303 research outputs found

    The distance calculation between pile anchors on the condition of pipeline stability for emersion

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    Проаналізовано відомі способи баластування трубопроводів від спливання на обводнених територіях. Для закріплення трубопроводів розроблено клиноподібні палі з анкерними виступами, зверненими уширеною стороною до поверхні. Запропоновано інженерну методику розрахунку відстані між пальовими анкерами з розширеннями по довжині стовбура для забезпечення стійкості нафто- і газопроводів при дії виштовхуючої сили води на обводнених ділянках. Для закріплення трубопроводів розроблено клиноподібні палі з анкерними виступами. Перевагою таких анкерів є кращий контакт із ущільненим ґрунтом. Досліджено взаємодію пальового анкера з основою у натурних умовах. Статичні випробування довели, що внаслідок наявності конструктивних розширень уздовж стовбура анкера зростає його опір висмикуюючому зусиллю в 1,7 раза, а питомий опір (з розрахунку на 1 м3 бетону) – у 1,4 раза порівняно з анкерами без розширень.The known methods of pipelines ballasting means of emersion on the flooded areas are analised. To consolidate the conduits, anchor performances wedge-shaped piles with turning of their extended side to the surface are developed. The principle of these anchors is to attract a larger volume of compacted soil that provides the growth of the pile capacity for pulling loads. Interaction of pile anchor with the foundation is researched in natural conditions. Static tests showed that due to the length of the barrel extension anchor increases its carrying capacity for pulling load in 1,7 times, and specific resistance (per 1 m3 of concrete) in 1,4 times compared with the anchors without extensions, which is explained by the significant increase in prism soil. The stress- strain state of the soil around the pile anchors is estimated using the modeling. Finite element method and stepper-iterative procedures were used in the software sector. Axisymmetric solutions of physically and geometrically nonlinear formulation were implemented in this software. An engineering method of the distance calculating between pile anchors with expansion of the barrel length to ensure the oil and gas pipelines stability under the action of water force on the flooded areas is proposed. The value of the estimated pulling force is defined as the load bearing capacity of single pile anchor, working on pulling the load, which primarily depends on the design of the anchor. Calculation of the wedge-shaped anchor piles with variable cross section along the length of the barrel with performances has the following features. The total resistance of a single pile anchor the device upright pulling load depends not only on the number of performances and of their size, but also on the physical and mechanical properties of the natural structure of the soil to a depth of immersion of the pile


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan latar belakang pendidikan, persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, sosialisasi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia dengan penerapan (SAK-EMKM) menggunakan metode analisis faktor dengan mereduksi variabel menjadi beberapa faktor. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada pemilik umkm di kota mataram dan melalui teknik purposive sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 40 UMKM. Analisis faktor sendiri bertujuan untuk mereduksi dimensi sekumpulan data dan dirancang dengan jelas dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor tertentu yang tidak dapat diamati dari variabel yang diamati, sehingga hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dari kelima variabel independent yang diamati dalam penelitian ini terbentuk dua faktor yaitu faktor pertama terbentuk dari variabel persepsi kegunaan dan variabel persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dari SAK EMKM jika diberi nama faktor menjadi persepsi pelaku UMKM dengan korelasi yang positif terhadap Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (SAK EMKM) kemudian faktor kedua terbentuk dari variabel latar belakang pendidikan dan kualitas SDM jika diberi nama faktor tersebut dapat diberi nama faktor SDM (sumber daya manusia) dengan korelasinya adalah positif terhadap Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (SAK EMKM).  The current research was carried out to investigate the correlation of educational background, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, socialization and quality of human resources with (SAK-EMKM) Implementation by reducing variables to several factors using the factor analysis method. Data  collection in this study with a questionnaire given to the  owner of the by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMB) in Mataram city and 40 UMKM samples were obtained using purposive sampling technique, factor analysis aim to reduce the dimensionality of a set of data and  clearly designed with the objective to identify certain unobservable factors from the observed variables. The results of this study were formed into two factors: 1st factor is these factors are termed the perception of the owner of the by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMB) formed from the perception and variables using SAK EMKM perception then against SAK-EMKM implementation has a positive effect. 2nd factor is these factor was human resources factors formed from the educational background variable and the quality of human resources variable and against SAK-EMKM implementation has positive correlation


