247 research outputs found

    Online Library Package to Boost the Functionality and Usability of the Existing Libraries

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    The current computational era has given rise to the idea of the digital library. The essential purpose of digital libraries is to enable readers to more easily explore books for reading. The library is a fast-growing process. The prehistoric system of maintaining it is no longer efficient. Library staff handles tedious tasks which involve sorting, lending, returning, classification of books etc. In addition, library users encounter problems for searching, borrowing, renewing the book, queuing, and so on. To overcome these barriers, this paper proposes a smart E-library Application based on Android technology. It mainly focuses on the central operations in a Library like analyzing total books, calculating available books, updating information, searching books and a facility to request and return books. This Software package is an Android Application developed for android O.S based phones, intended to help users to maintain and organize Library Services. This software package is user-friendly. It will allow quick transactions and will make easy to handle the issue and return of books from the Library without much involvement of manual bookkeeping. This software has been developed to maintain all the daily work of the library. It has many features which are generally not available in normal library systems like facility of reader login and a facility of admin login. The admin can monitor the whole system

    Novel Protein Secretion and Chitin Utilization Machinery of Flavobacterium Johnsoniae

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    Flavobacterium johnsoniae, a member of phylum Bacteroidetes, is a gliding bacterium that digests insoluble chitin. A novel protein secretion system, the Type IX secretion system (T9SS), secretes the motility adhesins SprB and RemA and is also required for chitin utilization. In order to understand F. johnsoniae chitin utilization and the role of the T9SS, Fjoh_4555 (chiA) was targeted for analysis. Disruption of chiA resulted in cells that failed to digest chitin and complementation restored this ability. Antisera raised against ChiA were used to characterize its secretion. ChiA was secreted in soluble form by wild-type cells but remained cell-associated in T9SS mutant strains. Proteins secreted by T9SSs typically have conserved carboxy-terminal domains (CTDs) belonging to the TIGRFAM families, TIGR04131 and TIGR04183. ChiA did not exhibit strong similarity to these sequences but instead had a novel CTD. Deletion of this CTD resulted in accumulation of ChiA inside of cells. Fusion of the ChiA CTD to mCherry resulted in secretion of mCherry into the medium. These results indicate that ChiA is a soluble extracellular chitinase required for chitin utilization and that it relies on a novel CTD for its secretion by the F. johnsoniae T9SS. Proteins involved in secretion by the T9SS include GldK, GldL, GldM, GldN, SprA, SprE, and SprT. Porphyromonas gingivalis has orthologs for each of these T9SS proteins and they are required for secretion of gingipain proteases. P. gingivalis porU and porV have also been linked to T9SS-mediated secretion and F. johnsoniae has orthologs of these. Cells of an F. johnsoniae porV deletion mutant failed to secrete ChiA and RemA, but retained the ability to secrete SprB. The porV mutant was partially deficient in attachment to glass, apparently because of the absence of RemA and other adhesins on the cell surface. The porV mutant also appeared to be deficient in secretion of numerous other proteins that have CTDs associated with targeting to the T9SS. PorU was not required for secretion of ChiA, RemA, or SprB, indicating that it does not play an essential role in the F. johnsoniae T9SS. chiA is located downstream of a cluster of genes likely to be involved in chitin utilization. Deletion of Fjoh_4558 (cusDI) resulted in a partial defect in chitin utilization, and deletion of the region spanning Fjoh_4558 through Fjoh_4562 which includes cusDI, cusDII, cusCI and cusCII resulted in almost complete loss of ability to utilize chitin. The CusC and CusD proteins are similar in sequence to the Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron starch utilization system outer membrane proteins SusC and SusD respectively. SusC and SusD are involved in active uptake of starch oligomers across the outer membrane. The F. johnsoniae CusC and CusD proteins may perform similar functions, and cooperate with ChiA to allow efficient utilization of insoluble chitin

    Fabrication and Characterization of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanofibers for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    Miniaturization of portable devices demand a power source that does not require recharging or replacement. Piezoelectric energy harvesters are devices that harvest mechanical energy from environment and convert it into electrical energy thus being an ideal candidate for replacing batteries in small devices. Objective of this thesis is to fabricate an energy harvester with efficient energy conversion. In this thesis, the effect of fabricating mechanisms, solvents, and composites on polyvinylidene nanofibers are analysed in order to improve the piezoelectric response of the nanofibers. These nanofibers are then used for fabricating an energy harvester. The energy harvester is implemented in a capacitor charging circuit and its future applications are discussed

    On the Nonlinear Impulsive Ψ\Psi--Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations

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    In this paper, we consider the nonlinear Ψ\Psi-Hilfer impulsive fractional differential equation. Our main objective is to derive the formula for the solution and examine the existence and uniqueness of results. The acquired results are extended to the nonlocal Ψ\Psi-Hilfer impulsive fractional differential equation. We gave an applications to the outcomes we procured. Further, examples are provided in support of the results we got.Comment: 2

    Co-Simulation of IBC Type PFC Converter with Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    Many electronic power systems use bridge rectifiers, which are nonlinear, resulting in low power factor activity and high harmonic distortion due to the existence of nonlinear devices. To conform to harmonic standard requirements, longer device lifetime, and smooth operation of other devices in the system, power factor correction is required in these devices. The proposed system with an input power supply linked to a bridge rectifier which transforms ac to dc in this analysis, which is then linked to an Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) with two parallel boost converters. The Interleaved Boost Converter uses Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) to work with the switches. The proportional controller gain has the effect of minimizing the time of increase and does not remove the error of steady-state. The result of removing the steady-state error is an integral control gain but deteriorate the transient response. The fuzzy controller takes inputs from the actual signals feedback values. Using the membership functions in the fuzzification method, the data provided to the fuzzy system is transformed into linguistic variables. To evaluate the performance, a series of rules that mimic the decision-making process of the human expert running the machine is then implemented using such inference mechanisms. Finally, a defuzzification block that transforms the output to a crisp value in such a manner that both structures are consistent. The proposed method is implemented using the software of MATLAB/Simulink and PSIM. The co-simulation result shows that the power factor achieved here is 0.9988, the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) maintained is less than 5% and the average efficiency concluded here is 98% respectively. To verify the feasibility of the proposed scheme, a prototype model of a 5kW IBC type PFC converter is developed which is converting 230V AC input voltage to 400V DC output voltage, is implemented using a Microchip IC dsPIC33FJ16GS504. The experimental results are satisfactory, which uncover that a power factor is 0.9992 (close to unity), THD is 4.11; less than 5% and 98% overall efficiency at 100 kHz switching frequency, 230Vrms input voltage. With the higher performance, as a result, topology with high switching frequency makes a more compact, but costlier converter

    A Review on Advanced Decision Trees for Efficient & Effective k-NN Classification

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    K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) strategy is a notable classification strategy in data mining and estimations in light of its direct execution and colossal arrangement execution. In any case, it is outlandish for ordinary KNN strategies to select settled k esteem to all tests. Past courses of action assign different k esteems to different test tests by the cross endorsement strategy however are typically tedious. This work proposes new KNN strategies, first is a KTree strategy to learn unique k esteems for different test or new cases, by including a training arrange in the KNN classification. This work additionally proposes a change rendition of KTree technique called K*Tree to speed its test organize by putting additional data of the training tests in the leaf node of KTree, for example, the training tests situated in the leaf node, their KNNs, and the closest neighbor of these KNNs. K*Tree, which empowers to lead KNN arrangement utilizing a subset of the training tests in the leaf node instead of all training tests utilized in the recently KNN techniques. This really reduces the cost of test organize
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