19 research outputs found

    Використання доповненої реальності в університетській освіті майбутніх IT-спеціалістів: навчальний процес та науково -дослідницька робота студентів

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    The article substantiates the feature of using augmented reality (AR) in university training of future IT specialists in the learning process and in the research work of students. The survey of university teachers analyzed the most popular AR applications for training future IT specialists (AR Ruler, AR Physics, Nicola Tesla, Arloon Geometry, AR Geometry, GeoGebra 3D Graphing Calculator, etc.), disclose the main advantages of the applications. The methodological basis for the implementation of future IT specialists research activities towards the development and use of AR applications is substantiated. The content of the activities of the student’s scientific club “Informatics studios” of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University is developed. Students as part of the scientific club activity updated the mobile application, and the model bank corresponding to the topics: “Polyhedrons” for 11th grade, as well as “Functions, their properties and graphs” for 10th grade. The expediency of using software tools to develop a mobile application (Android Studio, SDK, NDK, QR Generator, FTDS Dev, Google Sceneform, Poly) is substantiated. The content of the stages of development of a mobile application is presented. As a result of a survey of students and pupils the positive impact of AR on the learning process is established.У статті обґрунтовано особливості використання доповненої реальності (АР) в університетській підготовці майбутніх ІТ -спеціалістів у навчальному процесі та в науково -дослідницькій роботі студентів. Опитування викладачів університету проаналізувало найпопулярніші додатки AR для підготовки майбутніх IT -спеціалістів (AR Ruler, AR Physics, Nicola Tesla, Arloon Geometry, AR Geometry, GeoGebra 3D Graphing Calculator тощо), розкрило основні переваги додатків. Обґрунтовано методологічну основу впровадження майбутньої дослідницької діяльності майбутніх ІТ -спеціалістів у напрямку розробки та використання додатків AR. Розроблено зміст діяльності студентського наукового клубу «Студії інформатики» Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка. Студенти в рамках діяльності наукового клубу оновили мобільний додаток та модельний банк, відповідний темам: «Багатогранники» для 11 класу, а також «Функції, їх властивості та графіки» для 10 класу. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання програмних засобів для розробки мобільних додатків (Android Studio, SDK, NDK, QR Generator, FTDS Dev, Google Sceneform, Poly). Представлено зміст етапів розробки мобільного додатку. В результаті опитування студентів та учнів встановлено позитивний вплив АР на процес навчання

    Ускоренное создание гомозиготных линий листовых культур семейства Brassicaceae Burnett в культуре микроспор in vitro

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    Relevance Biotechnological methods are generally used to speed up breeding programs and to enhance genetic diversity, so the culture of isolated microspore in vitro can be regarded as one of very suitable methods. Nontraditional and uncommon vegetable crops belonging to Brassicaceae Burnett. are becoming more popular. Methods Accessions of sarepta mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) and rocket salad (Eruca sativa Mill.) were taken for the study with the aim to optimize the basic protocol for these species. Results As a result of the study the optimum cultivation conditions have been determined for the species. Sizes of buds 2.5-3.5 mm long for sarepta mustard and 7.0-7.5 long for rocket salad which were used for cultivation had been experimentally defined. It was also shown that the cold pretreatment had improved the embryo yield. The nutritional NLN-13 medium with pH 6.1 and pretreatment at 32°C during a cultivation day had been shown to be more favourable for all accessions. All conditions that had been used were suitable for embryo formation. First divisions had been seen after 4 days of cultivation, while the embryos at primary cotyledonary stage only appeared after 2 weeks of cultivation. The embryo yield per 5 buds reached 25-30 and 5-7 in the sarepta mustard and the rocket salad, respectively. It is worth noticing that the root formation and plant adaptation had passed better and faster in sarepta mustard than in rocket salad. Thus, whole process of homozygous line developing can be completed for 4-5 months, making the breeding program 3 times shorter.Актуальность Для ускорения селекционного процесса и расширения генетического разнообразия необходимо вовлекать в селекционный процесс биотехнологические методы, одним из которых является метод культуры изолированных микроспор in vitro. Все большую популярность в России приобретают нетрадиционные, малораспространенные зеленные культуры семейства Brassicaceae Burnett. Материал и методика Объектами исследования были такие представители данного семейства, как горчица сарептская (Brassica juncea (L) Czern.) и индау посевной (Eruca sativa Mill.). Цель исследований заключалась в оптимизации базового протокола под изучаемые культуры. Результаты Были подобраны оптимальные условия культивирования для горчицы сарептской и индау посевного. Опытным путем был определен оптимальный для введения в культуру in vitro размер бутона, который составил у горчицы сарептской 2,5-3,5 мм, а у индау посевного – 7,0-7,5 мм. Показано, что холодовая предобработка бутонов в течение 1 суток значительно повышает выход эмбриоидов. Для большинства образцов наиболее благоприятным оказалось сочетание pH среды NLN-13, равное 6,1, и температурная обработка 32°С в течение 1 суток культивирования. Все вышеперечисленные условия культивирования способствовали успешному развитию эмбриоидов. Первые деления были отмечены на 4 сутки, а уже через 2 недели эмбриоиды находились на начальной семядольной стадии развития. Выход эмбриоидов достигал у горчицы сарептской – до 25-30 шт./5 бутонов, а у индау посевного – до 5-7 шт./5 бутонов. Отмечено, что у горчицы сарептской происходит быстрое укоренение и адаптация к условиям in vivo. То есть весь процесс получения чистой гомозиготной линии составляет 4-5 месяцев, что сокращает селекционный процесс в более чем в 3 раза

