235 research outputs found

    Structure and optical properties of complex aggregate-structures of amphiphilic dye-systems

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Untersuchungen an selbstorganisierten, tubulären J-Aggregaten amphiphiler Cyaninfarbstoffe, 3,3’-bis(2-sulfopropyl)-5,5’,6,6’-tetrachloro-1,1’-dioctylbenzimidacarbocyanine, im Weiteren C8S3 genannt, dargestellt. Ziel der Arbeit ist es an die Aggregate eine Lage Polyelektrolyte zu adsorbieren, sowie nachzuweisen, dass diese Methode geeignet ist, um einen Energietransfers zwischen dem Aggregat und funktionellen Gruppen in der Adsorbatschicht zu erreichen. Die tubulären Aggregate sind supramolekulare Strukturen, die sich spontan und selbstorganisiert aufgrund des amphiphilen Charakters der Cyaninfarbstoffe in wässrigen Lösungen bilden. Die Farbstoffe ordnen sich in einer Doppelschicht an, die die Wand der Röhren bildet mit etwa 13 nm Durchmesser und Längen bis zu 1 µm und mehr. Die Aggregate bilden exzitonische Anregungen aus, die sich in einer typischen Rotverschiebung (J-Aggregat) der optischen Absorption sowie einer charakteristischen Aufspaltung in mehrere schmale Banden zeigt. Die negative Oberflächenladung der Aggregate wird genutzt, um positiv geladene Polyelektrolyte (PE) anzulagern. Drei exemplarische PE, die sich in Ladungsdichte und Persistenzlänge unterscheiden, werden untersucht. In allen drei Fällen ist es gelungen Aggregate mit einer 2-3 nm dicken Polyelektrolytschicht zu umhüllen, wobei die molekulare Ordnung der Aggregate nur geringfügig gestört wird. Durch Einsatz von Farbstoffdotierten Polyelektrolyten konnten Experimente zum Nachweis des Förster-Energietransfer durchgeführt werden. Die Farbstoffdotierungen sind kovalent an die PE gebunden, wodurch sie in der PE-Umhüllung lokalisiert sind. Durch Wahl geeigneter Farbstoffe konnte ein Energietransfer vom Farbstoff (Donator) zum Aggregat als auch umgekehrt vom Aggregat zum Farbstoff (Akzeptor) nachgewiesen werden. Es ergeben sich hohe Transferraten, da die Farbstoffe in der PE-Schicht deutlich dichter am Aggregat liegen, als die theoretisch berechneten Förster-Radien.The following dissertation deals with investigation on tubular J-aggregates of amphiphile cyanine-dyes, 3,3’-bis(2-sulfopropyl)-5,5’,6,6’-tetrachloro-1,1’-dioctylbenzimidacarbocyanine (C8S3). Aim of this work is to adsorb a layer of polyelectrolyte on C8S3-aggregates and to proof the capability of this method to establish an energy-transfer between the aggregate and functional groups in the adsorbate-layer. The tubular aggregates are supramolecular structures, that form entirely spontaneous and self-organized due to amphiphilic character of the investigated cyanine-dye derivative in aqueous solution. These dyes arrange themselves in a double-layer, assembling the hull of the tubular structure, with outer tube-diameters of approximately 13 nm and length of more than 1 µm. Due to the regular and dense arrangement of the dyes excitonic excitation establishs with the structure, that causes a J-aggregate typical red-shift in absorption and a characteristic band-splitting. The aggregates offer a negative surface-charge in aqueous solution. This is utilized to adsorb oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (PE) by electrostatic adsorption. It is shown exemplarily for three different kinds of PE that differ in charge-density and persistence-length. In all three cases a successful PE-wrapping of 2-3 nm thickness has been performed. The molecular order within the aggregates has been disturbed only weakly. Dye-labelled PE experiments proof Förster-energytransfer. The dye-labels are covalently bound to PE, fixing and localizing the labels in the wrapping-layer. With appropriate dye-labels an energy-transfer from labels in the coating (donor) towards the aggregate and vice versa, from aggregate to the dye-labels (acceptor) has been revealed. Caused by the localisation of the labels within the PE-coating, the distances of aggregate and label are always smaller than the theoretically calculated Förster-radii, resulting in a high efficiency of the transfer-rates

    Determining the Impact of the ASP Health Club’s Nutrition Initiative Awareness Campaign on Elementary Students’ Eating Habits

