64 research outputs found

    Reducing Time to Reset a Stateful System Under Test (SUT)

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    The qualification of continuously running, stateful systems requires a full reset to initial state due to the state-altering nature of a finite workload. A full reset entails teardown and restart of the system to a known initial state, which can cause the workload to experience long downtimes for the duration of the reset. This disclosure describes techniques that reduce reset durations that occur in the context of testing stateful systems. In a one-time operation, an initial state is maintained in persistent storage, e.g., in cloud-based virtual disks. The system under test (SUT) is reset using the stored initial image. The time saved in the obviated teardown-and-restart procedure directly translates to reduced startup and qualification times and obviates other time-consuming procedures such as reinstalling dependent libraries and software. The techniques generally reduce interruptions in testing and are especially useful for narrow rollout windows

    Prospects for the production of culinary products from turkey meat (a review)

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    The purpose of the research is to analyze the prospects for the production and processing of turkey meat to expand the range of culinary products. The technological potential of turkey meat for the production of culinary products has been considered. High biological value and dietary qualities have been noted. The turkey is considered to occupy a significant segment in the volume of poultry production, which is constantly increasing as a result of the growth in consumer demand. The volumes of production of turkey meat have been given and the largest domestic producers of turkey meat noted. The dynamics of production and consumption of turkey meat in Russia has been presented. The structure of consumption of turkey meat in Russia in % of the total amount of meat consumed has been given. The types of turkeys and their characteristics have been considered. The advantages of choosing turkey meat in comparison with other types of poultry meat are noted. According to its biological and economic characteristics, turkey meat is one of the most promising types. The range of culinary products from turkey meat, its chemical composition, fabrics, varieties have been considered. The industrial advantages of white meat compared to red meat have been shown. An assortment of appetizers, first and second courses is given. Data analysis shows that minimally processed turkey is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Turkey meat is regarded to be the meat of the future due to its low fat content and high protein content. Turkey meat, due to its high technological potential, the absence of an allergic effect on the human body, is the primary raw material for the production of culinary products for baby food, dietary, therapeutic, preventive, functional purposes. To prepare new types of culinary products from turkey meat and expand the range of this group, it is advisable to use innovative sous-vide technology that preserves the maximum nutritional and biological value of the finished product


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    Analysis of modern methods of preparation of gas sensors than utilize nanostructural materials in the basic construction has been made. Nanostructural materials utilization in the sensor increases specific surface area of its sensitive layer. Two groups of the methods that promote to solve this task were selected. The first one is related to the utilization of nanoporous anodic alumina substrate and/or membrane as sensor template. The second one includes the preparation of the sensitive layers based on the 1D–3D nanostructures. Enhancement of the sensor output characteristics is determined by the collection of advanced physicalchemical properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures utilized in the sensor construction.Проведен анализ современных методов изготовления газовых сенсоров, в элементах конструкции которых используются наноструктурированные материалы. Выделены две группы методов, способствующих увеличению удельной поверхности чувствительного слоя сенсора: первая – использование в качестве основы для кристалла сенсора подложки или мембраны из нанопористого анодного оксида алюминия, вторая – формирование чувствительных слоев  газового сенсора с  большой  удельной  поверхностью  на основе 1D–3D наноструктур. Повышение выходных характеристик сенсора определяется совокупностью улучшенных физико-химических свойств наноматериалов и наноструктур, используемых в его конструкции


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    The opportunity of nanoporous anodic alumina substrate utilization for the manufacture of the preconcentrator of gas system «Electronic nose» is shown. Optimization of temperature distribution in the preconcentrator area containing adsorbent could be possible by the choice of the basic parameters of the alumina substrate and preconcentrator geometry.На основании данных моделирования показана возможность использования подложек из нанопористого анодного оксида алюминия для изготовления преконцентратора газовой системы «Электронный нос». При использование нанопористого анодного оксида алюминия требуемый диапазон температур 500–600 К по площади преконцентратора может быть достигнут при более низких значениях потребляемых мощностей по сравнению с кремниевой подложкой

    Development of an exemplary 10-day school menu in accordance with the requirements of Sanpin 2.3/2.4.3590-20

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    The article presents materials reflecting the developed exemplary 10-day menu of school breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks for the age groups of 7-11 years and 12 years and older for the organization and implementation of school meals in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20. The scope of the developed materials includes schools and public catering enterprises that organize meals for schoolchildren based on the principles of healthy eating in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 «Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization of Public Catering of the Population « (approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2020 No. 32). When calculating the school menu, the requirements for the cost of a grocery set have been taken into account (no more than 58.39 rubles per day per student for the age category of 7–11 years and 12 years and older for school breakfast; no more than 58.39 rubles per day for one student of the age category of 7–11 years old and 65 rubles per day for one student of the age category of 12 years and older for a school lunch; no more than 18.75 rubles per day for one student of the age category of 7–11 years old and 22.75 rubles per day for one student of the age category of 12 years and older for a school afternoon snack). The developed exemplary 10-day menu of school breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks for the age categories of 7–11 years and 12 years and older have passed an examination in the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Adygea and received a positive conclusion (01-00-03/58-4986-2021 dated August 27, 2021) and can be recommended for the use in educational institutions. The optimal period for the development (at least three months) and approbation (at least six months) of an exemplary school menu should be considered from six months to a year. In addition, the menu for school meals should be multivariate, including options for people with disabilities and other individualization. The new menu should be tested first in some educational institutions, and after adjustment by the developers, it is recommended for implementation. For the effective organization and implementation of school meals, a systematic approach to the issue of the formation of high-quality raw materials and a flexible pricing policy is required

    Cobalt oxide nanosheet and CNT micro carbon monoxide sensor integrated with readout circuit on chip

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    100學年度研究獎補助論文[[abstract]]The study presents a micro carbon monoxide (CO) sensor integrated with a readout circuit-on-a-chip manufactured by the commercial 0.35 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process and a post-process. The sensing film of the sensor is a composite cobalt oxide nanosheet and carbon nanotube (CoOOH/CNT) film that is prepared by a precipitation-oxidation method. The structure of the CO sensor is composed of a polysilicon resistor and a sensing film. The sensor, which is of a resistive type, changes its resistance when the sensing film adsorbs or desorbs CO gas. The readout circuit is used to convert the sensor resistance into the voltage output. The post-processing of the sensor includes etching the sacrificial layers and coating the sensing film. The advantages of the sensor include room temperature operation, short response/recovery times and easy post-processing. Experimental results show that the sensitivity of the CO sensor is about 0.19 mV/ppm, and the response and recovery times are 23 s and 34 s for 200 ppm CO, respectively.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]電子


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    The lines of development of gas sensors having low power consumption have been considered in the article. The utilization of nanostructured alumina as sensor template allows obtaining thermocatalytic and semiconductor gas sensors with low power consumption.Рассмотрены пути создания газовых сенсоров, имеющих малые величины потребления мощности. Данный результат связан с введением в конструкцию термокаталитических и полупроводниковых газовых сенсоров наноструктурированного оксида алюминия, служащего основой для формирования их чувствительных элементов