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    Gangguan nafsu makan yang ditandai dengan penolakan makan banyak ditemukan pada pasien rumah sakit. Kondisi ini berdampak pada sedikitnya makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh pasien sehingga proses penyembuhan pasien menjadi lambat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran nafsu makan pasien instalasi rawat inap penyakit dalam RSUD. Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Sumenep. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan croos sectional. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 25 orang, dan sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 24 orang. Variabel yang diteliti adalah nafsu makan pasien. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis distribusi frekuensi dan tabulasi silang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir seluruhnya (79,2%) dari responden mempunyai nafsu makan yang kurang baik. Lima pasien yang mempunyai nafsu makan baik, hampir seluruhnya (80%) berusia antara 18-40 tahun. Dari 19 responden yang mempunyai nafsu makan kurang baik, sebagian besar (54,2%) berusia antara 41-65 tahun, menunjukkan kecenderungan peningkatan usia akan mengakibatkan nafsu makan yang berkurang. Lima pasien yang mempunyai nafsu makan yang baik semuanya (100%) bukan penderita penyakit non-digestif, sementara 19 responden yang mempunyai nafsu makan kurang baik, hampir seluruhnya adalah penderita penyakit non-digestif (79,2%), sementara hampir setengahnya (26,67%) adalah penderita penyakit digestif. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden penelitian mempunyai nafsu makan yang kurang baik yang tentunya akan berdampak pada kurangnya nutrisi yang masuk. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan pasien tersebut

    Ecological and economic evaluation of quarry trolley trucks

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    Open-cut mining is the main way to extract minerals. Up to 80% of the rock mass produced by that is transported by dump trucks with diesel engines. Atmospheric gas pollution is an essential disadvantage of using diesel vehicles, especially in deep formations. Exhaust gases from diesel vehicles have a detrimental effect on human health and the environment. Constant exposure of exhaust gases on the body can cause immune deficiency, bronchitis, cerebral vessels and nervous system suffer. The higher the depth of mining the higher the concentration of machinery on formations and the worse the conditions of natural ventilation of the working space. At the depth of quarries over 200–250 m air pollution by harmful substances at the workplace leads to a gradual increase of the maximum permissible concentrations. That affects both people and economy of the enterprise since it entails the necessity to shut the career down, deteriorate visibility on the highway, which also causes a partial or total suspension of equipment operation. Transfer of dump trucks to electricity is a prospect way to solve the problem. Together, all the positive qualities of trolley trucks reduce the maintenance costs of transportation of rock mass by 15–20%, as well as exclude the gassing of the quarry and formation of smoke. Need for power from the contact network is the most serious drawback of trolley truck. Today, thanks to modern technologies, eliminating most of the drawbacks of trolley trucks is not difficult. Quarry trolley trucks are better used only for long-term development, since the content of the trolley line contact requires attendance and maintenance. The payback period can be 2–4 years


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    Masih rendahnya pemanfaatan digital marketing dan pengelolan keuangan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) menjadi hal penting yang harus diperhatikan.  Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa usaha yang digeluti selama ini teknik pemasarannya masih secara konvensional, belum memiliki logo dan packaging yang bagus maupun pencatatan keuangan yang belum maksimal ditambah dengan literasi keuangan yang rendah. Lokasi kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di Desa Kediri Selatan Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan edukasi kepada pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) mengenai pentingnya digital marketing dan pengelolaan keuangan yang baik dan benar. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialiasi dan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah pemahaman pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) tentang digital marketing dan pengelolaan keuangan menjadi meningkat dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) menyadari untuk segera mengaplikasikan wawasan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini dikarenakan digital marketing dan pengelolaan keuangan yang baik dan benar mampu meningkatkan omset atau penjualan sehingga berdampak terhadap peningkatan kinerja Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)

    Resonances and O-curves in Hamiltonian systems

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    We investigate the problem of the existence of trajectories asymptotic to elliptic equilibria of Hamiltonian systems in the presence of resonances.Comment: 12 page

    Management of radix entomolaris on permanent mandibular first molar complicated with ledge: a case report

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    Radix entomolaris is a supernumerary root located distolingually on permanent mandibular molars. It is considered as an anatomical variant and usually curved buccolingually. The presence of radix entomolaris can be endodontically challenging to treat and susceptible to endodontic mishaps such as ledge. This report describes the management of ledge in a radix entomolaris with type-3 curvature on tooth 46. Ledge was bypassed using pre-curved K-files #10, #15, and #20 sequentially and preparation was continued using step-back technique. Then, the root canal was obturated using gutta percha and root canal sealer. Diagnostic and clinical challenges in managing radix entomolaris, and prevention and management of ledge were also discussed

    Information security awareness model in social networking for teenagers

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    Social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WeChat has become very popular among teenagers. Socialising through these services have become part of their everyday life. Teenagers have been sharing a lot of information about themselves in social networks. However, lack of information security awareness caused teenagers to be exposed to many kind of online threats, especially when teenagers are one of the most vulnerable group that are using the internet and they can be easily become a target. It is important to conduct a research on information security awareness among teenagers to find their understanding and attitude towards it, and find the best approach in improving this issue. In this study, qualitative approach is used to find the factor that could influence teenagers' information security awareness. A survey was distributed to 291 teenagers aged between 13 to 17 years old. The study have found four significant factors that affect teenagers' information security awareness, which are education, past experience, behaviour and roles of other party related to the teenagers. This model can be used by school, teachers and parents to assess and improve teenagers’ information security awareness in using social networking services. And ultimately, high awareness will reduce online threat and privacy breach among teenagers in using social networking services. Further research could be made to cover more factors and larger populations

