2,112 research outputs found

    Bluetooth wireless monitoring, managing and control for inter vehicle in vehicular Ad-Hoc networks

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    Problem statement: The car users expect more and more accessories available in their cars, but the accessories available needed manage by driver manually and not properly manage by smart system. All these accessories are able to control by user manually using different and standalone controllers. Besides, the controller itself uses RF technology which is not existed in mobile devices. So there is lack of a comprehensive and integrated system to manage, control and monitor all the accessories inside the vehicle by using a personal mobile phone. Design and development of an integrated system to manage and control all kind of inter vehicle accessories, improving the efficiency and functionality of inter vehicle communications for the car users. Approach: The proposed system was based on Microcontroller, Bluetooth and Java technology and in order to achieve the idea of an intelligence car with ability to uses personal mobile hand phone as a remote interface. Development strategies for this innovation are includes two phases: (1) java based application platform-designed and developed for smart phones and PDAs (2) hardware design and implementation of the receiver sidecompatible smart system to managing and interconnection between all inside accessories based on monitoring and controlling mechanisms by Bluetooth media. Results: The designed system included hardware and software and the completed prototype had tested successfully on the real vehicles. During the testing stage, the components and devices were connected and implemented on the vehicle and the user by installing the system interface on a mobile phone is able to monitor and manage the vehicle accessories, the efficiency, adaptively and range of functionality of the system has proved with the various car accessories. Conclusion: This study involved design a new system to decrease the hot temperature inside a car that affecting the health of the car driver and the car driver is able to control some of the car accessories by using mobile phone. Once the car was equipped with the Bluetooth module and control system, the car accessories is able to connect with microcontroller and control by the mobile application

    Theories of Female Criminality: A criminological analysis

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    Female criminality is one of the important phenomena in popular media and also in academic discourse of contemporary scholastic arena like sociology, criminology, psychology and anthropology. The changing nature of female’s roles in capitalist system instigate female more to involve in violent and property crimes. The main intent of the study is to review the major theories of female criminality such as masculinization, opportunity, marginalization and chivalry. The authors also tried to shed light on the acceptability and validity of female criminality theories on female criminal activities. This study mainly relies on secondary sources. Data have been collected from journal articles, books, research reports, government documents and so on. Among the theories of masculinization, opportunity, marginalization and chivalry; marginalization theory is the most relevant and significant for analyzing causes of female criminality in contemporary third world societies. On the other hand, masculinities and opportunities theories are sometimes partially applicable to predict criminality of women in first world countries

    Incorporating revocation of certification into a PKI model

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    Public key infrastructures (PKIs) are complex distributed systems that are responsible for giving users enough information to make reasonable trust judgments about one another. PKI is a prerequisite for security in distributed systems and for electronic commerce. The validation of public keys is hence of paramount importance. This is achieved by public-key certificates. Several researches have done to evaluate the confidence afforded; one of them is Maurer's model. The problem of assigning and evaluating confidence values numerically (Maurer model) is non-trivial, in particular when certification paths intersect. A restriction in this model is that certificate revocation is not included, but usually revocation happens. While Maurer consider only positive evidence, in this paper has been considered negative evidence as well as revocation. Moreover a few of authors incorporate negative values in inference rules on deterministic part. In this paper we have used a tailored form of that and consider revocation on inference rules. After that negative evidence to exert in probabilistic part, with to take in to a suitable value for this evidence omits the path of trust include the revoked certification

    Public health by organizational fix?

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    In August 2020 the UK government announced without warning the abolition of Public Health England (PHE), the principal UK agency for the promotion and protection of public health. We undertook a research programme seeking to understand the factors surrounding this decision. While the underlying issues are complex two competing interpretations have emerged: an 'official' explanation, which highlights the failure of PHE to scale up its testing capacity in the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic as the fundamental reason for closing it down and a 'sceptical' interpretation, which ascribes the decision to blame-avoidance behaviour on the part of leading government figures. This paper reviews crucial claims in these two competing explanations exploring the arguments for and against each proposition. It concludes that neither is adequate and that the inability adequately to address the problem of testing (which triggered the decision to close PHE) lies deeper in the absence of the norms of responsible government in UK politics and the state. However our findings do provide some guidance to the two new organizations established to replace PHE to maximize their impact on public health. We hope that this information will contribute to the independent national COVID inquiry

    Clinical implications of expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in metastatic lesions of ovarian cancers

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been identified as an important factor for tumour angiogenesis, which is essential for the growth, invasion and metastasis of solid tumours. Significantly increased VEGF level from the primary tumour to the metastatic lesion of ovarian cancers was found in 8 of 30 cases. The 24-month survival rate of the patients with significantly increased VEGF level was extremely poor (0/8 = 0%) in comparison with that of patients with no change in the level (15/22 = 68%) from the primary tumour to the metastatic lesion. This indicates that VEGF may contribute to the advancement of metastatic lesions, and that VEGF level in metastatic lesions may be a prognostic indicator. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    An assessment of climate change impacts on the tropical forests of Central America using the Holdridge Life Zone (HLZ) land classification system

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    Ecological models have predicted shifts in forest biomes, yet there have been very few studies that have looked at the implications on carbon stocks due to these shifts. Carbon is closely correlated to biomass and constitutes an important characteristic of the forest ecosystem. It has implications for conservation and land use practices, especially for climate change mitigation strategies currently under discussion, such as REDD+. This study couples the Holdridge Life Zone (HLZ) classification with the ECHAM5 model, to evaluate the impacts of climate change using the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A2, A1B and B1 for the Central American region. We utilize methodologies which combine biophysical variables with model output to assess the impacts on carbon stocks for two time periods, 2000 and 2100, . Results show that overall, the tropical category of the HLZ classification gains area as a result of one type of HLZ shifting to another forest type. In many cases the shifts result in some categories of HLZ being lost in their entirety. Elevation-associated life zones are particularly vulnerable to future climatic changes. A strong point of our approach is that differences between disaggregate regional and aggregate country levels can be compared. We suggest that a critical focus of conservation and management efforts should be concentrated on where vulnerable biomes are at most risk (biomes that shift and/or reduce fall under the vulnerable category)

    Exploring views on satisfaction with life in young children with chronic illness: an innovative approach to the collection of self-report data from children under 11

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    The objective of this study was to explore young children’s views on the impact of chronic illness on their life in order to inform future development of a patient-based self-report health outcome measure. We describe an approach to facilitating self-report views from young children with chronic illness. A board game was designed in order to obtain qualitative data from 39 children with a range of chronic illness conditions and 38 healthy controls ranging in age from 3 to 11 years. The format was effective in engaging young children in a self-report process of determining satisfaction with life and identified nine domains. The board game enabled children aged 5–11 years with chronic illness to describe the effects of living with illness on home, family, friends, school and life in general. It generated direct, non-interpreted material from children who, because of their age, may have been considered unable or limited their ability to discuss and describe how they feel. Obtaining this information for children aged 4 and under continues to be a challenge

    Integrated Delivery of Health Services During Outreach Visits: A Literature Review of Program Experience Through a Routine Immunization Lens

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    Background. Outreach services are used systematically to deliver immunization and health services to individuals with insufficient access to health facilities in lower-income countries. Currently, the topic of integrated service delivery during immunization outreach lacks the attention paid to integration at fixed sites or during campaigns. This article explores integrated outreach and risks associated with service integration