745 research outputs found

    Nutritional value of Pleurotus (Flabellatus) Djamor (R-22) cultivated on sawdusts of different woods

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    The sawdust of different woods were investigat ed for the cultivation of exotic strain of Pleurotus (flabellatus) djamor (R-22) to find out the efficiency of different nutrients including protein, fat, crude fiber, ash, dry matter and moisture. Among all type of nutrients, protein, fat, cr ude fiber, ash, dry matter and moisture of Pleurotus ostreatus on sawdust of different woods were observed. Protein was observed on cont rol treatment (cotton waste, kikar, mango, mixed sawdust, simbal and kail (21.89), (21.64), (21.34), (21.16), (21.03) and (20.75) % respectively. Fat was observed on control treatment (cotton waste, kikar, mango, mi xed sawdust, simbal and kail (0.80), (0.53), (0 .41), (0.33), (0.24) and (0.11)% respectively. Crude fiber was observed on control treatment (cotton waste, kikar, mango, mixed sawdust, simbal and kail (8.92), (8.45), (8.17), (7.96), (7.70) and (7.32) % respectively. Ash was observ ed on control treatment (cotton waste, kikar, mango, mixed sawdust, simbal and kail (7.65), (6.75), (6 .47), (6.39), (6.33) and (6.23%) respectively. Dry matter was observed on control treatment (cotton waste, kikar, mango, mixed sawdust, simbal and kail (6.47), (6.27), (6.13), (6.01), (5.87) and (5.67) % respectively. Moisture was observed on control treatment (c otton waste, kikar, mango, mixed sawdust, simbal and kail (84.55), (81.20), (79.85), (76.26), (74.35) and (71.14) % respectively. Oyster mushroom showed relatively more contents on control treatment cotton waste as compared to other substrates. The maximum protein, fat, crude fiber, ash, dry matter and moisture contents in Pleurotus (flabellatus) djamor (R-22) was obtained on Kikar sawdust .The lowest contents was obtained on kail sawdust

    Larval rearing trials of the honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch under laboratory conditions

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    Groupers being economically important food fishes are experimented widely for controlled breeding world over. In India, attempts were made on few species of the genus Epinephelus such as E. tauvina, E. malabaricus and E. polyphekadion at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute and limited success was achieved. The present paper discusses on larval rearing trials of the honeycomb grouper E. merra up to juvenile stage. Larvae measuring 1.3 – 1.6 mm obtained from the captive spawning of broodstock of E. merra were used for the larval rearing studies. The feeding protocol, water exchange and larval rearing methods adopted are detailed. The larval mouth opening appeared on day 3 post-hatch. The larvae gradually metamorphosed into juvenile by day 60 and attained a size of 45 mm. The possible reasons for initial mortality, the advantage of HUFA rich feeding and effect of large volume of rearing tanks on the growth and survival of the larvae are discusse

    Embryonic and larval development of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch

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    Spawning and successful rearing of larvae of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra Bloch 1793 upto juvenile stagewas accomplished at the ¢n¢sh hatchery of Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute during 2004. The fertilized eggs were free, spherical and buoyant with size ranging from 710 to 730 mm. Complete early embryonic development took place within 24^27 h and hatching occurred.The hatchlings measured1.5mm. Mouth opening (115 mm) appeared at 72 h when the larvae were 2.2mm in size. Pectoral ¢n developed on the ¢fth day. Complete metamorphosis took place and by the 60th day the larvae transformed into juveniles (45mm) and attained skin colouration and honeycomb pattern

    Indium (In)-Catalyzed Silicon Nanowires (Si NWs) Grown by the Vapor–Liquid–Solid (VLS) Mode for Nanoscale Device Applications

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    Stacking fault free and planar defects (twin plane) free catalyzed Si nanowires (Si NWs) is essential for the carrier transport in the nanoscale devices applications. In this chapter, In-catalyzed, vertically aligned and cone-shaped Si NWs arrays were grown by using vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mode on Si (111) substrates. We have successfully controlled the verticality and (111)-orientation of Si NWs as well as scaled down the diameter to 18 nm. The density of Si NWs was also enhanced from 2.5 μm−2 to 70 μm−2. Such vertically aligned, (111)-oriented p-type Si NWs are very important for the nanoscale device applications including Si NWs/c-Si tandem solar cells and p-Si NWs/n-InGaZnO Heterojunction LEDs. Next, the influence of substrate growth temperature (TS), cooling rate (∆TS/∆????) on the formation of planar defects, twining along [112] direction and stacking fault in Si NWs perpendicular to (111)-orientation were deeply investigated. Finally, one simple model was proposed to explain the formation of stacking fault, twining of planar defects in perpendicular direction to the axial growth direction of Si NWs. When the TS was decreased from 600°C with the cooling rate of 100°C/240 sec to room temperature (RT) after Si NWs growth then the twin planar defects perpendicular to the substrate and along different segments of (111)-oriented Si NWs were observed

    Managing project scope creep in construction industry

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    Purpose Project scope creep is a nightmare and nearly intolerable task. Most project managers struggle to curtail the expanse and degree of scope creep. This study examines different likely project scope creep factors associated with the construction industry projects. Design/methodology/approach After many brainstorming sessions with construction stakeholders, several project scope creep factors were identified. Then, a detailed survey was executed in big construction projects of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Findings The results derived and validated five conspicuous factors leading to project scope creep. Respectively, the highest and the lowest impact on project scope appears to be imposed by tasks/specifications and complexity/uncertainty. Practical implications It offers crucial support to the project stakeholders in scrutinizing different factors that stand as hurdles to project success and allows them to seek remedies to resolve them. Originality/value It is among the first study in the region that identifies and validates the factors that hinder construction project success.©2022 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Relative growth of harpiosquilla raphidea (Fabricius, 1798) (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) male and female populations

