation, a growth rate equivalent to that obtained after 6 days with control culture as measured by methane monitoring and optical density measurement. Addition of 50 μg/mL sodium selenate had no effect on M. stadtmanae growth. Quantitative real-time PCRs targeting the M. stadtmanae 16S rRNA confirmed these data.Conclusions: These data provide new information regarding the poorly known nutritional requirements of the human gut colonizing organisms M. stadtmanae. Adding sodium tungstate to basal medium may facilitate phenotypic characterization of this organism and additionally aid the isolation of new Archaeafrom complex host microbiota

    Détection et culture des archaea associées aux muqueuses intestinale et orale humaines

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    Les archaea constituent l'un des quatre domaines connus du vivant. Contrairement à ce que leur nom laisse supposer, elles ont colonisé tous les écosystèmes et les microbiotes de certains hôtes dont l'Homme. Chez l'homme, certaines espèces d'archaea méthanogènes ont été associées aux muqueuses orale, intestinale et vaginale. Ces archaea méthanogènes sont des procaryotes anaérobies stricts et leurs conditions de culture restent fastidieuses et très mal connues. Quatre archaea methanogènes seulement ont été isolées à partir de prélèvements humains y compris dans le microbiote digestif Methanobrevibacter smithii détectée dans 95,7% des individus, Methanosphaera stadtmanae retrouvée chez environ un tiers des individus et plus récemment dans notre laboratoire Methanomassilicoccus luminyensis détectée en moyenne chez 4% des individus avec une prévalence liée à l'âge ; et dans le microbiote orale Methanobrevibacter oralis isolée à partir de la plaque dentaire.Archaea is one of four known domains of life. Unlike what their name suggests, they some species of methanogenic archaea have been associated with oral, vaginal and intestinal mucosa. These methanogenic archaea are obligate anaerobic prokaryotes and their culture conditions are fastidious and very poorly known. Only four methanogenic archaea have been isolated from human samples including the digestive microbiota; Methanobrevibacter smithii detected in 95.7% of individuals Methanosphaera stadtmanae found in approximately one third of individuals and more recently in our laboratory Methanomassilicoccus luminyensis detected on average in 4% of individuals with a prevalence of age-related, and in the oral microbiota Methanobrevibacter oralis isolated from dental plaque

    Le microbiote buccodentaire humain : actualisation des méthodologies et des techniques de culture

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    Recent years have been marked by a paradigm shift in the study of the human microbiota, with a re-emergence of culture-dependent approaches. Numerous studies have been devoted to the human microbiota, while studies on the oral microbiota still remain limited. Indeed, various techniques described in the literature may enable an exhaustive study of the microbial composition of a complex ecosystem. In this article, we report different methodologies and culture media described in the literature that can be applied to study the oral microbiota by culture. We discuss the use of culture media to culture fastidious bacteria, methods which opened the door to the use of culture as a diagnostic tool in hospital laboratories. We also report on specific methodologies for targeted culture and specific culture techniques and selection methodologies for cultivating members of the three kingdoms of life commonly found in the human oral cavity, namely, eukaryota, bacteria and archaea. This bibliographic review aims to bring together the various techniques described in the literature, enabling a comprehensive study of the oral microbiota in order to demonstrate its involvement in oral health and diseases.Ces dernières années ont été marquées par un changement de paradigme dans l'étude du microbiote humain, avec une réémergence des approches dépendantes de la culture. De nombreuses études ont été consacrées au microbiote intestinal humain alors que les études sur le microbiote oral restent encore limitées. En effet, différentes techniques décrites dans la littérature peuvent permettre une étude exhaustive de la composition microbienne d'un écosystème complexe. Ici, nous avons rapporté différentes méthodologies et milieux de culture décrits dans la littérature qui peuvent être appliqués pour étudier le microbiote oral par culture. Nous avons discuté de l'utilisation de milieux de culture pour la culture de bactéries fastidieuses qui ont rendu possible l'utilisation de la culture comme outil de diagnostic dans les laboratoires hospitaliers. Nous avons également présenté des méthodologies spécifiques pour une culture ciblée ainsi que des techniques de culture spécifiques et des méthodologies de sélection pour cultiver les membres des trois règnes de la vie que l'on trouve couramment dans la cavité buccale humaine, à savoir les eucaryotes, les bactéries et les archaea. Cette revue bibliographique vise à rassembler les différentes techniques décrites dans la littérature permettant une étude complète du microbiote oral afin de démontrer son implication dans la santé et les maladies buccales

    A versatile medium for cultivating methanogenic archaea.

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    BACKGROUND: Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanobrevibacter oralis, Methanosphaera stadtmanae, Methanomassilicoccus luminyensis and Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus have been cultured from human digestive microbiota. Each one of these fastidious methanogenic archaea requires a specific medium for its growth, hampering their routine isolation and the culture. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A new culture medium here referred as SAB medium was optimized and tested to cultivate methanogens associated with human microbiota, as well as two mesophile methanogens Methanobacterium beijingense and Methanosaeta concilii. It was further tested for the isolation of archaea from 20 human stool specimens including 10 specimens testing positive for PCR detection of M. smithii. After inoculating 10(5) colony-forming-unit archaea/mL or 1 g stool specimen in parallel in SAB medium and reference DSMZ medium in the presence of negative controls, growth of archaea was determined by optical microscopy and the measurement of methane production by gas chromatography. While the negative controls remained sterile, all tested archaea grew significantly more rapidly in SAB medium than in reference medium in 1-3 days (P<0.05, Student test). Among PCR-positive stool specimens, 10/10 grew in the SAB medium, 6/10 in DSMZ 119 medium, 5/10 in DSMZ 322 medium and 3/10 in DSMZ 334 c medium. Four out of ten PCR-negative stool specimens grew after a 3-week incubation in the SAB-medium whereas no growth was detected in any of the reference media. 16S rRNA gene sequencing yielded 99-100% sequence similarity with reference M. smithii except for one specimen that yielded 99-100% sequence similarity with reference Methanobrevibacter millerae. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: SAB medium allows for the versatile isolation and growth of methanogenic archaea associated with human gut microbiota including the archaea missed by inoculation of reference media. Implementation of the SAB medium in veterinary and medical microbiology laboratories will ease the routine culture-based detection of methanogenic archaea in clinical and environmental specimens

    Correction: In-Vitro Archaeacidal Activity of Biocides against Human-Associated Archaea.