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    Recent modernization is day by day dominating our life more than ever before. That modernization impacts a lot of aspects, and one of the most crucial aspects is human nutrition. It impacts all ages; however, specifically, those in third grade through fifth grade. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness and impact of the ASP Heart Health Club awareness campaigns on the students’ daily eating habits that are affected by modern-day nutrition styles and to know the extent to which those little ones may be at risk and help them. We collected information including: weight, height, and BMI from approximately two hundred third through fifth graders of both genders along with a survey containing questions regarding their daily eating habits. The questions were about the number of fruits eaten in a day, and whether or not junk food was eaten also. The data was collected, recorded and analyzed thrice using a clinical chart to allot the results precisely. The data was processed for the presence of outliers, which were statistically removed. Based on the data collected, we found a slight increase the number of fruits and vegetables eaten on a daily basis, but no significant reduction in the amount of junk food eaten by the students. According to similar studies, these types of campaigns that aim to provide healthier food alternatives for kids have succeeded almost everywhere especially because those grades are the ones mostly at risk to develop unhealthy eating habits. We believe that longer study duration and a more effective campaign program may lead to better awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making better nutritional choices

    Fundamental absorption bandwidth to thickness limit for transparent homogeneous layers

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    Past work has considered the analytic properties of the reflection coefficient for a metal-backed slab. The primary result established a fundamental relationship for the minimal layer thickness to bandwidth ratio achievable for an absorber. There has yet to be establishment of a similar relationship for non metal-backed layers, and here we present the universal result based on the Kramers-Kronig relations. Our theory is validated with transfer matrix calculations of homogeneous materials, and full-wave numerical simulations of electromagnetic metamaterials. Our results place more general fundamental limits on absorbers and thus will be important for both fundamental and applied studies.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Cytotoxic Effect of the Extract of Anchusa strigosa (Him Him) Grown in Jordan Against Different Cancer Cell Lines

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    إن نبات لسان الثور المزغّب او الحمحم من عائلة البوراجينيسي، هو نبات شوكي معمّر، طوله واحد متر تقريباً، له شعيرات شوكية صلبة، أوراقه مستطيلة إلى سنيّة الشكل، مكتظة عند القاعدة، شديدة الخشونة وشوكية. يتراوح وقت الإزهار بين شهر شباط إلى شهر حزيران.  تنمو على جوانب الطريق وفي الحقول. إن الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو اختبار التأثير السمّي لمستخلص لسان الثور المزغّب  / الجذور والأوراق وأجزائهم ضد خطوط الخلايا السرطانية المختلفة. حيث تمّ استخلاص كل من جذور وأوراق نبات لسان الثور المزغّب بواسطة طرق استخلاص مختلفة والتي تشمل طريقة النقع البارد، وجهاز السوكسليت مع استخدام نطاق واسع من المذيبات ذات القطبيات المختلفة: (كلوروفورم، ميثانول، إيثانول، بتروليوم إيثر، إلخ...)، إلى جانب ذلك لقد تم فصل مكوّنات النبات عن طريق الفصل الكروماتوغرافي ا ، ومن ثمّ تحديدها بواسطة الفصل الكروماتوغرافي والكواشف الكيميائية. لقد تم إيجاد الأثر السمّي لمستخلص نبات لسان الثور المزغّب وأجزائه ضد خطوط الخلايا السرطانية المختلفة مثل: ( سرطان الثدي، سرطان القولون والمستقيم) بواسطة فحص التحليل اللوني لمادة السلفرهودامين، حيث أشارت النتائج أنه وفي جميع الحالات كانت النسبة المئوية لتكاثر الخلايا أكثر من 50%.كما و بينت النتائج  أن فاعلية  مستخلص أوراق النبات  كانت أفضل من حيث التقليل من نسبة تكاثر الخلايا السرطانية من مستخلص جذور النبات ذاته.Anchusa strigosa - prickly alkanet from Boraginaceae grows in roadsides, and fields of a broad range of habitats from mediterranean woodlands, to steppe vegetation, to true desert. It is commonly known as" him him" or "lisan al thawr". Anchusa can withstand hard weather conditions and hence is widely cultivated. The color of its flowers can range from pure white to deep cobalt blue. Various parts of A. strigosa are used in traditional medicine for treating several diseases or symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bronchitis, cough, and diarrhea. The goal of this study was to examine the cytotoxic effect of the crude extract of A. strigosa roots and leaves and their fractions against various tumor cell lines: adenocarcinoma MCF-7, human breast ductal carcinoma T-47D; human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231; and colorectal carcinomas Caco-2. In conclusion the antiproliferative effect was assessed by SRB assay where it showed that the phytochemical constituents in the leaf part of the plant (A. strigosa) do have more potential in depressing the proliferation rate of the cell lines than the root part

    Цзю-хронотерапія мікозів ступень, ускладнених екзематизацією

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    Accupuncturchronotherapy gives good results in the complex treatment of patients with micosis of foots with eczematisatio. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/161