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    Morphometric analysis was carried out to find out changes in the growth pattern of male and female stomatopod, Harpiosquilla raphidea. Six morphometric relationships were examined on 105 males and 105 females, ranging in size from 103 to 207 mm and from 104 to 222 mm in total length, respectively. In both the sexes, the relative growth of carapace length, propodus length of raptorial claw and total weight in relation to total length was found positively allometric. Telson width in both the sexes and abdomen width in males showed slightly negative allometry, while the abdomen width of females showed slightly positive allometry, indicating some variation in the growth between sexes which could be attributed to the energy requirement for maturation in females. The propodus of females was also found to be bigger than that of males. It is quite interesting as males only have larger chela in other crustaceans. It has a functional significance in that it is of immense help at the time of intense feeding during maturation of oocytes which requires higher energy

    Greening of supply chain to drive performance through logical integration of supply chain resources

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    Sustainability has always been a concern of humankind in one form or the other. Still, it has come into sharper focus after the promulgation of the sustainable development goals in 2015 and the disruptive forces unleashed by the COVID‐19 pandemic. Supply chain management is an aspect of business operations wherein the need for sustainability has been felt more keenly. The academic and business understanding of various nuances of incorporating sustainability, particularly environmental concerns in the supply chain, is still evolving. Our study seeks to enrich the growing literature in the area by proposing to uncover a novel, logical sequence of intangible supply chain resources that can amplify the impact of green supply chain management practices (GSCMPs) on business performance. We use the dual‐theoretical lens of a resource‐based view and stakeholder theories to conceptualize the sequential mediational role of supply chain visibility, resilience, and robustness between GSCMP and performance. Analyzing data collected from 318 individuals working in the manufacturing sector in the United Kingdom, we found a positive direct association of GSCMP with performance and the serial mediational role of visibility and robustness between the two. The findings of our study are pertinent for theorists as well as managers

    Empirical examination of societal, financial and technology-related challenges amid COVID-19 in service supply chains: evidence from emerging market

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    Purpose: This paper reports an empirical examination of the societal, financial and technology-related challenges amid the ongoing pandemic (COVID-19) in the service supply chain network. Design/methodology/approach: A combination of qualitative approach (for items generation pertinent to the constructs involved) and quantitative approach (self-administered questionnaires from the top and middle management of the sampled companies) was used for data collection. In total, 272 complete responses were received and analyzed through structural equation modeling. Findings: The results provided empirical evidence that social and physical distancing, travel restrictions, work from home and lockdown practices have two conflicting effects: On one hand, these practices have contributed to the reduction of economic activities, including the low economic outlook, low productivity, high unemployment, poverty, fall in customer demands, dissatisfaction and mental health, that ultimately impacts rise financial and societal issues. On the other hand, the results revealed an insignificant influence of COVID-19 on creating technology-related challenges in the service sector. It shows that the organizations are doing well in combating the technology-related challenges amidst the current pandemic. Research limitations/implications: Findings of the inquiry recommend implications for the services industry to harmonize a comprehensive strategy and revisit the global norms in sustainable supply chain management activities that have been the backdrop in their operations for a long time. Practical implications: Findings of the inquiry recommend implications for the services industry to harmonize a comprehensive strategy and revisit the global norms in supply chain management activities that have been the backdrop in their operations for a long time. Originality/value: Prior studies in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak and its implications have given more attention to the exploratory and theoretical discussion than to empirical evidence. This paper contributes to filling this knowledge gap by empirically exploring the societal, financial and technology-related challenges created by COVID-19. The analysis in this paper covers three dimensions of the PEST model, namely economic, societal and technological factors. This study also helps in laying out a platform for investigating the PEST (political, economic, social and technological) model for guiding the services industry in strategic decision-making in a new era due to COVID-19

    Socio-economic and technological new normal in supply chain management : lessons from COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose This paper explores the new normal activities and strategic responses of the service industry towards the challenges created by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and other constructs and validates the measurement scale for socio-economic and technological new normal activities following lockdown and social distancing practices. Design/methodology/approach First, structured interviews with 28 participants helped us generate items and develop survey instruments for cross-sectional data collection in the second phase. So, the authors received 256 complete responses from the top and middle management of the services industry. Exploratory factor analysis helped us explore the factors and reliability of the items. Confirmatory factor analysis aided us in generating and confirming the factorial structure of the constructs. Findings Results indicated that amid COVID-19's pandemic, new normal activities are emerging in which organizations are deploying crisis strategies to safeguard their business and stakeholders. Organizations are re-opening swiftly, focusing on digital transformation, developing digital platforms for ease in working and improved consumer services, to name a few operational changes. Practical implications Discussion on empirical analysis revolves around the guidelines to service industry's managers and top management to improve shortcomings in combating the challenges they face in their operations. Originality/value Prior studies have provided substantial insights on the COVID-19 pandemic, but relatively little research exists on new normal activities in the supply chain network of the service industry. Among other reasons for such less empirical evidence on new normal activities is the unavailability of a comprehensive tool for measuring the socio-economic and technological new normal activities. This paper is a contribution to bridging this knowledge gap.©2022 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed