48 research outputs found

    Modern innovative teaching techniques in managing an english language classroom

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    The article deals with the issues of the efficiency of using innovations in the English classroom. The major vectors of building teacher’s strategy – content, innovative teaching techniques and classroom management – are taken into consideration. Such points as the basis of selecting an appropriate content, most popular teaching innovations and effective teacher-student relationships in managing an English classroom are given a deep thought to

    The issues of teaching English grammar and vocabulary through chunks

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    Chunking is learning a language in context. It means learning phrases, or groups of words, rather than single words. Language chunks are patterns of words that are regularly used together in the same order (or move around in a regular way), they are widely recognized and often learned as a phrase: set expressions, phrasal verbs, fixed (or semi-fixed) phrases, verb patterns, idioms and collocations and other lexical units

    Distance learning: Advantages and challenges of the time

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    Дистанційне навчання є процесом взаємодії між викладачем і студентами, що знаходяться ізольованими у просторі. Розглянуто синхронний та асинхронний тип дистанційної форми спілкування. Основне завдання дистанційного навчання полягає у стимулюванні зворотного зв’язку викладача і студентів. У дистанційному навчанні наявні майже всі традиційні способи навчальної комунікації

    Mind Mapping Technology in Teaching English

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    Nowadays a creative teacher of English is constantly searching for some new techniques to motivate his students. There is a great variety of innovations admitted to be effective, among which you can find mind mapping which proves to boost the process of mastering the language

    Patterns of somatic distress among internally displaced persons in Ukraine: analysis of a cross-sectional survey.

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    PURPOSE: There are often high rates of mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries during humanitarian crises, but the prevalence of somatic distress (SD) is underreported in the existing health service research. We aim to examine the patterns of SD among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, who were forcibly displaced due to the ongoing conflict in the country's eastern region. METHODS: The study design was a cross-sectional survey of 2203 adult IDPs throughout Ukraine. The survey collected data on sociodemographic characteristics, traumatic life events (Life Events Checklist), utilisation of mental health care services, and self-reported outcomes of SD (Patient Health Questionnaire 15), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire 9), and post-traumatic stress (PTSD Checklist). Descriptive and multivariate regression analyses were used. RESULTS: Over half of respondents (n = 1142, 55%) were identified as being at risk of SD (PHQ-15 score ≥ 6), and the prevalence of moderate (n = 377, 18%) and high severity SD risk (n = 275, 13%) was substantial. There were significant associations (p < 0.05) between SD and age, female gender, economic status, self-reported depression and post-traumatic stress, and multiple trauma exposures. Being at risk of SD was also significantly associated with increased functional disability. Use of mental health care services was low across this population and only high SD risk seemed to be a reliable predictor of care-seeking behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant risk of SD among IDPs in Ukraine. Our results illustrate the need for targeted health service research and regional programs to ensure that mental health needs are appropriately met

    Psychological Research of the Ability to Foreign Languages Acquisition

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    http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/eea/issue/view/309Along with psychological approaches and concepts of teaching foreign languages, concepts of mastering a foreign language, built on the ideas of appropriation and interpretation of a foreign language linguistic experience, have spread in psychological science. While not being opposed to theories of teaching foreign languages, these concepts and approaches, however, have some differences from them, which also require analysis and interpretation. To avoid misunderstandings in the use of the most general concepts from the field of psychology of mastering foreign languages, in their study the authors clarify them, guided by the literary materials that make up its scientific paradigm. The authors analysed the use of non-standard techniques to facilitate the acquisition of foreign languages. In their research, the authors tested the hypothesis that in the conditions of personality-oriented dialogical teaching of a foreign language, personal characteristics that complicate foreign language communication are significantly optimised. As a result of the experimental work, the hypothesis was confirmed; still, in an even more strengthened form: the significant connection between the motivation of learning and the level of development of abilities for languages is fundamentally destroyed. In other words, in the conditions of student-centred learning, insufficient development of potential language abilities ceases to be a factor that negatively affects the motivation of learning

    Sustainable development of the Ukrainian agrarian sector: perspectives and challenges

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    Sustainable development of the Ukrainian economy is rather complicated, extraordinary and controversial task for Ukraine. By fulfilling the obligations assumed by the world community to implement the main provisions of sustainable development, Ukraine undergoes comprehensive structural transformations, which undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of its agrarian sector. Administrative and territorial reform is one of the major structural changes, which is taking place at the present time and has a direct impact on the agrarian sector development. The research is aimed at deepening the methodological principles for predicting the effectiveness of new institutes and rules caused by agrarian and structural transformations in the national economy, as well as substantiating the cluster model of sustainable development of the agrarian sector.The provision of the economic theory of “path dependence” is the methodological basis of the research. In the article, based on a combination of theoretical and empirical methods, the transformation of the state of the socio-economic system, which is conditioned by the introduction of a new rule in implementing the reforms, is researched. Under these conditions, the effect of hysteresis may arise – the new rule can fall into the institutional trap and stay in it even when perturbations often disappear.Given the analysis of the current implementation of the sustainable development model in the agrarian sector, the authors focus on combining the efforts of management bodies, socially responsible business and rural population and substantiate the need to improve the system of functional environment, which should be based on the cluster concept of development. It is precisely the cluster structure that will ensure the effectiveness of production relations between market agents, minimize the emergence of ineffective institutions and reduce the likelihood of institutional traps in the future