    Fintech companies: taxonomy of services and development of innovations (on the example of Kaspi bank JSC)

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    The financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan is facing a radical transformation. Using digital technologies to offer innovative services, new innovative developments are emerging in areas such as asset management, lending or insurance. Despite the growth in investment, there are very few theoretical ideas in the phenomenon of fintech companies. Until now, the proposals of fintech companies have been mainly studied from a functional point of view. Since the functional point of view is not enough to fully understand the proposals of fintech companies, a classification of non-functional characteristics is proposed. Therefore, the analysis of FinTech companies in the consumer-oriented sector is limited. The taxonomy proposed in this study includes “11 dimensions” structured by common interactions with prospects, data, and revenue generation. On this basis, this taxonomy contributes to descriptive knowledge about fintech companies, allowing researchers and practitioners to analyze the service offerings of fintech startups and organizations in Kazakhstan in a structured way. In addition, this article analyzed fintech startups and companies not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the world, covering many elements of product value chains. This was done in order to analyze the map of fintech startups and compare it with the domestic case of Kaspi.kz. At the same time, the impact of innovative products on the activities of Kaspi Bank JSC and its financial results is shown

    Last ice-dammed lake in the Kuray basin, Russian Altai: New results from multidisciplinary research

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    Results from geomorphological, sedimentological and geochronological analyses, together with micropaleontological and mineralogical characteristics of lacustrine deposits in five locations within the Kuray intermountain depression, southeast Altai, mountains of south Siberia, support the thesis of repeated formations of ice-dammed lakes during MIS-2 and their draining by high energy floods. Our data suggest that the timing of one of the last cataclysmic draining events in the area can be estimated by an Optically-Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) age of 19.0 ± 1.1 ka for a sandy layer at the top of the diluvial (i.e. large flood) deposit, revealed in a sedimentary sequence of the 1570 m a.s.l. strandline – one of the lowest preserved strandlines in the western part of the basin. New OSL and radiocarbon ages, augmenting previously published dates, indicate that the last lake to occupy the Kuray depression occurred around 19–16 ka with a depth of at least 170 m in the central part of the basin and to a depth of no less than 220 m near the glacier dam. Lacustrine deposits are represented by two horizons of sandy clays separated by interlayers of mixed-size sands. The mineralogical data, supported by analysis of sedimentological and micropaleontological records, indicate accumulation of a lower lacustrine horizon in a deeper reservoir. Finding of Leucocythere sp.1, Leucocythere sp.2, and Leucocythere dorsotuberosa ostracod species in lacustrine deposits characterizes these reservoirs as periglacial freshwater cold and deep lakes. The presence of well-crystallized mica and chlorite in lacustrine silts and clays from the lower lacustrine horizon indicates cold, dry conditions at the time of their formation, as well as a predominance of physical weathering of rocks within the denudation area. After an abrupt dropping of the lake level around 16 ka, determined from OSL dating, the lake never recovered its former depth. The available radiocarbon ages for organic material in subaerial deposits within the study area and the new OSL ages suggest that the last ice-dammed lake in the Kuray basin was drained between ~16.7 and 9.9 ka. The presence of this lake might explain the absence of late Paleolithic surface finds within the basin that remained generally unsuitable for human habitation until its final drying. The last outburst flood passed along the Chuya and Katun river valleys, which had been already carved by older cataclysmic floods, but did not significantly affect the topography downstream of the Kuray-Chuya intermountain depressions. We numerically simulated the draining of a palaeolake in the Kuray basin with the water level 1650 m a.s.l. (maximal depth about 220 m near the dam) with different scenarios of breaching the ice dam. In contrast to a relatively gradual breach of the ice dam due to thermal erosion, an instantaneous dam break due to structural failure can cause an outburst flood with a peak discharge of around 2 × 106 m3 s−1. The high speeds of the water flow, 1.9–5.6 m s−1, with the maximum Froude numbers of 0.06–0.22, and peak Shields values of 0.03–0.25 indicate competence to mobilize gravel. Generally, the simulated flow remained subcritical, suggesting that bedforms developed under supercritical flows, such as antidunes, could not have developed, although the development of dunes cannot be precluded. Our data also contribute to the issue of correlating the low lake strandlines in the Kuray basin with the landforms associated with cataclysmic outburst floods.The study was supported by State Assignment of IGM SB RAS and partly funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (grant 18-05-00998). We also benefited from the funds of the projects EX-AQUA (1623P) “Palaeohydrological Extreme Events - evidence and archives”, sustained by INQUA TERPRO. The flood modelling contribution by Bohorquez was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN/FEDER, UE) under Grant SEDRETO CGL2015-70736-R