    Simulating the Traction Electric Drive Operation of A Trolleybus Equipped with Mixed Excitation Motors and A DC-DC Converter

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    Switching to the new type of a traction drive, from direct to alternating current, cannot be performed instantly in public transportation. The reason is the large fleet of vehicles and associated costs. In most countries in Europe and Asia, this process takes years.Therefore, the fleet of trolleybuses develops in two directions simultaneously. The first is the purchase of new trolleybuses, that is, the renewal of fleet with modern machines with an alternating current traction motor. The second is the overhaul and modernization of "outdated" machines, in order to improve their performance. Most "obsolete" trolleybuses are equipped with direct current traction motors of serial or mixed excitation. It is possible to achieve substantial energy savings and to improve the characteristics of the traction electric drive with such engines by using a pulse control system and by optimizing control algorithms.The goal of this study is to increase energy efficiency and to improve the characteristics of the trolleybus traction electric drive, equipped with a direct current motor of mixed excitation. This is accomplished by improving this drive's control system based on the pulse control system via DC-DC.The feasibility of the tractive electric drive has been tested through imitation and physical modeling. A mathematical model of the DC motor with mixed excitation has also been improved. A special feature of this model is taking into consideration the saturation of the elements of a magnetic wire of the traction motor based on the preliminary performed calculations of a magnetic field using a finite element method. By combining these components, the improved mathematical model of the entire trolleybus electric drive has been built.The operation of the trolleybus electric drive under a start mode has been simulated. The results have confirmed the increase in the energy efficiency of the traction electric drive by reducing the loss for excitation. The comparison has proven that the losses of energy decreased from 0.587 MJ (0.163 kWh) to 0.531 (0.1475 kWh) MJ, by 9.54 %

    Gene panel selection for targeted spatial transcriptomics

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    Abstract Targeted spatial transcriptomics hold particular promise in analyzing complex tissues. Most such methods, however, measure only a limited panel of transcripts, which need to be selected in advance to inform on the cell types or processes being studied. A limitation of existing gene selection methods is their reliance on scRNA-seq data, ignoring platform effects between technologies. Here we describe gpsFISH, a computational method performing gene selection through optimizing detection of known cell types. By modeling and adjusting for platform effects, gpsFISH outperforms other methods. Furthermore, gpsFISH can incorporate cell type hierarchies and custom gene preferences to accommodate diverse design requirements

    Additional file 1 of Gene panel selection for targeted spatial transcriptomics

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Schematic of the Bayesian model for platform effect estimation. Figure S2. Bayesian model captures platform effect between scRNA-seq and targeted spatial transcriptomics technologies. Figure S3. Impact of platform effect on the spatial transcriptomics measurement simulation and cell type classification. Figure S4. Impact of multiplicative platform effect on cell type classification and average cell depth of the simulated spatial transcriptomics data for the Codeluppi dataset. Figure S5. Comparison between gpsFISH and other gene selection methods on the Zhang and Codeluppi dataset. Figure S6. Comparison between gpsFISH and other gene selection methods using random forest as classifier. Figure S7. High redundancy across optimizations using gpsFISH. Figure S8. Weighted gene panel selection based on probe count per gene. Figure S9. Gene panel selection with ligand activity as gene weight. Figure S10. Gene panel selection with cell type hierarchy on the Tietscher dataset. Figure S11. Accuracy of optimized gene panels using flat vs. hierarchical gene selection. Supplementary texts

    Rapid development of homozygous lines through culture of isolated microspores in leafy crops of <i>Brassicaceae</i> Burnett

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    Relevance Biotechnological methods are generally used to speed up breeding programs and to enhance genetic diversity, so the culture of isolated microspore in vitro can be regarded as one of very suitable methods. Nontraditional and uncommon vegetable crops belonging to Brassicaceae Burnett. are becoming more popular. Methods Accessions of sarepta mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) and rocket salad (Eruca sativa Mill.) were taken for the study with the aim to optimize the basic protocol for these species. Results As a result of the study the optimum cultivation conditions have been determined for the species. Sizes of buds 2.5-3.5 mm long for sarepta mustard and 7.0-7.5 long for rocket salad which were used for cultivation had been experimentally defined. It was also shown that the cold pretreatment had improved the embryo yield. The nutritional NLN-13 medium with pH 6.1 and pretreatment at 32°C during a cultivation day had been shown to be more favourable for all accessions. All conditions that had been used were suitable for embryo formation. First divisions had been seen after 4 days of cultivation, while the embryos at primary cotyledonary stage only appeared after 2 weeks of cultivation. The embryo yield per 5 buds reached 25-30 and 5-7 in the sarepta mustard and the rocket salad, respectively. It is worth noticing that the root formation and plant adaptation had passed better and faster in sarepta mustard than in rocket salad. Thus, whole process of homozygous line developing can be completed for 4-5 months, making the breeding program 3 times shorter