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    BACKGROUND: Several methanogenic archaea have been detected in the human intestinal microbiota. These intestinal archaea may contaminate medical devices such as colonoscopes. However, no biocide activity has been reported among these human-associated archaea. METHODOLOGY: The minimal archaeacidal concentration (MAC) of peracetic acid, chlorhexidine, squalamine and twelve parent synthetic derivatives reported in this study was determined against five human-associated methanogenic archaea including Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanobrevibacter oralis, Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus, Methanosphaera stadtmanae, Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis and two environmental methanogens Methanobacterium beijingense and Methanosaeta concilii by using a serial dilution technique in Hungates tubes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MAC of squalamine derivative S1 was 0.05 mg/L against M. smithii strains, M. oralis, M. arboriphilicus, M. concilii and M. beijingense whereas MAC of squalamine and derivatives S2–S12 varied from 0.5 to 5 mg/L. For M. stadtmanae and M. luminyensis, MAC of derivative S1 was 0.1 mg/L and varied from 1 to ≥10 mg/L for squalamine and its parent derivatives S2–S12. Under the same experimental conditions, chlorhexidine and peracetic acid lead to a MAC of 0.2 and 1.5 mg/L, respectively against all tested archaea. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Squalamine derivative S1 exhibited a 10–200 higher archaeacidal activity than other tested squalamine derivatives, on the majority of human-associated archaea. As previously reported and due to their week corrosivity and their wide spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal properties, squalamine and more precisely derivative S1 appear as promising compounds to be further tested for the decontamination of medical devices contaminated by human-associated archaea

    Draft Genome Sequence of a Human-Associated Isolate of Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus, the Lowest-G+C-Content Archaeon

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    International audienceWe report the draft genome sequence of Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus strain ANOR1, isolated from the human gut. Its 2.21-Mb genome exhibits a 25.46% GC content, the lowest value among archaea. The genome of M. arboriphilicus contains a total of 2,111 open reading frames and three clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) loci with associated Cas proteins. Citation Khelaifia S, Garibal M, Robert C, Raoult D, Drancourt M. 2014. Draft genome sequence of a human-associated isolate of Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus, the lowest-GC-content archaeon. Genome Announc. 2(1):e01181-13

    A review of in vitro attempts to develop the axenic culture of Treponema pallidum and genomics-based suggestions to achieve this elusive goal

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    International audienceTo date, the axenic culture of Treponema pallidum remains a challenge in the field of microbiology despite countless attempts. Here, we conducted a comprehensive bibliographic analysis using several databases and search engines, namely Pubmed, Google scholar, Google, Web of Science and Scopus. Numerous unsuccessful empiric studies have been conducted and evaluated using as criteria dark-field microscopic observation of motile spiral shaped cells in the culture and virulence of the culture through rabbit infectivity. All of these studies failed to induce rabbit infectivity, even when deemed positive after microscopic observation leading to the misnomer of avirulent T. pallidum . In fact, this criterion was improperly chosen because not all spiral shaped cells are T. pallidum . However, these studies led to the formulation of culture media particularly favourable to the growth of several species of Treponema, including Oral Microbiology and Immunology, Zürich medium (OMIZ), Oral Treponeme Enrichment Broth (OTEB) and T-Raoult, thus allowing the increase in the number of cultivable strains of Treponema . The predicted metabolic capacities of T. pallidum show limited metabolism, also exhibited by other non-cultured and pathogenic Treponema species, in contrast to cultured Treponema species. The advent of next generation sequencing represents a turning point in this field, as the knowledge inferred from the genome can finally lead to the axenic culture of T. pallidum

    Comparison of Three Skin Sampling Methods and Two Media for Culturing Malassezia Yeast

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    International audienceMalassezia is a lipid-dependent commensal yeast of the human skin. The different culture media and skin sampling methods used to grow these fastidious yeasts are a source of heterogeneity in culture-based epidemiological study results. This study aimed to compare the performances of three methods of skin sampling, and two culture media for the detection of Malassezia yeasts by culture from the human skin. Three skin sampling methods, namely sterile gauze, dry swab, and TranswabTM with transport medium, were applied on 10 healthy volunteers at 5 distinct body sites. Each sample was further inoculated onto either the novel FastFung medium or the reference Dixon agar for the detection of Malassezia spp. by culture. At least one colony of Malassezia spp. grew on 93/300 (31%) of the cultures, corresponding to 150 samplings. The positive culture rate was 67%, 18%, and 15% (P < 10−3), for samples collected with sterile gauze, TranswabTM, and dry swab, respectively. The positive culture rate was 62% and 38% (P < 0.003) by using the FastFung and the Dixon media, respectively. Our results showed that sterile gauze rubbing skin sampling followed by inoculation on FastFung medium should be implemented in the routine clinical laboratory procedure for Malassezia spp. cultivation