    Розробка імітаційної моделі обгрунтування параметрів довгострокових контрактів з експлуатаційного утримання доріг

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    This paper reports a study into the main parameters of long-term contracts for the maintenance of roads. Weaknesses in existing methods and models of substantiation of the initial characteristics of contracts have been identified. It is established that the main reason for the transition to long-term contacts in the road sector is the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of road asset management. This determines the main goal to maintain the operational condition of all components of roads at a level that ensures the satisfaction of user requirements and contributes to the preservation of assets. A simulation model for substantiating the parameters of long-term contracts for road maintenance has been built, which makes it possible to simulate forecast assessments of the characteristics of contracts. Underlying this study is the Monte Carlo method, as well as the triangular law of distribution, models of deterioration and restoration of the condition of road elements. Taking into consideration these models, it was established that the error in justifying the parameters of long-term contracts according to the devised method is up to 10 %. The devised model was tested by applying the developed original LTCsimula program using an example of the section of a motorway with a length of 87.3 km with an average level of requirements. According to the results of the test, the assessment of the laws of distribution of value, as well as the amount of deductions and profits of a long-term contract, was carried out. The calculation results demonstrated the model’s capability to determine the strategies for the maintenance of roads, taking into consideration the risk of implementing a contract with an error of up to 3.9 %. The practical use of the devised simulation model makes it possible to improve the efficiency of operational maintenance of roads, as well as to save from 10 % to 40 % of the cost of road maintenanceВиконано дослідження основних параметрів довгострокових контрактів з експлуатаційного утримання доріг. Визначено слабкі місця в існуючих методах та моделях обґрунтування вихідних характеристик контрактів. Встановлено, що основною причиною переходу до довгострокових контактів в дорожньому секторі є потреба підвищення ефективності та результативності управління дорожніми активами. Це визначає основну мету – підтримку експлуатаційного стану всіх складових доріг на рівні, що забезпечує задоволення вимог користувачів та сприяє збереженню активів. Розроблено імітаційну модель обґрунтування параметрів довгострокових контрактів з експлуатаційного утримання доріг, яка дозволяє виконувати симуляцію прогнозних оцінок характеристик контрактів. В основу дослідження були покладені метод Монте-Карло, трикутний закон розподілу, моделі погіршення та відновлення стану елементів доріг. За рахунок врахування цих моделей встановлено, що похибка в обґрунтуванні параметрів довгострокових контрактів за розробленим методом складає до 10&nbsp;%. Виконано апробацію розробленої моделі на базі авторської прогарами LTCsimula на прикладі ділянки автомобільної дороги протяжністю 87,3&nbsp;км з середнім рівнем вимог. За результатами апробації було виконано оцінку законів розподілу вартості, суми утримань та прибутку довгострокового контракту. Результати розрахунків показали можливості моделі у визначенні стратегій експлуатаційного утримання доріг з урахуванням ризику здійснення контракту з похибкою до 3,9&nbsp;%. Застосування розробленої імітаційної моделі на практиці дозволяє підвищити ефективність експлуатаційного обслуговування доріг, а також зберегти від 10&nbsp;% до 40&nbsp;% вартості обслуговування дорі

    Alcohol use among conflict-affected persons in Ukraine: risk factors, coping and access to mental health services.

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    BACKGROUND: There are approximately 1.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine as a result of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Exposure to violence, forced displacement and increased mental disorders are potential risk-factors for alcohol use disorder (AUD). The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of and risk factors for AUD among Ukrainian IDPs and investigate the relationship between AUD, mental health service utilization and coping behaviours. METHODS: A nation-wide cross-sectional survey of 2203 IDPs was conducted. Data were collected on AUD [using alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT)], mental health disorders, utilization of health services and coping behaviours. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for AUD, and to estimate the odds ratios for the association between alcohol use and utilization of health services and coping behaviours. RESULTS: Of 2203 IDPs surveyed, 8.4% of men and 0.7% of women screened positive for AUD (AUDIT >7). Among current drinkers, AUD was present in 14.9% of men and 1.8% of women. Age, cumulative trauma exposure and anxiety were significantly associated with AUD in multivariable analysis. Alcohol users were 43% less likely to access health services for mental health compared with non-users. AUD was associated with more negative coping behaviours. CONCLUSIONS: AUD is present within the male Ukrainian IDP population. Alcohol use was significantly associated with lower utilization of mental health services and more negative coping behaviours. AUD screening and low-intensity treatment services should be expanded for IDPs in Ukraine, particularly if integrated into mental health and psychosocial support programmes